*MAY 8, 2024.*
Dear Esteemed Okpe Leaders,
I am coming to you on behalf of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the Okpe Union, and members of the Union in Nigeria and the Diaspora. The purpose of this Open Letter is to seek your intervention in the ongoing schism between HRM Orhue l, Orodje of Okpe, and the democratically elected leadership of the Okpe Union. Some of you may be familiar with certain portions of this Open Letter, whose inclusion is for the benefit of those seeing them for the first time.
As is well known by all of you, the Okpe Union was established by a group of young Okpe nationals based in Lagos, on May 16, 1930. It is the oldest registered ethnic nationality organization in Nigeria. Thanks to the Okpe Union, the Okpe Kingdom in the modern era was resuscitated in 1945. From its inception in 1930, the Okpe Union launched a campaign for the restoration of the Okpe Kingdom, irrespective of the opposition of several influential Okpe leaders who were apprehensive about the likelihood of our having another dictatorship akin to the rule of HRM Esezi l. It was not until 1943 that these apprehensive Okpe leaders acquiesced to the demands of the Okpe Union for the resuscitation of the Okpe monarchy, after the Sapele land case which got to the West African Court of Appeal (WACA). It is an incontrovertible fact that the Okpe Union birthed the Okpe Kingdom in the modern era that produced HRM Esezi ll (1945 – 1966); HRM Orhoro l (1972-2004); and HRM Orhue l (2006 – present). Thanks to the Okpe Union, the Okpe Monarchy was restored in January 1945 after an interregnum of almost 200 years. Since its inception the Okpe Union has played and continues to play vital role in the socio-economic and political development of the Okpe Nation. It is the umbrella organization and mouth piece of the Okpe people. Its role at the coronation of HRM Orhue l is well documented.
The Okpe Union is a membership based organization with a Constitution that defines its administration and autonomy. It relies on membership dues, fees, and donations to execute its projects for the benefit of the Okpe Nation. The Okpe Union has provided a voice for the Okpe Nation in the comity of ethnic nationalities in Delta State and in Nigeria.
Like most organizations, the Constitution of the Okpe Union contains mechanisms for conflict resolution, without the interference of a non-member. Though the Orodje of Okpe is considered a Patron of the Okpe Union by tradition, he possesses neither the power nor authority to interfere in or seize the administration of the Okpe Union. This has been the recognized rule observed by all Orodjes since 1945, including HRM Orhue l, until the latter purportedly dissolved the democratically elected NEC of the Okpe Union led by Okakuro Robert Onome on October 3, 2020, and appointed an illegal interim national executive of 9 members, led by Prof. Emurobome Idolor. It is significant to note that the purported dissolution occurred barely 42 days to the Annual General Assembly, as scheduled by NEC, to take place on November 14, 2020 at the Okpe Hall, Sapele. The Palace instructed the leadership of the Sapele Okpe Community to deny the Okpe Union access to the Okpe Hall.
*Attempts at a Peaceful Resolution.*
Before the election of the current NEC on May 15, 2021, which I am privileged to lead, and since then, NEC has engaged in the search for peace on several occasions.
- Hon. Okakuro James Augoye, then the Delta State Commissioner of Works, initiated a reconciliation committee to resolve the crisis. In its submission to the Orodje, his committee recommended the recognition of the democratically elected NEC and the dissolution of the Interim Executive Committee led by Prof. Idolor.
- The Udogun Okpe Committee headed by Okakuro Barr. Isaacs Itebu replicated the recommendation of the Augoye reconciliation committee but however recommended fines against members of the Okpe Union NEC and some specific officials for their utterances during the crises.
- The Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee led by Rev. Dr. Charles Osume also arrived at the same recommendation as the above two committees. Members of the Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee included Rev. Dr. Charles Osume (Chairman), the late Prof. Ovaborhene Idamoyibo (Secretary), Okakuro Moses Asini, Mr. Moses Akpobasah, Ms. Dora Omuvwie, Prof. Hope Eghagha, and Mr. Phillip Mebradu.
- Okakuro Barr. Charles Obule also initiated a peace move in June-July 2022. Okakuro Prof. S. Ejite Oyovbaire and Okakuro Paulinus Akpeki represented the Palace. Other participants were Messrs. Iroro Clark and Igho Akeregha, Dr. Lucky Akpere and Barr. Ehensiri Akpederin.
- It is pertinent to note that, immediately after the election of the current NEC on May 15, 2021, we wrote to the Orodje informing him about the successful Election General Assembly attended by delegates from all the Branches of the Okpe Union, and the election of the new National Executive Council. In the letter we sought his permission to grant us an audience at his earliest convenience for us to pay him a courtesy visit, introduce the new NEC, and apologize for any infractions we might have caused him. We also expressed our readiness and willingness to pay any possible fines he or the Udogun Okpe might levy against us. Our request was rejected.
Prior to the intervention of the Rev. Dr. Osume-led Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee in the search for peace, NEC had gone to court in Sapele praying the Court to restrain members of the Orodje-imposed Interim Executive Committee and its agents from parading themselves as leaders of the Okpe Union. When Rev. Dr. Osume intimated us about his committee’s peace mission, he requested that we withdrew the case from court so as to give peace a chance. We obliged and withdrew the case accordingly. However, immediately we withdrew the case from court, the Palace wrote to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) requesting them to recognize the illegal Interim Executive Committee. This was a plot to oust the democratically elected NEC from CAC recognition. It was therefore obvious that the intention of the Orodje-imposed illegal Interim Executive Committee was not to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict but to gain time in its treacherous move to get CAC to de-recognise the democratically elected NEC and the legitimate Okpe Union leadership. Faced with this treachery, and having before us a subsisting resolution of the General Assembly of the Okpe Union that the NEC should seek legal redress if mediation fails, we elected to lodge a suit at a Federal High Court in Lagos. HRM Orhue l, the Prof. Idolor-led Interim Executive Committee and the CAC were served as joint defendants in the case.
To demonstrate the insincerity of the Orodje-imposed committee in respecting the court process, they obtained a court order in Abuja to appoint an illegal Board of Trustees, without disclosing to the Abuja Federal High Court that they were already defendants in a Lagos Federal High Court on the same subject. Furthermore, we had already lodged an application at the Lagos Federal High Court with a similar prayer much earlier known to the CAC, the Orodje and the illegal Interim Executive Committee. They surreptitiously acquired a new certificate of incorporation for the Okpe Union with the Board of Trustees which they got through the back door; an issue that we dealt with immediately.
Regarding our substantive case that was lodged in the Federal High Court, Lagos, the Judge, on January 19, 2023, declared the imposed interim Executive Council led by Prof. Emurobome Idolor illegal and ordered a perpetual injunction restraining them, their privies and those who derive any powers from them from acting or parading themselves as the national leadership of the Okpe Union. The Judgement affirmed the autonomy of the Okpe Union, and declared that the Orodje has no authority to interfere in the administration of the Okpe Union.
On April 30, 2024, the Federal High Court, Abuja vacated its earlier order granted to the illegal Interim executive of the Okpe Union to appoint its Board of Trustees, that organized the election of Okakuro Joseph Aboze’s illegal executive that succeeded Prof. Idolor’s illegal interim executive. The ruling of the Federal High Court in Abuja effectively nullified the pretence of the Okakuro Aboze led illegal executive committee. We recognize the lamentation of Okakuro Aboze and his cohorts, when he disclosed at the Okakuro Oghenevworo Jemikalajah Peace Meeting of August 9, 2023, that his illegal executive had presented to the Palace their resolution that they would abide by the judgement of the Federal High Court, Lagos of January 19, 2023, and step aside, which the Orodje rejected by promising them that the Palace had the resources to pursue an appeal to its logical conclusion. We question the strategic intent of the Palace to want to elongate the court process instead of lending support to the Okpe Union in building a united Okpe Nation to benefit the Okpe people.
*Consequences of Continued Schism.*
Okpe Nation is renowned as an organised and law abiding people. A disregard for the Rule of Law is injurious to the socio-economic and political development of any society, including the Okpe Nation. This can lead to a break-down of law and order and intra-communal confrontations.
This schism has halted the implementation of several projects designed to benefit Okpe nationals and Okpe Nation. It has also diminished the status of Okpe Nation in the comity of ethnic nationalities in Delta State and in Nigeria. The proclamation of Okpe as the most populous monolithic nationality in Delta State is rendered obsolete without a powerful Okpe Union to articulate and defend Okpe interests at state and national levels. Okpe Identity is the obvious victim in this prolonged schism.
*Concluding Remarks.*
We believe in a bright future for Okpe Nation; a future with great opportunities for growth and development that will benefit Okpe nationals. We believe that this can be facilitated by a united front of the Okpe Nation ably represented by a powerful Okpe Union and a ceremonial fatherly role of the Orodje. We therefore appeal to you all to persuade HRM Orhue l, Orodje of Okpe, to dissolve the factional executive led by Okakuro Joseph Aboze and withdraw from the court cases. As stated in our letter to the Orodje immediately after the May 15, 2021 election that produced the current National Executive Council of the Okpe Union that I am privileged to lead, we are ready to cooperate with the Udogun Okpe and HRM Orhue I to have a way out of the differences based on the Rule of Law and the autonomy of the Okpe Union.
*Long live the Okpe Nation!*
*Long live the Okpe Union!*
*Long live the Orodje of Okpe!*
6th May, 2024.
The National Executive Council of the Okpe Union was seized this morning (being 6th of May, 2024) of the response of Okakuro Joseph Aboze (who still illegally parades himself as President General of the Okpe Union) to the Federal High Court Ruling vacating its earlier order which effectively nullified the Dick Gberevbie and Austin Ayemidejor led illegal Board of Trustees. Aboze’s response was titled “RE: ABUJA FEDERAL HIGH COURT RULING VACATING AN ORDER GRANTED THE INTERIM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE OKPE UNION”.
We shall quote verbatim below part of Okakuro Aboze’s reaction signed by him so as to lay it bare for an objective analysis. Hear Aboze on behalf of the illegal faction below:
“… The court in its ruling says, that “the pleadings at the Federal High Court Abuja are the same as what has been pleaded at the Federal High Court Lagos”.
He continues: “This ruling comes after the ruling in Lagos that had been appealed since 2023. It is crucial to note that the Orodje In Council did not and never dissolved the Executive Committee of the Okpe Union led by Prof. Igho Natufe. This clarification became necessary because the case which is on appeal came up as a result of misunderstanding of how the system works…”
The legitimate National Executive Council of the Okpe Union led by Prof Igho Natufe hereby responds as follows to Joseph Aboze’s most uninformed position quoted above.
- The Ruling of the Federal High Court, Abuja on the 30th of April, 2024 which vacated its earlier order granted to the illegal Interim Executive of the Okpe Union which was led by Prof. Emurobome Idolor which handed over to Okakuro Joseph Aboze, has nothing to do with the substantive case that was before the Federal High Court, Lagos which gave its judgment on the 19th of January, 2023 that declared the imposed interim Executive Council led by Prof. Emurobome Idolor illegal and ordered a perpetual injunction restraining them, their privies and those who derive any powers from them from acting or parading themselves as the National leadership of the Okpe Union. The Suit number of the substantive suit which the Judge gave judgment on the 19th of January, 2023 is *Suit No. FHC/L/CS/603/2022*. Rather, the statement in the ruling of the Federal High Court, Abuja to wit: “the pleadings at the Federal High Court Abuja are the same as what has been pleaded at the Federal High Court Lagos” refers to the exparte application which the legitimate Okpe Union leadership had filed at the Federal High Court, Lagos (with *Suit No. FHC/L/CP/352/2022),* for an order to appoint trustees in February 2022 which the Prof. Idolor interim, being scared of joining it, hurriedly and surreptitiously went to the Abuja Federal High Court to ask for same prayers, without filing an affidavit of non multiplicity of suits. It is clear that Okakuro Joseph Aboze is totally bereft of any knowledge of what had been transpiring in the Okpe Union. How can someone who could parade himself as the President General of the oldest registered Ethnic Union in Nigeria not even know that the Federal High Court would not entertain a matter which is on appeal as he claimed in his rejoinder?
- The response of Okakuro Joseph Aboze reflects the reaction of a confused leader of a group. His published justification for continuing to parade himself along with his group as Okpe Union Executive is that it was the predecessor executive led by Prof. Emurobome Idolor that the Federal High Court, Lagos declared illegal. They had explained that it was the Board of Trustees chaired by Okakuro Dick Gberevbie with Mr. Austin Ayemidejor as secretary that organised an election for them to emerge and not the Prof. Idolor led group which the court ruled against. Now that the backdoor Board of Trustees has been nullified and declared to have been non-existent at any time, what more arguments remain for them for any legitimacy? You cannot build something on nothing and expect it to stand. On the matter being on appeal which Aboze referenced, it is instructive that the appellants are yet to even be properly before the Court of Appeal as the time had lapsed for them to file their appeal which made them to apply for an extension of time, which argument is even yet to be heard by the Court of Appeal. Similarly, that all parties are duty bound to comply with the judgments of a court of competent jurisdiction unless and until it is reversed or at least a stay of execution is granted, is a trite position of the law. If Okakuro Aboze and his gang “believe in the rule of law” as he claimed, the best thing to do is for him and his gang to dissolve their illegal executive council and recognize the legitimate leadership of the Okpe Union led by Prof. Igho Natufe or step aside and wait for the outcome of their much talked about appeal.
How can any sane persons accept the lawlessness being displayed by Messrs Joseph Aboze, Kings Iriri, Jackson Amererhorone and their allies who still illegally parade themselves as the National Executive Council of the Okpe Union? The stay of execution application which the losers at the Federal High Court, Lagos filed is yet to be heard by the court yet they continue parading themselves unlawfully.
It is time for stakeholders of the Okpe Nation to call these persons to order. Contempt of court sanctions are not a panacea for law and order and good governance in any polity. Let Aboze and his gang stop disgracing the Okpe Nation.
Long live the Okpe Nation!
Long live the Okpe Union!
Long live the Orodje of Okpe!
*Akpederin Kingsley Ehensiri Esq.*, General Secretary, Okpe Union.
Dear Okpe Compatriots,
On behalf of a group of dedicated Okpe Nationals, I am pleased to inform you of the establishment of the *_CENTRE FOR OKPE STUDIES LTD/GTE_*, which has been duly registered and certified by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), to undertake the following functions, inter alia:
- Facilitate an in-depth scholarly research on all aspects of Okpe Studies, including Anthropology, Culture, Tradition, History, Language, Literature, Economics, Sociology, Law, Politics, and Administration.
- Provide a platform for the exchange of scholarly research on Okpe Studies by Okpe and non-Okpe scholars.
- Preserve the Okpe Language and prevent it from extinction.
- Promote and sustain Okpe distinctiveness as an independent ethnic nationality in a Nigerian multiethnic community.
- Foster an environment of cordial multi-ethnic relationships anchored on the knowledge of the respective histories and cultures of Nigeria’s multi-ethnic mosaic in the building of a Nigerian Nation.
- Publish a quarterly peer-reviewed journal, titled *_JOURNAL OF OKPE STUDIES_* for the dissemination of scholarly research findings on all aspects of Okpe Studies.
A Management Committee shall handle the affairs of the *_Centre_* while an Editorial Board shall oversee the *_Journal of Okpe Studies_*. They will contribute their personal resources and seek external funds for the execution of the projects of the Centre. The activities of the Centre include the hosting of an annual or biennial conference on *_OKPE HISTORY AND SOCIETY_*, the publication of its quarterly *_Journal of Okpe Studies_*, and the
+ organization of workshops and seminars on topical issues of Okpe History, Language, Culture, and Economic Development, etc. In due course members of both the Management Committee of the *_Centre_* and the Editorial Board of the *_Journal of Okpe Studies_* shall be announced.
For further information on the *_Centre_*, please contact Dr. Lucky Akpere at: luckyakpere@okpeunionng.net
God bless the Okpe Nation.
God bless the Okpe Union.
God bless the Orodje of Okpe Kingdom
Prof. O. Igho Natufe
May 5, 2024