January 25, 2024



On January 10, 2024, the College of Physical Education Mosogar chapter of the National Association of Okpe Students (NAOS) organized an Okpe Cultural Day to promote Okpe Culture and Okpe Identity. They invited the National Leadership of the legitimate Okpe Union as well as the illegal Okpe Union imposed by HRM Orhue l, Orodje of Okpe Kingdom. We gathered that severe pressures were exerted on the organizers of the Okpe Cultural Day event by some Palace Ekakuro, ordering them not to invite the legitimate Okpe Union. Barr. Ehensiri Akpederin, the General Secretary of Okpe Union worldwide was there to represent the legitimate Okpe Union.  So also was Okakuro Joseph Aboze with his colleagues from the illegal group. Okakuro Aboze expressed his disappointment at the presence of Barr. Akpederin, and told the students that he and his group would depart from the venue after his address, explaining that they would not sit at the same venue with, according to him, a group that had taken the Orodje to court and planned to send the Okpe Monarch to prison. In his attempt to establish the supremacy of the Orodje, he declared: “There is no Union in Okpe without Okpe Kingdom”.

Characteristically, Okakuro Aboze focused on the effect and not the cause of the schism between the Orodje of Okpe Kingdom and the Okpe Union. He did not brief the Mosogar students and fellow Okpe nationals present at the event, about the series of peace initiatives that were aborted by the Orodje. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to debunk the propaganda of the illegal group led by Okakuro Aboze by providing a step-by-step review of the schism. But before going into the details, let us start with Okakuro Aboze’s falsification of Okpe History when he declared that: “There is no Union in Okpe without Okpe Kingdom”.


A kingdom exists because there was a Nation that produced it. Thus, a kingdom cannot be superior to the Nation that birthed it. This is particularly true of the Okpe Kingdom where the Okpe Nation congregates to elect one of its male citizens as the Orodje via a democratic electoral process. The sovereignty of an Orodje does not grant him an absolute or dictatorial power or authority, but is derived from the results of the electoral process on behalf of the Okpe Nation. When the four princely brothers, our ancestors – Orhue, Orhoro, Evbreke, and Esezi – decided to establish the Okpe Kingdom, they did so from the bowel of the Okpe Nation. Unfortunately, the kingdom under the first Orodje collapsed in 1779 leading to an interregnum of 166 years. (See https://okpeunionng.net/orodjes-of-okpe-kingdom/) During this period, there were no Orodjes because there was no kingdom, but Okpe Nation continued to exist and represented by power brokers in several autonomous Okpe communities.



Thanks to the Okpe Union, the Okpe Kingdom in the modern era was resuscitated in 1945. From its inception in 1930, the Okpe Union launched a campaign for the restoration of the Okpe Kingdom, irrespective of the opposition of several influential Okpe leaders who were apprehensive about the likelihood of our having another dictatorship akin to the rule of HRM Esezi l. It was not until 1943 that Okpe leaders acquiesced to the demands of the Okpe Union for the resuscitation of the Okpe monarchy, after the Sapele land case which got to the West African Court of Appeal (WACA).The invitation by the British colonial government for the revival of the Udogun Okpe in the late 1920s was for the purpose of its indirect rule policy.  It is an incontrovertible fact that the Okpe Union birthed the Okpe Kingdom in the modern era that produced HRM Esezi ll (1945 – 1966); HRM Orhoro l (1972-2004); and HRM Orhue l (2006 – present). This brief narrative succinctly demonstrates that Okpe Union existed in Okpe Nation “without Okpe Kingdom”as the Okpe Nation thrived as several autonomous communities with solidarity “without Okpe Kingdom”. I am sure that Okakuro Aboze is aware of this Historical fact, but elected to falsify it in order to propagate a false thesis to mislead the Okpe Nation. We therefore reiterate that there is a modern Okpe Monarchy because there was an Okpe Union in an Okpe Nation that fought for its restoration in 1945, after almost 200 years of interregnum. The Okpe Monarchy was not restored to enthrone dictatorship and/or an absolute monarchy, as feared by the influential senior Okpe leaders that were opposed to the restoration of the Okpe Kingdom.  In fact, to underline the symbolic role of the Okpe Union in Okpe History, Okakuro Senator David O. Dafinone, the Master of Ceremony at the coronation of HRM Orhue l, on July 26, 2006, asked the Okpe Union three times in Okpe Language:


“Okpe Union, are i hweri ta ghene ahẹ Felix Mujakperuo siyẹ aga-ẹ Orodje Okpe?”

The above means in English Language: “Okpe Union do you agree that Felix Mujakperuo be crowned as Orodje of Okpe Kingdom?” Okpe Union responded Yes on each occasion.


The Orodje’s Coup d’état


The Okakuro Robert Onome-led NEC of the Okpe Union was ridden with internal crisis from the day of its election on November 19, 2016. The Orodje had made a couple of attempts to reconcile the warring parties. At a meeting he had convened at the Palace on Sunday, October 3, 2020, the Orodje announced his dissolution of the NEC and barred its members from contesting for elections for two years and as well announced an Interim Committee. I had spoken with the Orodje on September 24 and September 29 before the purported dissolution of October 3, 2020. I initiated the September 24th call to discuss the NEC crisis, while the September 29th call was initiated by the Orodje primarily to seek my opinion on why the Okpe Union of North America (OUNA) was not a branch of the Okpe Union in Nigeria. He sought for my opinion because he knew I was the Founding President of OUNA before his coronation. We hosted him at OUNA’s 3rd AGM at College Park, MD, USA, on August 31 – September 3, 2007 where he delivered a landmark Keynote Address, emphatically stressing the uniqueness and distinctiveness of Okpe as an ethnic nationality in Delta State. (See https://okpeunionng.net/tradition-and-governance/)


Moments after the Orodje dissolved the NEC on October 3, 2020 I ranged him to register my opinion followed by a memo to him on October 5, 2020 in which I offered him a pathway to resolving the deepening crisis occasioned by the October 3 dissolution.


Prior to October 3, 2020, I made spirited efforts to mediate the internal crisis in NEC. I held a series of discussions with Okakuro Onome and Barr. Ehensiri Akpederin. They were the President General and General Secretary, respectively at that time. The discussions were progressing well as both parties agreed to participate at the Annual General Assembly (AGA) slated for November 14, 2020, at the Okpe Hall, Sapele. Unfortunately, further discussions were thwarted by the Orodje’s purported dissolution of October 3. However, my memo to the Orodje on October 5, 2020 continued my peace initiatives. For the first time, I am making excerpts from my memo to the Orodje public, because of the series of enquiries I have received from concerned Okpe nationals asking to know the role I had played at securing peace between the Orodje and the Okpe Union, long before I was elected the President General of the Okpe Union. It should be stressed that, immediately after the October 3, 2020 event, two Okpe nationals based in the Diaspora signalled their intentions to contest for the President General position. Their intentions were warmly received in several Okpe platforms.


I have provided below long excerpts from my memo of October 5, 2020 to the Orodje seeking for a peaceful resolution of the schism. Referring to the internal NEC crisis in the Okpe Union between 2016 and 2020, I wrote to the Orodje as follows:

“These series of crises completely paralyzed the Okpe Union during the past four years, thus denying  Okpe a voice in the community of ethnic nationalities in both Delta State and in Nigeria. We became irrelevant in Delta State where we are recognized as the most populous mono ethnic nationality”.

“As concerned Okpe nationals most of us were worried at the purposeless leadership of the NEC. When we spoke on September 24, 2020, you informed me that you had instructed your Secretary to invite the leaders of NEC and other Okpe leaders to a meeting at the Palace on October 3, 2020. We talked briefly about the forthcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the Union scheduled for November 14, 2020, at Okpe Hall, in Sapele. I recall suggesting that you send a senior Okakuro to observe the proceedings on November 14. The decision of the October 3 meeting at the Palace was a surprise to most Okpe nationals.  I rang and spoke with you moments after the meeting ended. This is the subject of my memo to you. It is not my intention to challenge your decision, but rather to appeal for a reconsideration of certain aspects of the decision. In doing so, I will attempt to speak truth to power while respecting your position as the Orodje of Okpe Kingdom. I will do so as both a cousin and friend”.

I continued:

“The Dissolution Decree, as I have christened the decision of October 3, is akin to a military coup. Without prejudice to the good intentions of the decision, there is a grave concern about the precedent setting inherent in the decision. For example, the barring of members of the dissolved NEC from contesting in a new election raises fundamental issues about their human rights vis-à-vis the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Has a prima facia case been established against these former NEC members? Can this decision be sustained in a Court of Law? While it may be valid under an absolute monarchical system, I suggest that we examine its validity in a non-monarchical system like the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As I alluded to above, the decision establishes precedence for future Orodjes to adjudicate disputes in any Okpe organization. It removes the power and authority of internal conflict resolution from the respective organs of these organizations and drags the Orodje into political interference in the management of these organizations. My fear is, once this becomes an established modus operandi, the Orodje becomes a fair game for politicians and political parties. This will pull us into a system anchored on the divine rights of Kings engaged in a perpetual struggle vis-à-vis the peoples’ voice with severe consequences for democracy building and constitutionality”.

“Okpe Union is a members’ only organization whose members belong to respective branches or regions. It is observed that only three out of nine persons on the Interim Committee are members of the Okpe Union: Professor EmurobomeIdolor, Chief Barr. Bright Igbako and Professor Kenneth Eni. The establishment of the Interim Committee and its composition is regarded in several quarters as an attempt to make the Okpe Union an administrative arm of the Palace. I hope this is incorrect, for it will be injurious to both Okpe Kingdom and the Okpe Union”.

  • Resolving the Contradictions

“The Constitution of the Okpe Union provides justification for the scheduled AGA of November 14, 2020 as a viable occasion to resolve the Union’s crisis. We have endured the poor governance and shambles of the dissolved NEC for almost four years. Okpe Union members and stakeholders in Nigeria and the Diaspora succeeded in raising more than 1,000,000 naira (One Million Naira) within 36 hours to host the AGA, surpassing the AGA Planning Committee’s budget of 950,000.00 naira (Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira). The main agenda item is to elect a caretaker committee that will appoint an electoral committee towards the election of a new NEC proposed for early or mid-March 2021. It is my understanding that 30 out of 32 branches and regions have registered to attend the AGA.  It was clear that the people had spoken and prepared to reorganize and rebuild a viable Okpe Union. My plea, Umogu, is for you to utilize the existing structure of the Union in facilitating the emergence of a new and purposeful Okpe Union. It is instructive that you dissolved the NEC and NOT the Okpe Union”.

  • Recommendations

“Since the venue and funds for the AGA have been secured, I recommend the following for your due considerations.

  1. That the Interim Committee headed by Prof. Emurobome Idolor assumes the functions of the AGA Planning Committee to preside over the AGA on November 14, 2020 at Okpe Hall, Sapele. For the AGA, the Finance Officer of the AGA Planning Committee be co-opted into the Interim Committee to manage the expenditures for the AGA.
  2. That the Interim Committee invites the AGA to elect an electoral committee to receive and screen candidates for elections in early or mid-March 2021.
  3. That Prof. Idolor and his colleagues on the Interim Committee to preside over the election of NEC members in early or mid-March 2021.
  4. That the tenure of the Interim Committee terminates on the day a new NEC is elected in early or mid-March 2021”.

“Umogu, Umogu, Umogu, it is my sincere plea that you accept the above recommendations. By doing so, your role in saving the Okpe Union from disintegration and/or fragmentation will be inscribed in GOLD for posterity.

May your reign be long, peaceful and prosperous.

God bless you”.


Attempts at a Resolution

Before the election of the current NEC on May 15, 2021, which I am privileged to lead, and since then, NEC has engaged in the search for peace on several occasions

  1. Hon. Okakuro James Augoye, then the Delta State Commissioner of Works, initiated a reconciliation committee to resolve the crisis. In its submission to the Orodje, his committee recommended the recognition of the democratically elected NEC and the dissolution of the Interim Executive Committee led by Prof. Idolor.
  2. The Udogun Okpe Committee headed by Okakuro Barr. Isaacs Itebu replicated the recommendation of the Augoye reconciliation committee. The Udogun Committee however added the recommendation of the payment of fines by the legitimate leadership of the Okpe Union for the way the matter was handled which they felt insulted the stool.
  3. The Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee led by Rev. Dr. Charles Osume also arrived at the same recommendation as the above two committees. Members of the Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee included the late Prof. Ovaborhene Idamoyibo (Secretary), Okakuro Moses Asini, Mr. Moses Akpobasah, Ms. Dora Omuvwie, Prof. Hope Eghagha, and Mr. Phillip Mebradu.
  4. Okakuro Barr. Charles Obule also initiated a peace move in June-July 2022. Okakuro Prof. S. Ejite Oyovbaire and Okakuro Paulinus Akpeki represented the Palace. Other participants were Messrs. Iroro Clark and Igho Akeregha, Dr. Lucky Akpere and Barr.  Ehensiri Akpederin.
  5. It is pertinent to note that, immediately after the election of the current NEC on May 15, 2021, we wrote to the Orodje informing him about the successful AGA attended by delegates from all the Branches of the Okpe Union, and the election of the new NEC. In the letter we sought his permission to grant us an audience at his earliest convenience for us to pay him a courtesy visit, introduce the new NEC, and apologize for any infractions we might have caused him. We also expressed our readiness and willingness to pay any possible fines he might levy against us. Our request was rejected.


Prior to the intervention of the Rev. Dr. Osume-led Okpe Peace Reconciliation Committee in the search for peace, NEC had gone to court in Sapele praying the Court to restrain members of the Orodje-imposed Interim Executive Committee and its agents from parading themselves as leaders of the Okpe Union. When Rev. Dr. Osume intimated us about his committee’s peace mission, he requested that we withdraw the case from court so as to give peace a chance. We obliged. However, immediately we withdrew the case from court, the Palace wrote to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) requesting them to recognize the Interim Executive Committee. This was a plot to oust the democratically elected NEC from CAC recognition. Thus, it was obvious that the intention of the Orodje-imposed Interim Executive Committee was not to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict but to gain time in its treacherous move to get CAC to recognise them and register their appointed new Board of Trustees and prevent the democratically elected NEC of the Okpe Union from being recognised by the CAC. Faced with this treachery, we elected to file a suit at a Federal High Court in Lagos.  HRM Orhue l, the Prof. Idolor-led Interim Executive Committee and the CAC were served as defendants in the case.


To demonstrate the insincerity of the Orodje-imposed committee in respecting the court process, they obtained a court order in Abuja to appoint an illegal Board of Trustees, without disclosing to the Abuja Federal High Court that they were already defendants in a Lagos Federal High Court on the same subject. Furthermore, we already lodged an application at the Lagos Federal High Court with a similar prayer much earlier and known to the CAC, the Orodje and the illegal Interim Executive Committee. They surreptitiously acquired a certificate of incorporation; an issue that is being handled via an appropriate channel. It is worth noting that the judgment of the Federal High Court, Lagos has nullified the Board of Trustees appointed by the Illegal Interim Committee and all other actions by it.


Exposing the Falsifications


Even after the judgment of the Federal High Court ruled in favour of the Okpe Union on January 19, 2023, we still opened a window for an out-of-court settlement, on the proviso that the illegal group respects and complies with the Judgment. Interestingly, Okakuro Aboze did not mention this to the NAOS students in Mosogar on January 10, 2024. For example, he did not inform them that, upon his receipt of the Federal High Court Judgment of January 19, 2023, he and his colleagues informed the Udogun-Okpe of their decision to “step aside” from their illegal status so as to allow the Judgment to reign. But, according to him, Udogun-Okpe rejected their decision to “step aside”. By his own revelation, he and his group decided to continue playing their roles as sycophants because they lacked the courage to speak truth to power. He made this revelation on August 9, 2023 at a peace meeting convened by Okakuro Oghenevworo Jemikalajah and two other Ekakuro. Okakuro Aboze and Mr. Ochuko Abegbe represented the illegal group, while the Okpe Union was represented by Messrs Okpako Ayaruja, Kingsley Ehensiri Akpederin, Esq. and Dr. Lucky Akpere. While he recognized the grounds for the victory of the democratic Okpe Union as legal, he however pleaded that his illegal group be allowed to remain in office for the first four years before they would hand over to the democratically elected NEC of Okpe Union. We rejected his conditions for resolving the conflict as they tantamount to crowing the illegal group with a toga of legitimacy. We insisted on their compliance with the judgment of the Federal High Court, which declared that the Orodje lacked the power and authority to dissolve the NEC of the Okpe Union and impose an illegitimate leadership on the Okpe Union

It is important to state that, since the October 3, 2020 purported dissolution of the NEC of Okpe Union, the Orodje and his imposed illegal group label us and those who support the truth as “dissidents” and “enemies” of the Okpe Kingdom, simply for disagreeing with the illegal dissolution of the NEC. Some persons in a bid to weaken the support base of the Union have been promising members of Okpe Union and other Okpe citizens that are supporting Okpe Union, that the Orodje would recommend them for employment/appointment in the Delta State Government, if they withdrew their support. We consider this a despicable act as it transforms the Orodje into an employment agent for the Delta State Government. Interestingly, in 1994, Ms. Liz Truss called for the abolishment of the British Monarchy. She was NOT declared an enemy of the United Kingdom and neither was she denied access to gainful employment. On September 6, 2022, she was invited by Queen Elizabeth ll to become the 3rd female Prime Minister of Britain. It is imperative that we as enlightened Okpe nationals guide Okpe traditional institutions along the path of democracy and reject any tendency towards absolute monarchy.

Why did the Orodje shift from his strong position as a promoter of Okpe as a distinct ethnic nationality that he brilliantly articulated on September 1, 2007 (See  https://okpeunionng.net/tradition-and-governance/) to become an apologist for Urhobo ethnic nationality by permitting his Udogun Okpe–in-Council to propagate a false thesis that “Okpe Kingdom is one of the twenty four (24) Kingdoms of contemporary Federated Urhobo Nationality of Delta Central Senatorial District.” (OPEN LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY, SEN. DR. ARTHUR IFEANYI OKOWA, GOVERNOR OF DELTA STATE. RE: RECOGNITION OF OKPE AS A DISTINCT ETHNIC NATIONALITY, VANGUARD, Lagos, Nigeria, July 13, 2021, p.20.)?  This was not only a blatant distortion of Okpe History but a regrettable public denial of Okpe Identity. History will Judge if this seismic shift was influenced by the Orodje’s personal interest or by Okpe national interest.


Commenting on an article entitled “IS OKPE STILL URHOBO?” that was posted on the Okpe People’s Forum (WhatsApp) platform on November 28, 2023, two erudite Okpe sons responded in strong defence of Okpe Identity.  Barr. Ehensiri Akpederin declared:  “When the leadership of a people claim the identity of a neighbouring nation for political correctness, they have wittingly or unwittingly opted to destroy their own identity, language, arts and the self esteem of the people of their nation or ethnicity. May the Okpe Nation be saved from betrayers”. Prof. Kenneth Eni opined in that same platform that: “Well, it’s only a few Okpe people who do not know their roots that will trumpet Okpe as Urhobo. The Urhobo people have not really considered Okpe as Urhobo. This is not coming as a surprise to me. The more Okpe is not included in this type of affair, the better for the identity struggle”.


Concluding Remarks


The purported dissolution of the democratically elected NEC of the Okpe Union, by the Orodje on October 3, 2020, has introduced a divide in Okpe Nation. Note that the Orodje’s purported dissolution took place 42 days before the scheduled AGA/Meeting of the Okpe Union to elect a new NEC. It was a stratagem to enforce the conversion of Okpe Union as one of the Administrative Units of the palace under the Orodje’s control, a process which he had put in place in an organogram of Okpe Kingdom administration in 2019. This became evident in August 2021 when the head of the interim regime he imposed declined to participate in a mediation process on the ground that he would only participate if instructed by the Orodje. It became obvious that the Orodje’s decision of October 3, 2020 was primarily to obliterate any semblance of checks and balances in the Okpe Kingdom. This he hoped to achieve by paralysing the capability of the Okpe Union via its conversion to an administrative unit of the Palace, a plot which will deny Okpe citizens a voice in Okpe Nation. Since 1945 the Okpe Union has been that force for checks and balances in the system. The Orodje’s policy is to gradually concentrate power under his ambit and steer Okpe Nation into an autocratic/dictatorial polity. The current drift towards dictatorship does not augur well for the peaceful growth and development of the Okpe Nation.  If the influential Okpe elders that opposed the resuscitation of the Okpe Monarchy were alive to witness this current drift, it is only best to imagine what their thoughts would be.

Unfortunately, very unfortunately, the first Orodje of Okpe, Esezi l abandoned the democratic structure and embraced absolute monarchy, an action which led to his demise and ushered in a period of almost 200 years interregnum of the Okpe monarchy. HRM Orhue l’s action of October 3, 2020 is a sad throw-back to the medieval concept of the “divine rights of kings” which challenges the fundamental thrust of democratic practice in Nigeria and in Okpe Nation. It also ridicules the basis of the democratic election process that the Orodje cultivated during his campaign for the Orodjeship in 2004-2006. This prompted a prominent Okpe Scholar/Journalist to lament in January 2022:

“I worry for Africa and Nigerians. More for the Okpe who are still buried in the womb of medieval mentality”. (An Okpe Scholar/Journalist, January 15, 2022.)

While the Orodje’s action is challenged by a group of pro-democracy Okpe nationals, a pro-absolute monarchy group is propagating the deceased medieval concept of the “divine rights of kings.” This division caused by the Orodje’s intrusion into the administration of the Okpe Union has facilitated an inimical atmosphere injurious to peace, law and order in Okpe Nation. Several Okpe belonging to the pro-democracy group are being harassed and intimidated by some members of the pro-absolute monarchy group whose source of authority is left to conjecture. This is reminiscence of events in the (then) Soviet Union when scores of Soviet citizens, at the minutest of criticism framed in Marxist-Leninist prism, were labelled “dissidents and revisionists”, arrested and incarcerated in the infamous gulag system of imprisonment scattered across the Soviet Union. Interestingly, the pro-absolute monarchy group has categorized the Okpe Union members as “mischievous” and “dissidents” for speaking truth to power while some Ekakuro have threatened several members that the Orodje would cause their arrests if they continued supporting the Okpe Union. Since the Mosogar NAOS Okpe Cultural Day event, we have gathered from various sources close to the Orodje, that the Palace is contemplating to either ban NAOS and/or establish a counter Okpe students association to be controlled by the Palace. It is preposterous that the Palace will conceive of banning NAOS that it did not establish or to consider establishing a counter Okpe students association. It is baffling that this is the Palace’s approach to building a strong Okpe Nation. How much has the Palace contributed to NAOS activities in the past 17 years?

A polity that does not accommodate dissenting views forfeits the rights to be referred to as a democracy. It is within this prism that, for example, citizens assess the performance of their political and traditional leaders, including in Okpe Nation. The dividends of democracy that leaders frequently pronounce imply a basket of essentials that includes good governance, demonstrable accountability, and dialogue with constituents, responsible management of public wealth, respect for contending views, etc. When regime regulators and their praise singers stifle open debate on socio-political issues, they render democratic institutions impotent and cause serious injury to peace and development in the polity. Just as we wrestle with political leadership at all tiers of government on this existential challenge, it is imperative that we do the same with our traditional leadership. Failure to do so is hypocritical and mere sycophancy.

Unfortunately, History is replete with occasions where hypocrites and sycophants gain the attention of political and traditional leaderships in prosecuting citizens that dare to speak truth to power. We witness this appalling phenomenon in both democratic and dictatorial polities. The unjustly prosecuted become respected citizens following the expiration of the previous regimes and the hypocrites and sycophants become vicious critics of the expired regimes which they had hitherto praised to high Heavens. Thus, sycophants and hypocrites are always ready to change their tunes when the regimes they mislead cease to exist. Like Nigeria, the failed giant of Africa, we are witnessing the failure of Okpe to exert itself as a giant in Delta State. Are we to achieve this laudable historical mission by hiding under the identity of another ethnic nationality?

Regarding Okpe Nation, when it is articulated that the “words of the Orodje must be obeyed” and opposing views are characterized as “mischievous” and “dissident,” then it is obvious that we are encouraging autocracy and dictatorship to reign.  Democratic tenets are disregarded and mediocrity, in most cases, is enthroned.  Fortunately, the nature of the Okpe Monarchy does not historically reflect absolute monarchy, as in the making of the throne of the Orodje; the four Ruling Houses who take turns to produce the occupant of the throne designed a limited office as against that of the Oba of Benin, for example, which is absolute. While we, members of Okpe Union, revere HRM Orhue l, Orodje of Okpe Kingdom, it must be emphasised that this reverence empowers us to also speak truth to him. Our reverence does not mean we should be sycophants and hypocrites.

Finally, it must be noted and for the avoidance of doubt, the Federal High Court, Lagos Division, in its judgment delivered on January 19, 2023, on the Okpe Union Autonomy Suit (Suit No. FHC/L/CS/603/2022) filed by the democratically elected National Executive Council, clearly upheld the autonomy of the Okpe Union as its founding fathers had intended it for the ordinary Okpe man to have a voice in the affairs of the Okpe Nation.


God bless the Okpe Union.

God bless the Okpe Nation.

God bless the Orodje of Okpe Kingdom.



Prof. O. Igho Natufe


Tinubu’s administration owes Nigerians an explanation for the NNPC $3.3bn emergency loan. 

In what appears to be a landmark economic decision of the Bola Tinubu-led administration, the Federal Government last year, precisely on August 16, 2023 through the Nigeria National Petroleum Company (NNPC) secured a $3.3 billion emergency crude repayment loan, which according to the NNPC, was to help give support to the Naira and stabilize the Foreign Exchange market.

The curious thing about this transaction is that up till now, the Federal Government continues to keep mum about it, and the only information available to the public on the mega deal is coming only through unofficial sources from the NNPC.

The deal is supposed to be a crude-for-cash loan arranged by the African Export-Import Bank.

According to information available, a Special Purpose Vehicle called Project Gazelle Funding Limited is driving the deal, and it was incorporated in the Bahamas.

The SPV is the borrower while the NNPC is the sponsor, with an agreement to pay with crude oil to the SPV in order to liquidate the loan at an interest rate that is a little over 12 per cent.

What is even more confounding about this deal is why the Federal Government would register a company in the Bahamas, knowing full well the recent scandal of the Paradise Papers that involved that country.

Curiously also, Nigeria’s current Barrels Produced Daily (BPD) is 1.38 million, and according to the Project Gazelle deal, Nigeria is to supply 90,000 Barrels of its daily production, starting from 2024 till it is up to 164.25 million barrels for the repayment of the loan.

Now, this is where the details get disturbing because Nigeria’s benchmark for the sale of crude per barrel in 2024 is $77.96. A simple multiplication of that figure by 164.25 will give us a whooping $12bn.

It is on this note that we are calling on the Federal Government to speak up on this shady deal.

It is inconceivable that the Federal Government will lead the country to take a loan of $3.3b with an interest rate that is not more than 12 per cent, but with estimated repayment amounting to $12bn.

That is a humongous differential of about $7b between what is in the details of the deal on paper and what indeed is the reality.

There are questions to be answered on the integrity of this deal, and we earnestly request the Federal Government to talk directly on these cloudy details behind the deal.

We therefore demand, on behalf of the ordinary people of Nigeria, that the Federal Government provides answers to the following questions.

  1. Has the Federal Government accessed the loan?
  2. Is the loan in the government’s borrowing plan as approved by the National Assembly?
  3. Who are the parties to the loan, and what specific roles are they expected to play?
  4. What are the conditions to the loan, including tenor, repayment terms, the collateral, and the interest rate?
  5. And, lastly, why register an SPV in the Bahamas knowing the recent scandal of the country’s notoriety for warehousing unclean assets?


Atiku Abubakar

Vice President of Nigeria, 1999-2007

25th January, 2024.






  • Sanwo-Olu Renders Stewardship At Town Hall Meeting, Lists Scorecard In Lagos West




Lagos State has mulled the idea of establishing an airline for passenger operations just as the State prepares for the groundbreaking to commence the construction of its own airport in Lekki.




Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu disclosed the plan, on Thursday, at the Lagos West Senatorial District People’s Town Hall Meeting, where he rendered stewardship and presented a catalogue of achievements recorded by his administration in the West of Lagos.




A former Permanent Secretary and retired Auditor General for Local Government in Lagos, Pa Muhammed Hassan, believed the State was ripe to own an airline; he threw the poser to the Governor.




Responding, Sanwo-Olu noted that the plan had been in the pipeline for months, with the State already finalising the financing model for the project. What is being considered, the Governor said, is the Federal Government’s approval and operational contingency for the airline.




This drew commendations from the citizens, who attended the Town Hall meeting held at Balmoral Convention Centre on Sheraton Link Road, Ikeja.




At the no-holds-barred meeting, Sanwo-Olu and his Deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, mounted the stage to take feedback from the citizens, who asked difficult questions, gave an applause and shared suggestions going forward.




The Governor said the input from the public was necessary to guide his Government’s decision on planned programmes and interventions before their implementation.




Listing projects and interventions taken in Lagos West, Sanwo-Olu pointed out that his administration had completed and opened 42 new roads projects and two flyovers in the District, with the combined length of the infrastructure spanning over 72 kilometres.




He said the last four and half years had seen Lagos taking a leap forward in its socio-economic and development trajectory, but the Governor said he was resolute in doubling his efforts to keep the State on the sustainable growth path as his second term progresses.




He said: “Over the last five months, Mr. Deputy Governor and I have been working to put a concise plan together for the establishment of an airline, but we did not make the plan open because of the need to get adequate knowledge about the operational procedures of airlines. The business plan is viable and there is no issue about financing. The conversation has gone to an advanced stage but we need to get the proper information on operations before we go ahead to implement the plan.




“In Lagos West Senatorial District, infrastructure development has been our priority since we came in. Over the last four years, we have completed over 70 kilometres of new roads and over two kilometres of bridges. These include Pen-Cinema Bridge, Ikeja Flyover, and over 42 roads we have completed in Alimosho, Ifako, Agege, Ikeja, Mushin, Amuwo Odofin and  Badagry. We also have over 30 ongoing road projects which are at various stages of completion within this district.”




Sanwo-Olu assured Lagosians that his administration would be raising the pace of its development strides, as he pledged to double the efforts to deliver twice the number of projects and programmes achieved in his first term.




The Governor said the senatorial district was also the major beneficiary of the intracity railway development projects of his administration, with Lagos West hosting major passenger hubs of Blue Line and Red Line trains.




He said the new General Hospital being constructed by his administration in Ojo axis was at an advanced stage of development, saying its completion would further improve health care access in the district.




To further enhance security and safety in Lagos, Sanwo-Olu disclosed that his administration would be releasing additional patrol vehicles and work gadgets to raise surveillance and capacity of security agencies to respond to emerging threats.




He urged the citizens to be law-abiding and support measures introduced by the Government to maintain law and order. The Governor said it would not be enough to enforce obedience to laws, adding that the Government would ensure laws are fair and just to all.




He said: “We are in talks with you, the citizens, today because we believe the Government does not know it all. The feedback and inputs we are taking away from here will help us to cater for your needs and wellbeing better. On our part, we will strive to make it easier for you to be law-abiding. It is not enough to say the laws must be obeyed, we must also ensure that the laws are clear, fair and just.




“When people break the law and don’t do the right thing, they make governance a lot more difficult for us. We must discharge our civic responsibility and fulfil our obligations as citizens. When we do this, it reduces the cost of governance and saves resources that will enable us do a lot more. While we appreciate your suggestions, we are also encouraging you to ensure that all citizens do the right thing at all times.”




Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Gbenga Omotoso, likened the event to an Annual General Meeting where stakeholders in an entity would have opportunity to discuss with the leadership, noting that the move was to engender an all-inclusive government in which citizens would have an input.




He said the Town Hall meeting would have taken off during the Governor’s first term, but for the several unanticipated occurrences, including COVID-19 pandemic, which stalled the plan.




“The conversation continues with the citizens on the Lagos project. Today, Lagos West Senatorial District leads the way; other districts will take their turns of the Town Hall meeting where they will have unfettered discussions with the Governor,” Omotoso said.




The meeting was attended by various stakeholders among the Lagos electorate, including members of civil society, political parties’ supporters, people living with disabilities, youth activists, socio-cultural groups, artisans, traders and religious leaders.




Also in attendance were members of the State’s cabinet, All Progressives Congress (APC) leaders and members of Governance Advisory Council (GAC) from the senatorial district.










25 JANUARY 2024







President Bola Tinubu has assured traditional rulers in the South-South geopolitical zone that his administration is committed to addressing their concerns over development and environmental degradation.

The President gave the assurance on Tuesday at the State House during a meeting with the South-South Monarchs Forum, led by His Royal Majesty, Major-General Felix Mujakperuo (Rtd), Chairman of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers, and Vice-Chairman of the South-South Monarchs Forum.

The President told the Royal Fathers that his administration is diligently working, both domestically and internationally, to strengthen Nigeria’s durability and approach to climate change, environmental restoration, infrastructure development, all while ensuring security and stability in the region.

Commending the monarchs for their understanding approach to his administration’s ongoing economic reforms, particularly the removal of the fuel subsidy, President Tinubu promised that Nigerians would soon enjoy the benefits of these tough, yet necessary decisions.

”We are working to revive the economy from the damage of several years. We seek your support, prayers, and understanding, and I am glad that the Vice-Chairman of the Forum served in an organization where we need intelligence to operate.

”You (the traditional institution) will be the source of the intelligence we need for the holistic development of our country, and anytime you need to tell us something, do not hesitate to reach out to this office. I will take on all of your concerns, and I will address each of them one by one.

”We cannot underestimate your contributions to the peace and stability of this country. Continue to uphold us in your prayers and in talking to our youths to keep faith with the country because light is already visible at the end of the tunnel,” the President said.

In his remarks, His Royal Majesty, Major-General Mujakperuo appealed to President Tinubu to follow up on all developmental efforts in the region to be sure that progress is tangible to the people.

“Mr. President, you know the problems of our region as an expert with experience in the energy industry. We see you working hard to solve our problems, and we are comforted that you have pledged to take on our concerns and bring a final solution to them,” the South-South Monarchs Forum Vice-Chairman said.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 23, 2024



President Bola Tinubu says his administration will continue to provide the needed interventions in the oil and gas industry in line with the provisions of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA).

Speaking when he received a delegation from the Chevron Corporation, led by Mr. Clay Neff, President of Chevron International Exploration and Production, on Tuesday in Abuja, President Tinubu said Nigeria would strengthen its long-standing partnership with the multinational company in line with the evolving dynamics in the oil and gas industry.

The President welcomed Chevron’s commitment to build on its investments in shallow and deep water operations in Nigeria, noting the company’s ongoing $1.4 billion drilling project with the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL).

He also commended Chevron for its dedication to reducing its carbon footprint in the country.

”You must see the PIA as a legacy law. We assure you of quick interventions and turnaround on any issue you may have in your operations in our country.

”Nigeria is proud of the 60-year partnership with Chevron, and we believe this partnership will be strengthened to add mutually-beneficial value for the benefit of your shareholders as well as the living standards and economic opportunities of our population,” President Tinubu said.

In his remarks, Mr. Neff pledged that the company would continue to operate in full adherence to the highest standards, even as it meets its investment commitments in Nigeria.

He highlighted the company’s contributions to domestic gas supply, noting the delivery of 25% gas through a joint venture with NNPC Limited.

He also said Chevron was scaling up its investments in the country with its recent efforts in a new phase of development to include: “the conversion, under the Petroleum Industry Act, of all the NNPCL/Chevron Nigeria Limited Joint Venture (JV) Oil Mining Leases (OMLs) and Agbami OML 127 to Petroleum Mining Leases and Petroleum Prospecting Licences (PPLs); entry into OPL 215 block to boost deep-water development opportunities; signing of 20-year renewal of three deepwater leases; commencement of seismic data acquisition in several deepwater leases; commencement of life extension work on the Agbami project, and, in partnership with NNPCL, securing of $1.4 billion financing to fund the NNPCL/CNL JV infill drilling programme between 2022 to 2026, which includes the drilling of 37 wells in the shallow offshore and onshore Escravos area and associated facilities”.

Mr. Neff further informed President Tinubu that Chevron’s average annual tax and royalty remittances over the past three years had reached $3.4 billion.

”The bold steps you have taken since you assumed office are quite impressive. We are encouraged by our partnership of over 60 years, and we look forward, God willing, to continue that partnership for many decades to come.

”We are also looking at other opportunities as well, while operating with the best environmental practices. We will continue to grow our traditional oil and gas business because we know the countries where we operate are in need of those products, and the world needs those products,” he said.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 23, 2024




President Bola Tinubu departs Abuja for Paris, France, on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, for a private visit.

He will return to the country in the first week of February, 2024.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 24, 2024





Tomorrow 20th January, 2024, marks the 20th Anniversary of the transition unto glory of His Royal Majesty, Orhoro I, J.P; OON, the Orodje of Okpe in Delta State of Nigeria. He was the second Orodje of Okpe Kingdom of the modern era. The first Orodje of Okpe of the modern era, Esezi II had joined his ancestors on the 26th of March, 1966. Before the ascension of Esezi II into the exalted throne on the 1st of January, 1945, the Okpe Nation has had a monarchical interregnum of over one hundred and sixty years.


This long period without an Orodje (leader or king) was after the epic regicide in which the Okpe people eliminated their first Orodje  after they had concluded that Esezi I had become high handed and dictatorial against the type of office they had created which was a consultative and limited one and not a ruler with absolute powers. By the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Okpe Union was able to convince and mobilise the Okpe people to resolve that it was time to resuscitate the throne of the Orodje of Okpe. This the Okpe people succeeded in achieving in 1945 with the coronation of Esezi II who himself joined his ancestors in 1966.


Domingo Amujaine Ejinyere was crowned as Orhoro I, the Orodje of Okpe on the 30th of December, 1972 after his election by the accredited representatives of the the Orhoro Ruling House of the four ruling houses known as Adene Okpe (four gates of Okpe) and his acceptance by the Okpe people.


The newly crowned Orhoro I did not waste any time before taking steps to reassure the people that the Orodje Throne was for all Okpe people. Within a relatively short time he visited all communities of Okpe Kingdom. At each community town hall, there was arranged a befitting Royal Seat on which His Royal Majesty, Orhoro I sat to receive greetings and homage from his loving people. The memories of the feeling and spirit of grace, love, solidarity still remain with the generation of Okpe people that witnessed those visits and interactions with the people of the grassroot.


Orhoro I engendered love and unity and a sense of justice among the Okpe people throughout his reign. This heralded the decision by the Okpe people to hearken to the call and initiative by the Okpe Union under the leadership of Late Chief Philip Ewetuya as President General, to commence an all Okpe fund raising for the building of a Modern All Okpe Orodje Palace. This vision came to fruition when the then political leader of the Okpe people, the late Okakuro Sen. David Dafinone bought into the Okpe Union vision for the Okpe Modern Palace project. It was great relief and a sweet experience for the Okpe people to have witnessed Orhoro I moving into the All Okpe Orodje Modern Palace and being the first Orodje to have superintended over the Kingdom from there.


During his reign, Orhoro I occupied most offices attainable by a Traditional Ruler. He was First Vice Chairman, Midwest Council of Traditional Rulers (1973-1977); Deputy Chairman, Bendel State Traditional Rulers Forum (1977-1991); Member National Council of State (MNCS) 1992; Pioneer Chairman of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers (1993); and Chairman, Traditional Rulers of Oil Mineral Producing Communities (TROMPCON). Also during his reign, he was able to handle and resolve many intra and inter communal conflicts in Delta State.


Throughout his reign, there were no notable intra or inter communities conflicts in Okpeland as potential ones were always handled by him in dispassionate and conscientious manner. HRM Orhoro I made all Okpes proud with his carriage, gracefulness and love for his people. Orerokpe the ancestral headquarters of the Okpe Nation felt his love and presence. Okpe people felt throughout his reign, that he was their prayer answered.


The Okpe Union worked so closely with him to address the challenges of the Okpe Kingdom. On several occasions when the Okpe Union headquarters visited, he would rise and symbolically personally serve entertainment to the Okpe Union and express as follows:


“… allow me to personally serve them. If not for the Okpe Union, this throne I seat today would not be in existence…”


As we mark the 20th anniversary of the passing unto glory of Orhoro I, a gift of the Okpe Nation to the world, and with whom the Okpe people are always pleased, we on behalf of the members of the Okpe Union the world over, join his immediate family, and the entire Okpe Nation, to celebrate once again, the life and times of the People’s Monarch; the grassroot Orodje of the Okpe people. May he continue to rest in peace. Amen!


*Prof. O. Igho Natufe*,

President General, Okpe Union (Worldwide).


*Barr. Kingsley E. Akpederin*, General Secretary, Okpe Union (Worldwide)







The Okpe Nation on Sunday described the victory of Rt. Hon Sheriff Oborevwori at the Supreme Court as a ‘’victory for all Deltans, especially the Okpe Nation, the governor’s primary constituency’’.


‘’With this Supreme Court affirmation, we are certain that you will be energized to midwife good governance, democratic practice and the rule of law in Delta State’’.


The Okpe Nation in a statement issued in Lagos by the President General and the General Secretary of Okpe Union Worldwide, Prof. O. Igho Natufe and Barrister Kingsley E. Akpederin stressed the recognition of Okpe as a distinct ethnic nationality in Delta State.


‘’Of particular interest to the Okpe Nation is the respect for the ruling by the Federal High Court on the Okpe Union Autonomy Case. We trust that you will use your good office to ensure that the rule of law is not trampled upon by any forces against any group or persons in any part of Delta State’’.


The notable leaders of the Okpe Nation vowed to collaborate with Governor Oborevwori in all fields for the growth and development of Delta State, including the Okpe Nation


‘’As we stated in our congratulatory message at your governorship victory on March 18, 2023, be rest assured that we, the democratically elected leadership of Okpe Union shall collaborate with you and your Government in all fields for the growth and development of Delta State, including the Okpe Nation. One key area of our collaboration is to obtain your endorsement for the recognition of Okpe as a distinct ethnic nationality in Delta State’’.


They also promised to submit a formal memorandum on the development of Delta State for the governor’s consideration.


‘’On behalf of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the Okpe Union worldwide, and of the Okpe Nation, we wholeheartedly congratulate you on your victory at the Supreme Court today, January 19, 2024. We wish you God’s guidance and blessings in your administration of Delta State’’ the statement added.


Supreme Court declares Oborevwori governor of Delta State, dismisses three appeals

The Supreme Court on Friday dismissed all three appeals to overturn Sheriff Oborevwori’s election as governor of Delta State.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Oborevwori of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as the winner of the March 18 governorship election.


But unsatisfied, the three parties headed to the court. While Oborevwori was victorious in the tribunal and at the appeal court, the parties pushed the matter to the Supreme Court.

When the case came up at the apex court, it upheld the earlier judgments and upheld Oborevwori’s win in the Delta governorship. The court first dismissed Ovie Omo-Agege’s appeal seeking to overturn Governor Oborevwori’s election.

The apex court held that the appellant was unable to prove his case of over-voting and noncompliance with the electoral laws.


It also dismissed other appeals for lack of merit and affirmed the election of Governor Oborevwori of the PDP. The court awards no costs and the judgment is unanimous.


The judgment was in agreement with that of the lower courts which held that the appellants were unable to prove the allegations of noncompliance contained in their petition.


The verdict is coming about ten months after the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Oborevwori as the winner of the Delta State Governorship Election.





The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has approached the Court of Appeal to set aside a no-case ruling granted a former Governor of Niger State, Dr, Muazu Babangida Aliyu and former Chairman, People’s Democratic Party, Niger State, Tanko Beji by Justice Abdullahi Mukailu of the Niger State High Court sitting in Minna, on December 7, 2023.


The Commission had filed a seven-count charge bordering on conspiracy, abetment and criminal breach of trust before Justice Aliyu Mayaki( now retired) against Aliyu, Beji and a former Commissioner for Environment and Chief of Staff to Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu, Umar Mohammed Nasko.  The matter was later reassigned to Justice Abdullahi Mukailu and the EFCC called 11 witnesses and tendered over 400 exhibits and closed its case.  However, the three defendants made a no-case submission before the court and His Lordship on December 7, 2023, granted the prayers in favour of Aliyu and Beji and directed Nasko to open his defence.


The EFCC, dissatisfied with the ruling of His Lordship on Aliyu and Beji regarding their no-case submission, and fully persuaded that a prima facie case had been established against them, filed a Notice of Appeal dated January 10, 2024.  The Commission was optimistic that the Court of Appeal would do justice to the appeal.


Surprisingly, on January 15, 2024, when the EFCC’s counsel appeared in court to continue the trial of Nasko and without any prior notice, the Attorney General of Niger State made an appearance in court with an application to take over the case from the EFCC. Not done yet, the AG made another appearance four hours later and entered a nolle prosequi which His Lordship acted on and discharged Nasko.


For the EFCC, the road has not closed.  The Commission is proceeding in its appeal against Aliyu and Beji at the Court of Appeal with all its evidence against them.  The Commission will continue to discharge its duties in line with its mandate of tackling all forms of economic and financial crimes, without fear or favour.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 18, 2024.


NDLEA intercepts large consignment of Canadian Loud in Lagos, UK, Italy-bound opioids

– Seizes 300,000 tramadol pills from Pakistan; busts skuchies factory in Ibadan

Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, have intercepted a large consignment of Canadian Loud, an imported strong synthetic strain of cannabis, packaged in 324 bags with a gross weight of 111.2 kilograms in Onikan area of Lagos Island while being conveyed for distribution in an unregistered Grand Caravan vehicle by a 42-year-old suspect, Taofeek Yusuf.




The arrest of Taofeek and seizure of the imported consignment late in the night on Friday 12th January 2024 following credible intelligence came on the heels of the arrest of another drug trafficking suspect, Godwin ThankGod the previous day Thursday 11th January by NDLEA officers at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, MMIA Ikeja Lagos. The Milan, Italy-bound Godwin was intercepted while attempting to board a Royal Air Maroc flight with quantities of codeine-based syrup and rohypnol concealed in his luggage.




The suspect who is a regular flyer was arrested during a search of his luggage at the Departure Gate of Terminal 2 of the airport. The search to the discovery of five cartons consisting 50 bottles of codeine syrup and 300 tablets of rohypnol.




In the same vein, NDLEA operatives at the SAHCO import shed of the import on Friday 12th January recovered 30,000 packs of tramadol 225mg consisting 300,000 pills. The consignment, which came from Karachi, Pakistan on KLM Royal Dutch Airline, with airway bill number 074-62674964, was taken into custody following a joint examination with other security agencies at the airport.




Meanwhile, various quantities of tramadol and cannabis sativa concealed in soles of sports canvas shoes going to Oman as well as another consignment of tramadol and rohypnol hidden in spices heading to the United Kingdom were intercepted at two courier firms in Lagos by NDLEA operatives of the Directorate of Operation and General Investigation, DOGI, on Tuesday 9th January.




Operatives in Oyo state on Thursday 11th January raided a clandestine skuchies factory operated by Oyadeji Dimeji, 28, in Moniya area of Ibadan where 76.6kg of cannabis sativa, 134 grams of tramadol, 93 grams of rophynol and 50 litres of already produced skuchies, a liquid mixture containing various types of psychoactive substances, were recovered.




In Ondo state, four suspects: David Iyoragie, 34; Adams Idowu, 28; Ibrahim Audu Abdullahi,54; and Ayomide Henry Ayuba, 20, were arrested at De – Rock View Hotel, Gadson Junction off Ado- Ekiti Road, Igoba, Akure North LGA on Friday 12th January with 524.5kg cannabis. Another suspect, Aniekeme Eyibio, 26, was also nabbed at Ala forest, Akure North LGA where 293.5kg of the same psychoactive substance and a Dane gun were recovered from him.




While 67-year-old Franklin Eze was arrested at Otuo, Owan East LGA, Edo state on Thursday 11th January with 454 blocks of cannabis weighing 311kg loaded in his Lexus salon car marked EBM 812 AA, Abdullahi Shuaibu, 43, was nabbed by NDLEA operatives on Tuesday 9th January at Ayangba, Dekina LGA Kogi state with 43 blocks of compressed cannabis, weighing 22kg and three pinches of methamphetamine.




In Katsina state, a suspect, Danladi Adamu aged 24 was nabbed on Wednesday 10th Jan. with 25.5kg cannabis sativa during a buy and bust operation at Kurmi Primary School in Malumfashi metropolis, while operatives in Gombe arrested Sulaiman Mohammed at Lapandimtai, Kaltungo, with 47 blocks of same substance weighing 30kg concealed in two sacks of groundnut.




The War Against Drug Abuse, WADA, advocacy campaign of the Agency continued in equal measure in schools, markets, worship places and others across the country in the past week. Some of them include: WADA sensitization lecture for students and staff of Unity High School Senior, Abeokuta, Ogun state; King George College, Imeke, Badagry Lagos as well as students and staff of Yusuf Bala Usman College of Legal Studies, Daura, Katsina state; WADA sensitisation lecture for youths of Wamakko LGA, Sokoto state; WADA advocacy visits to the Emir of Hadejia, Alhaji Adamu Abubakar Maje, Jigawa state; and the Chief Judge of Borno State, Justice Kashim Zannah.




While commending the officers and men of the MMIA, Ondo, Edo, Oyo, Lagos, Kogi, Katsina and Gombe Commands as well as those of DOGI for the arrests and seizures of the past week, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (Retd) urged them and their compatriots across all formations of the Agency to maintain the offensive action tempo and strive to surpass previous records while maintaining a balance with their drug demand reduction efforts.




Femi Babafemi


Director, Media & Advocacy


NDLEA Headquarters Abuja


Sunday 14th January 2024


The Supreme Court has fixed Friday to deliver judgement on an appeal that seeks to nullify the election of Governor Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State.

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and its candidate, Mohammed Barde, are praying the apex court to set aside the concurrent verdict of the Court of Appeal and the Gombe State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal, which dismissed the case they filed to challenge the declaration of Governor Yahaya of the All Progressives Congress, APC, as the winner of the gubernatorial poll that was held in the state on March 18, 2023.


A five-member panel of the apex court, led by Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, confirmed the electoral dispute for judgement after all the parties adopted their briefs of argument.


Meanwhile, the court dismissed another appeal that was filed against Governor Yahaya’s election by the candidate of the African Democratic Congress, ADC, Nafiu Bala.


The appellant withdrew the matter after the Supreme Court panel drew attention to the fact that the case contained pre-election issues.


In a related development, the court also reserved its judgement on Kaduna state governorship election dispute.


The PDP and its candidate, Mohammed Ashiru, are praying the court to sack Governor Uba Sani, who won his election on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC.



Justice Hamza Muazu of the Federal Capital Territory High Court has granted the immediate past Governor of the Central Bank, Godwin Emefiele’s request to travel out of the FCT.

The court said Emefiele must, however, remain in the country.


On his bail terms, he was restricted to the FCT.


Emefiele, through his lawyer, Mathew Bukka, SAN, had requested a variation of the terms.

The Counsel of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Rotimi Oyedepo, SAN, did not object.


He told the court to ensure that Emefiele wrote an undertaking that he would remain in the country if his plea was granted.


The charge against the former governor of the CBN was also amended to 20 from 6.


The amended charges against Emefiele now includes criminal breach of trust, forgery, conspiracy to commit forgery,  procurement fraud and conspiracy to commit felony.

The court had on December 24, 2023 granted Emefiele bail in sum of N300 million with two sureties in like sum.


His lawyer and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mathew Burkaa, told Channels Television that Emefiele was released from the Kuje Correctional Centre after his lawyers perfected his bail conditions.


Emefiele was arraigned on a six-count charge bordering on procurement fraud and using his position to confer a corrupt advantage on Sa’adatu Yaro, a staff of the CBN, by awarding a contract for the procurement of 43 vehicles worth N1.2 billion between 2018 and 2020.


While he was remanded in Kuje, Emefiele was mandated to deposit all his travel documents with the registrar of the court and must remain within the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC).

Meanwhile, Justice Rita Ofili-Ajumogobia of the Federal High Court Abuja has nullified the power of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to impose fines on broadcast stations for alleged breaches of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

Delivering Judgement in a suit instituted by the Media Rights Agenda (MRA) against the NBC, following the Commission’s imposition of fines of N5 million each on a television station and three pay TV platforms in 2022,  for allegedly undermining Nigeria’s national security by broadcasting documentaries on banditry in Nigeria, Justice Ofili-Ajumogobia held that the NBC, being not a court of law, acted above its powers by imposing such fines.


The Judge declared null and void the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code authorizing the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to impose fines on broadcast stations for alleged breaches of the Code as it ruled that administrative and regulatory bodies could not exercise judicial powers.

The judge commended MRA for challenging the NBC’s action and issued an order

of perpetual injunction restraining the Commission or anyone acting on its behalf from further imposing any fine on any media platform or broadcast station in Nigeria for any alleged offence committed under the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

An Abuja-based lawyer,  Uche Amulu, had filed the suit on behalf of MRA asking the court to hold, among other things, the NBC’s action of imposing a fine on each of the media platforms and the station for broadcasting a documentary about the state of banditry and security in Zamfara State is unlawful and unconstitutional and has a chilling effect on the freedom of media to impart information and ideas.


MRA contended that it would deter the platforms and station from reporting the true state of affairs regarding the security situation in Nigeria, and therefore constitutes a violation of the rights of MRA, its members, and other citizens of Nigeria to freedom of expression, particularly their rights to receive ideas and information without interference, as guaranteed by the Constitution and the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.


MRA also sought a declaration that the procedure adopted by the NBC in imposing the fines was a flagrant violation of the rules of natural justice and the right to fair hearing under Section 36 of the Constitution and Article 7 of the African Charter as the Commission is the drafter of the Code, which provides for the alleged offences for which the media platforms and the station were punished, and which empowers the NBC to receive complaints, investigate and adjudicate on the complaints, impose fines and collect fines.


Sexual Harassment: Court Grants Suspended UNICAL Prof Temporary Bail on Health Ground

Justice James Omotosho of the Federal High Court, Abuja has granted a temporary bail to Professor Cyril Ndifon, the suspended Dean of Faculty of Law at the University of Calabar, who is being prosecuted by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) over an alleged sexual misconduct against some of his students.


Justice Omotosho had on Monday, 8th January, 2024 ordered that Professor Ndifon be remanded at the Kuje Centre of the Nigerian Correctional Service pending the conclusion of his bail application.


At the resumed hearing of the bail application on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, counsel to the defendant, Mr. Okon Efut, SAN applied that his client be granted temporary bail so as to enable him go for a glaucoma surgery scheduled for Thursday, January 11, 2024.


The temporary bail application by the counsel to the defendant was not opposed by Dr. Osuobeni Akponimisingha, the lawyer to the ICPC in the trial.


In his ruling, Justice Omotosho granted the defendant bail in the sum of N250 million with a surety who must swear to an affidavit of means and deposit his or her travel passport with the court registry.


The judge also ordered that the bail would take effect from 10th of January, 2024.


The hearing of the bail application and continuation of trial were later adjourned until 25th and 26th of January, 2024.


ICPC is prosecuting Professor Ndifon on four (4) counts charge bordering on sexual harassment, official corruption and abuse of office contrary to sections 8, 18 and 19 of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act, 2000.


Justice A.A Bello of the Kaduna State High court sitting in Kaduna has convicted and sentenced one Idris Musa to ten years imprisonment for Automated Teller Machine, ATM fraud.


He was jailed on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 after pleading guilty to one- count charge bordering on cheating, upon his arraignment by the Kaduna Zonal Command of the EFCC.


The one- count charge reads: “you, Idris Musa, sometimes in July, 2022 in Kaduna within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, dishonestly induced one Idris Ismail by swapping his Zenith Bank ATM card under the guise of helping him withdraw money, an act which you knew to be false and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 306(a) of the Kaduna State Penal Code Law, 2017 and punishable under Section 307 of the same law”


The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge when it was read to him, which prompted prosecution counsel, M.U Gadaka to pray the court to convict him accordingly.


 Justice Bello thereafter sentenced and convicted Musa to a term of ten years imprisonment or pay a fine of N200,000.00k( Two Hundred Thousand Naira only).  


Musa’s journey to the Correctional Centre started when he was arrested for swapping ATM cards of unsuspecting victims under the pretence of helping them operate the payment machine. He was arrested in the premises of a bank with 48 ATM cards of different banks in his possession.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 11, 2024




The Lagos State Real Estate Regulatory Authority, LASRERA, has called for greater collaboration with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, to check fraudulent malpractices in the real estate sector in the state.


This call was made in Lagos on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 by the Special Adviser on Housing, LASRERA, Ms. Barakat Odunuga-Bakare , while on a courtesy visit to the Lagos  Zonal Commander o of the EFCC, Assistant Commander of the EFCC,  ACE I Michael T. Wetkas.


Odunuga-Bakare said the visit was meant to seek greater collaboration with the  Commission, adding that “Our agency was created by the government to register, monitor and sanitize real estate sector in Lagos.

“We need the EFCC when we are unable to resolve the issues between developers and the other parties. There are fraudulent malpractices in the real estate industry, where developers fail to fulfill their obligations or refuse to refund the other party. And in cases we are unable to resolve, we refer to the EFCC for investigation”, she said.

Responding, Wetka described land fraud as one of the biggest issues the EFCC is faced with in the state.  According to him, the visit could not have come at a better time because of the efforts taken by the EFCC to ensure that the land industry in the state was sanitized.


“Land fraud is one of the biggest issues we are battling in Lagos here.  Recently, at a stakeholders’ engagement, posers were raised as to whether we should be dabbling in the issues of land, because some legal practitioners believe that most land cases are civil. But we had to educate them on the several criminalities involved in land matters. For example, someone can claim to have a land for sale when, in fact, he has no land to sell, thereby defrauding unsuspecting victims of millions of Naira”, he said.


 Continuing,  the Zonal Commander  stressed that, “”there is also the aspect of falsification of documents in order to facilitate a particular transaction, in respect to a land, thereby committing a fraud. There is also the issue of cloning documents that already exists in records, making it look original. In the light of the foregoing, people were able to realise that there were  lots  of criminalities prevalent in land matters.”


Wetkas also emphasized the opportunities that abound in the land industry, saying,” look at how much Lagos can generate from land deals. People want to invest in land all over the world. But for the fear of land fraud, they can’t invest. So, we need to do the right thing and make Lagos a safe haven for investors.”


Also speaking, Head, Land and Property Fraud Section, LPFS, Lagos Zonal Command, ACE11 KufreAbasi Alex-Osagie, highlighted some of the challenges faced by the EFCC in investigating land matters.  She, therefore, urged LASRERA to assist the Commission in ensuring that proper checks were put in place with respect to building approvals. ” You also need to look into the issue of original documents being released to the wrong hands,” she said.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 11, 2024


Justice J. O Onwuegbuzie of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, High Court, Apo, Abuja, has slated the commencement of trial of a  former Minister of Power and Steel Development, Olu Agunloye for February 12, 2024.


 Agunloye is standing trial by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on  seven-count charges bordering on fraudulent award of contract and official corruption to the tune of  $6billion (Six Billion US Dollars) contrary to and punishable under Section 22(4) of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act, 2000.


At Thursday, January 11, 20223’s session which was to determine his bail application,  filed  by his counsel, Adeola Adedipe, SAN, prosecution counsel, Abba Muhammed made a strong objection, citing two different counter affidavits to the bail application. 


“We are objecting to the general application by the defendant in an affidavit made on January 8, 2024, consisting 76 paragraphs. The deposition was made by Umar Hussain Babangida. We also filed a further counter-affidavit, dated January 10, 2024 consisting of 25 paragraphs, deposed by Umar Hussain Babangida, annexed with the same exhibits. We rely on all the exhibits and depositions on the counter-affidavit on the defendant’s application for bail and we also adopt the written address,” he said.


However, the defence counsel prayed the court to grant his client bail on liberal terms, disclosing that the defendant has an underlying health condition.


  Justice Onwuegbuzie in his ruling, granted Agunloye bail in the sum of N50million (Fifty Million Naira only), with two sureties in like sum. The sureties, he said, must be people who are reputable and live in the Federal Capital Territory. The sureties must also submit copies of their identity cards and international passports to the court registrar and must depose an affidavit of means and write an undertaking to produce the defendant in court throughout the duration of the case.


The judge further ruled that the sureties must show evidence of ownership of property (C of O) amounting to N300 million (Three Hundred Million Naira) within  Maitama, Abuja.  Furthermore, the defendant was ordered to surrender his travel documents to the court registrar and should not travel out of the country without leave of the court. His residential address should also be verified by the court.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 11, 2024



The Inspector General of Police,  Kayode Egbetokun has commended the Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC,  Mr. Ola Olukoyede on his sterling efforts in fighting economic and financial crimes and other acts of corruption since he assumed office,  pointing out that he is doing well on his job.

He gave the commendation in Abuja  on Monday, January 15,  2024 at the Force Headquarters when Olukoyede paid him a courtesy visit.   Egbetokun said, “ I warmly welcome you and congratulate you on your appointment.  You are doing well and Mr. President has a lot of confidence in you”.




 The IGP expressed delight with the works of the EFCC , describing the Commission “ as a good child of the Police” and promised  enhanced support  for the Commission.  “We are proud to have the EFCC as our child. We will continue to support you”,  he said.


Earlier in his speech,  Olukoyede applauded the Police for nurturing the EFCC from infancy and expressed delight with the existing synergy between the two Agencies.  “We are proud of the nurturing we received from the Police and solicit  more support, cooperation and collaboration given the specialized nature of our works”, he said.


He drew the attention of the IGP to the need for a Memorandum of Understanding,  MoU between the Police and the EFCC to address issues of overlapping of operations.  “There is no need to dissipate energy investigating similar cases.  We can come up with an MoU to properly address such issues”, he said,  He called for better mutual understanding,  promising that the EFCC would continue to leverage on its relationship with the Police for enhanced collaboration with it.


Head,  Media & Publicity


January 15,  2024



Operatives of the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, have arrested a former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Charles Chukwuemeka Ugwuh, for an alleged conspiracy and fraud to the tune of N3.6bn.


 Ugwuh was arrested alongside Chief Geoffrey Ekenma on January 11, 2024 at No.2, Musa Yar Adua way, New Owerri, Imo State, following a petition to the Commission from a new generation bank on the alleged fraud perpetrated through a company, Ebony Agro Industries Ltd., linked to the ex-Minister.


 Investigations revealed that Ugwuh and Ekenma, Managing Director, Ebony Agro Industries Ltd., allegedly obtained a loan facility from the bank for the purchase and production of polished rice.


 However, the suspect, according to the petitioner, failed to meet up his obligations to the bank and all efforts to get him to repay the loan facility proved abortive.


 The suspects would be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 15, 2024.


EFCC arraigns Joel Mba Okodi on an eight-count charge bordering on stealing and issuance of dud cheque.


The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC, Port Harcourt Zonal Command, on Thursday, January 11, 2024, arraigned one Joel Mba Okodi before the Imo State High Court sitting in Owerri, Imo State.


He was arraigned before Justice C.C. Okereke on an eight-count charge bordering on stealing and issuance of dud cheque.


Count 8 of the charge reads: “That you Joel MBA Okodi on or about the 12th of September, 2019 at Orlu within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court fraudulently issued a First Bank Cheque No. 85621949 dated the 12th of September, 2019 in the sum of Ten Million Naira, N10, 000.00 in favour of Pauly Merchandise Enterprises in partial fulfillment of your financial obligation to him in the sum of Fifty Million Naira, N50, 000, 000.00 only, and when the said cheque was presented for payment, it was dishonoured due to insufficient funds standing to your credit. Issuing dishonored cheques is contrary to Section 1(1) (a) and (b) (i) and (ii) of the Dishonoured Cheque (Offences) Act Cap D11 of the Revised Edition (Laws of the Federation) 2007.”


When the charges were read to the defendant, he pleaded ‘not guilty’ and in view of his plea, prosecuting counsel, M.T. Iko prayed the court for a trial date, which was not opposed by the defense counsel N.N. Chukwuemeka. He, however, prayed the court to grant the defendant bail.


Justice Okereke granted the defendant bail in the sum of N50, 000,000, Fifty Million Naira, and two surtees in like sum. The two surtees must swear to an affidavit of means of livelihood and must own a landed property with a Certificate of Occupancy, C of O.


Justice Okereke also asked the defendant to produce a three years tax clearance for identification and thereafter adjourned the matter till February 29, and March 7, 2024, for commencement of trial and hearing of bail application He ordered that the defendant be remanded in prison custody pending fulfillment of his bail condition.


The defendant was arrested based on the claims of a petitioner alleging that sometimes in 2018, Joel Mba (1st Defendant), his firm, Okosi Brown Enterprises Limited and Okodi Atta (currently at large), Effiong Peter (currently at large), Mohammed Shasi (currently at large), Geogry Edet (currently at large), and Anthony Bassey Etim (currently at large), presented themselves as representatives of the Akwa-Ibom state government. According to him , the defendant and his co-accused approached him that they were authorized to sell a dilapidated Abestonic Industrial Scrap Company located at Oron Local Government Area on behalf of the state government, for N140, 000,000.00 (One Hundred and Forty Million Naira).


The petitioner allegedly made an initial deposit of N52, 000,000.00 (Fifty-two Million Naira) with a promise to make a balance payment of N88, 000,000.00 (Eighty-eight Million Naira) in two weeks. After the initial payment, he allegedly discovered that the said authorization by the state government to Mba and his firm had been reversed. Upon this discovery, the defendant allegedly issued a dishonoured cheque to the petitioner and further efforts made to recover the rest of the money proved abortive.


Head, Media & Publicity


January 17, 2023










…President, Lagos Gov Praise Former APC National Chairman






President Bola Tinubu, his vice, Senator Kashim Shettima, Governors including Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State; members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC), National Assembly members and eminent Nigerians stormed Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State on Tuesday for the 85th birthday celebration of former interim National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and ex-Governor of Osun State, Chief Adebisi Akande.




President Tinubu and other dignitaries from all walks of life, which included elder statesmen, serving and former public office holders, politicians, leaders of Civil Society Organisations and Captains of Industry, among others, converged on the International Conference Centre, Ibadan, for Akande’s 85th birthday, celebrated with the unveiling of the Adebisi Akande Foundation and a lecture titled “The Leadership Question: Prospects for Nigeria.”




The Guest of Honour, President Tinubu was represented by Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu while Vice President Kashim Shettima, the Guest Speaker, was represented by the Governor of Borno State, Prof. Babagana Zulum.




The event was attended by Governor Seyi Makinde (Oyo), Dapo Abiodun (Ogun), Biodun Oyebanji (Ekiti), Lucky Aiyedatiwa (Ondo) and Ademola Adeleke (Osun), who was represented by his deputy, Kola Adewusi; Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat;  elder statesmen, Alhaji Tanko Yakassai and Prince Tajudeen Olusi; former Governor of Ogun State, Aremo Olusegun Osoba; former Chief of Army Staff and Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Alani Akinrinade (rtd), traditional and religious leaders, among others.




Speaking at the event, President Tinubu described Chief Bisi Akande as “one of the moving forces of progressive movement in Nigeria.”




President Tinubu disclosed that Akande has been a close friend, ally and advisor to him through the years, noting that perhaps, he would not be where he is today as President of this country without the help and support Chief Akande has given. “Many countless other people will also affirm that he has had the same positive effect in their lives as he has in mine,” he declared.




The President said: “Baba Akande turning 85 is a landmark achievement that calls for celebration. We must also be thankful to God for his life and for giving the nation an eminent leader like him. He remains one of our respected elder statesmen in Nigeria who continues to offer rare insights and counsel on how best to organise our country for effective governance.




“I have benefited immensely from Baba Akande’s good knowledge and perspectives on a wide range of issues as they affect Nigeria and the Western part of the country.




“Beyond his sagely contributions to our national development and political evolution over the decades, the most enduring aspect of his enviable life is his forthrightness, integrity, reliability and spartan life which he imbibed from his leader, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. All these attributes have served him well in all the positions he had the rare honour to occupy in his illustrious life.




“A committed democrat, die-hard progressive, and prudent yet compassionate leader of men, Chief Akande has done much for this country and for the progressive family. He has been a prominent architect of our nation’s progressive political parties.”




President Tinubu, stressed further that “If anyone needs a reliable and dependable compatriot as an ally, Chief Akande is that man anyone can go to battle with. Since we transitioned from the defunct Alliance for Democracy to Action Congress, from Action Congress to Action Congress of Nigeria and now the governing All Progressives Congress, Chief Akande has remained a constant feature. l salute his courage and commitment to democratic and Progressive ideals.




“Whether in public office or later in life in his capacity as pioneer Chairman of ACN or as Interim Chairman of APC, Chief Akande brought honour and integrity into the discharge of his responsibilities.




“He could not have done otherwise. Baba had been sold early in life on those noble values of honesty, integrity, conscience, courage, hard work, perseverance and the importance of a good name among others.




“Highly principled and perceptive, Baba Akande is selfless and intensely patriotic. He gave more to others than he gave himself. What he has given to his family, his Osun State, to the Yoruba race, he also gave to this country: the very best.




“He is one of the few leaders still around who can be called a true disciple of Chief Awolowo. Like Chief Awolowo, Baba Akande has devoted his public life to engendering a truly democratic, just and egalitarian society where all people are given the opportunity to attain a happy and prosperous life.




“Just as Chief Awolowo did for him, Chief Akande has been a father figure and a mentor to younger politicians across the country particularly in the South-West. He is a consummate teacher, tolerant and cosmopolitan in outlook, and an excellent human being. He is charitable and equally helpful to all who come in contact with him no matter their station in life.”




Speaking in his capacity, Governor Sanwo-Olu, said Chief Adebisi Akande is a teacher, leader and cosmopolitan man.




He said: “I have the rare privilege to call you my father. I appreciate those little moments when you have called, advised, admonished, encouraged and corrected me as a person, father, and leader of people. I want to thank you for who you are and for what you have been to many of us.




“He is a man that all of us will continue to drink from his wealth of experience. You are a teacher and leader but you are also a cosmopolitan man. You are a man that understands the reality of today because even from your age, you have the sense to put together the reality of today.”










16 JANUARY 2024







Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has sympathised with his Oyo State counterpart, Engr. Seyi Makinde and the Oyo State Government over the Tuesday Ibadan explosion that led to the death of two persons and injured 77 people.


He also extended heartfelt sympathies to the immediate families of the victims and the entire people of the State, particularly Ibadan residents over the explosion allegedly caused by illegal miners, who stored explosive devices in one of the houses in the Bodija area of Oyo State capital.


Governor Sanwo-Olu in a condolence message issued on Wednesday by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Gboyega Akosile, described the sad incident as disheartening and unfortunate, wishing the people of Oyo State, particularly the victims, peace, comfort and lots of love at this time of sorrow.


Sanwo-Olu also commended Governor Makinde for the prompt deployment of first responders and all relevant agencies within Oyo State, as well as earth-moving equipment, ambulances, emergency lights and security for comprehensive search and rescue operations at the scene of the explosion.


He said: “I am deeply saddened by the news of the Ibadan explosion that led to the destruction of many properties in the vicinity with records of two fatalities and 77 people injured on Tuesday night at Bodija in Ibadan, Oyo State.


“It is painful and worrisome that the explosion was caused allegedly by illegal miners, who stored explosive devices in one of the houses in the Bodija area of the State. Sadly, the carelessness and unlawful activities of the illegal miners have brought sorrow to many families and the State.


“On behalf of the Government and people of Lagos State, I sympathise with the immediate families of the victims of the explosion, the government and people of Oyo State.


“I wish Governor Seyi Makinde and all the people of Oyo State, particularly the Bodija residents and victims’ families, peace, comfort and lots of love at this time of sorrow.



“I want to assure my brother-Governor that the good people of Lagos State stand with you in this very difficult time. We pray that God would comfort the victims’ families and the entire people of Oyo State, particularly the Bodija residents, who were affected by the disaster.”










17 JANUARY 2024


First of all, I thank the organisers of today’s book launch for providing me the opportunity and the ambience to reunite with my predecessor, former President Muhammadu Buhari, since he left office on May 29, 2023.

When President Buhari was leaving office he said he would retire to Daura, far  away from Abuja to enjoy his well-deserved retirement from public service. I remember he added that if his supporters and friends deny him of enough rest in Daura,  he would run to the Republic of Niger.

Well, as you all know, he can no longer escape to Niger Republic because of the border closure.

I am therefore extremely happy to receive him here in Abuja. We are all here today to honour a great man, a patriot, a dedicated public servant who offered his best in the service of our country since he joined the army in 1962 at age 18.

President Buhari served our country with dedication and uncommon zeal. First as a military officer who offered unblemished service, manning important commands and political positions, and crowning it as military Head of State on 1st January 1984. Second, as a politician who ran four times for the  highest office until he was elected President in 2015.

The authors of the books we are here to present to the public have done justice to the essential Muhammadu Buhari, especially on his tenure and legacy as the 15th President of Nigeria.

Femi Adesina, who served him as the Special Adviser on Media & Publicity, authored one of the books titled:’Working with Buhari: Reflections of a Special Adviser, Media and Publicity ( 2015-2023).”

I particularly thank Femi for  using his memoirs to let us into the challenging eight years of the administration and how his principal steered the ship of State.

President Buhari assumed office at a very difficult period of our national life when the economy was spiralling into recession and Boko Haram had taken over swaths of our territory in North East.  At a point it appeared even Abuja, the seat of government would fall into the hands of Boko Haram with the bombing of the UN Building, Banex Plaza, Nyanya and other locations within the Federal Capital Territory. We cannot easily forget how our armed forces battled the Boko Haram terrorists under the leadership of President Buhari to reclaim our territory and push them to the fringes of Lake Chad where they no longer pose existential threat to our sovereignty.

I must say the job of securing every inch of our country is yet to be finished. My government will stamp out the remaining vestiges of Boko Haram, Ansaru, banditry and kidnapping gangs. We won’t rest until every agent of darkness is completely rooted out.

The second book that will be presented today is a collection of five volumes book on the Buhari years. The book, “Muhammadu Buhari: The Nigerian Legacy (2015-2023)” gives an authoritative account of the stewardship of President Buhari.

Beyond what the editor of these volumes has recorded as the achievements of President Buhari in his eight years as a democratically-elected President, history will also be kind to him as the leader who promoted local production of goods to grow our economy.

It will be said glowingly of President Buhari that in his eight turbulent years,  marked by acute shortage of revenue, Covid-19 pandemic that shut down the global economy for almost two years, his administration embarked on the most ambitious infrastructural renewal for the country.

President Buhari gave us the second Niger Bridge. He revamped Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. He gave us the Lagos-Ibadan and Warri-Itakpe Rail lines. He  completed Abuja-Kaduna rail line and Lekki Seaport. He  built  brand new airports,  among many other landmark economic projects.  The Abuja-Kaduna-Kano Expressway, which he started, will be completed by my administration, by the Grace of God.

Whatever unresolved challenges faced by President Buhari in his eight  years, our administration will endeavour to resolve them. As I said during the campaigns, I inherited all his assets and liabilities.

Our administration will continue to work , from where President Buhari stopped, to make our country better, create a vibrant economy and secure the environment to bring more prosperity to our people.

I thank you all for coming to this event and for finding time to honour President Buhari and the organisers. And I welcome President Buhari back to Abuja.

May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.



President Bola Tinubu says his administration will give more attention to education and healthcare, as well as provide the enablements for industrialization and investments in consonance with his vision of creating an economically stable and prosperous country.

Speaking at the second-term inauguration of Governor Hope Uzodinma of Imo State, in Owerri, on Monday, President Tinubu said he is well-attuned to the concerns of citizens, assuring them that the challenges brought on by very essential reforms are being addressed.

“In the past 40 years, a few people were cornering our common wealth, and calling it subsidy, but I call it wasteful. Right now, we are all bearing and sharing that pain. But things are looking up. Things will get better for the good of all Nigerians. With me, there is hope.

“I assure you that there will be substantial development in education for your children; priority on industrialization; healthcare will receive more allocation and attention. We will train more health workers,” the President said.

President Tinubu commended Governor Uzodinma for his stewardship in Imo State, describing him as the “real hope” of the state.

“It is a great honour for me to be here in Imo State. And to congratulate the people of Imo for being discerning and determined to vote into a second term, a very unique individual who resonates with a progressive agenda, Senator Hope Uzodinma,” he said.

The President said he is committed to building a united and secure country, noting the peace and security in the state, adding: “Before now, people were afraid of coming to Imo state, but today Imo is safe and open for business. What we have learnt from this experience is the importance of unity, cooperation, and a focus on our internal security.”

President Tinubu implored the governor to work even harder for the people, emphasizing that hard work is the reward for a re-election.

“I assure you that your hopes are renewed. Be assured of the support of the federal government to ensure rapid development of your state,” he concluded.

Speaking after the administration of oaths of office by the Imo State Chief Judge, Justice Theresa Chukwuemeka-Chikeka, Governor Uzodinma pledged that his second tenure would be an uncommon tenure in the execution of policies.

“We have been able to lay a solid foundation for accelerated economic growth and development of our state. We also addressed the decay we met in the civil service, the decay we met in the education sector, and the health sector. In addition, we addressed the lingering problem of unemployment through the variety of youth empowerment initiatives.

“We carried out a digital version of dealing with the unemployment market, which included the provision of digital and other portable skills, including artificial intelligence to our teeming young men and women,” he said.

Unfolding his priorities, the governor said the next four years of his administration would focus on deepening the shared prosperity mantra through massive infrastructural expansion, adding that the vision of his government is anchored on a 10-year development plan which has the capacity to make the state self-sufficient.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 15, 2024



President Bola Tinubu has condemned the recent spate of kidnappings and bandit attacks, describing the development as disturbing, ungodly, and sinister.

Speaking when he received a delegation of Jam’iyyatu Ansaridden, a highly respected Islamic Movement, at the State House, in Abuja on Tuesday, President Tinubu said while security agencies are acting with dispatch to immediately address the current challenge, all required resources, policies and plans will be rolled out soon for the massive education of Nigerian youths.

The President said education is the antidote to the troubles agitating the nation, adding: “There is no weapon against poverty that is as potent as learning.

“I can assure you that we are here to change the life of our people. We are here to promote peace, stability, and economic prosperity.

“We are dedicated to building a lasting peace with a focus on the comprehensive education of our children. We will get our teachers and their owners involved in an education process that will be relevant to the future of this country. It is important. Knowledge brought me here with your prayers and your support. Without knowledge, there is nothing to generate hope for mankind,” President Tinubu said.

The President also emphasized that it was important to promote updated knowledge through existing islamic learning institutions for youths in Northern Nigeria to speed up development in the region, in Nigeria, and throughout Africa.

“Please embark on special prayers. Embark on proper education for our youths. Kidnapping and banditry are not the way of God. Shedding each other’s blood is bad. And there can be no development without peace. It is only in the area of peace that we can eliminate poverty. We must work for peace in order for our economy to grow better,” the President concluded.

In his remarks, the Jam’iyyatu Ansaridden leader, Sheikh Muhammad Lamine Niass encouraged the President to continue implementing his reform initiatives while affirming that his movement, which is reputed for its promotion of peace and tolerance, would continue to pray for Nigeria’s peaceful development.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 16, 2024




President Bola Tinubu on Tuesday in Abuja thanked former President Muhammadu Buhari for his visionary leadership of Nigeria and commitment to probity, propriety, and service.

Speaking at the launch of two books on the former President; Working with Buhari: Reflections of a former Special Adviser to the President, Media & Publicity, by Femi Adesina, and Muhammadu Buhari: The Nigerian Legacy, by Dr. Udu Yakubu, President Tinubu said Buhari demonstrated integrity and transparency in leadership.

The President said the former President has kept his word not to interfere in government matters after leaving office.

“When you left office, you left a lot of pens and files for me for continuity. I inherited the liabilities and assets of my predecessor.

“You told me it will be difficult to please everyone as a leader. You advised that I should work hard and satisfy my conscience,” he said.

President Tinubu stated that former President Buhari inherited a tottering economy and an overwhelming security situation, but that the former President was able to start the process that would guarantee stability.

“I am glad that history has been reintroduced in our schools, and this will be part of our curriculum,’’ the President said on the books.

Describing former President Buhari as an organized and disciplined person, President Tinubu urged him to continue to be a pillar of the nation’s development, even after retirement.

Earlier in his remarks, former President Buhari thanked the President for attending the event, highlighting some of the peculiarities of the office, which include the likelihood of being misinterpreted and misunderstood.

“We kept records of our stewardship. This event is part of accounting for our two terms in office. Government is a continuum. You run and hand over to the next person,” Buhari said.

The Chairman of the occasion, former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, commended the former President for actions taken to buoy the economy, contain insecurity, and stabilize the polity.

“You handed over to President Tinubu; it was great. It was really great to hand over to President Tinubu, another great leader who will give Nigeria a new direction,” General Gowon added.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 16, 2024



President Bola Tinubu has expressed sadness over the devastating explosion that occurred on Tuesday night in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

The explosion killed two persons and wounded about 80 others. It also destroyed several buildings, vehicles, and other properties.

“It is worrisome that the cause of the blast is being attributed to the activities of illegal miners. Those behind the inexcusable and reckless behaviour that has created the conditions for the sad incident to occur must be fished out and punished,” the President said.

President Tinubu commiserated with the government and people of Oyo State and called on all concerned agencies of government to unravel the circumstances that led to the tragedy with alacrity.

The President has directed the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to work with the Oyo State Government to offer immediate and comprehensive relief to the victims.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 17, 2024




President Bola Tinubu on Tuesday in Abuja thanked former President Muhammadu Buhari for his visionary leadership of Nigeria and commitment to probity, propriety, and service.

Speaking at the launch of two books on the former President; Working with Buhari: Reflections of a former Special Adviser to the President, Media & Publicity, by Femi Adesina, and Muhammadu Buhari: The Nigerian Legacy, by Dr. Udu Yakubu, President Tinubu said Buhari demonstrated integrity and transparency in leadership.

The President said the former President has kept his word not to interfere in government matters after leaving office.

“When you left office, you left a lot of pens and files for me for continuity. I inherited the liabilities and assets of my predecessor.

“You told me it will be difficult to please everyone as a leader. You advised that I should work hard and satisfy my conscience,” he said.

President Tinubu stated that former President Buhari inherited a tottering economy and an overwhelming security situation, but that the former President was able to start the process that would guarantee stability.

“I am glad that history has been reintroduced in our schools, and this will be part of our curriculum,’’ the President said on the books.

Describing former President Buhari as an organized and disciplined person, President Tinubu urged him to continue to be a pillar of the nation’s development, even after retirement.

Earlier in his remarks, former President Buhari thanked the President for attending the event, highlighting some of the peculiarities of the office, which include the likelihood of being misinterpreted and misunderstood.

“We kept records of our stewardship. This event is part of accounting for our two terms in office. Government is a continuum. You run and hand over to the next person,” Buhari said.

The Chairman of the occasion, former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, commended the former President for actions taken to buoy the economy, contain insecurity, and stabilize the polity.

“You handed over to President Tinubu; it was great. It was really great to hand over to President Tinubu, another great leader who will give Nigeria a new direction,” General Gowon added.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 16, 2024



President Bola Tinubu has expressed sadness over the devastating explosion that occurred on Tuesday night in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

The explosion killed two persons and wounded about 80 others. It also destroyed several buildings, vehicles, and other properties.

“It is worrisome that the cause of the blast is being attributed to the activities of illegal miners. Those behind the inexcusable and reckless behaviour that has created the conditions for the sad incident to occur must be fished out and punished,” the President said.

President Tinubu commiserated with the government and people of Oyo State and called on all concerned agencies of government to unravel the circumstances that led to the tragedy with alacrity.

The President has directed the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to work with the Oyo State Government to offer immediate and comprehensive relief to the victims.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 17, 2024


Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road reconstruction: “With Assured Financing from the Federal Government, Julius Berger will accomplish the Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano Road” – Works Minister, Engr. David Umahi



… As Julius Berger MD, Engr. Dr. Lars Richter assures stakeholders of sustained quality and delivery




Minister of Works, David Umahi weekend declared the federal government’s determination to complete the busy Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road saying that the contractor, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc is the most competent to do the job in the country.




He made the declaration when he and the Minister of Finance/Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Mr. Wale Edun inspected parts of the Abuja-Kaduna section of the dual carriageway.




While explaining that the government and the contractor, Julius Berger have agreed to complete at least 15 kilometres stretch of the road monthly for the next 24 months, the Works minister said, “we have discussed with Julius Berger and we have come up with a faster construction method that will not just deliver 15km but deliver up to 20km per month. That is what we assure Nigerians. It is only Julius Berger that can do it. With assured financing from the Minister of Finance , they are going to do it. We have got a commitment from the Honourable Minister of Finance to make payment, and I am very sure if we pay Julius Berger according to the commitment on funding, it will complete the job.”




Umahi further commended Julius Berger for the palliative work done on the road saying; “some people sent message commending Ministry of Works for the palliative done on the road, I want to thank them (Berger). They have done quite well. There are just two spots that they need to give some attention and we will be happy while the job is going on,” Umahi said. The Minister of Works further added: “…initially when we started, Julius Berger had four sections working but we ran into hitches due to funding. Now the Finance Minister has assured us of adequate funding, so we agreed that they are going to go back to four sections.“ He continued: “By four sections, we are looking at the completion of 15 kilometres of road every month. We are now looking at 24 months to finish the project. We are assured of financing by the minister and the contractors have reassured that they are going to come back. We therefore assure that funding would not be a problem.“






Giving more insight into the project, Umahi said from Abuja to Kaduna was 165km out of which 45km had been done. “From Kaduna to Zaria is completed, we have only 20 kilometres between Zaria and Kano, and then we have 40 or 38 kilometres from zero point,“ he said. Engr Umahi added that President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has  expressed his deep concern on the completion of the road project, the minister said, the President has thus, directed that “everything must be done to get the entire project completed.”




In assuring the works minister of government’s determination to complete the project and on schedule, the Minister of Finance and coordinating minister of the economy, Wale Edun specifically told the works minister and contractors of government’s willingness to fund the project. “We are here to examine and to hear from the contractors and to get their commitment, encourage and support them so as to complete this all important reconstruction of the Abuja- Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road. They have done over 40 kilometres on this side, we want to urge them to do more. Infrastructure is a critical priority of the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.“ Edun further explained that the government intends to raise the money for the project and other road projects across the country from different sources.




In his remarks, the Managing Director of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Engr Dr Lars Richter thanked the Federal Government for the inspection and assured that the all-important road will be completed on schedule. While giving a naration on the section by section progress on the works, he said, “…we are fully committed and ready to do implement our acclaimed historical high quality and standards that remains the  Julius Berger signature of excellence in contract management and project delivery. We are already on it and given the funding assurances we are getting from our client, we shall give you quality delivery in each section of the road as we make progress to the entire project delivery date.“




Accompanying the Ministers of Works and Finance on the inspection were directors from both Ministry of Works and Finance.


Managing Director Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Engr Dr Lars Richter who conducted the two ministers round the project and several other stakeholders.




Team Julius Berger at the inspection visit was led by Managing Director, Engr Dr Lars Richter. Executive Project Director, Mr. Benjamin Bott, as well as Engr Yusuf Ibrahim, Mr, Sabastian Schifiner, Head, Corporate Communications, Mr, James Agama as well as Ag. Head, Media Relations, Emmanuel Isibor also accompanied the Managing Director.




Sequel to President Bola Tinubu’s six-week suspension of the four (4) programmes under the National Social Investment Programmes Agency (NSIPA), President Tinubu has approved the establishment of a Special Presidential Panel, which will be led by the Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Honourable Minister of Finance, Mr. Wale Edun.

This Special Presidential Panel is tasked with immediately undertaking a comprehensive review and audit of existing financial frameworks and policy guidelines of the social investment programmes with a view to implementing a total re-engineering of the financial architecture of the programmes with detailed modification to procedures guiding the programmes’ implementation moving forward.

The Special Presidential Panel, which is comprised of ministers representing strategic sectors and will ensure a multi-disciplinary approach to the reform effort, is made up of the following members:

(1) Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Minister of Finance – Chairman

(2) Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare – Member

(3) Honourable Minister of Budget and Economic Planning – Member

(4) Honourable Minister of Information and National Orientation – Member

(5) Honourable Minister of Communicatons, Innovation and Digital Economy – Member

(6) Honourable Minister of State for Youth – Member

President Tinubu anticipates that this Special Presidential Panel will validate the confidence reposed in it by winning back all lost public confidence in these vital programmes over the years by ushering in a new era of operation based on open and accountable governance frameworks that will prove impervious to abuse and incompetence for the exclusive benefit of disadvantaged households across our nation.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 13, 2024




With a heart full of joy and gratitude to God, President Bola Tinubu celebrates his long-time confidant, Chief Bisi Akande, as he marks his 85th birthday on January 16, 2024.

Chief Akande, CFR, was the governor of Osun State from 1999 to 2003 and the first interim National Chairman of the All Progressives’ Congress (APC).

President Tinubu extols Baba’s defining principles of integrity, loyalty, truth, and justice, recalling his exemplary leadership odyssey and selfless service to Nigeria.

“Baba was a principal actor in the founding of our great party, the All Progressives’ Congress. He has always been a progressive; always noble and disciplined in thoughts and actions, as well as given to rational and enlightened ideals. He is a cherished friend and confidant, ever so generous with his wise counsel. I celebrate him,” the President says.

President Tinubu wishes Baba many more years in good health and strength and thanks him for his unfailing support and sacrifice over the years and now.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 15, 2024










Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has appealed to Lagos residents to continuously pray, support and remember families of the Armed Forces as well as fallen heroes who paid the supreme prize for the peace and security of the country.


The Governor made the appeal at the Year 2024 Armed Forces Remembrance Day Interdenominational Divine Service, themed: “Honouring Sacrifice (John 15:14)” held at the Chapel of Christ The Light, The Secretariat, Alausa on Sunday.


The service was attended by members of the State Executive Council, Permanent Secretaries, All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftains, Commanding Officers in Lagos State, members of the Armed Forces, members of the Nigerian Legion, religious leaders, families of the fallen heroes and Christian faithful, among others.


Governor Sanwo-Olu, who was represented by its Deputy Chief of Staff, Mr. Gboyega Soyannwo at the event organised by the Lagos State Government, said the occasion presented the opportunity to remember the fallen heroes as they paid the supreme prize by sacrificing their lives for the territorial integrity of Nigeria.


He said: “We are gathered here in the presence of God and in thanksgiving to Him as we remember our fallen heroes who paid the supreme sacrifice while preserving the unity and territorial integrity of our nation.


“Today, the government and the good people of Lagos State are united to appreciate the sacrifice of the departed; to pray for the continued repose of their souls; to remember their families left behind as well as those who have become incapacitated (one way or the other) as a result of injuries sustained in the war front.


“This occasion also presents the opportunity for us to remember in our prayers members of our Armed Forces who are sacrificing so much to keep the country safe against evil forces across the country.


“I wish to call on all the good people of Lagos State to continue to support members of our Armed Forces and their families. Let us always remember them in our prayers so that God Almighty will continue to grant them victory in Jesus mighty name. Amen.”


In his sermon, the Guest Preacher, Pastor Daniel Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), urged Nigerians to embrace sacrifice to enjoy a nation that they would be proud of.


Pastor Olukoya, who was represented by an Assistant General Overseer of MFM, Pastor Ladedoja Abiodun, said the event was to celebrate and honour fallen heroes who saved the country from external as well as internal aggressions and paid the prize for a better future.


He urged Nigerians to continuously pray for those who died in the course of servicing Nigeria and those who are still in active service.


The Commander 9 Brigade Nigerian Army, Brigadier-General Adegoke Adetuyi, read the Bible Reading at the event which featured prayers, praises and thanksgiving.










14 JANUARY 2024