The Federal Government on Tuesday announced the suspension of evaluation and accreditation of degree certificates from the Republic of Benin and Togo.


The Federal Ministry of Education noted that its decision followed the undercover investigation conducted by a Nigerian newspaper which exposed the activity of a degree mill in Cotonou, a major city of Benin Republic.




According to the investigation, the investigative reporter bagged a degree from Cotonou University within six weeks and also participated in the mandatory one-year scheme organised by the National Youth Service Corps.




Here is a list of foreign universities banned by the National Universities Commission, according to data from the website of the NUC.




  1. University of Applied Sciences and Management, Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.




  1. Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.






  1. The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.




  1. Collumbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.





  1. Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.






  1. EC-Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.




  1. Concept College/Universities (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.




  1. Houdegbe North American University campuses in Nigeria.




  1. Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. Cape Coast University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.




  1. African University Cooperative Development, Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.






  1. Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.




  1. Evangel University of America and Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.


Ghali Na’Abba, Akeredolu: A tale of two deaths




By Victor Ndoma-Egba




December 27, 2023 dawned in a very grim manner. As I woke up I saw a news item on the scroll bar of Channels Television that Ghali Umar Na’Abba 8th Speaker of the House of Representatives had passed on at the age of 65. The son of a wealthy Kano aristocrat, he became Speaker by default after the removal of Salisu Buhari, a short lived Speaker after a forgery scandal. A man of steeled convictions he became Speaker at the defining moment of our democracy.


Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, a former military Head of State whom providence had thrown up following the assassination of the charismatic yet tempestuous General Murtala Mohammed, and who had played a critical role in our unfortunate civil war had become President on our return to democracy, or is it civil rule, in 1999. President Obasanjo had come with messianic zeal to create a Nigeria after his own image. There was however a problem, Speaker Na’Abba. Obasanjo accused the legislature of overstepping its bounds. Na’ Abba replied that Obasanjo was a captive of his military antecedents and insisted that we were now in a constitutional democracy.


I joined the Fifth Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria when I was elected Senator by my people in 2003. President Obasanjo had ensured that Speaker Na’Abba did not return to the House of Representatives in 2003 but I met him as he had become a reference point for legislators. We needed his insight especially in the delicate challenge of keeping the legislature independent of the executive and managing the image of the Senate as pioneer chairman of the newly created Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs; and later Deputy Senate Leader, and later Leader of the Senate. We became friends.


I was still trying to digest the news of Speaker Na’Abba’s death when my younger brother called to say Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, the much beloved Governor of Ondo State had died. It was public knowledge that Aketi, as he was famously known, was having life threatening health challenges and he had already died many times before through rumors and speculation. I dismissed my brother and told him that this was just one more of his many deaths. The difference was, sadly, this time Aketi was truly dead. Not long after there was an official statement announcing his demise.


I first met Aketi in 1975. He along with Onueze Okocha, better known as OCJ OKocha, Awa Kalu, Adegboyega Awomolo, all very prominent lawyers today and the late Moses Pere Okoro were very active in the Law Students Association of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University). Aketi was President of the Association at the time. I was Secretary General of the equivalent association in the University of Lagos with Yemi Akisanya who was to become General Counsel of oil giant, Mobil, as President. From Ahmadu Bello came Chrysanthus Senlong who became a judge of the Federal High Court, and Haruna Abubakar who became Deputy President of the Senate in 1999 and Yahaya Mahmud Zaria who became a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (both of blessed memory). Then only four universities in Nigeria offered Law, University of Lagos, University of Ife, University of Nigeria and Ahmadu Bello University. We were all very active in the National Association of Nigerian Law Students and struck friendships that have endured. University of Nigeria was then not very visible in the Association. We were to deepen our friendships in the Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island which was the only campus of the school at the time.


Aketi has always been political, as a student he was, as a professional who attained the highest rank in the profession, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, he became President of the Nigerian Bar Association. He had been Attorney General of his home state, Ondo and later Governor and died in office. Completely detribalized, as primarily evidenced by his cross cultural marriage to Betty, an Ibo whom he met during his NYSC days in Enugu. Friendship to him was sacred. I recall his surprise visit to us his classmates (Olaseinde Kumuyi who became Chief Judge, Ibrahim Muktari Katsina, former Attorney General and later Secretary to Katsina Government, Oyewale Akinrinade former member of Oyo State House of Assembly and late Ijeoma Offonry (nee Enyeazu) an Abia State High Court judge) serving in Bauchi in 1979.


On a personal note he stood with me in my dark moments including the darkest one. When I lost my Calabar home to the EndSARS riot in October 2020 he was the first to call to commiserate. When my wife died three weeks later in a motor accident near Ore he took charge and ensured along with Bayo Ojo and Ike Ekweremadu that her body was flown to Abuja immediately with the other casualties. He was a regular visitor to me during the period. He was supportive of me professionally, politically and socially. I recall his concern when he thought I was getting late in taking silk.


December 27, 2023 was a lesson that only in death and dying do we find true democracy. Grief was shared equally between the North West (Na’Abba) and South West (Akeredolu) geo-political zones. Death does not discriminate between the mighty or the lowly, rich or poor, male or female, young or old, Christian, Moslem or atheist, it levels us all and we are all enfranchised to die. Both men were fighters for constitutionalism, stared power in the face without blinking, they were crusaders for justice, belonged to the same generation and shared clear visions of Nigeria of their dreams. When is the best time to die?


It is not the quantity but quality of our lives that matter, not the length of our years but the life in the years. Both men certainly had life in all of their years and lived rich and worthy lives. I pray that Betty Akeredolu and Hajia Na’Abba and their respective families will be consoled by the words of Louisa Mary Alcott in “Little Men” “Simple genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and it is the only riches we can take out of this world.”


While we pray for the peaceful repose of their souls, there is no better time to die than when one dies.




VICTOR NDOMA-EGBA CON, SAN, Leader of the 7th Senate and ex-Chairman of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was a classmate and friend of Aketi

President Tinubu`s New Year Address To The Nation

Dear Compatriots,




It gives me immense joy to welcome each and everyone of you – young and old- to this brand new year 2024. We must lift up our hands to Almighty God, in gratitude, for His grace and benevolence to our country and our lives in the year 2023 that has just gone by.




Though the past year was a very challenging one, it was eventful in so many ways. For our country, it was a transition year that saw a peaceful, orderly and successful transfer of power from one administration to another, marking yet another remarkable step in our  24 years of unbroken democracy.




It was a year, you the gracious people of this blessed nation, entrusted your faith in me with a clear mandate to make our country better, to revamp our economy, restore security within our borders, revitalise our floundering industrial sector,  boost agricultural production, increase national productivity and set our country on an irreversible path towards national greatness that we and future generations will forever be proud of.




The task of building a better  nation and making sure we have a Nigeria society that cares for all her citizens is the reason I ran to become your President. It was the core of my Renewed Hope campaign message on the basis of which you voted me as President.




Everything I have done in office, every decision I have taken and every trip I have undertaken outside the shores of our land, since I assumed office on 29 May 2023, have been done in the best interest of our country.




Over the past seven months of our administration, I have taken some difficult and yet necessary decisions to save our country from fiscal  catastrophe. One of those decisions was the removal of fuel subsidy which had become an unsustainable financial burden on our country for more than four decades. Another was the removal of the chokehold of few people on our foreign exchange system that benefited only the rich and the most powerful among us. Without doubt, these two decisions brought some discomfort to individuals, families and businesses.




I am well aware that for some time now the conversations and debates have centred on the rising cost of living, high inflation which is now above 28% and the unacceptable high under-employment rate.




From the boardrooms at Broad Street in Lagos to the main-streets of Kano and Nembe Creeks in Bayelsa, I hear the groans of Nigerians who work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families.




I am not oblivious to the expressed and sometimes unexpressed frustrations of my fellow citizens. I know for a fact that some of our compatriots are even asking if this is how our administration wants to renew their h ope.




Dear Compatriots, take this from me: the time may be rough and tough, however, our spirit must remain unbowed because tough times never last. We are made for this period, never to flinch, never to falter. The socio-economic challenges of today should energize and rekindle our love and faith in the promise of Nigeria. Our current circumstances should make us resolve to work better for the good of our beloved nation. Our situation should make us resolve that this new year 2024, each and everyone of us will commit to be better citizens.




Silently, we have worked to free captives from abductors. While we can’t beat our chest yet that we had solved all the security problems, we are working hard to ensure that we all have peace of mind in our homes, places of work and on the roads.




Having laid the groundwork of our economic recovery plans within the last seven months of 2023, we are now poised to accelerate the pace of our service delivery across sectors.




Just this past December during COP28 in Dubai, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and I agreed and committed to a new deal to speed up the delivery of the Siemens Energy power project that will ultimately deliver reliable supply of electricity to our homes and businesses under the Presidential Power Initiative which began in 2018.




Other power installation projects to strengthen the reliability of our transmission lines and optimise the integrity of our National grid are ongoing across the country.




My administration recognises that no meaningful economic transformation can happen without steady electricity supply. In 2024, we are moving a step further in our quest to restart local refining of petroleum products with Port Harcourt Refinery, and the Dangote Refinery which shall fully come on stream.




To ensure constant food supply, security and affordability, we will step up our plan to cultivate 500,000 hectares of farmlands across the country to grow maize, rice, wheat, millet and other staple crops. We launched the dry season farming with 120,000 hectares of land in Jigawa State last November  under our National Wheat Development Programme.




In this new year, we will race against time to ensure all the fiscal and tax policies reforms we need to put in place are codified and simplified to ensure the business environment does not destroy value. On every foreign trip I have embarked on, my message to investors and other business people has been the same. Nigeria is ready and open for business.




I will fight every obstacle that impedes business competitiveness in Nigeria and I will not hesitate to remove any clog hindering our path to making Nigeria a destination of choice for local and foreign investments.




In my 2024 Budget presentation to the National Assembly, I listed my administration’s 8 priority areas to include national defence and internal security, job creation, macro-economic stability, investment environment optimization, human capital development, poverty reduction and social security. Because we take our development agenda very seriously, our 2024 budget reflects the premium we placed on achieving our governance objectives.




We will work diligently to make sure every Nigerian feels the impact of their government. The economic aspirations and the material well-being of the poor, the most vulnerable and the working people shall not be neglected. It is in this spirit  that we are going to implement a new national living wage for our industrious workers this new year. It is not only good economics to do this, it is also a morally and politically correct thing to do.




I took an oath to serve this country and give my best at all times. Like I said in the past, no excuse for poor performance from any of my appointees will be good enough.




It is the reason I put in place a Policy Coordination, Evaluation, Monitoring and Delivery Unit in the Presidency to make sure that governance output improves the living condition of our people.




We have set the parameters for evaluation. Within the first quarter of this new year, Ministers and Heads of Agencies with a future in this administration that I lead will continue to show themselves.




Fellow Nigerians, my major ambition in government as a Senator in the aborted Third Republic, as Governor of Lagos State for  eight years and now as the President of this blessed country is to build a fair and equitable society and close the widening inequality. While I believe the rich should enjoy their legitimately-earned wealth, our minimum bargain must be that, any Nigerian that works hard and diligent enough will have a chance to get ahead in life. I must add that because God didn’t create us with equal talents and strengths, I can not guarantee that we will have equal outcomes when we work hard. But my government, in this new year 2024 and beyond, will work to give every Nigerian equal opportunity to strive and to thrive.




For the new year to yield all its good benefits to us as individuals and collectively as a people we must be prepared to play our part. The job of building a prosperous nation is not the job of the President, Governors, Ministers, Lawmakers and government officials alone. Our destinies are connected as members of this household of Nigeria. Our language, creed, ethnicity and religious beliefs even when they are not same should never make us work at cross purposes.




In this new year, let us resolve that as joint-heirs to the Nigerian Commonwealth, we will work for the peace, progress and stability of our country. I extend this call to my political opponents in the last election. Election is over. It’s time for all of us to work together for the sake of our country.




We must let the light each of us carries – men and women, young and old – shine bright and brighter to illuminate our path to a glorious dawn.




I wish all of us a happy and prosperous year 2024.




May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.




Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR


January 01, 2024



Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Ola Olukoyede  has called for greater fiscal discipline,  transparency and efficient management of resources as ways of deepening and strengthening local government’s administration in Nigeria.


 He made the call recently in Kaduna at a Two-Day Workshop organized by the Ministry of Local Government,  Kaduna State.  According to him,  prudent management of resources at the local government will have a positive impact on people at the grassroots  and every effort should be made to achieve this.  “ The local government is structured as a means to enhance development and service delivery, improve governance and deepen democracy.   There is no way we can have enough resources for the people but when we apply discipline in the allocation of what we have,  we will be able to meet many of the needs at the grassroots”, he said.


  He called on Nigerians at the grassroots to be willing and ready to offer information to the EFCC at all times on how their resources are being used. “ This brings us to the need for whistleblowing.  Fiscal discipline cannot be achieved if the people are not involved in how they are governed.  I urge Nigerians at the grassroots to be more determined in their quest for better lives. They should be ready to join the EFCC in exposing corrupt practices in their midst”, he said. 


The EFCC’s boss, who spoke through the Kaduna Acting Zonal Commander,  Assistant Commander of the EFCC,  ACE1 Aisha Abubakar emphasized the need for collaboration in the fight against economic and financial crimes, insisting that he would pay more attention to the preventive framework in tackling corrupt practices. “ International best practices in the fight against graft put preventive frameworks on the front burner.  Aside from being a cost effective measure, crimes and criminality are better tackled when incentives to corruption are reduced to the barest minimum”, he said.


He called on local government officials to drive economic development in their various jurisdictions by avoiding wastages and stealing, stressing that “ the major policy objective of the war against corruption and financial crimes is to drive economic development, create wealth and job opportunities for the people.  The local government has a lot to contribute to actualize the objective”.


In her remarks,  Kaduna State’s Deputy Governor,  Dr. Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe emphasized the need for local government functionaries to embrace financial discipline in order to conform with global best practices and avoid disruption of the financial system.” We understand that whatever we are doing at the state level, we need you at the local government level to key into positive policies like this in order for us to succeed”. The purpose of this workshop, therefore, is to ensure that key functionaries of local governments catch up with best global practices in financial discipline. We know that discretion can be misused, resulting in persistent deficits, repeated bad policies, rising debt levels, and eventually, bad governance”, she said.


 In his  welcome address  Sadiq Mamman Lagos, Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Kaduna State lauded the EFCC’s  preventive and enlightenment programmes,  noting that  they have “further enhanced  the comprehension of the EFCC’s objectives and goals in fighting economic and financial crimes “.  This understanding,  he said,  has “enhanced  fiscal accountability in the management of local government resources which is very important to the developmental growth of the rural areas and Kaduna state”.


 Major highlights of the workshop are various sensitization lectures presented by resource persons from the Kaduna Zonal Command of the EFCC.


 Media & Publicity


 December 30, 2023



Operatives of the Kaduna Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission,  EFCC,  have arrested sixteen( 16) suspected internet fraudsters at fifth Chucker Polo Club,  Marabban Jos,  Kaduna,  Kaduna state.


They were arrested on Thursday, December 27, 2023 following actionable intelligence on their suspected involvement in internet-related offences.


The suspects, comprising 13 males and three females are, Bello Abiodun, Abraham Adama, Shedrack Bisola, Friday Markus,  Ransom Joash Destiny,  Joshua Winner, Samuel Shehu,  John Daniel and Christian Righteous.


Others are: Godwin Dikko, Ogochukwu Ijeh,  Bilbert Sabo,  Akosa Joshua, Precious Yohanna, Joy Righteous and Samuel Ruth.


Items recovered from them are mobile phones and laptops.


They will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.


Media & Publicity


December 29, 2023



The Ibadan Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has secured the conviction and sentencing of thirty-seven (37) internet fraudsters before Justices Ladiran Akintola, O.A.  Olajide, J.O. Adeyemi, Bayo Taiwo and M.O. Ishola of the Oyo State High Court, Ibadan; Justice Uche Agomoh of the Federal High Court sitting in Ibadan, Oyo State and Justices A.A. Babawale, A.A. Akinyemi and S.O. Adeniyi of the Ogun State High Court, Abeokuta.


The convicts were arraigned between the months of November and December, 2023 on one- count separate charge each.


They are Aladelusi Temitope Matthew, Akinade Abimbola Oluwaseun, Gbenga Musbau Adebayo, Olaitan Gbenga Josiah, Adegboyega Toluwalope Owolabi, Giwa Areef Olakunle, Victor Ogundahunsi Damilare, Kelvin Dave Udanyi, Ayeloja Ridwan Oluwatobilola, Adebule Olamide, Olamilekan Gbolahan Adeniji, Agboola Oladimeji Taofeek, Ojo Odegbile Oke, Abdulazeez Ajadi Oludare, Oyewole Korede Tolu, Okeowo Abiodun Sunday, Oladokun Peter Ayomide, Samuel Ayodeji Mayokun, Hamzat Taofeek Opeyemi, Echeta Chidi Oluwambe, Mujeeb Adedeji, Eyinola Ojo Tosin and Makinde Kehinde Bukola.


The rest of the convicts are: Jubril Ayomide Adeshina, Gbolahan Emmanuel Jayeola, Eyamekware Gabriel Cleverly, Kazeem Orija Oladimeji, Echeta Chinedu Junior, Oyelakin Collins Ayomide, Olanrewaju Kabir Olamilekan, Lasisi Damilola Idris, Emmanuel Ojima Matthew, Sonibare Adebayo Wasiu, Makinde Olamiposi Feranmi, Timileyin Bankole Toyosi, Adeyinka Monsuru Oladaride and Ubiwe Kenneth.


One of the counts read:


“That you Oyelakin Collins Ayomide on or about 2nd June, 2023, at Ibadan, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, did sell hacked Facebook Accounts with different identity cards to internet fraudsters, thereby aiding them in committing an offence, aiding another person in committing, an offence contrary to Sections 7 (c) and 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 30, Laws of Oyo State, 2000.”


Another count charge reads, “That you Eyamekware Gabriel Cleverly on or about April, 2023 at Ibadan, Oyo State, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud one Lukas Wack, did falsely represent yourself to be a white lady who goes by the name Elmar Bockmar, thereby committed an offence of Personation contrary to Section 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 38, Laws of Oyo State, 2000.”


Upon their arraignments, they all pleaded “guilty” to the charges when they were read to them.


Consequently, facts of the cases were reviewed, several indicting documents and exhibits were tendered as evidences in the courts, urging the courts to convict and sentence the defendants accordingly.


The courts convicted and sentenced Owolabi, Olamide, Taofeek, Oke, Oludare, Tolu, Sunday and Feranmi to one year imprisonment each, Tosin to one month community service, while Idris and Toyosi bagged two months community service each and Josiah, Ayomide, Oladimeji, Matthew and Kenneth got three months community service each.


Also,  Aladelusi,  Oluwaseun, Adebayo, Olakunle, Damilare, Udanyi, Oluwatobilola, Adeniji, Mayokun, Opeyemi, Oluwambe, Adedeji, Bukola, Adeshina, Jayeola, Cleverly, Junior, Oladokun,  Olamilekan, Wasiu and Oladaride were convicted and sentenced to six months community service each.


Furthermore, the convicts were ordered to restitute their various victims and forfeit all items recovered from them, including seven exotic cars to the Federal Government of Nigeria.


They all began their journey to the Correctional Centres when they were arrested by operatives of the EFCC for internet-related offences.  They were also investigated, prosecuted and got convicted for their various offences.


Media & Publicity


December 28, 2023



As we usher in the New Year to the glory of God Almighty, may I, on behalf of my family, extend my sincerest felicitations to all our people. May God’s warm love fill our hearts and families. We testify that we are in year 2024 only by the grace, mercies and faithfulness of God.

  1. As champions of hope and firm believers in God’s infinite power to lift up His people, let us be confident that 2024 is a great year for us. For our collective interest and good, let us pray fervently for 2024 to deliver amazing positive results for us as individuals and as a people. By prayers, let us trust God to imbue our dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR with more great wisdom and constant good health to steer the Ship of State determinedly with continuing patriotism, innovative spirit and boldness as our nation marches forward towards unstoppable greatness.
  2. In this year 2024, let us recommit ourselves to our best values and the unity and progress of our people and nation. Let us be our brothers’ keepers and defenders of truth, equity, good conscience and justice. In the spirit of our common humanity, whenever and wherever we can, let us endeavour to help our neighbours and fellow countrymen and women to overcome challenges of life here and there. Where we are not able to help, let us in the name of God ensure that we do not harm our people. Daily, let us bless this great land of Nigeria. We shall eat the good thereof as we do so.
  3. As I welcome you all into 2024, I pray that we receive God’s abundant blessings, peace and protection in our families and across our communities.
  4. I wish you a very happy New Year. Let us always remember to use whatever strengths God grants us to stand for our collective good to His glory.
  5. God bless you all.


Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, CFR

(Former Deputy President of the 9th Senate)



The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) thanks President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his New Year’s address to the nation. As the voice and representative of the business community, we acknowledge the challenges faced in the past year and commend the President for his commitment to addressing critical issues that impact the economic landscape of Nigeria.

The Chamber carefully reviewed the President’s speech as he highlighted vital aspects of his administration’s achievements and challenges faced and outlined plans to address these critical concerns. The LCCI has identified positive and concerning elements from the address to foster constructive dialogue and provide a comprehensive analysis.

The commitment to power projects, including the Siemens Energy initiative and efforts to enhance the reliability of transmission lines, is a positive step towards addressing the critical issue of electricity supply, which aligns with the business community’s aspirations for a robust and diversified economy. However, there is an urgent need to address the structure of the power sector. The Government needs to consider bringing private sector investment into the transmission segment of the power sector. This would ensure adequate technical and financial capacity for a well-functioning sector to power economic growth.

The focus on cultivating farmlands to grow staple crops and boost food security aligns with the need to ensure constant food supply, security, and affordability for citizens. However, LCCI cautions that the productivity of the farmlands and the effectiveness of investments in food production are subject to adequate security measures. Investment in agriculture has a limited chance of success as long as the Government fails to deal with the security issues. LCCI recommends that the Government consider fast-tracking the movement of the Police from the Exclusive list to the Concurrent list to be legislated upon by the Federal and State Governments. This will guarantee effective policing of the nooks and crannies of the society, particularly the farmlands.

The announcement of a new national living wage is a positive step towards ensuring the well-being of workers and promoting inclusive economic growth. The dedication to creating a conducive business environment is commendable. The assurance to simplify fiscal and tax policies, the commitment to removing obstacles hindering business competitiveness, and the call for collaboration with the private sector resonate well with the Chamber’s vision for a thriving business environment.

The LCCI believes that while removing the fuel subsidy was necessary, its impact on individuals, families, and businesses, leading to discomfort, must be carefully managed. The potential ripple effects on the cost of living and inflation must be closely monitored. Acknowledging the challenges of high inflation (above 28%) and an unacceptable under-employment rate is crucial. However, specific strategies to address these issues were not mentioned, leaving room for concerns about the impact on citizens.

While efforts to address security challenges were mentioned, specific details on comprehensive security strategies were limited. The acknowledgment that security problems are not entirely solved raises questions about the effectiveness of current measures.

The commitment to building a fair and equitable society and addressing inequality is commendable. However, specific policy measures to close the widening wealth gap are unclear. Despite the setting parameters for the evaluation of ministers and heads of agencies mentioned, there is a need for transparency in these evaluations to ensure accountability and performance improvement.

The LCCI appreciates the President’s efforts to address these critical issues facing the nation. However, the Chamber urges the administration to provide more detailed plans and strategies to tackle these challenges, such as inflation, under-employment, security, and social inequality. A transparent and inclusive approach to governance will contribute to building public confidence and achieving sustainable economic growth.





December 30, 2023

Press Statement

Yuletide: PDP Slams Tinubu for Withholding Workers’ December Salary

…Laments Tinubu has turned Nigeria into a Huge IDP Camp

…Demands Immediate Payment, Additional 50% Compensatory Pay

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) condemns the failure by the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led government to pay the December salary of workers stating that such further confirms that the administration is out to frustrate and inflict pain on Nigerians.

The Party describes the failure to discharge such sensitive obligation to workers especially at this yuletide period as unacceptable and further shows the level of insensitivity of the Tinubu-led APC administration towards the welfare of Nigerians.

By this action, the Tinubu administration has practically turned our nation into a huge Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp with millions of Nigerians becoming beggars and observing the period in hunger, anguish and misery.

It is obvious that the non-payment of the December salary critically needed by the workers including our gallant security operatives at this period is consistent with the atrocious character of APC administration to weaponize poverty and further suppress Nigerians to surrender to totalitarianism.

Is it not provocative that while President Tinubu is busy partying and luxuriating with APC leaders, workers who are putting in their time and energy in the service of the nation are left with nothing to feed and celebrate with their families and loved ones?

Sadly, President Tinubu would rather approve the frittering of our nation’s scarce resources to sponsor cronies, political minions, hangers-on and their mistresses to expensive foreign trips while making no provision for the salary of genuine government workers.

Such heartless act by the anti-people APC administration never happened in the 16 years of the PDP in government as workers then promptly received their December salary before Christmas day (25th) to enable them celebrate yuletide and end of year festivities with their loved ones.

More distressing is that the Tinubu Presidency can afford to withhold salaries even after approving the unbearable increase in the pump price of fuel to over N700 per liter, with attendant high cost of food, transportation, medication and other basic necessities of life.

It is instructive to remind Nigerians that the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) had earlier this month announced that it shared a total of N1.783 trillion to Federal, State and Local Governments for December 2023, yet workers have not been paid because no cash backing was effected by the Tinubu administration despite huge resources accruable to it. We ask, where is the money?

Our Party is appalled by the level of profligacy apparent in the APC administration whose actions and policies are skewed towards the promotion and institutionalization of corruption, deprivation and suppression of Nigerians.

Nigerians will recall that earlier in August, the PDP alerted that our nation’s economy was asphyxiating and grinding to a halt under the increasingly corrupt APC and President Tinubu’s crippling economic policies with consequential negative toll on productivity.

The failure to pay December salary of workers further confirms that the Tinubu-led APC administration has practically ran our nation’s economy aground with its corruption, recklessness and ill-informed counter-productive policies.

The PDP demands that President Tinubu immediately account for the trillions of naira accruable from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products in the last seven months.

Furthermore, the President is requested to come clean on the December 2023 distributable Statutory Revenue of N376.306 billion, distributable Value Added Tax (VAT) Revenue of N335.656 billion, Electronic Money Transfer Levy Revenue of N11.952 billion and Exchange Difference Revenue of N364.869 billion as contained in the communique issued by FAAC at its December 2023 meeting.

The PDP demands the immediate payment of the December salary of workers and additional compensatory payment of at least 50% of salary of workers to cushion the effect of the economic hardship foisted on them by the APC administration.

President Tinubu must understand that Nigeria is a Federation that must only be governed by the Constitution and the Rule of Law and not by the whims and caprices of an individual or group.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary


January 1, 2024

Press Statement

A Harvest of Deceit, Empty Claims – PDP Dismisses Tinubu’s New Year Address

…Says It’s Admission of Failure

…Demands Account of Nation’s Earnings

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) dismisses the New Year Speech by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as a harvest of deceit, false claims and empty promises.

The PDP describes the speech as unpresidential, uninspiring and amounts to a waste of valuable time as it did not address any of the critical issues plaguing the nation.

Nigerians were dismayed as President Tinubu employed rhetoric and failed to address the critical issues of insecurity, decayed infrastructure, comatose manufacturing and productive sectors; crushing 28% inflation rate, continuing plunge of the Naira, alarming unemployment, excruciating poverty and economic hardship occasioned by the reckless, ill-advised and insensitive policies and programmes of his administration.

President Tinubu failed to address the vexatious issue of incompetence, insensitivity, massive profligacy, unbridled treasury-looting inherent in his administration, which have put our nation in dire strait.

More distressing is that President Tinubu had no words in his New Year address for the Christmas eve genocidal massacre of over 200 Nigerians by terrorists in Plateau State and the murder of over 5000 citizens in Plateau and other States of the federation under his watch since May 29, 2023. What manner of a President!

It is an unpardonable assault on the sensibility of Nigerians for President Tinubu to brazenly assert that “everything I have done in office, every decision I have taken and every trip I have undertaken outside the shores of our land, since I assumed office on 29 May 2023, have been done in the best interest of our country”

On the contrary, all decisions and actions of the Tinubu Presidency including the approval of increase in the pump price of fuel from N167 to over N700 per liter, devaluation of the naira with the consequential high costs and hardship; skewing of the 2024 budget in favour of luxury appetite of the Presidency and APC leaders without concrete policies to revive the economy and create jobs; the wasteful foreign trips with political cronies and failure to address the mindless killings across the nation cannot be said to be in the interest of our country.

Furthermore, the undermining of the Constitution and Institutions of Democracy including attempts to emasculate the National Assembly and compromising of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) through the appointment of APC card-carrying members as Resident Electoral Commissioners cannot be in the interest of the nation.

President Tinubu’s claims that his anti-people actions and policies, with their calamitous consequences are in the interest of the nation further confirms that this administration is deliberately subjecting Nigerians to hardship as a way to suppress them to surrender to totalitarianism.

Also, in stating that “from the boardrooms at Broad Street in Lagos to the main-streets of Kano and Nembe Creeks in Bayelsa, I hear the groans of Nigerians who work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families”, President Tinubu has admitted that his administration has plunged Nigerians into pain, anguish and misery.

President Tinubu ought to have used the opportunity presented by the New Year to apologize to Nigerians and marshal out steps to address our national challenges, including those responsible for the exiting of multinational manufacturing companies and other businesses from our country.

What Nigerians demand of President Tinubu is to provide a comprehensive account of our nation’s earnings including the proceeds from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products, especially in the face of allegations that the earnings are being diverted to private pockets of APC leaders and their cronies.

The National Assembly is invited to step up and perform its Constitutional role of oversight to hold the Executive Arm accountable as the custodian of the purse of the nation.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary




President Bola Tinubu sends his condolences to the family, friends, and associates of Professor Ebenezer Ogunlana, who passed away at the age of 87.

Professor Ogunlana was once President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria as well as the Association of Professional Bodies in Nigeria and the West African Pharmacists Association.

He was Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the then University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University.

He was a recipient of the Andre Bedat award, which is given to persons who have distinguished themselves in the practice of pharmacy by the International Pharmaceutical Federation.

The President sympathizes with the Ogunlana family and the pharmaceutical community for the painful loss of this lodestar of pharmacy in Nigeria and beyond.

President Tinubu prays for the repose of the soul of the dearly departed and comfort for all those who mourn this agonizing loss.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)


December 31, 2023

Press Statement

Brace up to Defend our Democracy- PDP charges Nigerians on New Year

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) congratulates Nigerians on the dawn of the New Year, 2024, charging them to pray for the nation and brace up to use every legitimate means to resist all fascist tendencies and defend the nation’s Constitutional Democracy from totalitarianism.

The new year offers Nigerians the opportunity to re-invent and assert themselves as a free people under Democratic Order; set aside every ethnic, religious and political partitioning and join their voices with the PDP in resisting anti-democratic forces seeking to undermine the Constitution and the Laws, emasculate Institutions of Democracy and foist a fascist regime on our nation.

Our citizens must say NO to anti-democratic actions and policies of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led All Progressives Congress (APC) administration which are so far tilted towards the institutionalization of corruption, crippling of Democracy Institutions and sabotaging of national productivity which the PDP had earlier alerted is consistent with APC’s scheme to weaponize poverty and suppress Nigerians to surrender to totalitarianism.

Such assault on Democracy Institutions including the emasculation of the National Assembly to prevent it from playing its Constitutional role of holding the Executive accountable; the compromising of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) by the appointment of card-carrying APC members as Resident Electoral Commissioners and alleged attempts to also compromise the Judiciary and anti-corruption agencies are all pointers to emerging totalitarianism.

The exhibition of fascist tendencies in the rendition of Tinubu’s campaign tune amidst proceedings in the hallowed chamber of the National Assembly and recent unconstitutional interference by President Tinubu on political developments on the issues in the Rivers State House of Assembly contrary to subsisting Order of Court and clear interpretation of Constitutional provision by the Supreme Court further confirm a move towards authoritarianism.

Nigerians and indeed the Civil Society must speak out against the recklessness and lack of transparency of the APC administration that led to the collapse of the Naira; the alleged massive looting of funds including proceeds from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products; the skewing of the 2024 budget in favour of luxury appetite of the Presidency and APC leaders without concrete policies and programmes to revive the economy, create jobs and address the comatose manufacturing and productive sectors.

It is distressing that due to the counter-productive actions and policies of the Tinubu-led APC administration, including the failure to address the comatose infrastructure, major multinational giants that have established in the country for decades including GlaxoSmithKline, Procter & Gamble among others are now leaving in droves with attendant massive loss of jobs and businesses.

The hardship, infrastructural stagnation and uncertainty occasioned by the insensitive and anti-people economic policies of the Tinubu-led APC government have led to serious ⁠social dislocation of life and family with negative consequences on our national life.

Indeed, this is not the way to go! The PDP re-assures of its determination in leading the charge and using every legitimate mean available to protect our nation’s Democracy and Constitutional Order. The APC administration must know that the sovereignty and resources of this nation belong to all its people and cannot be appropriated by any individual or group.

Our Party again tasks the National Assembly to be on the side of the people by immediately reviewing and adjusting the 2024 budget by cutting all provisions for luxury items and channeling such funds to sectors that have direct bearing on the wellbeing of Nigerians. The Party also charges leaders at all levels to use the new year to re-double their efforts in serving and seeking the good of the citizens.

The PDP calls on the International Community to assist in the sustenance and support for Democracy in Nigeria given the huge humanitarian crisis with potential negative consequences on the stability of West Africa, Africa and indeed the world should Democracy fail in Nigeria.

The PDP prays for the nation and wishes Nigerians a Happy New Year.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary


January 1, 2024



President Bola Tinubu has signed the 2024 Appropriation Bill into law in keeping with his avowed commitment to maintaining a timeous, predictable, and efficient budget cycle.

President Tinubu assented to the bill at the State House, on Monday, shortly after returning to Abuja from Lagos.

Speaking at the signing of the bill, the President assured Nigerians that the implementation of the budget would be efficiently pursued and vigorously monitored, adding: “All the institutional mechanisms shall be held to account in ensuring diligent implementation”.

“All MDA’s have been directed to take responsibility and provide monthly Budget Performance Reports to the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, which in turn shall ensure the veracity of such. The Minister of Finance and Co-ordinating Minister of the Economy shall hold regular reviews with the Economic Management Team and, in addition, I shall Chair periodic Economic Coordination Council meetings,” he said.

The top priorities of the 2024 budget of N28.7 trillion are defence and internal security, job creation, macro-economic stability, improved investment environment, human capital development, poverty reduction, and social security.

The President emphasized that his commitment to enhance investment promotion while creating a rules-based society that favours no individual over the law begins with important reforms in the Nigerian judiciary, the funding for which is captured in the 2024 Appropriation Act.

“Funding the judiciary is a major element in our effort to support a just, rules-based society. Statutory transfer to the Judiciary has been increased from 165 billion naira to 342 billion naira,” the President said.

Some of the key estimates are capital expenditure, N10 trillion; recurrent expenditure, N8.8 trillion; debt service, N8.2 trillion, and statutory transfers, N1.7 trillion.

President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, were present at the signing.

Other senior government officials present at the brief ceremony include: Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Wale Edun; Chief of Staff to the President, Femi Gbajabiamila; Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Senator Atiku Bagudu, and National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 1, 2024




President Bola Tinubu celebrates the Executive Governor of Sokoto State, Dr. Ahmad Aliyu Sokoto, on his 54th birthday.

President Tinubu lauds the outstanding leadership testimonials of Dr. Sokoto, noting his steady growth and consistency in quality service provision as he ascended the public service ladder as two-time Commissioner, Deputy Governor, and Pioneer Executive Secretary of Police Trust Fund to now serving as the Executive Governor of Sokoto State.

The President commends the Governor for his unequivocal adherence to progressive principles and penchant for unquestioned loyalty under the able mentorship of Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, while appreciating his implementation of people-oriented programmes in Sokoto, such as the robust provision of infrastructure, potable water, environmental sanitation, health services, widening deployment of digital innovation and ICT training for the youth, care for the physically challenged, among others.

President Tinubu wishes the Governor good health, strength, and wisdom in the service of Sokoto state and Nigeria at large.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 1, 2024




President Bola Tinubu sends his felicitations to Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State as he marks his 53rd birthday.

President Tinubu celebrates the accomplished engineer and politician whose leadership odyssey has been one of sacrifice, dedication, and service to the people.

The President commends the Governor for his devotion to the nation, from his early years as a pro-democracy activist, promoting the pristine elements of democracy, good governance, and national unity.

President Tinubu extols the brilliance and excellence of the Governor, who is both a mechanical engineer of high repute and renowned finance expert, recalling his efforts as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance, and Financial Institutions, and now as governor.

The President thanks the Governor for his unwavering support while wishing him many more years in good health, happiness, and strength in the service of the people of Kaduna State and Nigeria.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

December 31, 2023



President Bola Tinubu says democracy must be progressive and inclusive with a primary focus on pragmatically addressing poverty through the provision of job opportunities for youths and quality education for all Nigerian children.

Receiving members of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the All Progressives’ Congress (APC), on Thursday, in Lagos, President Tinubu expressed support for the establishment of the National Institute of Progressive Studies by the party.

The President noted that the Institute is expected to conduct diligent research and educate all party members on the principles of democracy and good governance while providing a distinct identity for the party.

”Democracy has faced challenges in the past, but I believe in a promising future for our country. We will deliver it. I am committed to supporting a strong and ideologically-determined democracy that is progressive, inclusive, and focused on eliminating poverty while providing quality education for our children.

”Collaboration with various government arms is crucial, and I commend the leadership of our party for working hard to promote these essential ideals,” the President stated.

The President called on the leadership of the party to target more youths and women in its e-registration and digital membership validation exercise scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.

”I stand solidly with you in the advancement of the progressive ideological stance of our party and we will pursue it with vigour,” he stated.

President Tinubu thanked members of the party for the overwhelming show of support to him during the campaigns, the electoral victory, and with the affirmation of his presidency by the Supreme Court.

”It has been a while since we have had the opportunity to come together, especially since the Supreme Court ruling. I had hoped for a gathering, but the demanding tasks of my office that we fought for have called for increased focus, dedication, and time,” the President said.

Expressing concern on the alarming figure of out-of-school children in the country, President Tinubu declared:  ”We must address this issue by establishing more schools, recruiting teachers, and providing at least one meal a day for the school children, aligning with the progressive ideology we aim to pursue.”

The National Chairman of the All Progressives’ Congress, Dr. Abdullahi Ganduje informed the President that plans are being put in place by the NWC to ensure the success of the party in the coming bye-elections into National and State legislative houses in February 2024.

”We assure Your Excellency that under our leadership and with your consent, strategies have been put in place to win the support of our people and secure all the seats available for the electoral contest,” he said.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

December 28, 2023


Julius Berger wins NECA Employers’ Excellence Award


. Tops Construction and Construction Services sector


Nigeria’s foremost engineering construction company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc Wednesday night won the largest employers‘ Award otherwise known as the prestigious Nigeria Employers‘ Consultative Association, NECA’s Construction and Construction Services sectoral Award beating every other contender in the industry.




The development, the third in the yearly series, elicited a resounding applause from the audience inside the Eko Hotels and Suites, Lagos venue of the event hailing the company as deserving of the Award.




According to the President of NECA, Taiwo Adeniyi in his speech, the Award is dedicated to rsilience and doggedness of Nigerian businesses, like Julius Berger who against all odds still forges ahead impactfully.




The Director General of NECA, Adewale Smart Oyerinde’s comment at the event was in tandem with that of the President. He said, the winners, and even the others are still standing doggedly doing their thing inspite of the frustrating business environment, adding, this event is occasion for us to breathe and continue to celebrate.




In announcing Julius Berger as the Winner in the sector, , NECA said “the company satisfied all criteria it employed to determine winners and were pleased beyond reasonable doubts that Julius Berger met the criteria in leadership and governance, innovation, productivity and corporate performance, effective human resources management and industrial relations practice as well as responsible business conduct. Inclusiveness and diversity, technological optimization and occupational health and safety are also some criteria employed,“ NECA concluded.




The Association expressed the hope that with the Awards, winners like Julius Berger would do more towards increasing their chances for more laurels in the future.




The President of Chartered Institute of Personnel Management, CIPM; Olusegun Mojeed who presented the Award to Julius Berger added his voice to the accolades received by the ompany at the historic event. He said, “here are the winners by all standards and against all odds in line with theme of tonight’s occasion. Congratulations Julius Berger Nigeria Plc.“


For Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, represented by Chison Albert at the event, “…the Award says we are doing well and we are inpired to explore ways of doing more.“


Winners in other categories include MTN, Nigeria Bottling Company, Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas, NLNG, Nestle and Dangote Cement among others.


The annual Employer’s Excellence Awards is an initiative of NECA geared towards promoting and encouraging best practices in corporate performance, people management and industrial relations practices in the country. NECA itself is a globally respected Business Membership Organisation registered in 1990 with its membership cutting across enterprises operating in all sectors of the economy, professional bodies and sectoral Employers‘ Association making NECA as the only representative employers‘ organisation representing the interest of Nigerian employers in the International Labour Organisation and related groups.


The Vice President, Shettima as well as invited state governors sent representatives while the ILO and several professional bodies sent goodwill messages.


Julius Berger Nigeria Plc team inlcuded Performance Management Manager, Chigozie Okonkwo, Talent Management Officer, Chiamaka Emeh,  Human Resource Manager, Region West, Chisom Albert and Assistant senior Liaison Officer, Emmanuel Isibor.


Delta leaders praise Igbuya, urge support for NDDC Board

Key leaders in Delta State on Thursday praised the former Delta State Speaker, Chief Monday Igbuya, for making politics dignified and efficient in the state.

‘’Rt Hon Monday Igbuya, a consistent, passionate and devoted champion of people’s welfare deliberated judiciously on important issues. As majority leader and speaker, he exhibited rare wisdom.’’

They also praised the former speaker for separating politics from the unity and development of the oil rich state.

The towering political figures in a statement in Asaba described Igbuya’s appointment as evidence of previous performance, immense ability and contributions to the ruling party and the region.

‘’Rt Hon Monday Igbuya has a great mind, a good heart and a strong work ethic.’’

The leaders commended President Bola Tinubu for the wisdom in the appointment of Mr Chiedu Ebie, Samuel Ogbuku, Monday Igbuya and other board members of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

The statement by the Chairman of Delta Leaders Forum (DLF), Darlington Ebireri, emphasized Igbuya’s record of service, patriotism, courage, humane approach to governance, charisma and functional politics.

‘’We are inspired by the style of Igbuya and persuaded by his personality, sacrifice and brainpower. In his days in the Delta State House of Assembly, he made a positive difference. He demonstrated through his actions, through the way he conducted himself, what it means to be thoughtful, joyful and helpful.’’

The statement called Ebie, Ogbuku and other board members catalyst for change.

 ‘’Ebie, Ogbuku, Igbuya and others will lead the Niger Delta region to new heights never before imagined’’

The leaders said the appointment place on Igbuya’s shoulder tremendous responsibility.

‘’Tinubu has chosen leaders of huge experience and efficiency to serve the people of the Niger Delta region. They will set the region toward real development and a better quality of life for the people’’

The leaders expressed the hope that the former Delta speaker will use his wealth of experience, leadership quality and current game plan to bring greater development and respectability to Delta State.

They urged the good people of the region to encourage the Bola Tinubu led All Progressives Congress (APC) government in its efforts to develop the region.

 They also called on the new board to work harder to meet the expectations of the people.

Mr Chiedu Ebie, Delta State was appointed Chairman by President Tinubu; Dr Samuel Ogbuku – Managing Director / CEO – Bayelsa, and Mr Boma Iyaye – Executive Director (Finance and Admin) – Rivers

Others are Mr Victor Antai – Executive Director (Projects) – Akwa-Ibom; Mr Ifedayo Abegunde – Executive Director (Corporate Services) – Ondo and Sen. Dimaro Denyanbofa – State Representative – Bayelsa

Also Mr Abasi Nkono – State Representative – Akwa Ibom; Hon. Monday Igbuya – State Representative – Delta and Chief Tony Okocha – State Representative – Rivers.

Hon Patrick Aisowieren – State Representative – Edo; Mr Kyrian Uchegbu – State Representative – Imo and Hon. Otito Atikase – State Representative – Ondo.

Chief Dimgba Eruba – State Representative – Abia; and Rt. Hon. Orok Otuk Duke – State Representative – Cross River.

The three zonal members of the board are Hon. Nick Wende – Zonal Representative – North Central; Hon. Namdas Abdulrazak – Zonal Representative – North East; and Sen. Ibrahim Abdullahi Gobir – Zonal Representative – North West.


Andrew Aganbi begins final journey Friday


  • Africans bid him goodbye in London

The remains of the late Delta politician, business mogul and hotel management expert, Andrew Aganbi, will be buried in London on Friday.

The renowned caterer and politician died September 30, 2023. He was 59.

The family in a statement said Andrew Aganbi would be buried at Grove Park Cemetery, Marvel Lane.

‘’The funeral will be attended by several international dignitaries’’


The Statement issued by African Industrialist, Mr. Felix Aganbi, emphasized Andrew Aganbi’s capacity for love, caring and courage.

The statement also underscored Andrew Aganbi’s cordial relationship marked by candor, trust and extraordinary understanding.

‘’Andrew Aganbi was creative, generous and pleasant’’


2023 Julius Berger/Media Executives Parley: “Proudly we say, Julius Berger is the most widely and positively reported engineering construction company in Nigeria today.“ Alhaji Zubairu Ibrahim Bayi, Exec. Dir., Admin. Julius Berger Nigeria Plc  


Leading engineering construction company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc has declared the multi-dimensional support given it by Nigerian media as responsible for the overwhelming positive public goodwill the organisation enjoyed in the outgoing year.

The company’s Director, Administration, Alhaji Zubairu Ibrahim Bayi who made the declaration during the end of year media parley of the company in Utako Abuja said, “I wish to once again place on record your tremendous assistance in so graciously publishing and giving eloquent voice and distinctive vision to our company’s business and social activities since the year began till now.“

According to him, the shared interests in each others developmental work and pursuit made it possible, adding, “while some of our satisfied and enthusiastic clients and understandably impressed Nigerians could say, the landmark quality project delivery record of the company is responsible for the effective media reportage on Julius Berger projects and general operations across its subsidiaries, an outstanding and evident truth, however, is that our company’s contractual dedication, our commanding engineering and project management quality and our unmatched reliability in project delivery time, could not have publicised themselves without the active cooperation of you, our great media partners, correspondents, bureau chiefs, editors and publishers.“

Alhaji Bayi further said the company owes the foregoing positive development to the irreducible and highly valued understanding and cooperation of the media practitioners, adding, “… I can confidently, even proudly say, Julius Berger is about the most widely and positively reported engineering construction company in Nigeria today.“

He spoke on the idea of the company hosting the annual media parley saying that it is borne out of the company’s sincere desire to get to relate with media partners at a closer range deliberately removed from official communication channels. Bayi added that a strategy like the annual parley easily activitaes  a warmer comradeship and camaraderie that further consolidates a healthy relationship, thus creating for both the Media and Julius Berger an ever progressive mutual understanding that continues to oil the good and worthy bond already established in active and enlightened furtherance of Nigeria’s national development agenda.

Moving forward, Alhaji Bayi continued, “in the context of Julius Berger’s very healthy relationship with the Press, a cursory look into the future indicates a lot of unending possibilities and opportunities that ensure to a renewed hope“ even as he expressed the hope to work with the media partners on a stronger scale than ever before, “as we together aspire for greater cooperation and a more productive and rewarding future and country.“

Institutional and Individual media practitioners at the event were clearly appreciative of the efforts of Julius Berger in relating with the press even as they pledge to continue to oil the wheel of progressive relationship with the company.

The national Secretary of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Comrade Shuaibu Usman Leman who represented the NUJ President and delivered the goodwill message of the NUJ at the event, said, “For us in the NUJ, this parley is a welcome development seen as a very creative and working strategy; it is an integral part of your approach towards meaningfully improving the relationship between Julius Berger and the larger society using the media.“ Comrade Shuaibu Usman Leman called the Julius Berger annual media parley “a strategy geared towards building a stronger synergy between the press, Nigerians and the company for the development of Nigeria,“ adding that the idea and implementation of the Julius Berger media parley serves to amplify the serious efforts of the company in contributing to harmonious social engagement for a more informed, peaceful and progressive society within the developmental aspirations of ‘Project Nigeria.‘ “We appreciate Julius Berger for the invitation and we urge the company to continue to uphold the high professional standards and premium quality of work you are known for,“ Comrade Shuaibu said.

On her part, in delivering the goodwill message from the Executive Management of the Nigerian Television Authority, the Director, News, Hajiya Halima Musa, Mni, celebrateted Julius Berger as having, by the company’s annual media parley, created a veritable ‘Meeting Point‘ for busy media practitioners who for the most time do not socialise with each other to engage outside of their hectic and sometimes all-engaging schedules. For this, Hajiya thanked the Executive Management of Julius Berger, urging journalists to give meaningful coverage to Julius Berger’s works and social activities even as she urged for transparency and accountability.

The executive Director of the Leadership newspaper, Christian Ochiama also thanked the company for it‘s proactive media engagement policy and prayed for the continuing success of Julius Berger.

The Lagos event had the company’s Head of Media Relations, Prince Moses Duku delivering the address of the Executive Management to the media practioners and executives.

Wole Olajide of Stockswatch magazine summed up the views of the media in Lagos thus: “…in fairness to the company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc has contributed a lot to the quality delivery of notable infrastructures in this country. As critical as the Nigerian Press is, I do not see any dissenting voice coming up against the popular viewpoint that Julius Berger Nigeria is central to Nigeria’s infrastructural development in all ramifications. We very objectively hail Julius Berger that has guaranteed quality and timely delivery of critical infrastructures in the land.“

Mr. Wole further said, “…Also, I must not fail to mention that this innovative annual end-of-year Julius Berger Management/Media parley event has continued to assist a very transparent, mutually respectful, and helpful relationship between the very independent Nigerian Press and the company. It is worth emulating by other serious corporate brands in the country. But we understand; Julius Berger is the sector,s leading brand.“

Also present from Julius Berger at the Lagos event were Project Coordinator, Lagos-Sagamu Expressway, Engr. Fatima Kosemani, Senior Executive, Strategic Business Development, Mrs Ndifreke Ukochio as well as other staff of the engineering construction company including Emmanuel Isibor, Mobolaji Ogunyemi, , Kelly Idemudia, Teniola Oladapo and Peace Onuoha.



Gov. Zulum assures NDLEA of enhanced partnership as Marwa rallies Borno stakeholders



Borno state governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum has assured the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA of his commitment to bolstering the current partnership between his government and the anti-narcotics agency to achieve the goal of a drug free society across all 27 local council areas of the state.


Prof. Zulum gave the assurance when he hosted the Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (Retd) who was in Borno for a three-day war against drug abuse, WADA, advocacy visit to mobilise relevant stakeholders to take ownership of the fight against substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking.


While commending the governor for his remarkable achievements in office, Marwa briefed him on the purpose of his visit as part of his ongoing social advocacy sensitization efforts across the country to engage with stakeholders with a view to cascading WADA efforts at the national level down to the grassroots and communities. He said everything must be done to drastically reduce demand for illicit drugs and cut down access and availability of psychoactive substances because of the nexus between illicit drugs and the security challenges facing the state and the country as a whole.


Governor Zulum in his response acknowledged Marwa’s inspiring leadership qualities everywhere he had served including Borno as the state’s former military governor and his commitment to the drug fight. He assured the NDLEA boss of the readiness of his government to strengthen and enlarge the existing collaboration in the interest of law and order as well as humanity.


While on his advocacy visit to the palace of Shehu of Borno, Abubakar Ibn Umar Garba Elkanemi, the NDLEA chairman urged the respected monarch to continue his support for the fight against illicit drugs while calling for drug test for intending couples as part of conditions for the conduct of weddings. He said this will discourage a lot of young people from going into substance abuse. In his response, the Shehu assured Marwa that all the 59 district heads under his emirate and the Chief Imam of Borno, Alhaji Zanna Laisu Ibrahim Ahmad present at the meeting will go back to their domains to implement the idea including setting up of drug control committees in their communities.


The same understanding was equally reached in another engagement with the Council of Ulamas led by the Chief Imam, Zanna Laisu Ibrahim Ahmad. The idea was equally endorsed by the Christian community in another meeting held with leaders of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, in Borno. Chairman of CAN in the state, Most Rev Dr. John Bogna Bakeni while commending Marwa’s integrity, hardwork and selfless service to humanity said “the Christian community in Borno is ever ready to partner with you and your agency on this course because government alone can’t fight the drug scourge.”


Marwa and his delegation also made a stop over at the Headquarters Joint Task Force (North East) Operation Hadin Kai, where he encouraged the Theatre Commander, Major General Gold Chibuisi and his commanding officers to continue their support, patriotism and sacrifice for the nation. He called for more collaboration with NDLEA to cut off access to illicit drugs by insurgents as well as drug test and sensitization lectures for troops on the dangers of illicit substances to their wellbeing. Major Gen. Chibuisi in his response promised to make the drug fight part of the counter-insurgency efforts while increasing partnership with the anti-narcotics agency.


In his meeting with chairmen of local government areas in the state, Marwa charged them on collaboration as the agency prepares to establish presence in all the local councils across the country in the coming year. The state Commissioner for Local Government and Emirate Affairs, Hon. Sugun Mai Mele and the LGA bosses assured of their preparedness while offering suggestions on how the synergy will work.

Also speaking during an advocacy visit to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Maiduguri, Prof. Aliyu Shugaba and his management team, the NDLEA boss called for drug test for fresh and returning students to discourage those with disposition to abuse illicit substances. While asking that the school’s counselling unit be strengthened to be able to respond to early signs of drug abuse, Marwa also assured that “we’ll like to work with the university to fish out members of the university community selling illicit drugs.”


In his response, Prof. Shugaba said “drug test is a great idea. We share and buy the idea and believe it will reduce drug abuse. The drug problem is of a serious concern in the university because most of those arrested for theft and other vices are found to be on drugs. As such, we will take your suggestions and implement them immediately.” He called for the setting up of an NDLEA Post on the campus and a Memorandum of Understanding between the university and the agency.


A stakeholders meeting was later held at the Indimi Hall of the university where Marwa and his team had interactions with members of other security agencies, students, transport unions, women groups, Youth Corp members, civil society organisations and many others.


Femi Babafemi

Director, Media & Advocacy

NDLEA Headquarters Abuja

Wednesday 15th November 2023



Kano High Court jails Benjamin Okechukwu Udeagwu and Benjamin Amos Olamide for internet- related offences

A Kano State High Court presided over by Honorable Justice Ibrahim Musa Karaye has convicted and sentenced two fraudsters, Benjamin Okechukwu Udeagwu and Benjamin Amos Olamide to three years imprisonment for internet- related offences.

They were jailed after pleading guilty to one- count separate charges bordering on internet fraud upon their arraignment by the Kano Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.

The charge against Udeagwu reads: “That You, Benjamin Okechukwu Udeagwu sometime in September, 2023 in Kano within the jurisdiction of the High Court of Kano with intent to defraud, obtained the sum of $50 by fraudulently impersonating as Brad George a citizen of United States of America which pretence you knew to be false and you thereby committed an offence of cheating by personation contrary to Section 321 of the Penal Code Law and punishable under Section 324 of same law.”

The charge against Olamide reads: “That you Benjamin Amos Olamide ‘m’ sometime in 2022 at Kano, Kano State, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, did dishonestly induce unsuspecting victims to deliver to you a total sum of $500 ( Five Hundred dollars only) to you as Terry Vince who lives in United States of America, through a gmail account waytospace420cgmail.com which presence you knew to be false and thereby committed an offence of cheating contrary to Section 320 of the Penal Code Law of Kano State and punishable under Section 322 of the same law”

In view of their pleas, EFCC’s counsels, Abubakar Hassan Elbadawi and Fatima Mustapha prayed the court to convict and sentence them accordingly.

Counsels for the defendants, M.J Ella and M.E Ogah pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy, stressing that “the defendants were first- time offenders and have regretted their actions”.

Justice Karaye convicted and sentenced Udeagwu to one year imprisonment or an option of fine of N20, 000 (Twenty Thousand Naira only).

Olamide, on the other hand, was convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment with an option of fine of N20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira only).

The two convicts bagged their imprisonment when they were arrested by operatives of the EFCC for impersonation and internet- related offences. They were charged to court and convicted.

Media & Publicity

November 14, 2023.


EFCC arraigns Oladipo Jimoh alongside his firm, Barma Energy Resources Limited,

The Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, arraigned one Oladipo Jimoh alongside his firm, Barma Energy Resources Limited, before Justice Mojisola Dada of the Special Offences Court sitting in Ikeja, Lagos on two-count charges bordering on stealing to the tune of $60, 334.59 (Sixty Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty Four Dollars, Fifty Nine Cents).

Count one reads: “Oladipo Bankole Jimoh and Barma Energy Resources Limited, sometime between 11th October, 2022 and July 2023 in Lagos, within the Ikeja Judicial Division, dishonestly converted to your own use the sum of $47,534.59, property of Vale Blue Limited.”

Count two reads: “Oladipo Bankole Jimoh and Barma Energy Resources Limited, sometime between 11th October 2022 and July 2023 in Lagos, within the Ikeja Judicial Division, dishonestly converted to your own use the sum of $12,800, property of Vale Blue Limited.”

He pleaded “not guilty” to the two- count charges when they were read to him.

Following his plea, prosecution counsel, G.C. Akaogu, prayed the court for a trial date to enable the prosecution to prove its case against the defendants.

“We also pray that the defendant be remanded at a Correctional Centre,” he said. However, defence counsel, A.K. Akpabio, informed the court of the bail application filed on behalf of her clients.

“We pray that the defendant be remanded in the EFCC custody until the bail is perfected,” she said.

Justice Dada admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N200 million, with two sureties in like sum.

The sureties must be gainfully employed and each must have N100 million in his/her account or a valued landed property.

Justice Dada held that “the defendant shall be remanded at the Correctional Centre pending the perfection of his bail.”

The judge also ruled that “in view of the fact that there are no Correctional officers in court today, due to security reasons, the defendant shall temporarily be remanded in the EFCC custody.”

The case was adjourned till February 12, 2024 for commencement of trial.

Media & Publicity

November 14, 2023.



EFCC arraigns Aisha for criminal misappropriation


The Maiduguri Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, arraigned Aisha Sabo before Justice Fadima Murtala Aminu of the Federal High Court, Damaturu, Yobe State on one -count charge bordering on criminal misappropriation to the tune of N10,473,500.00 (Ten Million, Four Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred Naira).

The lone-count charge reads: “That you Aisha Sabo on or about March, 2022 at Damaturu, Yobe State within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court directly converts the aggregate sum of N10,473,500.00 (Ten Million, Four Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred Naira) which you reasonably ought to have known that it forms part of proceeds of an unlawful act to wit: criminal misappropriation and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 18 (2) (b) of the Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022 and punishable under Section 18 (3) of the same Act.”

The defendant pleaded ‘not guilty’ to the charge when it was read to her.

EFCC Counsel, Muhktar Ali Ahmed, thereafter prayed the court for a trial date while defence counsel, M.M Ngumurumi applied for the bail of the defendant.

Justice Fadima adjourned the matter till January 24, 2024 for commencement of trial and admitted the defendant to bail with two sureties who must be resident in any local government area of Yobe State.

She further ordered that one of the sureties must be a traditional or religious leader, while the second surety must be a reasonable person in Yobe State. All the sureties are to be verified by the EFCC.

Sabo was arrested by operatives of the Maiduguri Zonal Command of the EFCC for converting N10, 473,500.00 belonging to a petitioner to her own use.

Media & Publicity

November 14, 2023.



November 15, 2023

Press Statement

Nigeria Sliding into Totalitarianism, Anarchy – PDP Raises Alarm

…Says Nation’s Democracy, Unity in Danger

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) raises alarm to Nigerians and the International Community that the nation is dangerously sliding into totalitarianism and anarchy under the brazenly repressive and anti-people All Progressives Congress (APC) administration.

The PDP alerts of attempts and actions of a cabal within the Presidency to emasculate the Institutions of Democracy in Nigeria, especially the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the Judiciary in the desperation to foist a one-Party State on Nigerians.

This unfolding anti-democratic scenario is not only evident in the manipulation of elections but also in the conflicting judgments by electoral Courts, especially some Election Appeal Court Panels which judgments are in conflict with the express provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), the Electoral Act, 2022, INEC’s Guidelines and Regulations for elections.

What is more worrisome is that these obnoxiously contradictory judgments are targeted at the PDP to the effect that elections that were clearly won by PDP candidates are snatched away at the Courts and awarded to defeated candidates of the APC contrary to the provisions of the Law.

Aside from the preponderance of such ugly scenarios in Plateau State, the conduct and outcome of certain election petitions in Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi, Nasarawa and other States of the nation where PDP was robbed of victory through the Courts are pointers to a systemic emasculation of the opposition in a bid to impose a one-Party State and pave way for totalitarianism in the country.

This situation is a clear and present danger to the sustenance of Nigeria’s democracy, unity, political stability and corporate existence as a nation, which is capable of breeding agitation, citizens loss of confidence in the system, restiveness, anarchy and chaos.

Democracy must be allowed to thrive as the government of the people as expressed by their Will at elections. Any intrusion, breach, violation and/or transgression against that expressed Will as being witnessed today under the APC is a clear recipe for serious political crisis and portends grave consequences for our country.

It is therefore imperative to draw the attention of Nigerians and the whole world to the undermining and crippling of democracy and the danger our nation is facing at this moment.

The PDP calls on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as the custodian of the government to come clean by speaking out and denouncing any attempt or action that is capable of stifling democracy, the Rule of Law and muzzling of the independence of the Judiciary which is suggestive of a fait accompli on election matters pending before the Courts.

Our Party urges the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) and the President of the Court of Appeal to step in and assert the independence of the judiciary at this critical time for the defence and sustenance of democracy and the Rule of Law in Nigeria

The PDP charges Nigerians and indeed all lovers of democracy across the world to rise to the occasion, speak out and take urgent legitimate steps to defend, protect and preserve our hard-earned Democracy from the onslaught of the APC.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary

  • Appeal Court Ruling: Sanwo-Olu hails Judiciary, recommits self to Greater Lagos Agenda


With sense of humility, I welcome the decision of the Court of Appeal, which ruled today in our favour, thereby validating the position of Lagosians who freely cast their ballots to return my deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat and I as Governor and Deputy Governor of our dear State. We do not take it for granted.


Today’s judicial pronouncements, like those of the Lagos State Elections Petition Tribunal, have buoyed my confidence in our country’s judicial system. The Court examined all the  issues and did justice to them, without leaving anyone in doubt as to who is the rightful winner of the   election.


Our party, the All Progressives Congress(APC) will continue to maintain its firm belief in the judicial process.

My deputy and I have satisfied all the constitutional requirements and are now more focused on delivering the democratic dividends to our people.


With deep gratitude to the Almighty God, I humbly accept today’s Appeal Court verdict, with a sense of responsibility and a desire to continue with the giant strides of our administration so as to leave a great legacy for our people.


The judicial victory has further strengthened my resolve to impact the lives of Lagos residents positively, regardless of their political persuasion, in line with our THEMES+ development agenda.


We urge our opponents to embrace the olive branch and join our sure march to the Greater Lagos that keeps rising by the day.


May God bless Lagos State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Babajide Sanwo-Olu

15th November, 2023.




President Bola Tinubu will, on Thursday, join other Heads of State and Government in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, to celebrate the country’s 50th Independence Anniversary and Armed Forces Day.

President Tinubu will arrive in Bissau on Thursday for the ceremony, which will be hosted by President Umaro Sissoco Embalo.

Guinea-Bissau marked its 50th Independence Anniversary on September 24, 2023, but the Government had scheduled all celebrations for November 16, 2023.

The President is expected to return to Nigeria on Thursday.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

November 15, 2023


NBA commends EFCC on its adherence to the rule of law in the fight against economic and financial crimes and other acts of corruption.

The Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, has commended the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC on its adherence to the rule of law in the fight against economic and financial crimes and other acts of corruption.


It gave this commendation on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 when a delegation of the Association led by the Chairperson, Human Right Committee of the NBA, Benin Branch, Edo State, Ebehitale Osarumwense paid a courtesy visit to the Benin Zonal Command of the EFCC.

According to Osarumwense, the dedication of the Commission in keeping faith with the rule of law in combating economic and financial crimes is commendable, urging it to intensify efforts in responding to petitions from the public.

“We appreciate you for accepting to engage with us in this meaningful dialogue. The relationship between our organization and yours has come a long way, I felt this was an opportunity to familiarize and further strengthen the existing cordial relationship between us”, she said.

Responding, the Benin Zonal Commander of EFCC, Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE1 Kanu Idagu said the Executive Chairman of the Commission , Ola Olukoyede upon resumption of office, has stressed the need for professionalism, integrity and the supremacy of the rule of law in the works of the EFCC.

He pointed out that the EFCC is a creation of the law and guided by the law. He urged lawyers to always verify claims made by their clients against the EFCC in order not to be misled.

“Our activities are in line with the rule of law. There is nothing we are going to do that will be at odds with the law. So, I want to urge you to always verify claims made by your clients against the EFCC in order not to be misled because the EFCC has zero tolerance for corruption and will not condone any act of professional misconduct in any of its personnel”, he said.

Media & Publicity

November 13, 2023




Court jails eight internet fraudsters Edo State


The Benin Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC on November 6, 2023 secured the conviction and sentencing of eight internet fraudsters to various jail terms by Justice Efe Isoken Ikponmwonba of the Federal High Court sitting in Benin, Edo State.

The convicts are: Pele Osai Wisdom, Olise Godspower Iknna , Okeke Benjamin Chinazor , Macdonald Iriaremhen Onajasike, Prince Joshua, Jethro Saapila , Gilbert Nelson Onyeka and Ojo Osatohhanmwen Favour.

They were jailed after pleading guilty to one- count separate charge bordering on obtaining under false pretense and unlawful possession of fraudulent documents.

One of the charges reads: “That you Pele Ossai Wisdom ( a.k.a Dickson Orakh ) sometimes between 19th February 2020 and 10th June 2020 in Ekpoma within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court with intent to defraud did obtain the aggregate sum of N3, 374,96.53 from one Dawn Aschenbrenner, a Canadian national under the pretense that the said money is the legal fee of one Emma Marcus who defrauded her of the sum of $213.832 which pretense you knew is false and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 1(1) (a) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act ,2006 and punishable under Section 1(3)of the same Act.

The convicts, upon their arraignment on October 6, 2023, pleaded guilty to their respective charges when read to them, prompting EFCC’s counsels: I.M Elodi, I.K Agwai, Salihu Ahmed and KY Bello to pray the court to convict and sentence them accordingly.

In her judgment, Justice Ikponmwonba convicted and sentenced Pele Ossai Wisdom to 12 months’ imprisonment with an option of N200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) fine. He also forfeited the cash sum of N3,374.96.53 (Three Million, Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Ninety-Six Naira, Fifty-Three kobo) refund to Dawn Aschenbrenner, a Canadian national through the EFCC.

Onyeka, Iknna , Chinazor and Favour were sentenced to three years imprisonment with an option of N200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) fine. The duo of Joshua and Onajasike bagged two years imprisonment with an option of N100,000 (One Hundred Thousand naira) fine. Similarly, Saapila bagged two years imprisonment with an option of N300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand Naira) fine.

In addition, the convicts forfeited mobile phones, laptops and money in their bank accounts, being proceeds of crimes to the Federal government of Nigeria.

The convicts started their journey to the Correctional Centre when they were arrested by operatives of the Commission based on actionable intelligence on their alleged internet fraud-related activities. They were charged to court and convicted.

Media & Publicity

November 13, 2023



CBN To Allow Old Design Naira Banknotes As Legal Tender, Ad Infinitum


Please recall that the Central Bank of Nigeria introduced the redesign of N200, N500 and N1,000 denominations in October 2022 and certain deadlines were set for the old design of these denominations to cease as legal tenders. Without prejudice, the Central Bank of Nigeria wishes to inform the general public of its desire to extend the legal tender status deadline of the old design of N200, N500 and N1,000 denominations, ad infinitum. This is in line with international best practices and to forestall a repeat of earlier experiences. Thus, all banknotes issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), in accordance with Section 20(5) of the CBN Act 2007, will continue to remain legal tender, ad infinitum, even beyond the initial December 31, 2023, deadline. The Central Bank of Nigeria is working with the relevant authorities to vacate the subsisting court ruling on the same subject. Accordingly, all CBN branches across the country will continue to issue and accept all denominations of Nigerian banknotes, old and redesigned, to and from deposit money banks (DMBs). The general public is enjoined to continue to accept all Naira banknotes (old or redesigned) for day-to-day transactions and handle these banknotes with utmost care, to safeguard and protect the lifecycle of the banknotes. Also, the general public is encouraged to embrace alternative modes of payment, e-channels, for day-to-day transactions.


Isa AbdulMumin PhD

Director, Corporate Communications November 14, 2023


Omo-Agege Congratulates Gov. Uzodinma, Ododo; Thanks President Tinubu, Ganduje-Led APC NEC; And Commends Imo, Kogi Electorate For Supporting APC

The Deputy President of the 9th Senate, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege heartily congratulates the Executive Governor of Imo State, His Excellency, Senator Hope Uzodinma and Governor-elect of Kogi State, Alhaji Usman Ododo on their decisive electoral victories in the just concluded gubernatorial elections in their respective states.

The former Deputy Senate President notes with profound joy that Governor Uzodinma’s emphatic success at the polls is a clear testament to the overwhelming confidence reposed in him by Imolites who see him work tirelessly daily for their common good. As his dear brother and friend with untiring capacity to do great things by the power of God, Senator Omo-Agege trusts that Governor Uzodinma is primed to do much more amazing things to lift up his good people, and prays that God guides him all the way.

Equally, Senator Omo-Agege is pleased that working with the good people of Kogi State and trusted leaders across the Kogi landscape, His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello and the Governor-elect, Alhaji Ododo stood firm to provide wise, focused and strategic leadership for the All Progressives Congress, APC, to win the governorship election in Kogi State. It is his sincere prayer that God will guide Mr. Governor-elect to lead Kogi well.

Senator Omo-Agege also extends his warm congratulations to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, for allowing his credentials as a great democrat and statesman to speak eloquently for themselves in these off cycle elections, as he easily played the role of the ‘Father of All’ to further strengthen public confidence in our democracy. He equally extends his sincere congratulations to His Excellency, Dr. Umar Ganduje (APC’s National Chairman) and the entire members of the National Executive Committee of the party for their resourceful leadership at this crucial time of these elections.


Sunny Areh

(Media Adviser to Senator Ovie Omo-Agege)





President Bola Tinubu, on Monday night, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, advanced negotiations concerning a multi-billion dollar infrastructure finance facility from the Islamic Development Bank to fund a multi-sectoral portfolio of infrastructure projects at the federal and sub-national levels in Nigeria.

This development was the outcome of substantive investment discussions held between President Tinubu and the Vice-President (Country Programs) of the Islamic Development Bank, Dr. Mansur Muhtar, after the President’s return from evening prayers.

“Nigeria is the candle of hope that will light the way for Africa. And once Africa is illuminated, the world will be a brighter place for all of humanity. We are determined to create a future for our gifted youths. Investments in Nigeria will be among the world’s most high-yielding. Investor money will flow easily in and out of our country. Processes will be seamless. And your bank has always been a faithful partner in progress.

“We have serious deficits in port infrastructure, power infrastructure, and agro-allied facilities that will enable sustainable food security in our country. These deficits present unrivalled opportunity for savvy investors in a market that is by far the largest on the continent. Yes, we had the vision to enable Lekki Deep Seaport before others saw it. We must be bold again.

“We inherited serious liabilities, but also assets from our predecessors. We do not make any excuses. There are several sectors replete with investment opportunity for smart investors. Access to finance and guarantees can be a hindrance in some cases. You can come in there. We see you as a critical enabler. You have partnered with us before. We want to scale it up now and do much more with greater ambition and clear vision,” the President stated.

Noting the historic essence of President Tinubu’s swift and decisive economic reforms, the Vice-President of the Islamic Development Bank said the financial world has been monitoring events in Nigeria and has concluded that Africa’s largest economy means business this time.

“Mr. President, we know you inherited a very tough set of circumstances. It is to your credit that you have taken very bold steps without delay. We are ready to work with you. We are ready to support big investments in Nigeria. We agree that if Nigeria succeeds, Africa succeeds. And the world needs Africa to succeed.

“The Islamic Development Bank President announced the provision of $50 billion U.S. Dollars of new investment for the African continent from the Arab Coordination Group (ACG). This was announced at the Saudi-Arab-African Economic Summit. As the largest market and the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria will certainly receive a significant share. We look forward to supporting Nigeria’s economic transformation,” the Islamic Development Bank Vice-President said.

The President concluded by thanking the Islamic Development Bank management while pledging the unwavering commitment of his administration to win investors’ trust and confidence, just as he did in Lagos State many years ago.

Members of the Nigerian delegation present at the meeting in Mecca were: Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State; Governor Dikko Radda of Katsina State; Governor Umar Bago of Niger State; Minister of Budget & Economic Planning, Senator Atiku Bagudu, and others.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

November 14, 2023




President Bola Tinubu has condoled with the family of retired soldier, broadcaster, and veteran actor, Usman Baba Pategi (Samanja), who died on Sunday at 84.

The President described the death of the popular thespian as a painful loss, saying he contributed to the country through the various vocations he pursued in his lifetime.

“The late Pategi chose to obey the call to national duty when the country needed his service. His television show, Samanja, was must-watch entertainment for decades. Through the show, he taught young citizens national values and respect for our servicepeople. He was a patriot who left behind several indelible impressions,” the President said.

President Tinubu encouraged the Pategi family, the people and governments of Niger and Kwara states, the Pategi Emirate Council, and members of the Nigerian entertainment industry to take comfort in the worthy legacy of the deceased.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

November 14, 2023





“For Julius Berger, there is no challenge that has been too big, and no …The 2023 edition of the Julius Berger Group Investors Forum held recently via zoom with stakeholders and shareholders satisfied with the growth trajectory of the leading engineering construction company.

While providing participants at the forum with an update on Julius Berger’s business performance, strategy and operations in the 2023, as well as speaking to the outlook for the business of the company, the Managing Director, Engr Dr Lars Richter confidently said: “The company is transiting to a conglomerate by continually driving growth across our core businesses and our subsidiaries, through which we deliver value-added services along the entire value chain of the construction industry.”

According to Richter, “…our core business, which is our first pillar, continues to achieve stable growth and upholds our standards as Nigeria’s leading and most innovative construction company. We continue to drive economic growth and expansion in the country through our infrastructure projects, as well as development of industries through our building arm.” On the transnational expansion of the company’s business operations, the Managing Director said that “…We are expanding our value delivery to other regions of the continent, and we will continue to maintain our performance standards and drive innovation in the construction industry,” adding that, “the projects in our core business significantly contribute to economic growth and expansion, creating more efficient routes that drive trade and commerce and foster industry development.”

He said Julius Berger has a proven history of consistent performance and value delivery. Underscoring this, Richter highlighted the company’s measured expansion into a conglomerate, a development which he said, “has progressed with our diversification efforts through the launch of our cashew product, which is export market driven, coupled with growth in our subsidiaries.”

On the company’s performance within the period, the Managing Director said there was growth even as he was confident of greater performance beyond the period. Richter said, “Our top and bottom lines grew in the first half of the year, building on a very strong 2022 performance where we achieved record growth in turnover. On the back of this, we have sustained shareholder value delivery through the payments of dividends, alongside having a sound and robust governance as a key pillar of our business. We have achieved broad-based progress, notwithstanding the challenging environment, which speaks very highly of our resilience as a company.”

Stressing that Julius Berger’s over 50 years of operation has consolidated with it a reputation for renowned quality delivery in the country and beyond, creating value for its stakeholders, the Managing Director declared that the company’s strategy has been resilient, expanding its portfolio over the decades. Continuing, the Managing Director assured all of management’s determination to ensure positive transition of the company to “a conglomerate.” Giving an insight into the company’s planned transition into a conglomerate, Richter further revealed: “…at the heart of our conglomerate transition is our diversification pillar, which we successfully kick-started in 2020 through the cashew processing business. We expect to reap significant benefits from our diversification efforts in the medium to long-term. We have achieved notable success so far, including exporting processed cashews to the international market…. We are also looking at other sectors like healthcare, where we can create added value.”

On the Bodo-Bonny Road project and the Second River Niger Bridge, according to the MD, the company continues to make progress in constructing the first road link between Bonny Island and the mainland in River State even as he added that construction continues at a good pace on the milestone project and looks forward to the completion of the project to support the continued advancement of Bonny Island and the Niger Delta in its entirety.

On the recently completed and commissioned Second River Niger Bridge, the Managing Director described it as a key national infrastructure with immense socioeconomic benefits for the contiguous states and indeed the entire nation just as he said the Abuja Kano Road where sections thereof were recently commissioned, only the Abuja to Kaduna section is yet to be completed because of banditry on that section of the busy highway all through last year.

The Managing Director also spoke of other projects such building projects in Lagos, the iconic architectural edifice, the worship centre in Uyo, contributions to the gas and oil business with Julius Berger’s unique construction expertise, as well as the company’s highly effective facility management works by which the company contributes as well to maintenance and refurbishment especially in Lagos and in Abuja.

For Julius Berger’s subsidiaries, Richter said, remarkable progress and development are being made even as he said that the company plans to sustain the trajectory through the continued provision of exceptional service and products to its clientele and the introduction of new products and services to the market.

On Julius Berger’s sustainability and governence policy, Richter said sustainability is embedded in the company’s business, adding that sustainable business is the best business. “We constantly assess the impact of our operations and actively generate shared value for our company, employees, communities, and in the region where we operate. We support and have embodied within our processes the 15 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We also prioritise environmental sustainability and have mechanisms in place that monitor emissions and manage waste,” he further said

On the company’s corporate governence policy, Richter said: “We have an effective enterprise risk management process, adhere to reporting standards and regulations and consistently engage with all our stakeholders. We also recently established a board strategy committee to place strategy at the heart of our sustainability and resilience. Our board recognises the importance of sustainability for long-term value creation.”




Speaking on the community engagement policy of the company, the Managing Director said: “We also maintain a robust Corporate Social Responsibility operation through various initiatives that focus on community welfare, employee development, diversity, and inclusion amongst other social initiatives. Some of our CSR initiatives include the provision of classroom buildings and school furniture as well as scholarships to students in construction-related departments across Nigeria’s universities. The MD added that, Julius Berger also has a food and medical donation policy during critical emergencies in the company’s operational sites and regions.

Speaking on the financial highlights of the company within the period to provide additional information to participants at the Forum, Director of Finance, Christian Hausemann said due to management’s rigorous cost management, gross profit, operating profit, and pre-tax margins have improved compared to 2022, despite the local and global inflation environment.

Hausemann said, both of the company’s assets and equity “have recorded very positive trends.” Hausemann added that the company invested in property, plant, and equipment to support its growth and diversification strategy. “The upward trend in return on equity continued and is recorded at an annualised rate of 15.8% as of June, which demonstrates JBN’s ability to create value for its shareholders,” he said. Saying “We are on the right track”, the Financial Director, Hausemann further added that the company’s return on assets which was negatively affected in 2020 rebounded positively from 2021 to 2023, reflecting a sustained upward trend in Julius Berger’s business activity.

At the Questions and Answers session, both Richter, the Managing Director, and Hausemann, the Financial Director, cleared any doubts whatsoever coming from shareholders amidst pledges to deliver greater dividends by year ending and going forward.

Representatives of Julius Berger at the Investors Forum were: Managing Director, Lars Richter, Director, Administration, Zubairu Bayi, Director Corporate Development, Tobias Meletschus, Company Secretary, Mrs Cecilia Mahueke, Finance Manager, Miss Joy Isen and Chief Risk Officer, Mrs Shakira Mustapha, with shareholders, including Oluwatosin Kalejaiye and Dele Akande actively participating.


Delta leaders praise Tinubu, congratulate Igbuya, call ex-speaker Okpe’s greatest asset

Key leaders in Delta State on Sunday praised President Bola Tinubu for increasing the reputation of the country’s ruling party in Delta State through the appointment of former Secretary to Delta State Government, Mr Chiedu Ebie and the former speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya.

They also described Tinubu’s action as wise and good.

‘’This is the best thing that has happened to us. We are very pleased with this development’’.

In a statement in Asaba, the highly respected leaders urged Igbuya to chart a new direction for the people, provide basic infrastructure and put in place structures that will stimulate growth and development in the oil rich state.

Particularly, the leaders urged Igbuya to focus on substantive issues which relate to the welfare of the people and the development of the state.

They listed education, employment, provision of roads and potable water, healthcare and rural electrification as key issues that must be addressed by the Commission.

The statement by the Chairman of Delta Unity Forum, Darlington Ebireri, described the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) representative as honest, decent and excellent politician.

‘’We value the exceptional.  Rt Hon Igbuya has roundly demonstrated that he is a grassroots politician, patriot and one with a genuine love for Delta State’’.

The statement listed quickness in decision making, intellectual perception and leadership as the qualities of the former speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly.

It also listed generosity, a deep affection and concern for his people and consideration for women.

The statement emphasised how much the action of the former speaker contributed to the greatness of Delta State and produced so many beneficial results.

It also emphasised the former speaker’s personal magnetism, forthright manner, courage, dignity and success.


Atiku’s petition against Tinubu: Supreme Court fixes date for hearing


The Supreme Court has fixed the date for the hearing petition of Abubarkar Atiku, the Peoples Democratic Party’s candidate in the 2023 presidential election, against President Bola Tinubu’s election.

The apex court fixed Monday, October 23 for the hearing of the case.

The PDP candidate on September 19 filed 35 grounds appeal challenging the verdict of the presidential election petitions which upheld Tinubu’s victory in the election.


The five-member panel headed by Justice Hassan Tsammani on September 6 dismissed the petitions filed by Atiku and his Labour Party counterpart, Peter Obi, for lack of merit.

The former Vice President had also applied to the Supreme Court to file fresh evidence obtained from the Chicago State University against the president.

Atiku has continued to insist that Tinubu’s academic records are fraught with discrepancies and forgery and asked the apex court to kick him out of office.




… Lagos Progress lies in the empowerment, participation of women, says Sanwo-Olu



As the 23rd edition of the National Women’s Conference organized by the Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), ends today, a new landlady of a 3-bedroom apartment in the Sangotedo area of Lagos State and a brand-new GAC salon car owner, have emerged in the Raffle Draw section of the Conference, among other star prize winners.



The winner of the 3-bedroom apartment at LagosHoms, Sangotedo, Mrs. Adu Oluwatoyin, was announced by Governor Sanwo-Olu after spinning the Raffle Draw Box to pick the winning number, While the winner of a brand-new GAC salon car;

Mrs. Ibitoye Kudirat was announced by the Chairman of COWLSO and the wife of the Governor, Dr. Mrs. Claudiana Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu uses the same process.



Aside the above winners, two other participants at the Conference won travel tickets worth N1.5Million and N2.5Million respectively, in addition to other winners of different household items.



Addressing the participants at the closing ceremony of the 2023 edition of the National Women’s Conference (NWC) of the Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), on Thursday, Governor Sanwo-Olu reiterated that the theme of the Conference, “Unleash Your Potential,” is a reminder that everyone possesses the ability to make a difference, no matter the background or circumstances.



The Governor who congratulated the various Raffle Draw winners, especially the new homeowner who is one of the delegates from Ondo State, said that the emergency of Mrs. Adu as the winner of the three-bedroom apartment shows that the Raffle Draw process was transparent and open.



Sanwo-Olu, represented at the event by the Secretary to the State Government, Barr.  Bimbola Salu-Hundeyin, said that the various women and other individuals who were recognized at the event by COWLSO, are shining examples of what it means to unleash one’s potential, by making us believe that anything is possible with determination, resilience, and a heart full of passion.



“Oluwatimileyin Edwin, Adamson Basirat Oriyomi, and Hajiya Idayaa, we salute your unwavering dedication to the betterment of our society. Your stories and achievements serve as a beacon of hope for all, particularly the young women who aspire to reach greater heights. Your hard work, leadership, and your pursuit of excellence have left an indelible mark on Lagos State and the nation as a whole.



“We did not forget the invaluable contributions of the outstanding men who have received recognition in this conference for their unwavering commitment to the development of Lagos State. Hakeem Muri-Okunola, the immediate past Head of Service of Lagos State, and Mr. Ayo Subair, the Executive Chairman of the Lagos Internal Revenue Service, have been champions in ensuring the progress and prosperity of our great state.” Sanwo-Olu stated.



The Governor emphasized that the progress of Lagos State, and indeed any society, is intrinsically tied to the empowerment and participation of its women. ‘It is not a question of if women should have a seat at the table; it is recognizing that they have always been essential to its foundation,’ Sanwo-Olu stated.



He urged the participants at the conference to embrace the spirit of empowerment and the belief that their potential is boundless, either as a professional, a businesswoman, a mother, or a leader, your potential is boundless.



“Let us leave this Conference with the commitment to unleash our potential and be the catalysts for the change that Lagos State and Nigeria needs. Let us continue to work together, irrespective of gender, to build a brighter, more equitable future for all. I wish all of you a safe journey back to your respective destinations.”



In his remarks to close the National Women’s Conference, the Governor of Bauchi State, Senator Bala Abdeulkadir represented by his Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon. Mohammed Auwal Jatau commended COWLSO for conceptualizing and executing an exceptional conference, noting that this initiative poised towards empowering women, promoting gender equality and fostering the spirit of collaboration among other States is highly commendable.



He noted that all hands must be on deck to confront Gender inequality and other women-related barriers that exist, emphasizing the need for equal opportunities for women in all facets of life. “Prompt action is required to eliminate the various obstacles women face” He added.



The Deputy Governor stressed that the various conversations discussed at the conference will further inspire women and lead to meaningful change and progress in the lives of women across the Federation.



Earlier, the First Lady of Lady State and Chairman, Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Dr. (Mrs) Claudiana Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu explained that this year’s conference had witnessed topnotch presentations and in-depth analysis from brilliant minds and industry experts who shared their thoughts and experiences on relevant topics in furtherance of the agenda to ensure that women make the best of their strength and capabilities as pillars in our various homes and society.


She said that the conference has addressed various challenges affecting women in today’s world, expressing confidence that the various conversations at the conference will further inspire women to unleash their potentials and influence the society significantly.



The First Lady advised the women and all participants to effectively utilize the various skills and network garnered at the conference, concluding by appreciating top government functionaries, public and private partners who have collaborated with COWLSO to ensured that the 23RD National Women’s Conference is a success.


NWONAH Olubukonla

Deputy Director, Public Affairs

19 October, 2023





President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of eight ( new Chief Executive Officers for Parastatals and Agencies under the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation:

(1) National Orientation Agency (NOA) — Director-General / CEO — Mr. Lanre Issa-Onilu

(2) Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) — Director-General / CEO — Mr. Salihu Abdulhamid Dembos

(3) Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) — Director-General / CEO — Dr. Muhammed Bulama

(4) National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) — Director-General / CEO — Mr. Charles Ebuebu

(5) Voice of Nigeria (VON) — Director-General / CEO — Mr. Jibrin Baba Ndace

(6) Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON) — Director-General / CEO — Dr. Lekan Fadolapo

(7) News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) — Managing Director / CEO — Mr. Ali Muhammed Ali

( Nigerian Press Council (NPC) — Executive Secretary / CEO — Mr. Dili Ezughah

The President tasks the newly entrusted leadership in these important sub-sectors to innovate and create new opportunities for Nigerians to leverage upon through the effective reform of these key institutions of government which function to unify our people, reshape mindsets, and showcase this great nation to the rest of the world.

By these directives of the President, the above listed appointments take immediate effect.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

October 19, 2023





President Bola Tinubu has directed the withdrawal of the nomination of Engr. Imam Kashim Imam to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA).

The President’s withdrawal of the above-mentioned nomination is directed with immediate effect.

All other appointments to the Board and Executive Management team of FERMA are not affected by this directive.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

October 19, 2023





President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Mr. Muhammed Abu Ibrahim to serve as the Executive Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the National Agricultural Development Fund (NADF).

The President expects the new leadership at the Fund to successfully remove all barriers to efficient access to provisional funding in the sector for proven stakeholders nationwide who will credibly contribute to the Renewed Hope Agenda’s mandate in the attainment of complete self-sufficiency in local food production and eventual surplus export.

By this directive of the President, the above-mentioned appointment takes immediate effect.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

October 19, 2023



FG to close Third Mainland Bridge from Saturday, October 21, 2023 to Sunday, October 22, 2023 for repairs



The Federal Government on Thursday announced that the Third Mainland Bridge will be close to traffic from Saturday, October 21, 2023 to Sunday, October 22, 2023 for repairs.


The Federal Controller of Works, Lagos, Engr O. I. Kesha, who made this known in a statement, encouraged motorists to use alternative routes during the period of the palliative works.


Motorists had cried out over the deplorable state of some portions of the bridge which spans over 11.8km. The bridge reported to be the busiest in Nigeria alongside the Eko Bridge and the Carter Bridge connect Victoria Island to the mainland Lagos and has undergone several repairs in recent years.


Reacting, Kesha said the government is currently working on plans to carry out comprehensive repairs of Third Mainland Bridge.

“However, in order to alleviate the pains currently being experienced on the bridge, the Ministry would be carrying out palliative works on the most critically failed sections along the Adeniji bound carriageway on Sunday, 22nd October, 2023 preparatory to the comprehensive repair works,” the statement partly read.

“In view of the foregoing, the motoring public are advised to cooperate with the traffic management officials by obeying and observing all diversions as directed.

“However, motorists are encouraged to use alternative routes where possible during the period of the palliative works as the Adeniji bound of the bridge will be closed to traffic from Saturday ,21st October 2023 to Sunday, 22nd 12midnight.”


Tinubu appoints new NAN MD, others in the Information Ministry

President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Mr Ali Muhammed Ali as the new Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).


This is contained in a statement by Chief Ajuri Ngelale, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, on Thursday in Abuja.


The other new leadership of the departments and agencies in the Ministry of Information and National Orientation are:


(1) National Orientation Agency (NOA) — Director-General /CEO — Mr Lanre Issa-Onilu


(2) Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) — Director-General/CEO — Mr Salihu Abdulhamid Dembos


(3) Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) — Director-General/CEO — Dr Muhammed Bulama


(4) National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) — Director-General/CEO — Mr Charles Ebuebu


(5) Voice of Nigeria (VON) — Director-General / CEO — Mr Jibrin Baba Ndace


(6) Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON) — Director-General / CEO — Dr Lekan Fadolapo


(7) Nigerian Press Council (NPC) — Executive Secretary / CEO — Mr Dili Ezughah


The President tasked the new leadership to innovate and create new opportunities for Nigerians to leverage on through the effective reform of these key institutions of government.


He added that these institutions function to unify the people, reshape mindsets, and showcase Nigeria to the rest of the world.


The appointments of the new leadership take immediate effect.





  • He was an outstanding Nigerian, big Lagosian, says Lagos Governor


Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Thursday joined his Ogun State counterpart, Prince Dapo Abiodun and Chairman of Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, among other eminent Nigerians, for the funeral service of the first indigenous chartered accountant in Nigeria and elder statesman, Chief Akintola Williams.


The funeral service held at the Shell Hall of the Muson Centre, Onikan by the Wesley Cathedral Olowogbowo, Lagos, was also attended by former Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; founder of Zenith Bank, Mr. Jim Ovia and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, General Ike Nwachukwu (rtd), cap­tains of industry, bank execu­tives, bishops, priests, family, friends and associates of the deceased both home and abroad.


Speaking at the funeral service, Governor Sanwo-Olu, described the late Williams as an outstanding Nigerian and big Lagosian.


He said: “At 104, how well would you describe a man that God first blessed with a long life and for a very long time, good health, and he had shown leadership at all levels? He was an outstanding Nigerian; a man who took his professional colleagues to enviable level worldwide.


“He was also a lover of God, a churchgoer, and a man who built the altar of a church. He had all of the pillars to tick as a good man. We can only wish the family all the very best.


“To the country, we have lost an outstanding Nigerian and for us in Lagos, we lost a big Lagosian. We will continue to have memories of the hospitable life that he lived. I will miss him personally. I believe he lived a good life.”


Also speaking, Governor Abiodun said the footprint of the late Akintola Williams will remain in the sand of time for many years because of what he stood for during his lifetime.


He said: “Baba (Akintola Williams) was an exceptional Nigerian because the Almighty God granted him the grace to live up to 104 years old. I am not sure we know many Nigerians that lived that long.


“He was a man after God’s heart. He was a big philanthropist and a lover of music. He was a man whose footprint will remain in the sand of time for many years for all that he stood for.


“On behalf of the government and the entire people of Ogun State and my family, we commiserate, congratulate and celebrate with the members of Baba’s immediate family and friends, the government and people of Lagos State, and of course Nigeria at large. We pray that God Almighty will grant the family and well-wishers the heart to bear the colossal loss.”


In his sermon, the Prelate Emeritus of the Methodist Church Nigeria, Dr. Sunday Makinde, urged family, friends and associates to immortalise the deceased by supporting the Akintola Williams Centenary Building Project of the Church.





19 OCTOBER 2023



JULIUS BERGER PROJECTS: “We are looking forward to a successful partnership, great achievement and the commencement of a new era to the benefit of the people of Delta state.”


– Julius Berger MD, Engr. Dr. Lars Richter as Delta State Government and construction leader sign contract for construction of multiple flyover projects in Effurun, Warri.


Delta State Government and frontline engineering construction company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, on Wednesday, signed a N78 billion contract for the construction of flyovers, cloverleaf and road expansion projects in Effurun and Warri metropolis of the state.


At the historic event, the State Governor, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori said the choice of Julius Berger was informed not only by their excellent record but also by their experience in road construction, particularly in riverine terrains. Governor Oborevwori said the signing ceremony was a culmination of days and months of critical planning and deft negotiations and a major step forward in his administration’s plan to start an infrastructural revolution that would change the face of Warri and environs. “Today’s event is the high point of months of vigorous planning, meetings, reviews and tough negotiations. I am pleased that we have reached a point of agreement,” he said.


Continuing, the Governor said, “…it is pertinent to know that this is the first time in Delta State that we are engaging Julius Berger Plc in construction jobs. They have been in Delta, they worked in NPA, but this is the first time the state government is engaging them for construction projects. “On behalf of the government and the people of Delta state, I want to express my deep appreciation to Julius Berger PLC, the Ministries of Works (Highway and Urban roads), Justice, Finance and the Office of the Secretary to the State Government for the countless energy invested in the process.”


The Governor said the choice of Julius Berger was informed not only by their excellent performance records but also by their experience in road construction in riverine terrains. He tasked the contractor to deliver the projects within 27 months. “We have seen what they have done in other states with topography like Warri and we are confident that they will replicate the same feat here.”
Governor Oborevwori added that upon completion, these projects will not only change the face of Warri and its environs, but also ease the traffic congestion in the area and alleviate the hardship faced by commuters.




On the good multiplier effect and positive collateral benefits of the projects to Deltans, Oborevwori said, “…it is often the case with road construction projects, there will be direct employment benefits for our people, especially, engineers, artisans and even food vendors. Transporters and so many others in the construction value chain also stand to benefit.”


The contracts include road expansion of a section of DSC/NPA Expressway, including a Cloverleaf Interchange at the existing Effurun flyover, alongside two pedestrian bridges, Flyover bridges at Enerhen junction to Marine Gate, DSC roundabout and PTI junction.


The Secretary to the State Government, Dr Kingsley Emu, and  the Honourable Commissioner for Works (Highways and Urban Roads),  Comrade Reuben Izeze, signed on behalf of the State Government, while the  Managing Director of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Dr Lars Richter, and the  Regional Manager, Engr Friedrich Wieser, signed for the construction giant.


While thanking Delta State Government for giving the company the opportunity to deliver on the projects, Julius Berger Managing Director commended Governor Oborevwori for the vision and foresight in a huge investment and for the commencement of a new era for the people of the state. “We commend the Delta State Government for these projects, and we are honoured to be the chosen technical partners for the delivery of this vision. We are also looking forward to a successful partnership, a great achievement of the vision and the commencement of a new era to the benefit of the people of Delta state,” he said.


The Solicitor-General and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Mr Omamuzo Erebe,  and  the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works, Engr Fred Edafioghor, witnessed the signing.


The Julius Berger team to the event in Asaba led by the Managing Director also included the company’s Regional Manager, South-south/South-east operations, Dr. Fiedrich Wieser, the Head of Contract management, Barrister (Mrs) Omonigho Brown, the Head of Media Relations, Prince Moses Duku, Esq; and Security Manager, Ferdinand Ugbomeh.


President Tinubu Celebrates Former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, at 89

On behalf of the government and people of Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu sends warm greetings to former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon (Rtd), on his 89th birthday, and celebrates the elder statesman whose visionary leadership has shaped major milestones in Nigeria’s history.

The President extols General Gowon for institutionalizing the peace process in Nigeria with lasting legacies, such as laying the foundation for Nigeria’s federation through the creation of states; fostering cohesion, encouraging inter-ethnic warmth and understanding by establishing the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), and sustaining the pillars of harmony between Nigerians with the National Prayer Movement, which continues to inspire neighbourliness and a high degree of patriotism.

“His love and passion for Nigeria, as well as his determination to see into manifestation the unique gifts and combined strengths of all Nigerians, irrespective of faith, tribe or any other difference, remains a pace-setting attribute of leadership that all present and future Nigerian leaders must emulate,” the President says.

President Tinubu affirms that the courage, passion, and wisdom that General Gowon has consistently exuded from his youth, being Nigeria’s youngest leader at 32, has kept him steadfast and relevant at 89, as he continues to provide counsel to leaders, within and outside of the country, all while enjoying every measure of God’s amazing grace in enduring strength and health.

The President joins the wife of the former Head of State, his family members, and many friends in celebration.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

October 18, 2023




  • Govt, private investors partner to deliver multipurpose Entertainment campus in Ejinrin


Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Wednesday, laid the first foundation block for the development of Lagos Film City — an ecosystem of creative cinematography, tourism, leisure, entertainment and learning.

The project, being sited on 100-hectares in Ejinrin town in Epe Division, is a legacy infrastructure initiated by the Sanwo-Olu administration to harness local talent and creativity to create new economic opportunities for talented youngsters in culture and entertainment industries.

The State Government sealed a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with entertainment investors facilitated by Del-York Group to develop the one-stop campus for learning, film production, post-production, visual effects, and other ancillary services that support the filmmaking process.

Ogidi Studios and EbonyLife Cinema are among the indigenous entertainment partners that would work on the project to bring the Governor’s vision to reality.

Ejinrin, a coastal boundary town, literally became a beehive during the groundbreaking held at the site of the $100 million project.

Roll call of Nollywood veterans and notable theater practitioners that attended the ceremony included Alhaji Adebayo Salami, popularly known as Oga Bello; Prince Jide Kosoko, Tade Ogidan, Prof. Sola Fosudo, Adewale Elesho, Saheed Balogun, Kunle Afolayan, and Raymond Anyiam-Osigwe among others. There were movie directors and young filmmakers.

The event also had in attendance traditional rulers and members of the diplomatic community, who expressed their excitement seeing Lagos launching a world-class infrastructure to tap into the global entertainment market.

Sanwo-Olu said the occasion marked a significant milestone in his administration’s journey to creating a thriving film industry in Lagos that would have a global appeal, while contributing to the economic growth and cultural development of the State.

The Governor said: “Today, we embark on a journey that will redefine the landscape of the film industry in Lagos. As we break the ground for this $100million project covering a land area of 100 hectares and which will be executed through PPP model, we are laying the foundation for a creative hub that will serve as a catalyst for innovation, talent discovery, and storytelling excellence. This is a testament to our commitment to nurturing the arts and supporting the dreams of aspiring filmmakers, actors, and technicians.

“It is our strong belief that the film industry has the power to transcend boundaries and bring people together. It has the ability to inspire, entertain, and educate. Through the magic of cinema, we can showcase the rich cultural heritage of Lagos, while telling stories that reflect our shared experiences, and amplify the voices of our diverse communities. This film city will serve as a canvas for these stories, providing a platform for our talented artists to shine on both local and global stages.”

When delivered, Sanwo-Olu said there would be no need for filmmakers to take their creative contents out of the country for final production of their works. He stressed that all required infrastructure and equipment needed to produce a globally accepted cinema production would be available in the Film City.

The Governor appealed to residents of the host community to support the project, noting that the Film City would turn around fallow assets of the town to create wealth for its inhabitants.

Through the project, Sanwo-Olu said Lagos would tap into the global entertainment GDP and create job opportunities for young cinematographers, while stimulating economic growth and attracting more foreign investment into the sector.

“The Film City is not just about bricks and mortar. It is about the people who will walk through its doors and breathe life into its spaces. It is about the dreams that will be realised, stories that will be told, and impacts that will be made. Our creative community is the beating heart of this film city, and we are committed to providing them with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive. This is an ecosystem that will nurture creativity, foster collaboration and empower artists to push their craft beyond the local boundaries,” the Governor said.

Commissioner for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mrs. Toke Benson-Awoyinka, noted that the idea to embark on the Film City project was initiated during the Governor’s transition period in 2019, adding that the project required committed investors and partners to bring it to life.

She said the commencement of the project’s construction further testified to the commitment of the Sanwo-Olu administration to invest in the infrastructure, and create an enabling environment for the creative economy to thrive in Lagos.

“By the time the Lagos Film City comes on board, the spiral-effect on Lagos profile as a tourist destination of choice would be appreciated beyond the entertainment sector,” the Commissioner said.

Founder of Del-York Group, Linus Idahosa, said allocation of private equity to investors in the project development underscored the Governor’s understanding of key partnerships required to deliver the vision and enhance growth in the creative sector.

He said: “This idea of strategic collaboration between the Government and stakeholders is what it takes to push the country forward. The future of this country will be determined by the creative energy we are about to harness through the Film City project.”

Elejinrin of Ejinrin, Oba Rafiu Balogun, said the occasion marked a new dawn for the natives, describing the Film City as the “first modern project” to be brought to the town, decades after the colonial masters left.

“Talents and endowment deposited in Ejinrin can now be enhanced for national development,” the monarch said, thanking the Governor for siting the project in the town.

Popular movie star, Femi Adebayo, who spoke on behalf of Nollywood, said the project represented the collective enthusiasm of theatre practitioners and creative community, stressing that the infrastructure would elevate professionalism in cinematography and entertainment.





18 OCTOBER 2023

At Third Belt and Road Initiative Forum: China Commits To Refinancing, Completing Abuja-Kano, Port-Harcourt-Maiduguri Railways

**As President Jinping pledges more investments in Nigeria’s power generation*


In what could best be described as a major milestone for Nigeria at the ongoing Belt and Road Initiative Forum (BRI) in Beijing, China has committed to refinancing and completing the Abuja-Kano and Port- Harcourt-Maiduguri railway projects.

President of Peoples Republic of China, Xi Jinping, made the pledge today while responding to requests made by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu who, was represented by Vice President Kashim Shettima, at a bilateral meeting with the Chinese leader in Beijing.

It would be recalled that since the launch of the projects, China is yet to release funds for the two major railway projects in Nigeria largely due to cutbacks and commitments.

China had agreed to provide 85 per cent financing for the construction of the Abuja-Kano and Port-Harcourt-Maiduguri railway projects, while Nigeria which had the duty of paying the balance 15% paid its part of the funding from inception of the project through appropriations.

The crucial infrastructure also termed a legacy project has the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation as the contractors named to execute the project.

The Chinese President who was visibly elated to receive the Nigerian delegation led by Vice President Shettima at the Peoples Building in China, pledged increased investment in Nigeria’s power generation and digital economy called for the protection of Chinese nationals working in Nigeria, saying he would, in turn, ensure that the Nigeria-China bilateral relation is stronger than before.

President Jinping promised that China will enhance political support and build cooperations in all fields, just as he appreciated Nigeria’s support of one China Policy.

Pledging to further deepen practical cooperations, the Chinese leader threw his weight of support behind the Renewed Hope Manifesto of President Bola Tinubu and his 8-point economic agenda adding that China will support Nigeria’s exports, especially as it relates to peanuts and others, even as the China – Africa talent initiative remains key in its cooperation with Nigeria.

In the area of security, President Jinping promised continued crackdown on terrorists, assuring categorically that China is committed to peace in the Sahel region, more so that its long-standing military trainings and MoUs on joint exercises remain sacrosanct.

Noting that China is committed to peace, President Jinping said, “Like President Bola Ahmed Tinubu stated recently at the last United Nations General Assembly,  Africa does not need to run away. Africa holds the key to the World. We support Nigeria to play key roles in international relations and upholding allies’ commitments.

“Mr Vice President, you spoke about upscaling and further upgrading of our strategic relationship, and I totally agree with you. Nigeria is developing with big potentials. I totally agree with you. Our foreign Ambassadors can stay and work out this upgrading”.

Speaking earlier, Vice President Shettima who delivered the well-wishes of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu described the rail projects as very vital to the President and people of Nigeria, saying it remained a legacy project that would further open up the nation’s economy, create jobs and boost trade and investments across the country.

The vice President said President Tinubu remains committed to a stronger Nigeria – China tie, addng that it was laddened with respect, non-political interference and mutual international cooperations.

“Our relationship commenced about 50 years ago, precisely in 1971 and it has been upgraded to a comprehensive partnership but we crave your indulgence, Your Excellency, to further upgrade this relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership because of the importance we attach to our relationship with China.

“When we met in South Africa at the China Plus 1 summit I was very honest and upright with you. Beyond the infrastructural support we are getting; why we love, cherish and respect China is that you treat us with respect and dignity. You don’t dictate to us who our friends are. We don’t forget our friends. China stood by us through thick and thin from the post-colonial struggles for independence in Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique, the struggle for the emancipation of our people in Southern Africa; China stood shoulder to shoulder with the African continent, we thus appreciate your friendship,” VP Kashim submitted.

President Jinping had before his audience with Vice President Kashim Shettima formally declared the Forum which had numerous heads of states and top government officials open.

Nigeria Will Leverage On Ties With China To Improve Digital Space, Says VP Shettima

Meanwhile, Vice President Kashim Shettima today said Nigeria will leverage its relationship with China to adopt programmes that will improve the country’s digital space, among other benefits.

Sen. Shettima also assured member countries of the Belt and Road Initiative of Nigeria’s readiness to “collaborate with the group and other emerging markets to bring about a positive shift in the growth and development of global economies.”

The Vice President stated these in his keynote address themed, “Digital Economy As A New Source Of Growth”, delivered during the High-Level Forum at the onging 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, China.

The Vice President who spoke on Nigeria’s efforts at leveraging collaborations with partners to deploy technology in addressing some of its challenges, noted: “We are keen on using the instrumentality of the existing robust Nigeria-China bilateral relations to maximally key into projects under the platform of the Digital Silk Road for the improvement of our digital space.”

Speaking about Nigeria’s efforts in leveraging the digital space to create jobs and diversify the economy, Sen. Shettima said, “Nigeria has recorded a number of achievements including a digitalized public service, developed banking and e-payment systems, electoral reforms through the introduction of the electronic registration of voters and e-transmission of votes, thus creating ripple effects of job creation and human capacity building opportunities for our teeming youth population.”

Continuing, the VP said, “We have recently unveiled the new strategic blueprint, accelerating our collective prosperity through technical, as part of the Federal Government’s initiative to accelerate the diversification of the Nigerian economy  by enhancing productivity in critical sectors through technological innovation.”

He added: “Through this strategic blue print, the Federal Government aims to achieve three key objectives namely: Accelerate the growth of Nigeria as a global technical talent hub and net exporter of talent. One of the goals of this talent hub is to train three million early to mid-career technical talents throughout the next four years (2022-2027); Deepen and accelerate’its position in global research in key technology areas; and Raise the complexity and dynamics of Nigeria’s economy by significantly increasing the level of digital literacy across the country.”

The Vice President also spoke about Nigeria’s broadband penetration rate from 50 to 70 per cent by the end of 2025 and the Central Bank of Nigeria’s domestic card scheme code named “Afri Go” to rival foreign cards like Master and Visa cards, and stregthen the national payment system.

The Vice President was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Yusuf Tuggar; Minister of Power, Mr Adebayo Adelabu; Minister of Transportation, Mr Saidu Alkali; Ambassador of Nigeria to China, Baba Ahmad Jidda and others.


*Stanley Nkwocha*

*Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Communications*

*(Office of the Vice President)*

*18th October, 2023*


ECA and Transsion Sign Agreement to Foster and Accelerate Digital Transformation in Africa



Beijing, 18 Oct 2023, (ECA) – The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd. (Transsion) have signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster and accelerate digital transformation in Africa.

The partnership is founded on the complementary expertise and strengths of both parties, with a primary focus on fostering collaboration in research and analytical studies. The shared goal of the two institutions is to provide valuable insights and policy recommendations in key areas of the digital ecosystem in Africa, including e-commerce, fintech, digital payments, financial inclusion, digital trade, and more. Both organizations intend to harness the power of emerging technologies, big data, innovative tools and platforms to achieve these objectives.

Acting Director of the Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division at ECA Nassim Oulmane appreciated Transsion’s pivotal role in enhancing access to affordable and high-quality digital technology for African citizens and commended Transsion’s proactive involvement with various stakeholders, including ECA, in driving Africa’s digital transformation forward.

“This partnership can yield meaningful and impactful results in addressing digital challenges and bridging the digital divide on the African continent,” Mr. Oulmane remarked.

Africa is currently the continent with the lowest level of connectivity in the world, where 60% of its population remains offline. The ECA is dedicated to bridging digital divides by promoting infrastructure development and affordability, digital policy formulation, and fostering digital skills.

Harnessing Africa’s potential to embrace digital development and achieve the SDGs and Agenda 2063 requires that Africa’s youth, which will represent almost half of global youth by 2030, is ready for a digital future and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Founder and Chair of Transsion,  Mr. George Zhu Zhaojiang,  said: “We are pleased to be ECA’s collaborator and technical partner. We will give full play to Transsion’s technical expertise, as well as Transsion Innovation Hub’s investment capabilities and strategic resources, to jointly empower the development of Africa’s digital economy, and help build new momentum for growth in the African economy.

Mr. Zhu Zhaojiang further added that through Transsion’s data platform DataSparkle, the company will also provide data analytics support for Internet access and digital development in Africa.


Senate appoints Oyelola Yisa Ashiru , Nwebonyi Onyeka as  Deputy Leader and Deputy Chief Whip

The Senate on Wednesday appointed Senator Oyelola Yisa Ashiru of the All Progressives Congress representing Kwara South as its new Deputy Leader of the Senate.

The Senate also appointed Senator Nwebonyi Onyeka as the new Deputy Chief Whip.

Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, announced the new appointments at plenary.

Ashiru, who was hitherto the Deputy Chief Whip of the Senate was elevated to the position of deputy leader of the Senate which became vacant, following the appointment of Senator Dave Umahi as Minister of Works by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The Senate also confirmed the nominations of Mr. Ola Olukoyede, Halima Shehu and Muhammd Hammajoda.

President Bola Tinubu had nominated Olukoyede as the chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Shehu as the national coordinator, National Social Investment Programme Agency, and Muhammd Hammajoda as the new secretary of the nation’s anti-graft agency.

The appointees were confirmed in the upper chamber on Wednesday, October 18.

The request for confirmation by Tinubu was conveyed in a letter sent to the Senate and read during Tuesday’s plenary session by the Deputy Senate President, Jibrin Barau.

Meanwhile, the former senator representing Adamawa North Senatorial District, Elisha Abbo, has apologised over his allegation that Senate President Godswill Akpabio plotted his removal by the Court of Appeal.

Abbo tendered his apology while speaking in an interview on Arise Television on Wednesday.

He said, “I have to say with all sense of humility and responsibility that the press release we issued yesterday was premature and based on the available information at our disposal.

“As of today, we have discovered a lot of things, and yesterday night, I had a discussion with the Senate President, and I am convinced that he is not involved.

He quoted Akpabio as saying to him, “I swear by my mother’s grave that I’m not involved; I don’t even know that you’re in court.”

Abbo further stated, “For a number three citizen to come up to tell me that he has sworn on his mother’s grave, a woman that he loves so much, a woman who brought him up after he lost his father at the age of six, I don’t see a reason why he would lie.”


NDLEA detains 2 wanted drug barons, arrests two others for ingesting 175 wraps of heroin


Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, have taken into custody two wanted heads of transnational criminal organisations with multi-billion-naira worth of illicit drugs and assets seized from them after weeks of intelligence-led operations across the country and outside Nigeria.


The arrest of the wanted drug lords came on the heels of the interception of consignments of cocaine and heroin buried in the bellies of two traffickers heading to Paris, France and Doha, Qatar by NDLEA officers at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, NAIA, Abuja.


Operatives at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, MMIA, Ikeja Lagos on Tuesday 10th October succeeded in taking into custody, Hakeem Babatunde Salami, the arrowhead of “Tajudeen Babatunde Abioye Transnational Criminal Organization” involved in the illicit trade of several narcotics including Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Ephedrine between Nigeria, Brazil, Ghana, South Africa, Mozambique, and Europe. He fled Nigeria to South Africa upon the arrest of a member of his syndicate, Suleiman Babatunde Oba at the Lagos airport on August 25 over attempt to export 25.10kgs of ephedrine to South Africa.


Hakeem Babatunde Salami was however smoked out of hiding through partnership with South African authorities and other intelligence and investigative mechanisms. While some of his luxury vehicles have been seized and his home in Surulere Lagos sealed, other members of the cartel already in custody include Suleiman and Godwin Edet Mathew.

In his statement, he claimed he was into the importation of building materials from China to Nigeria and used to sell gold in South Africa before delving into the illicit drug trade about two years ago.


The head of another cartel, Okafor Ikechukwu Williams (aka Jantu) and his wife, Okafor Ifeyinwa Grace were also taken into custody on Thursday 5th October when NDLEA operatives raided their hideout at 9 Awa Street, Ago Palace, Okota area of Lagos where they recovered 27.566 kilograms of methamphetamine concealed in a blue box and two sacks, ready for export to Europe and Asia. Their Lexus RX350 marked ABJ 512 AY parked in the house was also seized during the operation. Their arrest followed weeks of intelligence gathering about the activities of the criminal network.


At the Abuja airport, operatives on Friday 6th October arrested a drug trafficker, Nwofor Ejiogu Charles, 45, during the outward clearance of Qatar Airways flight QR 1432 to Doha. After body scan revealed he ingested cocaine, he was placed under observation during which he excreted 75 pellets of cocaine weighing 1.653kgs. At the point of his arrest, Nwofor who was the last passenger to board his flight offered to compromise an NDLEA officer with $3,000 to free him.


The following day, Saturday 7th October, another trafficker, Nwufo Charles Okwudili, 45, was also arrested while attempting to board Lufthansa Airlines flight LH 0595 to Paris, France via Frankfurt, Germany.  After being put through body scanner, he was taken into recovery room where he excreted 96 wraps of heroin he ingested with a total weight of 1.413kgs.


Meanwhile, NDLEA operatives on patrol along Okene -Lokoja-Abuja expressway on Tuesday 10th October intercepted a commercial bus coming from Lagos to Kano. A search of the bus led to the seizure of Four Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand US Dollars ($4,880,000), and Fifty-Seven Million Céfa, (CFA57,000,000) suspected to be counterfeits.


In Sokoto, the Federal High Court in the state capital presided over by Justice Ahmad Mahmud has sentenced an acting district head, Alhaji Umar Mohammed (aka Dan Bala) to five and a half years in jail on four count charges of possession and dealing in 436.38kgs cannabis and 7kgs psychotropic drugs brought against him by NDLEA in October 2022. He was convicted and sentenced to two years on each of counts 1 and 2 with an option of N1million fine, and eight months on each of counts 3 and 4 without an option of fine.


Operatives in Edo state on Wednesday 11th October stormed the Orue forest, Owan West LGA where they arrested Happy Akashili, 37, and Solomon Uwesue, 40 in a hut located inside a cannabis farm measuring 2.367308 hectares which was destroyed, with 92kgs already processed skunk recovered, while 49kgs of same substance were also seized at Ogbeturu camp.


The Commands across the country balanced their drug supply reduction operations with War Against Drug Abuse, WADA, advocacy campaigns to schools, markets, worship centres and communities. Some of these include: WADA sensitisation lecture on Drug Use and Mental Health for students of 15 secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis at the University of Ibadan, Oyo state;  WADA sensitisation lecture for students of Ascension College, Iworo Imeke, Badagry Lagos;  WADA sensitisation lecture at Modern Comprehensive College, Amokwe, Udi LGA, Enugu;  WADA sensitisation lecture for students of National  Secondary school, Awka; Students of JIBWIS Islamic Science Secondary school, Herwagana, Gombe;  students of Government College, Makurdi, Benue; students of Government secondary school (Boys), Kafin Maiyaki, Kano and students of JNI Special Model primary School, Gusau, Zamfara.


While commending the efforts of the NAIA, MMIA, Kogi, Sokoto and Edo Commands of the Agency as well as the Special Operations Unit targeting the drug cartels, for jobs well done in the past week, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (Retd) assured that officers and men of the Agency will never let down their guards no matter the tricks and distractions orchestrated against it by criminal networks.



Femi Babafemi

Director, Media & Advocacy

NDLEA Headquarters Abuja

Sunday 15th October 2023



EFCC arraigns Sunday Simon,( a.k.a Ryan Eggold ) for defrauding an American: Garri Kalish, the sum of $800


The Kaduna Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on October 16, 2023, arraigned one Sunday Simon,( a.k.a Ryan Eggold ) before Justice A.A Isiaka of the Kaduna State High Court sitting in Kaduna, for defrauding an American: Garri Kalish, the sum of $800( Eight Hundred Dollars only).

The offence is contrary to Section 1(1) (a) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offence Act, 2006 and punishable under Section 1(3) of the same Act.

Simon was arraigned on two-count charges bordering on cybercrime.

One of the counts reads: “That you, Sunday Simon(a.k.a Ryan Eggold, male, sometimes in April 2023 in Kaduna, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, did obtain the sum of $800(Eight Hundred United States dollars)from one Garri Kalish, a citizen of the United States of America under the pretence of being into a romantic relationship, a pretence you knew to be false, and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 1(1)(a) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offence Act, 2006 and punishable under Section 1(3) of the same Act”.

The suspect pleaded not guilty to the two charges.

In view of his plea, prosecution counsel K. Ogunlade prayed the court for a trial date and the remand of the defendant at the Kaduna Correctional Centre.

Meanwhile, defence counsel, K.S Istifanus, made an oral application for bail which was opposed by Ogunlade.

After listening to both counsels, Justice Isiaka adjourned the matter till October 24, 2023 for hearing of bail application, and thereafter ordered the remand of the defendant at the Kaduna Correctional Centre.

Simon was arrested by operatives of the Kaduna Zonal Command of the EFCC at Agwa, Trikania in Kaduna in a sting operation. In the course of investigations, his mobile phone was analysed which revealed different fake Instagram accounts and Facebook accounts where he presented himself as an American actor, Ryan Eggold in his chats with unsuspecting women.

Media & Publicity

October 17, 2023



Operatives of the Benin Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 arrested 17 suspected internet fraudsters in Benin City, Edo State.

They were arrested at their hideouts, in different locations, following actionable intelligence on their nefarious activities.

The suspects are Unvive Tegwolo, Imemesi Daniel, Ojo Osa Tohanmwen, Olise Godspower Ikenna, Kadiri Eric, Yakubu Aliyu Izegwire, Omozuafo Collins, Elect Osayuwa, Destiny Ewere, Ayodele Eugene and Eric Onwusiweka.
Others are Okeke Benjamin, Imanah Destiny, Kenneth Anyenibie, Uriel Ogwuezi, Prince Joshua and Ibeje Daniel.

Items recovered from them include different exotic cars, phones and laptops.

They will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

Media & Publicity

October 17, 2023



Gabriel Ohaohakara gets one year imprisonment for $30,000 crypto investment fraud


Justice O.O. Abike -Fadipe of the Special Offences Court sitting in Ikeja, Lagos, has convicted and sentenced one Gabriel Ohaohakara to one year imprisonment for $30,000 crypto investment fraud.

The convict perpetrated the scam by creating a fake investment website, britishtradelimited.com, and a telegram channel for the same purpose.

He was jailed on Thursday, October 12, 2023 after pleading guilty to one-count charge bordering on crypto currency fraud, upon being arraigned by the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.

The charge reads: “That you, IHEOHAKARA GABRIEL, on or about the 24th November, 2022 in Lagos, within the Judicial Division of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, had in your possession document containing “Crypto Currency Fraud Activity” and other related documents for an online fraudulent activity which you knew to be false.” The offence is contrary to Sections 6, 8 (b) and 1 (3) of the Advance Fee Fraud.

He pleaded “guilty” to the charge when it was read to him.
Following his guilty plea, prosecution counsel, Akhanolu Ikhuoria Godsent, prayed the court to convict and sentence him accordignly.
Delivering judgment on Thursday, October 12, 2023, Justice Abike-Fadipe convicted him and sentenced him to one year imprisonment, with an option of fine of N1,000, 000( One Million Naira only) and 1000 hours of community service.
The Judge also ordered that the iPhone 13 pro max recovered from him be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria, while the sum of $30000 be restituted to the victim.

Ohaohakara’s journey to the Correctional Centre started when he created a fake investment website, britishtradelimited.com, and a telegram channel for the same purpose. Investigation revealed that a syndicate of fraudsters, sometime in August 2021, sent a message on Telegram with the pseudo name, British Trade Limited, to one Adilio Pizzolo, a Brazilian, offering an investment opportunity in British Trade Limited.

It was further revealed that Pizolo, who later became the victim, had created an account on British Trade Limited as well as an account in a Brazilian bitcoin broker called “Foxbit ” through which he was able to convert Brazilian Reals to bitcoin. Pizolo was made to deposit approximately $30,000 worth of bitcoins to an address provided by the suspect during a live chat that was integrated on the fictitious ‘British Trade Limited’ website.

Media & Publicity

October 16, 2023


Julius Berger Nigeria Plc inaugurates maiden Annual Cultural Day in celebration of Nigeria’s rich cultural diversity

Management and staff of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc celebrated the maiden edition of the Company’s Annual Cultural Day Friday amid fanfare with staff, Nigerians and expatriates representing the various tribes in the country.

The event which was celebrated nationwide both in the Head office in Abuja as well as at all the operational regions and sites of the Julius Berger Group,saw staff resplendently dressed in diverse local attires exhibiting the rich culture of the peoples of Nigeria.

In Abuja, the Head of Human Resources Department, Olorunfemi Ojomo kickstarted the event when he welcomed staff members and other guests, encouraging all to savour the significance of the ceremony as a celebration of the rich and diverse culture of the warm and lively Nigerian society.

Other Management staff at the ceremony included the Regional Manager of the company’s Region Central North (RCN) Engr. Oliver Berger, Project Coordinator, Engr. Dr. Ismaila Amodu Mohammed, Head of Human Resources Directorate, Alexander Conford, the Senior Contracts Manager, Barrister (Mrs) Omonigho Brown, the Company’s Chief Risk Officer, Mrs Shakira Mustapha, and a host of other senior and junior as well many expatriate staff of the company.

At the Ijora Lagos Office of Region West of the company, Regional Manager, Commercial, Alexander Bauer  and his Technical colleague, Christl Thomas led the staff to the unique celebration of Nigeria culture with Bauer saying that the event is the company’s way of identifying with the rich culture of the people of Nigeria.

He called on the staff to always be proud of their respective cultures as diverse as they are, adding that their diversity generates interests that strengthen, unify and galvanise them together as one big family. The Day, he said, even as he added that the Day is now in the company’s Calendar planned to be an annual event following the successful inauguration.

Christl Thomas, the Regional Manager (Technical) who dressed up at the event as a proud representative of the South-eastern Igbo tribe, did not mince words in saying that, “…today we all stand up to represent each Nigerian tribe as possible. We are harnessing our cultural diversity by dressing in any Nigerian tribal dress and tasting local delicacies including soups and other foods. We are celebrating our maiden Cultural Day. It marks the celebration of our cultural diversity here in Nigeria and we hope to reap all the benefits that derive from such values that will enhance the operational efficiency of all staff.“

In preparing for the event, the Human Resource Department in underscoring the  seriousness that Management attached to the event had informed the workers that only employees whose jobs require the use of PPEs or wearing of uniforms were exempted. Thus, all other personnel joyfully participated as one happy corporate family in their diverse and colourful Nigerian traditional attires at the clearly exciting event.

The Abuja and Ijora Lagos events as well as at other sites like Uyo, Akwa Ibom State were marked by visits to the designated booths for photo sessions and posting on social media handles with hashtags  #HarnessingOurDiversity ~JBNCulturalDay; #CelebratingJBDiversity, fashion show on blue carpet amidst more photo sessions and presentations from a few cultural dances.

Traditional foods from all sections of the country were on display and later served to staff and guests as refreshments.



4 October 2023


BET Hip Hop Awards 2023 to honour Kiernan “AKA” Forbes with Global Visionary Award posthumously

  • Lynn and Tony Forbes to accept award on his behalf at the BET Hip Hop Awards 2023 premiering Wednesday, October 11, at 19:00 WAT on BET Africa, DStv Channel 129 

Press Assets* 


The 2023 “BET Hip Hop Awards” is set to commemorate the late Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes with the prestigious Global Visionary Award, recognizing his profound impact on the global Hip-Hop landscape.


Accepting the award on his behalf during a pre-recorded special during the International airings of the show are AKA’s family, Lynn & Tony Forbes, who stated, “This is a bittersweet moment for us as a family. Kiernan lived for music and gave his all to creating a legacy that has outlived him. Thank you BET for bestowing such a rightful honour to Kiernan. He would have accepted this award with pride. We are humbled to receive and acknowledge this honour on his behalf, especially for Kairo, who gets to witness her father’s legacy live on.”


Monde Twala, Senior Vice President & GM Paramount Africa & Lead BET International, commented on the significance of the award and AKA’s unparalleled vision and contributions to Hip Hop, saying, “Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes was not just a music icon, he was a visionary. BET is proud to celebrate his innovative spirit and unwavering dedication to his craft which left an indelible mark on the world. We are honoured to recognize his extraordinary contributions with the Global Visionary Award at the 2023 ‘BET Hip Hop Awards’ AKA’s legacy will forever inspire future generations, reminding us that music transcends borders and has the power to unite us all.”


Connie Orlando, EVP, Specials, Music Programming & Music Strategy will oversee the annual show with Executive Producer for BET Jamal Noisette, VP, Specials & Music Programming. Jesse Collins, CEO of Jesse Collins Entertainment, to serve as Executive Producer of “BET Hip Hop Awards” 2023 along with Jesse Collins Entertainment’s Jeannae Rouzan–Clay and Dionne Harmon.


For more information about “BET Hip Hop Awards” 2023, including the latest news and updates, visit bet.com/hiphopawards.


Join the conversation on social media by logging on to multiple BET social media platforms: On Twitter by using the hashtag #HipHopAwards; follow us @HipHopAwards and @BET; On Facebook by liking the fan page at facebook.com/HipHopAwards.



4 October 2023


Goldberg, Life Beer take center stage as Nigerian Breweries presents ‘The Big Weekend Experience’ 

Prepare for an explosion of excitement as Nigerian Breweries sets the stage ablaze this September and October with “The Big Weekend Experience” – an extraordinary fusion of beer and music that guarantees an exhilarating spectacle! From September 17th to October 22nd, beer and music lovers from across Nigeria are cordially invited to celebrate life, good music, great company, and the finest brews.

Goldberg and Life Beer will lead the charge, ensuring this event is an experience like no other. But that’s not all; the entire portfolio of top-notch brands like 33 Export, Star, Desperados, Heineken, Zagg, Legend, the newest brand in the teeming portfolio, Goldberg Black and many more, will also be making appearances at the activations, offering a wide array of options to satisfy every consumer.

Under the vibrant Nigerian night sky, some of the nation’s most electrifying music artists, including Skales, Orezi, and May D, will take the stage, promising an energy level that will set hearts racing and rhythms that will be impossible to resist.

Mfon Bassey, National Trade Marketing Manager at Nigerian Breweries Plc, highlighted our unwavering commitment to quality brands and creating thrilling consumer experiences. He declared, “Nigerian Breweries has been synonymous with quality brands and experiences for decades. We’ve pioneered events like Star Trek, Gulder Ultimate Search, Maltina Dance All, and many others that show our dedication to setting the standard. This time, we’re bringing our finest brews to ‘The Big Weekend Experience,’ ensuring that no one is left out.”

Skales, one of the performing artists at the event, shared his personal connection during the press conference. He fondly recalled growing up with his grandmother and mother running a warehouse housing brands from the Nigerian Breweries portfolio. He expressed his joy at being part of the artist lineup for “The Big Weekend Experience.”

According to Ita Bassey, Portfolio Manager, Mainstream Brands, Nigerian Breweries Plc., “The Big Weekend Experience is packed with non-stop entertainment, games, and surprises. It’s more than a party; it’s about creating memorable experiences for our customers. The Big Weekend is our way of thanking our loyal customers for their unwavering support over the years.”

“The Big Weekend Experience” promises music, laughter, and the perfect brews to lift consumers’ spirits nationwide. To stay updated on the dates and outlets closest to you, follow The Big Weekend on social media at @bigweekendexp. This is the event that’s about to take Nigeria by storm, and you won’t want to miss a beat!



5 October 2023



Burna Boy, Davido, Rema, Asake, Arya Starr nominated for 2023 MTV EMAs


Burna Boy, Asake, Diamond Platnumz, Libianca, Tyler IcuAmong Top Contenders for Best African Act as Voting Opens


Music’s Biggest Global Celebration Will Broadcast air Live From Paris On Sunday, 5 November, at 20:00 WAT across 150+ countries on MTV (DStv Channel 130) & MTV Base (DSTV Channel 322)


MTV has announced the nominees for 2023 MTV EMAs, with African global stars, Burna Boy, Davido, Rema, Asake, Ayra Starr and Aya Nakamura, nominated for the “Best Afrobeat” category. Asake, Burna Boy, Libianca, Diamond Platnumz and Tyler ICU also shine in the “Best African Act” category. The awards will broadcast live on MTV and MTV Base at 20:00 WAT on DStv channels 130 and 322, respectively.

Taylor Swift leads the pack with seven nods, including “Best Artist,” “Best Song” and “Best Video.” Olivia Rodrigo and SZA follow closely with six nominations each, also for “Best Artist,” “Best Song” and “Best Video.” Doja Cat, Måneskin, Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj each earned four nominations including “Best Song” and “Best Artist.”

There are twenty-six first-time nominees ahead of music’s biggest global celebration, with three nominations for BTS’ Jung Kook, marking his first MTV EMA nominations as a solo artist. Central Cee, FLO, Ice Spice, PinkPantheress scored three nominations each, while Asake, Coi Leray, Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, NewJeans, Peso Pluma and Reneé Rapp are all nominated twice.


“2023 marks a historic moment for the MTV EMAs as we proudly embrace and celebrate the rich diversity of talent from across the globe. This year’s nominations reflect our commitment to showcasing artists from all corners of the world, highlighting their unique voices and talent. We are thrilled to introduce the ‘Best Afrobeats’ category, a testament to the global impact and influence of this vibrant genre,” says Monde Twala, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Paramount Africa and Lead for BET International.


Paris Nord Villepinte, operated by Viparis, is the official venue for the 2023 MTV EMAs. The spectacular live event is marking its first return to Paris since 1995 with a colorful, immersive MTV EMA wonderland for fans to enjoy.


The 2023 MTV EMAs will broadcast live on MTV in more than 150 countries. The show will also be available in multiple international territories live on Pluto TV and on-demand on Paramount+.


Beginning today, fans can vote for their favorites across categories including “Best Song,” “Best Artist,” “Best Collaboration,” plus new category “Best Afrobeats” at www.mtvema.com until 31 October, at 10:59pm WAT.


The “Biggest Fans” and “Best Group” winners will be voted for at a later date via @MTVEMA on social media.


The winner of the “Best Video” category will be chosen by MTV.


Fans from 24 regions around the world can also vote for their favorite artists in the “Best Local Act” category.


Tickets for the 2023 MTV EMAs will be on-sale from 19 October via http://www.fnacspectacles.com/.






Aya Nakamura

Ayra Starr

Burna Boy






Burna Boy


Tyler ICU

Diamond Platnumz



Doja Cat – Paint The Town Red

Jung Kook feat. Latto – Seven

Miley Cyrus – Flowers

Olivia Rodrigo – vampire

SZA – Kill Bill

Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero

Rema, Selena Gomez – Calm Down



Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion – Bongos

Doja Cat – Paint The Town Red

Little Simz – Gorilla

Miley Cyrus – Flowers

Olivia Rodrigo – vampire

SZA – Kill Bill

Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero



Doja Cat

Miley Cyrus

Nicki Minaj

Olivia Rodrigo


Taylor Swift



Central Cee x Dave – Sprinter

David Guetta, Anne-Marie, Coi Leray – Baby Don’t Hurt Me

KAROL G, Shakira – TQG

Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage – Creepin’

PinkPantheress, Ice Spice – Boy’s a Liar Pt. 2

Rema, Selena Gomez – Calm Down



Coi Leray


Ice Spice

Peso Pluma


Reneé Rapp



Billie Eilish

Dua Lipa

Ed Sheeran

Miley Cyrus

Olivia Rodrigo

Taylor Swift




Arctic Monkeys

Foo Fighters



Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Killers




Bad Bunny


Peso Pluma






Jung Kook



Stray Kids





Fall Out Boy

Lana Del Rey


Thirty Seconds To Mars





Calvin Harris

David Guetta

Swedish House Mafia

Peggy Gou




Cardi B

Central Cee

Lil Wayne

Lil Uzi Vert

Metro Boomin

Nicki Minaj

Travis Scott




Chris Brown

Steve Lacy

Summer Walker






Burna Boy

Ed Sheeran



Taylor Swift

The Weeknd



November 2022: Flo Milli

December 2022: Reneé Rapp

January 2023: Sam Ryder

February 2023: Armani White

March 2023: FLETCHER


May 2023: Ice Spice

June 2023: FLO

July 2023: Lauren Spencer Smith

August 2023: Kaliii

September 2023: GloRilla

October 2023: Benson Boone




Billie Eilish


Jung Kook

Nicki Minaj

Olivia Rodrigo

Sabrina Carpenter

Selena Gomez

Taylor Swift





Jonas Brothers














Tiara Andini





G Flip

Kylie Minogue


Troye Sivan




Kevin O Chris

Luisa Sonza

Manu Gavassi




Charlotte Cardin


Jamie Fine

Shania Twain

The Beaches



Eladio Carrion


Myke Towers

Rauw Alejandro

Young Miko





Kriss Kross Amsterdam


Zoë Tauran



Aime Simone

Aya Nakamura

Bigflo & Oli






Apache 207


Kontra K


Nina Chuba

Ski Aggu



ajsa luna

Analog Balaton


Co Lee

Hundred Sins



Dee MC




When Chai Met Toast







The Kolors



Anna Zak

Liad Meir

Noa Kirel


Shira Margalit





Manuel Turizo

Ryan Castro

Sebastian Yatra



Danna Paola

Kenia Os

Kevin Kaarl


Natanael Cano





Fito Paez


Nicki Nicole





Jolyon Petch








Swedish House Mafia

Zara Larsson




Kasia Nosowska



Vito Bambino



Bárbara Bandeira


Carolina Deslandes

Marisa Liz




Abraham Mateo

Álvaro de Luna

Lola Índigo


Samantha Hudson




Gjon’s Tears

KT Gorique





Calvin Harris

Central Cee



Sam Smith

Tom Grennan



Doja Cat

Nicki Minaj

Olivia Rodrigo


Taylor Swift


Rising security challenges in the country; Senate summons military, other security agencies

The Senate has summoned the military and other security agencies over the rising security challenges in the country.

It also told the security agencies to conduct special operations to dislodge the bandits in the North-West and other parts of Nigeria with similar experiences.

The Red Chamber further resolved to invite the Service Chiefs to brief it in a closed session on steps being taken to mitigate rising insecurity in the country.

Senate resolutions were sequel to its consideration and adoption of a motion at plenary on Thursday.

The motion titled: “Kidnapping of university students in Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 and rising cases of kidnapping for ransom in the North-West geopolitical zone was sponsored by Senator Abdulaziz Yar’Adua (APC – Katsina ).

Yar’Adua in his lead debate said he was concerned by the kidnap of five female students of the Federal University Dutsinma in Katsina State by gunmen from their hostel rooms on October 4.

He said a fortnight ago, 24 students of the Federal University of Gusau were also abducted.

According to him, 16 of them have been successfully freed after three days by a rescue operation conducted by security agencies.

He said it was worrisome that kidnapping incidents have thrown the university and academic communities into a panic mood.

He said there was also the case of eight corps members kidnapped by suspected terrorists on their way to the orientation camp in Zamfara State on August 21.

He said, “The corps members were travelling in an Akwa Ibom Transport Company bus from Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, to Sokoto State, for the one-year mandatory national service, when their vehicle was intercepted by the terrorists.”

He said it was of concern that the frequency of kidnapping for ransom had become almost a daily and weekly occurrence in major towns and communities in the North-West geopolitical zone.

The Senate further urged security agencies to be more proactive and ensure all kidnapped victims in the country including students kidnapped in Katsina, NYSC members kidnapped in Zamfara and students kidnapped from Federal University Gusau, were released.

It urged the Federal Government to address the manpower needs of the police and other security agencies to enable them to tackle the security situations in the country.

It also called on the Federal Government to urgently address unemployment and poverty in the country which it described as twin evils fuelling insecurity in the country.

It directed the Nigeria Police to ensure that the school protection squad demonstrates a clear commitment to protecting schoolchildren and providing a safe environment where students and teachers can engage in teaching and learning without the fear of being attacked or kidnapped.

The Senate further directed its Committee on Legislative Compliance to ensure the relevant security agencies comply with its resolutions.



There is confusion Rivers APC, says Ganduje

Dr Abdullahi Ganduje, the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has appealed for patience for the national leadership to reconcile warring factions of the party in Rivers State.
Ganduje said this when he received APC stakeholders from Rivers State on Thursday in Abuja.
He said that Rivers was a very important state in the country because of its oil deposit and large population, describing it as an asset for election to any political party.
“So, you can see why we cannot rubbish the state. Rivers, as a state in politics, is very important. Coincidentally, some of us are conversant with the politics, in Rivers,” he said.
He said that the current crisis in the Rivers State chapter of the party started in 2015.
“Our party in Rivers is highly factionalised, that is the fact about it. Our party in Rivers was killed by litigations, that one is a fact,” Ganduje said.
He thanked those who worked to ensure the party’s electoral success at the poll, saying it was a miracle that it won the presidential election and lost the state to PDP in the 2023 elections.
“There is confusion in the party in Rivers, but we don’t want members to overheat the system, we are focused, we are organised, we work scientifically in politics.
“And therefore, you give us an enabling environment, give us a chance so that we can put a round peg in a round hole, square peg in a square hole, so that we maintain our dignity as a party.
“We have to capitalise on what we have, we have to capitalise on the fact that we have worn the national election in Rivers.
“We are not extracting anything less again, but give us a chance to see how we can have both the state and the national election together,” Ganduje said.
He said that the APC National Committee (NWC) would constitute a leadership that would reconcile the waring factions in the state in the interest of its members.
“But do not overheat the system, overheating the system will bring  litigation and then a vicious cycle will come again.

“We don’t want too much analysis because they say too much analysis leads to paralysis.
“So, give us a chance so that we can consult, so that we look at the Constitution of APC and then we wait and see how we can put things in order,” he said.
Earlier, the leader of the delegation, Mr Tony Okocha, said the visit was partly to express discomfort of the state stakeholders over the recent visit of a faction of the state chapter to the party’s national secretariat.
“Those who visited are pretenders masquerading as members of Rivers APC.
“This group of persons, we see as watermelon with the characteristic feature of presenting green in the outside but red in the inside.
“They have long abandoned the APC and are disqualified from speaking for Rivers APC in any forum or fora.
“Those persons never supported the party nor are they sincere in their hearts, to be happy that President Bola Tinubu made it to the presidency,” he said.
He added: “The only group in APC Rivers legitimate to seek compensation for the victory of APC and Tinubu in the State, is the one here.
“Please contact us through the leader of the political infantry in Rivers, who is serving in the Federal Cabinet presently.”
Okacha urged the APC national chairman to discountenance any other group that claimed to be APC Rivers stakeholders or individuals, especially those that didn’t support the party at the 2023 general elections.


Nigeria will get better when men of integrity and honour drive the affairs of the nation – Peter Obi


The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi is presently in the Supreme Court seeking to reclaim his stolen mandate and he is focused on that.

He has been in the vanguard of ensuring a just nation where justice must be the watchword, and he will not stop until Nigeria achieves a leadership it truly deserves.

Obi has pontificated severally on the need for leaders to be good role models and to live a life worthy of emulation. This he has done by publicly putting his credentials in the open for verification. Nigeria will get better when men of integrity and honour drive the affairs of the nation.

We therefore welcome every other interest willing to join us in our pursuit of a nation where justice shall reign.

Obiora Ifoh



Immediate past President, Muhammadu Buhari, has responded to muted calls by his followers and admirers over the eight years of his leadership that they preferred the old General Muhammadu Buhari (GMB) to President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB).

The General had been military head of state between December 31, 1983 and August 27, 1985, when his administration was removed in a palace coup.

In the 20 months that the regime lasted, Nigerians knew that a new Sheriff was in town. All forms of indiscipline, corruption and malfeasance were promptly dealt with. With his kindred spirit, Major General Babatunde Idiagbon, the unsmiling duo knocked a lot of sense into the heads of their countrymen and women. And we were fast shaping up. Then the move was truncated.

In his second coming 30 years later, as a democratically elected leader, a lot of people still expected the vestiges of GMB, but found a President that was completely transformed, devoid of all totalitarian tendencies. And there were many people who privately whispered to one another. We prefer GMB to PMB.

Was the President aware of those sentiments? “Yes, I was,” he told this writer with a laugh. He added:

“I was in the military, and rose from 2nd Lieutenant to Major General. When I joined partisan politics, the General had to go. I’ve heard people say they prefer General Buhari to President Buhari. But democracy is different from military rule, with its ruthlessness. Now, the system for decision making is different. We had Supreme Military Council then, but now, you have Federal Executive Council, which is constitutionally backed. I try to allow the system to work. I like to be remembered as a President that was constitutionally compliant.”

And truly constitutionally compliant he was.

The details, and more, are in a forthcoming book, ‘Working With Buhari: Reflections of a Special Adviser, Media and Publicity (2015-2023).’

Even this writer is looking forward to reading the book soon, as it rolls off the press.

*Adesina was Special Adviser to President Buhari, 2015 to 2023



October 5, 2023

Press Statement

PDP Celebrates Governor Bala Mohammed on Birthday

…Says He is an Outstanding Patriot

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) celebrates the Governor of Bauchi State and Chairman of PDP Governors’ Forum, our own dear Senator Bala Mohammed as he marks his birthday today.

Governor Bala Mohammed is a quintessential legislator, highly experienced yet very humble, selfless and compassionate leader, who continues to demonstrate an extraordinary sense of duty and dedication towards the wellbeing and development of Bauchi State and the Nation at large.

Over the years, through his meritorious career in the Federal Civil Service to his excellent performance as Senator of the Federal Republic, Minister of the Federal Capital Territory and now two term Governor of Bauchi State, Governor Bala Mohammed has distinguished himself as consummate statesman with exceptional commitment towards the unity, stability and development of our Nation.

Our Party is proud of Governor Bala Mohammed’s massive infrastructural, human capital and citizens empowerment projects with which he has further repositioned Bauchi State as an Oasis of Development in line with the manifesto of the PDP; for which the people of Bauchi State overwhelmingly re-elected him in the 2023 Governorship election.

The PDP also appreciates Governor Bala Mohammed for his untiring roles and contributions with other Party leaders in stabilizing and ensuring the growth of our great Party especially, in his current capacity as the Chairman of PDP Governors’ Forum.

On this special day, the PDP family celebrates Governor Bala Mohammed and prays to God to grant him many more years in wisdom and good health in the service of Bauchi State and our dear fatherland.

Congratulations, His Excellency!


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary






  • Lagos doubles financial, training support for talents in creative sector


  • Governor, U.S. Consul General attend 12th AFRIFF briefing


Better days are coming for practitioners in the creative sector with the proposed development of African Film City in Epe, Lagos State.


Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Thursday, disclosed that ground breaking for the $100 million project will be done in coming weeks to enhance originality in content creation in Nollywood – Nigeria film industry.


Sanwo-Olu made the announcement at the 12th African International Film Festival (AFRIFF) Press Briefing held at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House in Marina.


The news excited veteran filmmakers, movie producers, Nollywood actors and celebrities who attended the briefing organised at the instance of AFRIFF and its sponsors.


The Governor also disclosed that the State Government would be doubling the capacity building support for talented young industry players to enhance their skills in modern filmmaking. Besides, Sanwo-Olu said the grants being given to creative young talents for the production of short stories will be doubled.


Sanwo-Olu assured the filmmakers of his Government’s commitment to providing resources and time in promoting anything that would put Lagos and the country on the global map.


He said: “We will be doing the groundbreaking for the African Film City before the end of this month. It is a $100 million project to be sited in 100 hectares of land in Epe. Lagos is taking the lead in promoting sustainable growth in creative industry. The first set of studios will be up on the site in the next 24 months after the groundbreaking.


“We are also going to be doubling the State Government’s support for the training of young industry players. We will also double the grants being given to creative young talents for the production of short stories. We have supported over 5,000 people in creative sector with different kinds of capacity building opportunities and film production grants to scale up the numbers in the sector.


“I am excited that the 12th AFRIFF is around the corner to further showcase the original local content to the world. The festival has offered platform for young talents to flourish. I believe this year’s event will be the biggest. We are excited as a Government to be part of it. We believe this is the right thing to do. It is only when we can hold ourselves together and tell our stories that the world will understand our history.”


Sanwo-Olu said there was no better time for all stakeholders to work collaboratively and churn out put quality contents that would confirm the position of the country as a global player in filmmaking, while attracting foreign investment.


The Governor urged the practitioners to use their ingenuity to create Africananised contents that would change the continent’s socio-cultural narrative. This way, he said the world would know Nigeria is ready.


He said: “We should take the world in an ingenious local way that will be original, content-driven and Africanised. I believe the 12th edition of AFRIFF will be a platform to leapfrog all shortcomings we have had. What you did not do yesterday, you have today to correct it because tomorrow is not promised.


“Lagos State Government, by itself, bears all the hallmarks of excellence in all aspects. Excellence starts from everything we can imagine; the creative community sits right in the middle of that. As a Government, we have committed to anything m puts Nigeria on the global map and supports our creative citizens on the world stage.”


Consul General of United States Consulate in Lagos, Mr. Will Stevens, said digital technology had transformed Nigerian film industry over the last decade, stressing that it was time for practitioners to fully benefit from Nollywood.


Given the quality content and advanced production capabilities of African films, the envoy said the second half of the 21st century would be “African moment” to fully expand the growth of its cinema industry.


AFRIFF founder, Chioma Ude, said the film festival would be held next month to celebrate African cinema and promoting original storytelling.





05 OCTOBER 2023





OCTOBER 5, 2023






The All Progressives Congress (APC) is unfazed by the press conference addressed by former Vice President and Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar earlier today. The press conference lacked purpose and delivered nothing except the pitiful regurgitation of lies, mindless distortions and deliberate falsehood on his infantile obsession with the academic record of Bola Ahmed Tinubu, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


For several weeks now, Nigerians and the world have watched with incredulity Alhaji Atiku Abubakar’s display of utter desperation in his failed bid to become the President of Nigeria.


Earlier today, he put his desperation in overdrive during his press conference where he addressed some of the issues in his appeal at the Supreme Court and bandying unproven charges against the President of Nigeria, His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in a calculated attempt to shamelessly whip up public sentiments and inordinately pressure the Supreme Court.


We believe Alhaji Atiku Abubakar should have known better than to demonstrate gross contempt of the highest court by making public comments on a matter that he has submitted to the court for adjudication.


The major takeaway from his Yar’Adua Centre show, especially at question time, was that Atiku harbours deep animosity towards Tinubu whom he believes was responsible for his electoral woes in 2007, 2015, 2019 and this year.


In desperation, unbecoming of a statesman who once occupied the second highest office in the land, the PDP candidate in the last election has thrown every decency, decorum, dignity and national respectability out the window on his purposeless judicial voyage of discovery to the United States in search of a magic wand for taking power against the will of the Nigerian electorate loudly expressed in last February’s presidential election.


Alhaji Atiku Abubakar holds the unenviable title of Nigeria’s most prolific election loser and longest running presidential candidate in history, and we see his recent US fishing expedition as the last kick of a roundly rejected presidential aspirant.


While we sympathise with Alhaji Atiku Abubakar for spending a lifetime pursuing unrealised dream, we strongly condemn the perfidious road he has taken and the needless negative exposure of Nigeria and the institution of the Presidency in foreign land.


Just for the record, we wish to provide some clarity on the matter of the deposition of Mr. Caleb Westberg, the Registrar of Chicago State University, last Tuesday under oath at the Chicago office of Atiku’s lawyer, Angela Liu, to save unsuspecting Nigerians from barrage of untruths, distortions and campaign of misinformation being dished out by Atiku and his PDP


Mr. Westberg was unmistaken and unambiguous in his deposition as to the fact that President Bola Tinubu graduated with honours from Chicago State University. He also emphatically provided clear answers on all other issues raised which we can sum as follows:


  1. That the person who is Nigeria’s president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is the same person who attended Chicago State University.


  1. He confirmed that a certain gentleman called Adeniji who had come forward to say he was Tinubu’s classmate was in fact a student at CSU at the same time and they both ran for student union positions.


  1. Mr. Westberg said the diploma certificate, on which the PDP and Atiku seek to gaslight Nigerians and the whole world, is just a ceremonial document and what proved studentship at Chicago State University and in any American university is transcript, not certificate.


Furthermore, he stated that the ‘F’ on the Southwest college certificate, a feeder institution to CSU, which President Bola Tinubu used to gain admission into CSU was a clerical error which could of course happen. He reiterated that Southwest College was a major feeder source for CSU.


  1. He said the person admitted based on the transcript from South West College, was a male Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Westberg also added the courses taken by President Bola Tinubu at Southwest College were consistent with the courses he took at CSU.


Westberg further deposed that Accounting is a rigorous field of study. Anyone who did not take the requisite courses at the lower levels could not have done well at CSU.


In President Tinubu’s case, he did excellently well at CSU. He graduated with High Honours. That to him point to the fact that the person who attended and graduated from CSU was the same person who went to Southwest College


  1. He pointed out that CSU has had at least six Registrars since 1979 and in an affidavit at an Illinois court prior to the deposition said “Chicago State University provided a diploma to Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and subsequently provided a certified (or official) copy of that diploma. Both are valid and authentic diplomas of Chicago State University”.


“He said further that the difference in the date of award on the diploma versus the certified copy is likely the result of human error. The graduation date on the certified copy is typed in manually by a person and can be inaccurate”.


  1. Mr. Westberg noted that by practice, CSU does not replace certificates for students as they are issued by 3rd party vendors which is also a common practice by other US universities. The proof of attendance and graduation remains the transcripts.


  1. There is also no part of Mr. Westberg’s deposition where he said that the certificate President Bola Tinubu presented to INEC for his election is fake or was forged. All the insinuations and innuendos in this regard are pure mischief and should be disregarded.  President Tinubu could not have forged a University degree he honourably earned because there is no advantage to derive from such and no incentive to do so.


It should now be clear to all Nigerians that despite Atiku’s lies before the Illinois Court that he wanted to use the discoveries in pursuit of his appeal at the Supreme Court, he has rather chosen to use same as an instrument of mischief and blackmail in clear contempt of the highest  court of the land.


We want to urge former Vice President Atiku Abubakar to graciously accept his defeat and quietly lick his political wound with some dignity. Nigerians rejected him at the polls, and he cannot get by subterfuge what he failed to get through the ballot box.


Nigerians validly elected President Tinubu to revamp our economy, restore security, create jobs, provide transformative infrastructure, improve electricity supply and enhance the living conditions of the masses.


President Tinubu has undertaken to serve Nigerians and he will not be distracted by a man who has consistently failed to achieve his self-serving and brutal quest to become  Nigeria’s president.



*Felix Morka, Esq.*

National Publicity Secretary

All Progressives Congress (APC)



Being text of a press conference by His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar (GCON), Waziri Adamawa, Vice President of Nigeria (1999-2007) and Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (2023), at the Shehu Yar’Adua Centre on the 5th of October 2023.




Gentlemen of the Press, Fellow Citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I consider it important to address and report to you today on issues that define the future of elective government and legitimate leadership in our country.


Political leadership and active citizenship matter because they are ways through which we all work together to build a country that works for all who live in it. Our country is bigger than any of us, and its standing in the world affects the fate of all who come from or live in it. As leaders, it is our duty to advance the well-being of all our people and of the country.


For this purpose, my generation worked hard to return the soldiers to the barracks and to defend the right of the people to elect and establish for ourselves a legitimate government. Our elections are established and governed by law and founded on the constitution from which leadership and government in Nigeria alone derive their legitimacy.


The people look up to us as leaders to respect these rules and, where necessary, to defend them. This is what brings us here.


Today, we are called upon again as a people to uphold and defend the ground rules of elective government in our country. The constitution prescribes the requirements for those who seek the highest elective office in the land.


It should not take months or, indeed, decades, for the institutions concerned to be able to do their work in establishing the credibility of any certificates presented by candidates for public office.


We undertook this journey at great cost and for important reasons. The ground rules for legitimate governance in our country need to be upheld, and the reputation of our country is at stake. That affects everyone, Nigerians everywhere.


I am a democrat by conviction and a citizen of a country that I love. The issues at stake in this case require us once more to re-dedicate ourselves to both the country and our constitution.


Now, we entrust these facts to us all as citizens and as leaders of the institutions charged with interpreting our constitution. I should thank the lawyers both in Nigeria and in the United States, who have assisted us in bringing clarity and definitive answers to these issues that appear to have defied our institutions for nearly a quarter of a century. I also want to extend my gratitude to Nigerian citizens and friends of Nigeria both within and beyond the shores of our country for their patience as we have sought to find the facts and establish the truth.


I wish to pay tribute to the late human rights activist, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN, who inspired us on this path of discovery. Now, he can truly rest in peace in the assurance that what he started about 23 years ago has come to fruition. Gani’s vindication today gives credence to the saying that no matter how fast a lie runs, the truth will someday overtake it.


Former American President Thomas Jefferson once said, “If I had to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter”. From exposing the Watergate scandal and unravelling the dubious certificates of politicians, journalists have maintained eternal vigilance by bridging the gap and stepping in when other arms of government failed.


It is for these reasons that commendation must be given to David Hundeyin, an independent journalist whose extraordinary work and those of many more young people like him has become a source of inspiration. Special thanks must be given to the millions of Nigerian youths and citizen journalists too who continue to put out the truth online even when no one is listening. Indeed, the price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance. They have put the country first in their firm commitment to unravel the truth and hold leaders accountable. This gives me the hope that we have worthy partners in the struggle to reclaim the country we call home.


This quest is not for or about Atiku Abubakar. It is a quest for the enthronement of truth, morality, and accountability in our public affairs. In line with this, therefore, I am calling on all well-meaning Nigerians, leaders of thought, our religious leaders, our traditional leaders, our community leaders, our political leaders, and in particular, Governor Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso of the NNPP and, the leaders of every political party in Nigeria, and, indeed, every single person who loves this country, as I do, and who wishes nothing but the best for the country, as I do, to join me in this campaign to enshrine probity, accountability and the basic principles of justice, morality and uprightness in our country and in our government. This is a task for each and every one of us.


Thank you for listening. May God bless you, and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.