Nigeria at 61: State Dirigisme and National Development Planning
Nigeria at 61: State Dirigisme and National Development Planning
Prof. Kalu N. Kalu
I will begin by providing some empirical information as a way of creating a more useful backdrop for what will come later. It is my intention, therefore, to draw out the broader contours of these problems, their effects on government, and how they reinforce the states’ inability to meet the demands of rising expectations in the country. Yes, as we celebrate Nigeria’s 61st Independence Day, this should also be a moment of somber reflection on the successes, the opportunities lost, and the prospects of what could have been. While I will try to strike a positive note as much as possible, but I will also like to cast any sense of unlimited optimism within the general context of the endemic challenges faced by the country: from the ensuing collapse of oil prices, rising inflation spurred on by a precipitous decline in the value of the domestic currency, a series of market failures and macroeconomic dislocations culminating in a never ending unemployment, rising insecurity everywhere and a resilient insurgency in the Northeast that could not be placated. And to crown it all, the rise of an Orwellian mafia-state held in check by the suffocating boot of a prebendalist cabal.
Nigeria today has a youthful society, with a total population of approximately 181.562 million persons. The age structure is such that 43% of the population is aged between (0-14 years); 19.38% (15-24 years); 30.6% (25-54 years); 3.94% (55-64 years); and 3.11% (65+ years). There are a series of assumptions that could be drawn from this:
- About 50% of the population is between 15-54 years.
- About 43% of the population is between 0-14 years (and will become adolescents at some point).
- With a population growth rate of 2.45% per year, it will add approximately 4,448,269 million persons annually
- If this trend continues, the population of the country will double in the next 41 years
- Unemployment rate 23.9% (2011 estimates)
- Labor force 57.46 million persons (2015 estimates)
- Employment in agriculture (70%); Industry (10%); and Services (20%) of the population
- Population living below the poverty line (70%, by 2010 estimates)
With a declining Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate 2.2% in 2019 (India’s GDP growth rate was approximately 20.1% during the same period); a budget deficit of -4.76% of GDP (2019); and a youth dependency ratio of 82.6%; the major task of the Nigerian government and the challenge for national development planning is how to generate the skill sets as well the employment opportunity for the rising youth population in the years ahead. While the easy part has been to initiate specific national development programs as a way of providing essential public goods and services, the problem arises in the state’s inability to manage the nexus between development planning and its contributory effects on economic growth—its spillover effects on public sector employment, wealth creation, and poverty reduction.
On the premise that the state is a central actor in economic development; historically the typical African state was seen as an instrument for grabbing and holding political power, but at the same time it also became a symbol for ethnocentric and group identification as well as the ultimate price of political competition. Unfortunately, Nigeria too has not been spared. Invariably, the primary mission of the state—to provide public goods, domestic and external security—became secondary. The state-building agenda, which was originally embarked upon with great enthusiasm in the immediate post-independent years, became a victim of the glory and promise that it, up till then, had presented to its citizens; as everyone began to see the state as the ‘goose that lays the golden egg,’ hence worthy of complete capture and domination. But as Nigeria aspires to become a truly democratic state, there still has to be recognition of a simple truism about democracy – that it has a unique way of raising people’s expectations, and when citizens ascribe to it, for them it becomes a kind of political investment. But like a bet in the stock market (at least metaphorically), when a portfolio constantly does not yield dividends, and when investors see no light at the end of the tunnel, they are apt to divest from it and but instead opt for a safer bet.
The bane of Nigeria’s democracy is the potentially imminent collision of rising expectations (from the investment) and rising frustration (in the absence of dividends)—two equally potent trajectories that are both substantively and logically antithetical to each other, hence mutually exclusive. To the extent that citizens depend on state institutions, the values they attach to them, invariably reflects the extent of their regard for state authority and legitimacy. Because much of this has been lacking over the years, it has generated tension between several segments of the population and the government. It has become a daily occurrent for many Nigerian legislators and public officials from the North to state categorically that “democracy is a game of numbers.” As wrong as they are, this is the type of mindset that has continued to hold the country in a stalemate thereby turning it into the beast that it has become. Democracy is not a game of numbers, rather it is a game of consultation, representation, accommodation, compromise and consensus-building. Even the common denominator of “majority rule” does not say that the majority must triumph; but what it suggests is that democratic deliberations should done in such a way the basis for attaining a majority vote on the issue at hand is by building cross-cutting cleavages in such a way that minority interests are also protected. A majority rule in which the minority is perennially unhappy will not last long as an enduring majority – and here we are not talking about a majority-minority relationship based on any ascriptive characteristics (such as race, ethnicity, religion) but one based on distinct differences about policy issues, opinions, and ideological persuasions. Understandably so, the point is that majority rule is not a sine qua non to democracy, and neither is democracy a sine qua non to majority rule. This is what has been missing in Nigerian politics where the majority-minority nexus has, unfortunately, always been built around ethnicity, religion, and region.
There are five critical issues that are consequential in Nigeria’s democratic experiment, state-building, and national development planning both in ideal, practice, and ultimately in its success:
- A collective understanding that the operational norm of democracy is less about political competition than political accountability.
- The need for political leaders to create an environment of shared ownership in the practice of governance and in the generation of ideas needed to govern well;
- The ability of the state to meet the challenge of rising expectations within the political system.
- Judicial objectivity and rule of law: The adjudication of all political and social problems must be rested within the existing tenets of the constitution and the law.
- Dealing decisively with corruption: A recognition that even when committed by an individual, corruption has a broader social and economic cost. In whatever way it occurs, corruption introduces costs into the general economy. While it can undermine the rule of law and administrative accountability; but when corruption occurs over an extended period of time (or become institutionalized), the ‘spread effects can have negative consequences for both the public and private sectors as well as the survival of the state itself.
I will organize the rest of this discussion in the context of a few philosophical traditions that may influence, more or less, the nature and direction of Nigeria’s national development planning. I will focus on central issues such as economic liberalization, diversification, privatization, and the distortionary effects of corruption on government effectiveness.
Economic Liberalization
The idea of an ‘open market’ regime is at the heart of economic liberalization or what is mostly referred to as the free-market system. But why are some states economically successful and others are not? In the same vein, there is nothing fundamentally wrong to cautiously integrate a country’s economy into the international system under a combination of neo-mercantilism, protectionism, and state dirigisme, at least in the early stages of international market entry. A precipitous leap into a free market system could expose the fledgling or existing factor endowments to intense international market competition that could force a series of dislocations in the domestic economy. New policy instruments and the capacities they create could be useful in stabilizing the economy and also help it to withstand any financial crises with minimum economic distress and contraction.[i] It can also provide a source of new employment, individual capital accumulation, and increased demand for goods and services as a result of the reciprocal growth in the productive sector and in individual disposable income. Hopefully, this would create the needed dynamism that prepares the domestic economy well enough for eventual entry into the highly-competitive international market regime.
For developing countries (especially those of the South), there is a great lesson to be learned from the case of South Korea. South Korea’s monumental economic growth and development was achieved, for the most part, as a result a proactive state role in shaping the method and timing of the country’s entry into the open market regime. By then, the country also had a couple of things in its favor—all of which reinforced the domestic capacity to withstand the sudden distortions in factor movements during the early phase of market entry. The state offered protection to domestic industries by imposing high tariffs and import quotas on competing product categories thereby making them more expensive for South Korean consumers to buy. The state also played a key role in the acquisition and implementation of new and cutting-edge technologies that spurred domestic innovation and created employment. The already existing high educational level was a valuable asset since it provided a readily available skilled labor pool. While it was self-sufficient in agricultural and food production, the savings that could have been used to import staple commodities was redirected into investment capital. And its Confucian heritage which encouraged the ethic of asceticism was equally instrumental in the development of a culture of savings—which provided an initial source of domestic capital lending and investment.
But for many African countries, including Nigeria, the path of entry into the ‘open market’ regime has, more often than not, been paved by acceding to the conditionalities demanded under the structural adjustment program. They end up falling into what Thomas Friedman refers to as the “golden straight-jacket” of openness and liberalization in order to appeal to the sentiments that attract international investment capital. They quietly swallow the “poison pill” (conditionalities) attached to the multilateral lending facilities of the IMF and the World Bank. Because “conditionalities” are tied to the overall theory that ‘open market’ regimes and international capital mobility represents the proper and best path to economic growth and development; they oftentimes include a requirement for increased privatization of public facilities, reduction in public spending and labor force, currency devaluation, and debt rescheduling.
Ironically, all of these can and do have deleterious effects on the domestic economy and the state’s ability to provide the enabling condition needed for economic growth and development. A decrease in government spending and public sector employment can also lead to a rise in unemployment since the government is the largest employer as well as the major source of private capital accumulation in many developing countries. Currency devaluation has the tendency to become inflationary thereby raising the cost of goods and depleting disposable income as consumers dig deeper and deeper into their savings (if any). If currency devaluation is not matched by a reciprocal increase in wages (as is often the case), it drives down the demand for goods and services which, invariably, slows down economic productivity and growth as manufacturers are left with stockpiles of unsold goods in their warehouses.
Alternatively, if the government institutes a short-term tight-money policy (as a way of combating inflation), it will only aggravate the problem by increasing the interest rate which also makes the cost of borrowing money and the cost of goods and services more expensive. Debt rescheduling is also problematic because the deferred interest is generally recapitalized into the loan as part of the original principal. In the end, a country that reschedules its debts may have a few years grace period, but it will eventually pay a much higher principal and interest to settle the debt over an extended period of time. It would thus be shifting current economic burdens to future generations yet unborn. A few years ago, I read an article titled “What Did Structural Adjustment Adjust?” That is the enduring and profound question that still resonates today in Nigeria.
Diversification without Institutional Foundation:
Although oil has provided great benefit for Nigeria’s economic development, but it has also cast a dark shadow on the promise and fortunes that should have accrued to the country. The share of oil in Nigeria’s economy began from “a modest 5% of total national revenue in 1965 to 26.6% in 1970; 43.3% in 1971, and 80% in 1980.”[ii] Today, it hovers at about 90-95% of total government revenue, and its influence has become so intoxicating that the country has lost its economic footing as a result of the precipitous fall in oil prices in the international market.
Prior to that, the contribution of agricultural exports to national development exceeded that of the petroleum industry by more than 3 to 1. “Although palm produce exports declined dramatically as a result of the civil war (since a high proportion came from the former Eastern Region); cocoa (of which Nigeria was the world’s second largest producer) earned £54.7m (pounds sterling) in 1967; groundnuts (of which Nigeria was the world’s largest exporter) earned £35.4m; rubber £6.3m; cotton £6.4m; and timber £3.5m.”[iii] This array of crops made Nigeria one of Africa’s most diversified economies agriculturally and their earnings, although progressively forming a smaller share of total export earnings (67% in 1962 and 47% in 1967), continued to pay for most of Nigeria’s existing industries and infrastructure at that time.”[iv] But all these were lost once oil became prominent and a central actor in the generation of government revenue and in the creation of unlimited access to economic rents and the financial pilferage that goes with it.
Based on the aforesaid, the perennial call for the diversification of the Nigerian economy will not be easy simply because the institutional foundation needed to reconstruct the existing macroeconomic infrastructure does not yet exist; and the bureaucratic and professional attitude critical for effective and accountable governance is yet to developed at a level of sophistication typical of most transitional states. While the country’s political leaders have at different times embraced the idea of privatization as a way of building the economic foundation for a promising free-market enterprise; but ironically, its impact has encouraged not economic growth and wealth redistribution, but more socioeconomic inequality, poverty, as well as official corruption.
As a way of making government more “efficient and effective,” the idea of privatization has always been touted, particularly by the World Bank and the IMF, regarding the developmental and growth strategies for developing countries. But the irony has been that while such a program may work for advanced and more sophisticated societies with a vibrant middle class, the prospects for most underdeveloped polities has been shown to be quite dim. While privatization may make the already rich richer, it is less likely to spread the wealth and may, in fact, lead to more pauperization of the already poor – for the simple fact that only those who already have money or the financial means to do so could be able to invest in and/or take advantage of the opportunities offered by privatization of public utilities. “Privatization may have its clear economic advantages, but its effect on containing corruption appears ambiguous.”[v] “More often than not, private firms pay more bribes than their well-connected state-owned counterparts;”[vi] hence “downsizing the public sector does not help in reducing corruption, at least not in the transition period.”[vii] While “long-term positive effects from privatization may be possible, especially where competitive pressures are superior in avoiding inefficiencies and corruption, but such advantages are likely to require best practice in the process of privatization.”[viii] And the more practical question is to what extent does privatization serve the public interest as opposed to the economic interest of private investors, particularly those who may now have been granted full or quasi-monopoly of critical sectors of the economy through government largesse?
The Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz[ix] offers a scathing analysis of privatization and its potential pitfalls for the macroeconomic adjustments necessary to grow and advance the prospects for underdeveloped economies. For him, the most serious concern with privatization, as it has so often been practiced, is corruption. While “the rhetoric of market fundamentals asserts that privatization will reduce the ‘rent-seeking’ activities of government officials who either skim off the profits of government enterprises or award contracts and jobs to their friends; but in contrast to what it was supposed to do, privatization has made matters so much worse that in many countries today privatization is jokingly referred to as ‘briberization.’”[x] For this very reason, Stiglitz concludes that “if a government is corrupt, there is little evidence that privatization will solve the problem; after all, the same corrupt government that mismanaged the firm (agency, or public utilities) will also be the one to handle the privatization.”[xi]
In Nigeria and over the years, “an increasing number of retired senior military officers have found themselves appointed to the governing councils or boards of important government agencies, investment companies and industrial concerns, including banks where the government had controlling shares.”[xii] With the drive toward privatization and market economy,” many state-owned economic concerns have been sold-off to the rich and influential including retired military officers or to currently serving officers through their surrogates (or third parties).”[xiii] As a result, “many of these officers have emerged as dominant figures in certain sectors of private business, industry, and agriculture.”[xiv] They have thus become economic entrepreneurs – a factor that has sustained them as a potent force in the ongoing struggle for control of state as well as the political space.[xv] In country after country, government officials and their cronies have realized that privatization meant that they no longer needed to be limited to annual profit skimming; hence by selling a government enterprise at below market price, they could get a significant chunk of the asset value for themselves rather than leaving it for subsequent officeholders.[xvi] “In effect, they could steal today much of what would have been skimmed off by future politicians.”[xvii] Because the “efficiency costs of corrupt privatizations will be especially high if the winning bidder must actually operate the company for a time; but if the winner can sell out to a more efficient competitor, it can cheat the state from some of the gains of privatization.”[xviii]
In a perverse way, state collaboration with the financial and banking sector has also become another easy route for sustained corruption and pilferage of public funds. Eager to lend to the states the funds needed for various long-term mega-projects; most Nigerian banks have become accomplices to an emerging predatory finance scheme that have seen several banks go belly-up or tither on the brink of insolvency or collapse. Although in certain circumstances, the Nigerian Central Bank has acted as “a lender of last resort, providing the liquidity needed to stabilize troubled banks and stem potential panic”[xix] among depositors and investors; yet the responsible government officials are not as bothered since, after all, they know that the fiscal burden imposed by loan default can easily be passed on to upcoming state administrations to deal with. In the worst case, records and statements of such borrowing are either falsified, destroyed, or programmed in such a way to suggest that the proceeds from the loan were already ‘legitimately’ spent for the projects they were earmarked for.
In dealing with public funds in Nigeria, there are many ways the political system makes it more likely to escape official culpability; and there is no doubt that, in many ways, that corrupt relationships between government and the banking sector has “led to excessive borrowing and inefficient investments.”[xx] Unscrupulous banks are more than willing to fund government mega-projects even when they know that much of that fund will be siphoned away for purposes unconnected to the original purpose for extending the credit. But in the end, everyone pays the price particularly when the government is unable to pay up when due; and as the interest multiplies over time, the debt is shifted to future generations of unsuspecting citizens. The banks have no choice than to declare insolvency or bankruptcy thus leaving depositors holding an empty bag. To sustain growth and development, emerging and transitional market economies such as Nigeria “need good institutions and property rights such as the rule of law, constraints on government expropriation, and absence of corruption; as well as institutions that promote an efficient financial system – financial regulation to encourage transparency, prudential supervision to limit excessive risk taking, and good enforcement of financial contracts.”[xxi]
Corruption and its Effect on Government
It has become an inescapable fact of post-independent Nigerian history that “public perceptions, official audits, press reports, official anticorruption enforcement data, and estimates based on international norms all of which indicate that corruption”[xxii] in Nigeria is both endemic as it is corrosive. While it is easy to point to one or a few reasons as to why some countries are more corrupt than others; nonetheless the causal features of corruption are more complex and multi-faceted than what seems most evident. Because there are individual, socioeconomic, cultural, and systemic reasons that may or may not induce corrupt behavior, the issue of reverse or reciprocal causality becomes more profound. Several studies have sought to advance one hypothesis or the other, and the literature is fraught with several possible explanations. But what is most evident from a greater majority of these studies is that corruption has negative consequences for the political and economic development of states. And when it becomes systemic and chronic, the results could be quite debilitating.
As the nature of interest aggregation and interest articulation become more constrained and delimited, they usher in new socialization processes (new political habits and values) that undermine the legitimacy of government. While “there is no administrative creation of meaning; there is at best an ideological erosion of values, hence any acquisition of legitimacy becomes self-destructive as soon as the mode of acquisition is exposed.”[xxiii] Because corruption and corrupt behavior does not necessarily follow the legitimate path of conformity that supports the political order; decay occurs when incumbent political actors entrench themselves within a political system and block possibilities for institutional change.”[xxiv] Amid growing levels of uncertainty and as existing political institutions become increasingly dysfunctional, “clientelism thrives under this conditions, since the individualized benefits offered by politicians, and the ability to generate rents in the public sector, are often a much more effective path to economic security than the private sector.”[xxv] Politics, therefore, “centers around zero-sum struggles over rent distribution rather than over programmatic policies;”[xxvi] and “that is why the impact of democracy on corruption and government performance in Nigeria has been so limited and disappointing.”[xxvii]
And for these reasons, what I seek to do in the remaining parts of this presentation is to review those areas of the literature that touches on the peculiar characteristics of the Nigerian situation, the institutional role of the political system, as well as the role of cultural disposition in laying the foundation for the propensity to engage in corrupt behavior or other symptoms of similar tendencies. The reason for this seems to me to be that there is a continuous need to deal with the broader issue of corruption in light of its political, economic, sociological, and cultural implications. Nigeria is a particularly unfortunate example “where the state has been described as a national cake to be divided and sub-divided among officeholders.”[xxviii] And for the fact this situation has been exacerbated by the presence of massive petroleum deposits for which oil revenues represents almost 90% of government export earnings; oil resources and rents “provide huge windfall gains to those who control them and their political allies.”[xxix]
Because all forms of economic activity in Nigeria revolve around the petro-economy of oil which, invariably, is under state control; it thus means that emerging platforms of political contestation will focus centrally on the control of state power since this is the locus for the distribution of incentives and the allocation of values in society. In the sense that “factions of the country’s elite, with strong interests in the allocation, appropriation, and use of oil revenues, dominate all levels of government; their interests combine conveniently with those of the state to support a regime of predatory accumulation and lawlessness.”[xxx] Analysis of data from Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) shows that embezzlement and diversion of public funds are the most common forms of public sector corruption,[xxxi] with the rents running into billions of US dollars. The culprits have been shown to emanate from a motley crew of current and former politicians, military leaders, as well as members of the business elite and their surrogates in various government bureaucracies.
But then this is the easiest part. The problem becomes more acute when the process of elite formation mirrors the shape and divisions of the country’s geopolitical and ethno-linguistic structure. For most divided states there is, for better or worse, a dominant group that always retains political power; but where ethnic divisions have not been well handled, as in Nigeria, the result can be a state focused on sharing the spoils, not promoting overall prosperity.[xxxii] “No coalition believes that it will retain power for long and so uses its time in office to amass personal gains instead of making public policy.”[xxxiii] The Nigerian political elite understand this very much and are akin to practically drive the message home beginning from the first day they enter into public office. The various state governors and their commissioners, the federal minsters and key members of the federal executive structure, leaders and members of the national assembly and directors of major government parastatals have shown themselves to be willing and practicing recruits into this unholy fraternity.
And so when it comes to addressing the issue of corruption, Nigeria is in a very difficult situation, much more difficult than between a rock and a hard place. Because corruption is not a problem that can be attacked in isolation; it cannot at the same time be expected to wither away just because a reform government has taken power or because economic growth is vigorous.[xxxiv] “So long as officials have discretionary authority, corrupt incentives will remain;”[xxxv] and to the extent that “more fundamental shifts in political structure are needed, but this will, invariably, be difficult to produce” – as a result of “a well-entrenched system of narrowly focused patronage relations.”[xxxvi] And “for the simple fact that key members of the political and economic elite are connected to the rentier (oil) economy through various forms of patronage, they are less receptive to making the tough decisions needed to address major market failures as a result of over-reliance on oil rents.”[xxxvii]
To be caught in a corruption trap is bad for any government and society, no matter which one. The consequences of corruption are far-reaching, and can be manifested well beyond the immediacy of the moment when and where it occurs. And that is why it can and has, in fact, resulted in the destruction and failure of governments and the states they represent. As a result of a reduced public trust in government, the vulnerability in the economic productivity of the poor increases as corruption in government contributes to disaffection; and the absence of trust serves as a disincentive to engage in economically productive activities.[xxxviii] “The public may no longer develop consistent and generally shared expectations vis-à-vis the operation of public office holders.”[xxxix] The ensuing administrative inefficiency means that everybody suffers, rules are circumvented, little gets done, a lot of time is wasted dealing with unnecessary bureaucratic red-tapes, and the wheels of government comes to a paralyzing standstill – even though the administrative institutions may still be in existence. Although corruption is generally viewed as a systemic problem, it is a problem that has several sources of inspiration and the foremost among them is that it is, invariably, an individual or human problem. Systems do not independently make themselves corrupt; it takes human action or intervention to design systems in such a way that they abet, facilitate, or function in corrupt ways. Hence, corruption or corrupt behavior could be considered a ‘rebellion of the heart,’ – akin to Hannah Arendt’s[xl] sobering rendition of “the modern individual and his endless conflicts, his inability either to be at home in society or to live outside it altogether, his ever-changing moods and the radical subjectivism of his emotional life” – all of which were born in this rebellion of the heart.
The problem with Nigeria is not Nigeria; the problem with Nigeria is the people who govern Nigeria. And despite the existing problems, what Nigeria needs today are great leaders and great thinkers who can think and act above their own parochial interests; leaders who fully understand that there is an enduring value to be celebrated by all her citizens; and even when irredentist aspirations seem to have spilled over onto the center of national debate – Nigeria’s unity and diversity are values (if well harnessed and managed) can serve the best interest of all her citizens. It is only when political leaders introduce abject selfishness, cronyism and regionalism into political governance that the argument for unity losses its practical and moral grounding. As we interrogate the Nigerian project from different persuasions and belief systems, we must realistically remain true to our better judgement; we must at the same time consider the unpredictable uncertainty of an alternative life without Nigeria (even if for the sake of argument or nostalgia), versus an easier possibility of a future Nigeria that can be redeemed if we all work together to harness its most evident potentials.
Kalu N. Kalu, Ph. D, is AUM Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science & National Security Policy, Auburn University Montgomery; Docent Professor, Tampere University, Finland; FDD Academic Fellow on Counterterrorism and Intelligence (Israel); and a Fulbright Scholar. He is the author of State Power, Autarchy, and Political Conquest in Nigerian Federalism (2008); Political Culture, Change, and Security Policy in Nigeria (2018); and A Functional Theory of Government, Law, and Institutions (2019). He writes from the United States.
End Notes
[i] . Grieco, Joseph M., and G. John Ikenberry . 2003. State Power and World Markets: The International Political Economy. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
[ii] .Ikem, Augustine, and Comfort Briggs-Anigboh, Oil and Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 1988), 140.
[iii] . West Africa, No. 2747. 1970. “Nigeria After the War: Lubricating the Economy with Oil,” January 24, p. 99.
[iv] . West Africa, No. 2747. 1970. “Nigeria After the War,” p. 99.
[v] . Lambsdorff, Johann Graf .2007. The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence, and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 5.
[vi] . Lambsdorff, Johann Graf and P. Cornelius .2000. Corruption, Foreign Investment and Growth, The Africa Competitiveness Report 2000/2001, edited by K. Schwab, L. Cook, P. Cornelius, J. D. Sachs, S. Sievers, and A. Warner joint publication of the World Economic Forum and the Institute for International Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University and Oxford University Press: 70-78.
[vii] . Lambsdorff, Johann Graf .2007. The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence, and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 6.
[viii].Lambsdorff, Johann Graf .2007. The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence, and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 6.
[ix] . Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2003. Globalization and Its Discontents. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., p. 58.
[x] . Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2003. Globalization and Its Discontents, p. 58.
[xi] . Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2003. Globalization and Its Discontents, p. 58.
[xii] . Adekanya, J. Bayo .1993. Military Occupation and Social Stratification, An Inaugural Lecture delivered at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 25, pp. 29-30.
[xiii] . Adekanya, J. Bayo .1993. Military Occupation and Social Stratification, p. 29.
[xiv] . Kalu, Kalu N. 2008. State Power, Autarchy, and Political Conquest in Nigerian Federalism. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, p. 105.
[xv] . Kalu, Kalu N. 2008. State Power, Autarchy, and Political Conquest in Nigerian Federalism, p. 105.
[xvi] . Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2003. Globalization and Its Discontent, p. 58.
[xvii] . Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2003. Globalization and Its Discontents, p. 58.
[xviii] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan .1997. The Political Economy of Corruption. In Corruption and the Global Economy, edited by Kimberly Ann Elliott, 31-60. Washington D. C: Institute for International Economics, p. 43. http://www.iie.com
[xix] . Rodrick, Dani .2011. The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., p. 94.
[xx] . Rodrick, Dani .2011. The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy, p. 93.
[xxi] . Rodrick, Dani .2011. The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., p. 118. See also Frederick S. Mishkin .2009. Why We Shouldn’t Turn Our Backs on Financial Globalization, IMF Staff Papers 56(1): 139-170, (p. 150).
[xxii] . Meng, Qingli, and Paul C. Friday. 2013. Corruption in Transitional China: From a Criminological Perspective. Charlotte, NC: Department of Criminal Justice, University of North Carolina. https://clas-pages.uncc.edu/china-center/wp-content/uploads/sites/539/2013/04/Corruption_Criminology-Perspective.pdf, p. 5. Accessed on July 25, 2016.
[xxiii] . Habermas, Jurgen . 1990. Legitimation Crisis. In Comparative Politics: Notes and Readings, edited by Roy C. Macridis and Bernard E. Brown, pp. 275-283. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, p. 278.
[xxiv] . Fukuyama, Francis . 2014. Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. New York: Farrah, Straus and Giroux, p. 538.
[xxv] . Fukuyama, Francis . 2014. Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. New York: Farrah, Straus and Giroux, p. 531.
[xxvi] . Fukuyama, Francis . 2014. Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. New York: Farrah, Straus and Giroux, p. 531.
[xxvii] . Fukuyama, Francis . 2014. Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. New York: Farrah, Straus and Giroux, p. 224.
[xxviii] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 214. See also Richard Joseph .1996. Nigeria: Inside the Dismal Tunnel. Current History 95: 193-200, p. 195.
[xxix] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 214. See also Jeffrey Herbst .1996. Is Nigeria a Viable State? The Washington Quarterly, Spring: 151-172, p. 157-158.
[xxx] . Omeje, Kenneth .2007. Oil Conflict and Accumulation Politics in Nigeria, Report from Africa: Population, Health, Environment, and Conflict, ECSP Report 12: 46.
[xxxi] . ActionAid Nigeria .2015. Corruption and Poverty in Nigeria: A Report. Abuja, Nigeria: ActionAid Nigeria.
[xxxii] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 131.
[xxxiii] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University. Press, p. 131.
[xxxiv] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 226.
[xxxv] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 226.
[xxxvi] . Rose-Ackerman, Susan. 1999. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 226.
[xxxvii] . Kalu, Kalu N. 2008. State Power, Autarchy, and Political Conquest in Nigerian Federalism. p. 132.
[xxxviii] . ActionAid Nigeria .2015. Corruption and Poverty in Nigeria: A Report. Abuja, Nigeria: ActionAid Nigeria.
[xxxix] . Lambsdorff, Johann Graf .2007. The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence, and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 17.
[xl] . Arendt, Hannah .1958. The Human Condition. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, p. 39.

Julius Berger-AFP, the furniture production unit of Julius Berger Nigeria PLC has been applauded for regularly improving the standard of its diverse office and domestic furniture range for customers across Nigeria.
At the furniture and interior design exhibition held at Balmoral Event Centre inside the popular Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island Lagos last weekend, the State Governor, His Excellency, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, represented by his Special Adviser on Sustainable Development Goals, Mrs Solape Hammond, said: “…the expertise of this company has become legendary. The fact that the furniture designs are so creatively diverse and beautifully fit for purpose recommends Julius Berger-AFP for only substantively worthy, well-earned and most deserved commendation by every serious patrons of the furniture industry across Nigeria. Julius Berger-AFP has clearly positively impacted the furniture and interior design industry in Nigeria. I commend you.”
The Chief Executive Officer of NIREDOBA, a creative and aesthetics company, Mr Oluwaseun Aboderin in his remark at the Julius-Berger-AFP exhibition pavilion, said: “I have heard a lot about your organisation and now I have seen your clearly qualitatively matchless products and reliable after sales services first hand. As a critical watcher and stakeholder in the industry, and with your products and service quality that I see here today, this one thing I can and must say, the sky is the limit for Julius Berger-AFP. You are indeed Nigeria’s leading furniture production and most creative interior design company for the now and the future.”
In his remarks at a formal presentation mid-way into the event, AFP’s Sales Manager, Uche Uzoewulu, said the AFP provides “distinctive furnishings to accommodate unique specifications and taste…AFP’s collection of dining table sets, cabinets and sideboards come in a range of creative finishings and diverse styles that gives a customer a choice of marble, glass, wood or stone dining tables, and leather, wood or fabric chairs.”
Mr Uzoewulu added that the AFP derives its proud pedigree from the impeccably successful and highly acclaimed Julius Berger Nigeria Plc engineering standard and solution-oriented value chain. As an ambassador of the highly acclaimed Julius Berger brand, Uche said AFP continues to upgrade and upscale design and production standards progressively. Julius Berger-AFP, Uche promised, will only get qualitatively better to the satisfaction and happiness of every current and future customer. “We upgrade daily to better your experience when you use our products. AFP designs and produces premium quality furniture that balances function with aesthetics to create exotic spaces that invite and excite delightfully in many ways…. AFP designs consist of elegant pieces that radiate relaxation and tranquillity in the most personal and intimate way. The AFP’s bespoke furniture offerings represent a functional definition of a serene home experience, an oasis of personal style and innovation at its peak”, Uche further said.
The hundreds of VIP guests and customers who called at the Julius Berger-AFP’s pavilion included the representative of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mrs Kunle Makinde, Special Adviser to Lagos State Governor on Housing Mrs Toke Benson Awoyinka, Head of Service, Lagos State, Mr Hakeem Muri Okunola and Senior Special Assistant to the state Governor on Administration, Mrs. Titi Oshodi.
Other dignitaries who visited the Julius Berger-AFP exhibition pavilion were the CEO of Lagos State Aids Control Agency, Dr. Monsurat Adeleke, Managing Director of Lagos State Waterways Authority, Mr Oluwadamilola Emmanuel and a former Finance Commissioner in the State, Mr Olawale Edun.
- Fela’s Afrika Shrine Agog as Governor Hosts Global Citizen Live Concert
Free access to Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines is one of the strategies designed by the United Nations (UN) to kickstart global recovery, especially in cities that are signatories to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework. How is Lagos State, the most populous mega city in Africa, faring in its recovery plan?
Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Saturday, gave detailed explanation on how the State Government had expanded access to vaccines since the vaccination programme began in March and the State’s projection to protect its residents and environment.
The Governor spoke at the 2021 Global Citizen Live Concert held at Fela’s Afrika Shrine in Ikeja. Audiences in 11 cities across the world, including Paris, Seoul, London, Sidney, New York and Los Angeles, witnessed the live event held in honour of frontline and essential workers in the battle against the global pandemic.
Global Citizen Live is a 24-hour global event initiated in six continents to unite the world in defending the planet against diseases and defeating poverty.
A-list Nigerian musical artistes that performed live during the international concert included Femi Kuti, Davido, Tiwa Savage and Made Kuti, among others.
As the epicentre of the pandemic outbreak, Sanwo-Olu said Lagos had pursued a radical vaccination programmes, which led to the administration of 16,000 jabs of vaccines daily. This, the Governor said, is a far cry from what was projected in achieving herd immunity.
Sanwo-Olu disclosed that 405,000 residents had received first doses of AstraZeneca, while 289,000 persons returned for their second doses. The State, he said, administered 230,000 first shots of Moderna to raise the vaccinated population to about 1.2 per cent within five months.
He said: “Our vaccination rate is far below the minimum target of 60 per cent recommended by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O) per city population. At the current rate, it would take about three years to achieve our herd immunity target. We cannot continue at this speed if we seriously want to beat this virus.
“To safely achieve herd immunity against COVID-19, a substantial proportion of our population would need to be vaccinated to lower the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population. One of the objectives of attaining herd immunity is to prevent mutations from emerging leading to more aggressive strains. It is important that Lagos achieves herd immunity at the same time with all countries together.”
Sanwo-Olu noted the situation of unequal distribution of vaccines in which richer nations secured more doses than the size of their populations and are preparing to roll out booster shots, while poorer countries struggled to administer first doses, threatening the global efforts to end the pandemic.
He said vaccine equity remained the only path to toe by world leaders to end the pandemic. To do this, the Governor said the world must ensure that vaccines were available to all, especially poorer countries that had struggled with supply.
On how Lagos is creating access and ramping up vaccination, Sanwo-Olu said the Government was leveraging the private sector funding, capacity and infrastructure to scale up availability and distribution.
He said: “Our proposal to the private sector is to reserve and administer 50 per cent of the vaccines procured in partnership with the private sector to be made available free of charge at Government health centres. We propose to deploy a proven system where those who can pay for vaccines subsidise the cost of vaccination for those who cannot.
“Given the fact that we expect COVID-19 vaccinations to be annual going forward, this is the only sustainable path towards achieving herd immunity and making Lagos free of the virus. With our approach, we expect to vaccinate 30 per cent of the population of Lagos within one year. This will put us on a better and more sustainable path towards herd immunity. We expect COVID-19 vaccinations to be an annual programme, going forward, as this is the only way to making Lagos free of the virus.”
The Governor urged Nigerians to continue to be law-abiding and comply with the travel guidelines stipulated by the Presidential Steering Committee to prevent the importation of new variants. He reiterated that observation of social distancing and personal hygiene would break the cycle of community transmission of the virus.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari, in his capacity as Minister of Petroleum Resources, has directed the incorporation of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited.
This is in consonance with Section 53(1) of the Petroleum Industry Act 2021, which requires the Minister of Petroleum Resources to cause for the incorporation of the NNPC Limited within six months of commencement of the Act in consultation with the Minister of Finance on the nominal shares of the Company.
The Group Managing Director of the NNPC, Mr Mele Kolo Kyari, has, therefore, been directed to take necessary steps to ensure that the incorporation of the NNPC Limited is consistent with the provisions of the PIA 2021.
Also, by the power vested in him under Section 59(2) of the PIA 2021, President Buhari has approved the appointment of the Board and Management of the NNPC Limited, with effect from the date of incorporation of the Company.
Chairman of the Board is Senator Ifeanyi Ararume, while Mele Kolo Kyari and Umar I. Ajiya are Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer, respectively.
Other Board Members are; Dr Tajudeen Umar (North East), Mrs Lami O. Ahmed (North Central), Mallam Mohammed Lawal (North West), Senator Margaret Chuba Okadigbo (South East), Barrister Constance Harry Marshal (South South), and Chief Pius Akinyelure (South West).
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
September 19, 2021
The death of the former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Gwagwalada, Abuja this morning came to us as a great shock. As someone who relentlessly participated in the activities of the Middle Belt Forum (MBF), his untimely death has dealt a deadly blow on ethnic nationalities of not only the Middle Belt but the country at large.
Arising from various enquiries from Nigerians over the circumstances of his death, the Forum wishes to state as follows: That Dr Mailafia arrived Abuja last Sunday September 12, 2021 from Akure and was received at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport by his wife.
On arrival at home, the wife noticed he was not in the best of health conditions and seemed to be suffering from malaria. After three days of treatment without signs of improvement, he went to the CBN Hospital on Friday September 17, 2021 where he was shabbily treated. It took the intervention of a senior medic who immediately placed him on oxygen and admitted him.
Dr Mailafia’s was later given the option of choosing three hospitals: Gwagwalada Hospital, National Hospital and EHA Clinics. The wife opted for the third choice. On arrival at the EHA Clinics, the wife was subjected to yet another moment of anxiety as it took a direct order from the top management of the hospital to accept him.
After few hours of treatment, the EHA Clinics told the wife that it was expedient to transfer the former CBN Deputy Governor to Gwagwalada as the clinic was not fully equipped to handle the case.
The wife opposed the decision and insisted that she was opposed to the idea of taking her husband to Gwagwalada. Mailafia’s wife only succumbed when the consultant assured her that nothing bad will happen to her husband.
Yesterday, Saturday September 18, 2021, Dr Obadiah was transferred to Gwagwalada. On arrival, the name of the doctor that was billed to attend to Dr Mailafia was not on duty. Even when an attempt was made by foreign health consultants to save the situation, the doctor on duty got angry and said he was not obligated to listen to any foreign consultants that had been brought into the matter with the sole purpose of ensuring nothing goes wrong.
Wife of the former CBN Deputy Governor was asked to pay the sum of N600’000 as deposit even when it was a referral case, with accruing medical bill to be settled by the CBN. At a point, Dr Mailafia complained over his breathing problems and pleaded with the doctors to place him in a ventilator. The doctors flatly refused.
Even after the doctors declared Dr. Mailafia dead, foreign consultants who were brought into the matter through Dr Mailafia’s son that is living abroad, had directed a family member who is a medical professional, with the wife of the CBN Deputy Governor, to mount pressure on the chest of Dr. Mailafia for resuscitation and thereafter place him on a life support.
The doctors in Gwagwalada refused all entreaties by the family members of Dr Mailafia to follow the advice of the foreign consultants, insisting that they have already pronounced him dead. Even when the wife could feel the pulse of her husband, the doctor flatly declared there was nothing they could do since they had already pronounced him dead.
While the above narration sums up the circumstances under which Dr Mailafia died, we still await the result of the actual cause of his death. As a nationalist and patriot that he was, Dr. Mailafia was completely dedicated to the emancipation of ethnic nationalities from the clutches of oppression. The economist was never afraid to speak truth to power just as he remained committed to the enthronement of justice and equity to all citizens across ethnic and religious divides.
In the twilight of his life, this consummate technocrat and global scholar of repute beamed his searchlight on the raging insecurity ravaging our country. He expressed regrets over government’s incapacity to rein in the activities of insurgents and criminal groups terrorising the nation.
As a former presidential candidate in the 2019 poll, Dr Mailafia sought to deploy politics to bring about the dream he had for his country. Even after he lost the election, he never let down the bar in demanding for a fair treatment for all Nigerians.
The Forum recalls his patriotic zeal in standing up for truth and justice. He was never a letdown in being at the forefront of showing the way for national greatness as he was willing to lay down his life for Nigeria.
The Forum is inspired by his altruistic disposition and contributions to national development. We remain proud of his footprints on the political, economic and social sands of our nation.
In this period of grief, we extend our sympathy to his immediate family members and pray to the Almighty God to grant each and every one of them the fortitude to bear the pain of this irreparable loss.
The death of Dr Mailafia today represents a dark day for not only the Middle Belt but also for all citizens who yearn for a new dawn for justice in Nigeria.
(National Publicity Secretary)
Sunday September 19, 2021)
SERAP asks Lawan, Gbajabiamila to reject Buhari’s fresh request to borrow $4bn, €710m
Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has urged the Senate President Dr Ahmad Lawan, and Speaker of House of Representatives Mr Femi Gbajabiamila to reject the fresh request by President Muhammadu Buhari to borrow $4 billion and €710 million until the publication of details of spending of all loans obtained since May 29, 2015 by the government.”
President Buhari recently sought the approval of the National Assembly to borrow $4,054,476,863 billion and €710 million, on the grounds of “emerging needs.” The request was contained in a letter dated 24 August, 2021.
In an open letter dated 18 September 2021, and signed by SERAP deputy director Kolawole Oluwadare, the organization expressed “concerns about the growing debt crisis, the lack of transparency and accountability in the spending of loans that have been obtained, and the perceived unwillingness or inability of the National Assembly to vigorously exercise its constitutional duties to check the apparently indiscriminate borrowing by the government.”
SERAP said: “The National Assembly should not allow the government to accumulate unsustainable levels of debt, and use the country’s scarce resources for staggering and crippling debt service payments rather than for improved access of poor and vulnerable Nigerians to basic public services and human rights.”
According to SERAP, “Accumulation of excessive debts and unsustainable debt-servicing are inconsistent with the government’s international obligations to use the country’s maximum available resources to achieve progressively the realisation of economic and social rights, and access of Nigerians to basic public services.”
The letter, read in part: “The country’s public debt has mushroomed with no end in sight. The growing national debt is clearly not sustainable. There has been no serious attempt by the government to cut the cost of governance. The leadership of the National Assembly ought to stand up for Nigerians by asserting the body’s constitutional powers to ensure limits on national debt and deficits.”
“SERAP urges you to urgently propose a resolution and push for constitutional amendment on debt limit, with the intent of reducing national debt and deficits. This recommendation is entirely consistent with the constitutional oversight functions and spending powers of the National Assembly, and the country’s international anti-corruption and human rights obligations.”
“Indiscriminate borrowing has an effect on the full enjoyment of Nigerians’ economic and social rights. Spending large portion of the country’s yearly budget to service debts has limited the ability of the government to ensure access of poor and vulnerable Nigerians to minimal health care, education, clean water, and other human needs.”
“Should the National Assembly and its leadership fail to rein in government borrowing, and to ensure transparency and accountability in the spending of public loans, SERAP would consider appropriate legal action to compel the National Assembly to discharge its constitutional duties.”
“The National Assembly under your leadership has a constitutional responsibility to urgently address the country’s debt crisis, which is exacerbated by overspending on lavish allowances for high-ranking public officials, lack of transparency and accountability, as well as the absence of political will to recover trillions of naira reported to be missing or mismanaged by the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation.”
“The National Assembly should stop the government from borrowing behind the people’s backs. Lack of information about details of specific projects on which loans are spent, and on loan conditions creates incentives for corruption, and limits citizens’ ability to scrutinise the legality and consistency of loans with the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 (as amended), as well as to hold authorities to account.”
“SERAP notes that if approved, the country’s debts will exceed N35 trillion. The government is also reportedly pushing the maturity of currently-secured loans to between 10 and 30 years. N11.679 trillion is reportedly committed into debt servicing, while only N8.31 trillion was expended on capital/development expenditure between 2015 and 2020.”
“Ensuring transparency and accountability in the spending of loans by the government and cutting the cost of governance would address the onerous debt servicing, and improve the ability of the government to meet the country’s international obligations to use maximum available resources to ensure the enjoyment of basic economic and social rights, such as quality healthcare and education.”
The letter was copied to chairmen of the Public Accounts Committees of the National Assembly.
Kolawole Oluwadare
SERAP Deputy Director
Lagos, Nigeria
Emails: info@serap-nigeria.org; news@serap-nigeria.org
Twitter: @SERAPNigeria
Website: www.serap-nigeria.org
For more information or to request an interview, please contact us on: +2348160537202
SERAP asks Lawan, Gbajabiamila to reject Buhari’s fresh request to borrow $4bn, €710m
Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has urged the Senate President Dr Ahmad Lawan, and Speaker of House of Representatives Mr Femi Gbajabiamila to reject the fresh request by President Muhammadu Buhari to borrow $4 billion and €710 million until the publication of details of spending of all loans obtained since May 29, 2015 by the government.”
President Buhari recently sought the approval of the National Assembly to borrow $4,054,476,863 billion and €710 million, on the grounds of “emerging needs.” The request was contained in a letter dated 24 August, 2021.
In an open letter dated 18 September 2021, and signed by SERAP deputy director Kolawole Oluwadare, the organization expressed “concerns about the growing debt crisis, the lack of transparency and accountability in the spending of loans that have been obtained, and the perceived unwillingness or inability of the National Assembly to vigorously exercise its constitutional duties to check the apparently indiscriminate borrowing by the government.”
SERAP said: “The National Assembly should not allow the government to accumulate unsustainable levels of debt, and use the country’s scarce resources for staggering and crippling debt service payments rather than for improved access of poor and vulnerable Nigerians to basic public services and human rights.”
According to SERAP, “Accumulation of excessive debts and unsustainable debt-servicing are inconsistent with the government’s international obligations to use the country’s maximum available resources to achieve progressively the realisation of economic and social rights, and access of Nigerians to basic public services.”
The letter, read in part: “The country’s public debt has mushroomed with no end in sight. The growing national debt is clearly not sustainable. There has been no serious attempt by the government to cut the cost of governance. The leadership of the National Assembly ought to stand up for Nigerians by asserting the body’s constitutional powers to ensure limits on national debt and deficits.”
“SERAP urges you to urgently propose a resolution and push for constitutional amendment on debt limit, with the intent of reducing national debt and deficits. This recommendation is entirely consistent with the constitutional oversight functions and spending powers of the National Assembly, and the country’s international anti-corruption and human rights obligations.”
“Indiscriminate borrowing has an effect on the full enjoyment of Nigerians’ economic and social rights. Spending large portion of the country’s yearly budget to service debts has limited the ability of the government to ensure access of poor and vulnerable Nigerians to minimal health care, education, clean water, and other human needs.”
“Should the National Assembly and its leadership fail to rein in government borrowing, and to ensure transparency and accountability in the spending of public loans, SERAP would consider appropriate legal action to compel the National Assembly to discharge its constitutional duties.”
“The National Assembly under your leadership has a constitutional responsibility to urgently address the country’s debt crisis, which is exacerbated by overspending on lavish allowances for high-ranking public officials, lack of transparency and accountability, as well as the absence of political will to recover trillions of naira reported to be missing or mismanaged by the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation.”
“The National Assembly should stop the government from borrowing behind the people’s backs. Lack of information about details of specific projects on which loans are spent, and on loan conditions creates incentives for corruption, and limits citizens’ ability to scrutinise the legality and consistency of loans with the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 (as amended), as well as to hold authorities to account.”
“SERAP notes that if approved, the country’s debts will exceed N35 trillion. The government is also reportedly pushing the maturity of currently-secured loans to between 10 and 30 years. N11.679 trillion is reportedly committed into debt servicing, while only N8.31 trillion was expended on capital/development expenditure between 2015 and 2020.”
“Ensuring transparency and accountability in the spending of loans by the government and cutting the cost of governance would address the onerous debt servicing, and improve the ability of the government to meet the country’s international obligations to use maximum available resources to ensure the enjoyment of basic economic and social rights, such as quality healthcare and education.”
The letter was copied to chairmen of the Public Accounts Committees of the National Assembly.
Kolawole Oluwadare
SERAP Deputy Director
Lagos, Nigeria
Emails: info@serap-nigeria.org; news@serap-nigeria.org
Twitter: @SERAPNigeria
Website: www.serap-nigeria.org
For more information or to request an interview, please contact us on: +2348160537202
September 18, 2021
Press Statement
You’re Just An Attention Seeker, PDP Tells Umahi
…Says Ebonyi Governor Now Floating
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described Governor Dave Umahi of Ebonyi state as an attention seeker, floating in imaginary presidential interests.
The party said since Governor Umahi, out of his personal ambition, joined the All Progressives Congress (APC), while still sitting on the mandate of the PDP in Ebonyi state, he has become pathetically confused and disoriented, having realized that he joined a “one chance” bus, with strange and deceitful co-travelers.
It is clear that Governor Umahi is now politically floating and seeks to use an unwarranted attack on governors elected on the platform of the PDP to actualize his desperation for public relevance.
The PDP finds it very pathetic that, having mortgaged his conscience, over his self-confessed love for the oppressive administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, Governor Umahi is manifestly accommodating the daily incidences of killings, wanton destruction of property, kidnapping and other acts of terrorism going on in Ebonyi state and the nation at large under the APC.
The PDP charges Governor Umahi to show his claimed commitment to the South-east by jettisoning his personal ambition and summoning the courage to call out President Buhari for his divisiveness, injustice, incompetence, treasury looting and insecurity that have become the hallmark of his failed administration.
On zoning, our party urges Governor Umahi to focus on his fizzling APC and leave the PDP alone. By now Governor Umahi ought to know that the PDP is a party of due process and inclusiveness and that all interests within our party will collectively and peacefully take decision on zoning when the time comes.
Governor Umahi is expected to take his stampeding agenda on zoning to his APC but he would not do so because he knows that Nigerians will vote out the APC and usher in the PDP in 2023 so as to bring an end to a life of misery, economic hardship, mass killings, terrorism and divisiveness brought to our nation by the APC.
Kola Ologbondiyan
National Publicity Secretary
President Muhammadu Buhari extends heartfelt condolences to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune of Algeria, on the death of the country’s former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
On behalf of the government of Nigeria, the President also commiserates with the family of the former President and the Algerian people as they mourn the loss of the remarkable leader who ruled the country for 20 years.
President Buhari believes that Bouteflika, as a veteran in the civil war that led to Algeria’s independence, Foreign Minister, President of the United Nations General Assembly during the 1974–1975 sessions and political leader, made significant contributions to the development of his country.
On the African front, the Nigerian leader notes that Bouteflika was a true Pan-Africanist and his legacy of securing the Algiers Peace Treaty between Eritrea and Ethiopia and supporting peace efforts in the Africa Great Lakes region will not be forgotten.
The President prays for the peaceful repose of the soul of the departed and comfort for the Algerian people in their period of grief.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 18, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari will depart Abuja Sunday for New York, United States of America, to participate in the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA76).
The session opened on Tuesday, September 14.
The theme for this year’s UNGA is, “Building Resilience Through Hope – To Recover from COVID-19, Rebuild Sustainably, Respond to the Needs of the Planet, Respect the Rights of People and Revitalize the United Nations.”
President Buhari will address the Assembly during the General Debates on Friday, September 24 when he will speak on the theme of the conference and other global issues.
In the course of the Assembly, the Nigerian leader and members of the delegation will partake in other significant meetings such as; The High Level Meeting to Commemorate The Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action on the theme “Reparations, Racial Justice and Equality for People of African Descent.”
The delegation will also participate in Food Systems Summit; High Level Dialogue on Energy; and The High Level Plenary Meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
The President will also hold bilateral meetings with a number of other leaders of delegations and heads of International Development organisations.
He will be accompanied to New York by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama; Attorney General and Minister of Justice Abubakar Malami (SAN); and Minister of State for Environment, Sharon Ikeazor.
Also on the President’s delegation are: National Security Adviser, Maj-Gen. Babagana Monguno (retd); Director-General, National Intelligence Agency, Amb. Ahmed Rufai Abubakar; Chairman, Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, Abike Dabiri-Erewa and the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs, Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire.
President Buhari is expected back in the country on Sunday, September 26.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 18, 2021
September 16, 2021
Press Statement
Debt Accumulation: Salami’s Outcry Confirms that APC, Buhari Are Wrecking Nigeria- PDP…Says Borrowed Funds Are Being Looted By APC Leaders
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) alerts that the outcry by the Chairman of President Muhammadu Buhari’s Economic Advisory Council (EAC), Dr. Doyin Salami, over accumulation of debt and high spending by the Buhari-led All Progressives Congress (APC) administration confirms our position that the Buhari Presidency and the APC have wrecked our nation.
The “State of the Nation” revelation by Dr. Salami that our nation’s debt profile under Buhari has become “unmaintainable”, at N35 trillion and growing; with an alarming debt service-to-revenue ratio of 97.7 percent, further confirms that President Buhari and the APC have finally mortgaged our national patrimony to foreign interests.
Dr. Salami’s revelation only validates apprehensions that President Buhari, who is still borrowing more money, is completely disconnected from his economic team, while the corrupt cabal in his Presidency has taken advantage of the situation to pillage the vaults.
It is distressing that despite the already terrifying situation, and with the further depreciation of our naira to N570 to a dollar, President Buhari is moving to take a fresh N2.66 trillion ($4 billion and €710 million) external loan, for very opaque purposes.
More frightening is the revelation by EAC that the nation’s debt stock might soon hit N45 trillion.
This is especially as rather than developing strategies to create wealth to run its affairs and repay the loans it collected, the incompetent, lethargic and corrupt Buhari administration is only resorting to more loans in a reckless fashion.
Moreover, the fact that the APC and its government cannot point to any legacy project financed with the loans validates apprehensions in the public space that the funds are being frittered by APC leaders and cabal in the corridors of power.
This position is corroborated by Dr. Salami’s report that Federal Government expenditure had been “on the increase and at a faster pace” even when there are no projects on ground to justify such astronomical increase.
Moreover, the corruption and incompetence, in addition to policy inconsistency, insecurity and macroeconomic instability, under the Buhari-led APC administration, as also observed by the EAC, had stifled investments and crippled our national economy.
While commending the EAC for their courage in further exposing the failures of the Buhari administration, the PDP urges the council to impress it on President Buhari to take urgent steps to recover the over N25 trillion naira reportedly stolen by APC leaders in various government agencies.
The EAC should task President Buhari to recover the stolen N9.3 trillion as detailed in the reported NNPC memo, the N2 trillion allegedly siphoned under fraudulent subsidy regime and the N1.1 worth of crude oil reportedly stolen using 18 unregistered vessels.
This is in addition to N500 billon reportedly stolen from Social Investment Programme fund, the N1.5 trillion and $9.5 million from the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), the $65 million (N31 billion) frittered from the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), N165 billion stolen from the Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) as well as the N90 billion looted from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).
President Buhari should recover the funds stolen from National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) as well as the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), in which a very top official of his government was indicted.
The Dr. Salami EAC team must also summon the courage to tell President Buhari that culprits of corruption in his administration should not only be “eased out,” but made to cough out every kobo stolen and handed over to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for prosecution.
Kola Ologbondiyan
National Publicity Secretary
“A sister set me up with her boyfriend to confirm if I was a virgin” – Nkechi Blessing speaks on near-rape experience
Actor, film producer and one of the most controversial celebrities on Instagram, Nkechi Blessing, opened up about why she felt strongly about the Baba Ijesha rape saga that happened earlier in the year.
Being a victim of attempted rape herself, Nkechi took the issue rather personally. Recounting her story, Nkechi said, “When I was about 16 or 17, I had this sister who I used to tell that I was a virgin but she would always say that I was lying because I was wild. Though my mum had a beer parlour as at that time, she was so strict with her kids that you couldn’t see them messing around.”
“On this day, she invited me out with her boyfriend. I was cool with it but then it started to seem as though she wanted to set me up with her boyfriend to confirm if I was still a virgin or not. They brought drinks and I drank them. She stood up, left, and said she would be back. Then, the guy stood up and sat beside me. My mind immediately went to the fact that my mother didn’t believe I was a virgin. I was scared to death but I knew I needed to do something. Next thing, I summed up the courage to leave and the guy held me down and said ‘you’re not going anywhere’. Then, I asked him, ‘uncle, you wan rape me?’ This statement startled him and then he let me go”, he said.
This experience, coupled with the numerous stories of others who she had heard of that were brutally raped, was what triggered her.
Making reference to the Baba Ijesha case, she said, “I can only imagine what that 14-year old girl was going through. No sane human being will hear such a thing and be happy with it, unless he/she was also a child molester”.
Later on in the episode, Nkechi spoke rather fondly of her mother, who she still lives with till date. She told Chude that her mother had single-handedly taken care of them even before she lost her father in 2014. In her words, “she has been a father and a mother”. She hopes that her mother will live long so she can take care of her the way she deserves.
Nkechi is a wife and a mother herself; she’s married to a man who she says lets her be herself. The duo have a two-year-old son.
President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the inclusion of Dr Yuusf Tanko Sununu as the representative of the House of Representatives on the Health Sector Reform Committee.
Dr Sununu is the Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Healthcare Services and had previously served as a past Secretary General of the Nigerian Medical Association and Associate member of the World Medical Association.
The Health Sector Reform Committee, under the Chairmanship of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, has members drawn from private and public sector health care management professionals, development partners, representatives from the National Assembly as well as the Nigeria Governors Forum among others.
The committee, which is set up for a period of six months, will undertake a review of all healthcare reforms adopted in the past two decades and lessons learnt and factor them into the development of the new Health Sector Reform Programme.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 17, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari Thursday in Abuja declared his administration’s commitment to use football for the development of the girl-child, inspiring young people to have rewarding careers in the game.
Receiving the FIFA delegation led by its president Gianni Infantino and the president of Confederation of African Football (CAF) Patrice Motsepe, at State House, the President called on the top echelon of football’s world governing body to see Nigeria as one of its greatest assets when it comes to the development of football.
On women’s football, the President expressed delight that Nigeria has produced excellent role models to inspire the next generation of stars to take up the sport.
‘‘Our National women’s football team, the Super Falcons are a force to reckon with both on the continent and internationally.
‘‘Some of our women footballers such as Asisat Oshoala, who only recently became the first African to win the women’s European Champions League with her club Barcelona.
‘‘Rasheedat Ajibade, Rita Chikwelu, Onome Ebi, who is the only African to have played in five FIFA Women’s World Cup Finals, Desire Oparanozie and before them Perpetual Nkwocha, Mercy Akide-Udoh, Nkiru Okosieme and Ann Chiejiene are globally recognized stars,’’ he said.
President Buhari, therefore, urged the leadership of the world football governing body to consider Nigeria top on its plan for support and investment.
The President also told the visiting FIFA president, who is in the country for the six-nation Aisha Buhari Invitational Football Tournament, that since 2017 his administration had adopted football as a national asset.
He explained that the sport is being accorded the highest level of attention possible by the government to enable rapid development of abundant talents in the country.
‘‘I have also approved the unveiling of a committee to draw up a 10 year football development master plan for the country.
‘‘I expect that the recommendations of this committee will accelerate the development of football. It is my hope that it will further improve the fortunes of the game internationally.
On the Aisha Buhari Cup (ABC), with the theme “Playing for Good”, which is on-going in Lagos, the Nigerian leader said the tournament could not have come at a better time.
‘‘This Women’s football competition is a novel idea here and I am sure it will be exciting in its execution for our women folk and lovers of football.
‘‘It is also a confirmation of what we already know about our women,’’ he said.
The President thanked FIFA for making ABC, a ranking tournament, adding that he looks forward to more countries joining to participate in the future.
President Buhari, who described football as one of the greatest sources of unity in the country as well as in many parts of the world, said:
‘‘Our hearts beat as one anytime our teams are playing a football match. Our youth are always positively engaged when our national football teams are on assignment.
‘‘Without any doubts here, football is a major tool of national unity’’.
The Nigerian leader commended the enormous work done by the organisation in the development of football, using it as a tool for positive social change and to drive global unity.
He pledged support for the latest FIFA initiative, the FIFA Connect programme which aims to drive football development at the grassroots using technology, assuring football body’s top echelon of Nigeria’s active participation in the programme .
Emphasising Nigeria’s huge pedigree in global and continental football, the President said the country has achieved successes in many international and continental competitions while maintaining close, cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with FIFA.
‘‘Nigeria is one of the few nations of the world that has participated in all FIFA competitions, at all the different levels for both men and women.
‘‘These have opened doors of opportunities for a lot of our young boys and girls, men and women to have rewarding careers in the game,’’ he said.
In his remarks, the Minister of Youth and Sports Development Sunday Dare said Nigeria, as the leading black nation in the world, was central to all that FIFA is seeking to achieve in its football development plan.
‘‘We love football and we follow the game passionately,’’ he said.
In his remarks, Infantino renewed FIFA’s commitment to support the development of football in Nigeria, pledging to strengthen its partnership with the Nigeria Football Federation.
‘‘Nigeria is a big football playing country. We need Nigeria to lead the football movement in the world, together with Africa as a continent,’’ he said.
The FIFA president thanked President Buhari for supporting the development of the game, appealing to him to help FIFA amplify the message of football as a uniting force.
‘‘When football is played there are no divisions in a nation or continent. Football brings people together and to do that we need important countries like Nigeria,’’ he said.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 16, 2021
Gbajabiamila mourns Florence Ajimobi’s mother
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila, has expressed sadness over the passing of the mother Florence Ajimobi, the wife of late Senator Abiola Ajimobi.
Gbajabiamila said Mrs. Victoria Amudoaghan would be remembered for her motherly role and selfless service to humanity.
The Speaker described the late Mrs Amudoaghan as a woman of who gave her all in all to her family, community and nation.
As a community and religious leader in Surulere, Gbajabiamila said Mrs Amudoaghan excelled herself to the admiration of all.
He said her services and wise counsel would be missed by the people of Surulere and beyond.
Gbajabiamila sent his condolences to the Ajimobi family and prayed for the repose of the soul of late Mrs Amudoaghan.
Lanre Lasisi, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, House of Representatives, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
- Nigeria’s Super Falcons Trash Mali’s Team 2-0
Lagos State, Nigeria’s commercial nerve centre, became the cynosure of the global soccer lenses on Wednesday, as Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu was joined by the President of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Gianni Infantino, to attend the opening round of the maiden Aisha Buhari Women Cup.
Nigeria’s Super Falcons played against Mali’s Les Aiglonnes in the international tournament hosted by the Lagos State Government at Mobolaji Johnson Arena in Onikan.
President of Confederation of African Football (CAF), Mr. Patrice Motsepe, Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Sunday Dare, Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) President, Amaju Pinnick, and top FIFA officials joined in Infantino’s entourage to the stadium.
Also, Lagos First Lady, Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu and members of the Lagos State’s Executive Council stormed the stadium for the tournament.
The International friendly tournament, sponsored by MTN Nigeria and supported by Lagos State Government, was initiated to promote female football in Africa, gender equality and draw attention to development issues affecting women.
The first half of the opening match ended with a draw. However, 83 minutes into the second half, Super Falcons’ forward, Gift Monday, scored a goal, leaving the Malian side disoriented.
At 91 minutes into the added time, Monday again netted another goal, giving the Falcons victory over their opponents.
Six nations are participating in the contest, which will draw to a close on September 21. Other participants include South Africa, Morocco, Ghana, and Cameroon.
The tournament continues tomorrow (Thursday) with Cameroon’s Les Lionnes Indomptables slugging it out against Moroccan Atlas Lionesses.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
Gbajabiamila promises to continue advocating youth inclusion in governance
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila, has said that he remains committed to his advocacy on youth inclusion in governance.
The Speaker said he subscribed to the belief that the Nigerian youth had a lot to offer, a remained a youth advocate.
He said the 9th House of Representatives had also keyed into the youth advocacy in governance and public offices as many bills being considered were motivated by the interest of the youth.
Speaking when he hosted the APC Youth Lobby Committee on Inclusion during a courtesy call on Thursday at the National Assembly, Gbajabiamila encouraged the Nigerian youth to continue to be productive.
“We should be able to put the interest of the youth at the forefront. We’ll continue to support you. It’s what we’ve been doing.
“In the House itself, if you look at the committees we have, young people occupy most of the leadership.
“In my constituency during the last election, we elected the youngest chairman in the history of my constituency, Surulere. For me, this meeting is just a formality.
“I’ve been at the forefront of youth inclusion. So, what you’re doing is just to meet the relevant stakeholders”, he said.
However, the Speaker noted that “power is not served à la carte,” hence the Nigerian youth must peacefully work toward gaining positions of leadership.
Earlier, the leader of the group, Bar. Ismail Ahmed, who is also the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the National Social Investment Programme as well as the caretaker national youth leader of the APC, said Gbajabiamila had shown loyalty, dedication and commitment to the APC as a progressive family.
He said with the way the Speaker appointed mostly young people as his aides, he had shown uncommon love to the Nigerian youth and proved that he remained a progressive to the core.
He said the visit was to encourage the Speaker to continue being an ambassador for the Nigerian youth.
“There needs to be a clear demonstration by this party (APC) to include the young people in governance. We want you to be the voice and ambassador of young people wherever you find yourself.
“Though you’ve been an ambassador to us, we want you to be a bigger ambassador for us”, Bar. Ahmed said.
Other members of the APC youth group, comprising government appointees and members of the private sector, commended the Speaker for being pro-youth.
Lanre Lasisi, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, House of Representatives, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
For Nigerian diaspora groups to use the world’s largest platform – the United Nations General Assembly – to garner attention to their causes is not unexpected.
It was, however shocking, to see “Yoruba Nation” advocates yesterday unequivocally throw their lot in with Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).
IPOB is a designated terrorist organisation. It has now publicly revealed a 50,000 strong paramilitary organisation.
It regularly murders security services and innocent civilians, with a significant uptick of violent attacks this year. And it is currently attempting to hold Nigerian states hostage with orders to stay at home under threat of terror.
Without doubt, Nigerians and the entire world will judge Yoruba Nation by the company it keeps.
No one can take seriously this organisation if it continues its IPOB association. When their allies systematically trample human rights, it raises sober questions about their claims to uphold the values of the UN.
The cooperation is a worrying development, once parsed with Yoruba Nation’s increasingly violent rallies in Nigeria.
Actions and associations speak louder than words. Yoruba Nation’s talk of human rights promotion must therefore be ignored.
Meanwhile, the Nigerian government will continue its work at the UN- to fight against corruption and illicit financial flows, and international cooperation.
If we want to see stolen funds returned to their rightful home in Nigeria, the government must continue to campaign for and coordinate global action on asset recovery.
The government will remain the leading regional actor in the fight against global terror – particularly against threats emanating from the Sahel. Through the Nigerian Technical Aid Corps programme, the country also shares technical expertise with countries from the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific.
At the same time, the administration is implementing a programme of environmental sustainability to combat developments which destroys Nigerian communities in vulnerable regions.
Only through the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development can we secure a prosperous future for Nigeria.
As the largest country in Africa, the government takes seriously its leadership role and will continue to strive for continental unity, cooperation, and shared prosperity.
Our expectation is therefore for the media to work with the government to focus attention on the core issues the President, the leader of the country has on his Programme.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 15, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday in Abuja said ongoing efforts to reduce poverty in the country continue to grow, with 1.6 million poor and vulnerable households, comprising more than 8 million individuals currently benefiting from the Conditional Cash Transfer program, while N300 billion has been disbursed to farmers.
Speaking virtually at the opening ceremony of the 14th Annual Banking and Finance Conference of Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, the President said the National Social Register of poor and vulnerable Nigerians had 32.6 million persons from 7 million poor and vulnerable households identified, imploring bankers to play a stronger role in improving livelihoods.
“From this number, 1.6 million poor and vulnerable households, comprising more than 8 million individuals are currently benefiting from the Conditional Cash Transfer program, which pays a bi-monthly stipend of N10, 000 per household,’’ he said.
President Buhari said the National Social Investment Programme was biggest in Sub-Sahara Africa and one of the largest in the world.
According to him, “Some of the various initiatives embarked upon to boost agric trade in Nigeria include the Anchor Borrowers Programme through which the Central Bank of Nigeria had made more than 300 billion Naira available to over 3.1 million smallholder farmers of 21 different commodities including Rice, Wheat, Maize, Cotton, Cassava, Poultry, Soybeans, Groundnut, Fish, cultivating over 3.8 million hectares of farmland.
“It is on record that 80% of rice consumed in Nigeria is now produced locally.’’
To further strengthen recovery and enable more Nigerians, President Buhari said, last year, he approved the establishment of InfraCo Plc, a world-class infrastructure development vehicle, wholly focused on Nigeria, with combined debt and equity take-off capital of N15 trillion, managed by an independent infrastructure Fund Manager.
“The Solar Power Naija project was launched in April 2021 with the aim of delivering 5 million off-grid solar connections to Nigerian households. In May 2021, the Rural Electrification Agency announced the planned deployment of solar-powered grids to 200 Primary Health Centres and 104 Unity Schools nationwide.
“Under the Family Homes Fund Limited, Social Housing programme incorporated by the Federal Government of Nigeria, more than two thousand hectares of land with title documents have been issued by 24 states with the capacity to accommodate about 65,000 new homes. The Central Bank of Nigeria is providing a N200 Billion financing facility, with a guarantee by the Federal Government,’’ he said.
The President affirmed that the theme of the conference, “Economic Recovery, Inclusion, and Transformation: The Role of Banking and Finance’’ was most appropriate, following the global shocks from Covid-19.
“I salute the Institute and the entire banking and finance industry for the commitment towards charting a practical path for economic recovery and transformation of our country, Nigeria, and by extension Africa as epitomized by the theme of your conference.
“I commend the financial services industry for its interventions and contributions towards the promotion of financial inclusion and literacy in our country. And more importantly, the roles played by the banks in fostering economic growth of the country.
“I am confident that the speakers that have been carefully selected to contribute to conference will share insights that will help individuals, businesses and governments at all levels make necessary adjustments and take the right steps towards our collective resolve to position Nigeria as one of the top economies in the world,’’ he added.
The President said a report from the National Bureau of Statistics revealed that Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product grew 5.01 per cent in the second quarter of 2021; the strongest rise since the fourth quarter of 2014.
“This is cheery news and an indication that the efforts of this administration at repositioning the economy is paying off,’’ he said, urging bankers and financial institutions to leverage on the abundant business opportunities to grow the economy.
President Buhari implored financial institutions to play stronger role in making sure the Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises were fit for purpose, with support in full implementation of “Agreement”.
“Indeed financial intermediary could not be any more relevant than at a time like this. We need you, the banks to drive value creation by developing new technologies, scaling payment infrastructure to serve the diversified economies expected to benefit from this Agreement,’’ the President noted.
He said technological innovation was also important in the modern business terrain, noting that most transactions now take place online given the advent of the “Internet of Things”.
“As we continue to progress towards the next frontiers of digitization, we must harness all opportunities while being mindful of the inherent risks. For example, the protection of data is now of utmost importance to provide users with more secure access to the online space.’’
President Buhari said the Covid-19 pandemic changed everything in the world, from interaction, work, communication to general lifestyle, noting that the epidemic also triggered new opportunities which helped to reshape the economy in the areas of digital transformation, trans-African trade, financial inclusion, security, workforce of the future, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, processing, supply, and logistics.
“As we look beyond the effects of the pandemic to the future, there are bountiful opportunities ahead of us. As you all may know, the African Continental Free Trade Area, of which Nigeria is subscribed, is not only an opportunity for the growth of trade but also the growth of Pan African businesses.
“It portends opportunities for our teeming youth population, the women, the creative industry, the digital economy, the financial services sector, agricultural value chain, commerce, industry, education and indeed every aspect of the economy as Nigerians will have unfettered access to the over 1.3billion consumer market,’’ he said.
The President commended CBN, working in collaboration with the Bankers’ Committee, for providing single-digit financing to young Nigerians in the fields of fashion, film, music and Information Technology through establishment of the Creative Industry Financing Initiative.
In a goodwill message, President Paul Kagame of Republic of Rwanda said exploring new technology in the banking sector, with more focus on innovation, will enhance financial inclusion.
“The banking sector can lead the way in integration. Banking is about trust,’’ he said.
CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele said the regulatory body had been working with the Bankers Committee to scale the challenges posed by Covid-19, which include reduction of interest rates on loans, increasing the moratorium for payments, and injecting N3 trillion loans in the private sector.
“We do expect that the pace of inflation will moderate as we approach the harvest season,’’ he added, assuring that banks remain strong, resilient and healthy.
He said the N15 trillion infrastructure fund will be launched in October, 2021, while innovations like the Nigeria/International Financial will provide a gateway for capital and investments, and digital currency, e-naira, will enhance inclusion.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 14, 2021
In line with his administration’s commitment to Traffic Management and Transportation, Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Wednesday inaugurated a 12-member State Road Safety Advisory Council (SaRSAC), to further work on solving the challenges of road safety in the State.
Speaking during the official inauguration of the State Road Safety Advisory Council (SaRSAC) held at the Lagos House, Marina on Wednesday, Governor Sanwo-Olu who chairs the Council with his deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat as an alternate chairman, said the initiative demonstrated the commitment and premium his administration places on the lives of the citizens and to ensure safety on Lagos roads.
Other members of the 12-man Committee are; Commissioners for Transportation (Dr. Frederic Oladeinde), Health (Prof. Akin Abayomi) Education (Mrs Folasade Adefisayo), Environment (Mr. Tunji Bello), Finance (Dr. Rabiu Olowo), Justice and Attorney-General of the State (Mr. Moyosore Onigbanjo, SAN), Economic Planning and Budget (Mr. Sam Egube); Special Adviser to the Governor on Works and Infrastructure, Engr. Aramide Adeyooye; Director of Vehicle Inspection Services (VIS), Akin-George Fashola; Lagos State Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr. Olusegun Ogungbemide and member, Nigeria Society of Engineers, Engr. Olutosin Ogunmola.
The Governor said setting up of the SaRSAC is demonstration of his administration’s commitment to ensuring safety on Lagos roads through the implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy II, which encapsulates the key strategic elements that will provide direction for the 2019 – 2023 plan period.
He said objectives of the board included ensuring road infrastructure, comply with global standards, drafting the implementation of the road safety strategy, ensuring coordination between the state and local governments, development of funding plan for road safety, monitoring of funds disbursed for the initiative and ensuring representation at the national working group among other duties.
“Our administration places premium on safety of lives and property of the citizens and we have continued to demonstrate this commitment through the implementation of various policies and strategies aimed at making our roads safer for all.
As a sub-national government, we have been in the fore-front in the implementation of global road safety strategies including the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety, which ended in 2020.
“Part of the strategies we are implementing include ensuring that our roads infrastructure complies with global standard for safety, capacity improvement of relevant agencies including Vehicle Inspection Services (VIS), Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), Lagos State Emergency Management Authority (LASEMA) and the State Fire Service.
“The primary responsibility of this Council which comprises principal road safety stakeholders is to drive the implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy (NRSS) in the State,” the Governor said.
The Governor charged members of the State Road Safety Advisory Council to contribute their quota to make the road safer.
Speaking earlier, the Commissioner for Transport, said the board was committed to address road safety challenges in line with the THEMES agenda.
Dr. Oladehinde urged Lagosians to support the Council in every way possible as they take ownership of the brainchild, which was created to save lives and property.
He said: “Lagos State as a trailblazing state and in line with its THEMES agenda is today inaugurating a 12-man Lagos State Road Safety Advisory Council which will not only come forward with clear Road Safety blueprints but also stem the tide of road traffic crashes and its attendant socio-economic losses through fatalities and injuries in the South-West Region.
“The gathering of today bears eloquent testimony to unflinching determination of the Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s administration to walk the talk in the Transport Sector and see to the actualisation of tangible deliverables in the sector. Little wonder that the Governor is by himself chairing this Advisory Council. That is a pointer to the Governor’s hands-on approach to leadership.”
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
Top government functionaries, traditional rulers, others storm Lagos for Obanikoro
Top government functionaries, major players in the economic spheres, traditional rulers and chiefs in Nigeria are expected on Thursday, September 16, 2021 in Isale Eko, Lagos Island.
The eminent persons are expected at the 20th anniversary of the coronation of the Obanikoro of Lagos.
The celebration will begin at 10:00am.
The Obanikoro of Lagos is the head of the Ogalade class of Lagos traditional white cap chiefs.
Known as Adi-Fanikoro (The Chief Priest), High Chief Adesoji Adeniji Ajayibembe 11, the Obanikoro of Lagos Island and Idoluwoile, was crowned September 16, 2001.
‘’The good people of Lagos State will roll out the drums on Thursday, September 16, 2021 to mark the 20th anniversary of High Chief Adesoji Adeniji Ajayibembe 11, the Obanikoro of Lagos. Also, an open air service will take place at Obanikoro’s Palace, 38, Obun Eko Street, Isale Eko, from 10:00am’’ a statement by Lagos All Progressives Congress (APC) Leader, Hon. Adeyinka Adedoyin said.
‘’The service will be conducted by churches in Lagos Island’’.
The statement praised the Obanikoro of Lagos for demonstrating exemplary leadership, promoting the culture and tradition of the Yoruba people, ensuring socio-cultural cooperation, communal living and peaceful co-existence among the Yoruba and other ethnic groups in Lagos State.
The statement underscored Obanikoro’s high and noble service to the people, his role in ensuring a better future for progress, prosperity and well-being for the people of Lagos State.
‘’In twenty years, the Obanikoro of Lagos served the people with unerring grace, dignity and decency’’
The statement also commended the Lagos High Chief for living above board, serving as a source of strength and inspiration for many within and outside Lagos State.
“On behalf of myself, family and the good people of Lagos Island, I congratulate the Obanikoro of Lagos on the occasion of his 20th coronation anniversary. I also wish him good health, long life and God’s protection” Adeyinka Adedoyin added.
President Muhammadu Buhari has received accolades on the infrastructural development in the South-East, particularly the second Niger Bridge, which has attained about 70% completion and slated for commissioning before the end of 2022.
Oil tycoon, Prince Arthur Eze, gave the plaudits during a private visit to the President Tuesday night at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
The businessman urged Nigerians to always preach peace as against hate, and draw lessons from countries suffering the effect of war.
He pledged loyalty and commitment to the unity, peace and indivisibility of Nigeria, urging President Buhari to stay focused and not be distracted by agitations for separatism rocking some parts of the country.
“There are countless Igbos scattered around the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, who live happily in peace, and do their legitimate businesses without complaint of marginalization. No matter what, let’s tolerate one another and always embrace the spirit of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. God that brought us together has not made a mistake. I have no other country than Nigeria, let’s join hands and solve our problems ourselves,” Prince Eze said.
He commended the President on the successes recorded in the North-East where Boko Haram fighters are surrendering in droves, urging more efforts in the North-West against bandits and other criminals.
Prince Eze counselled government to give more opportunities to local outfits like the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Corporation, to print election ballot papers, sensitive security documents, certificates, local, state and Federal Government revenue and treasury receipts, passports, and others, since it had the capacity to do so.
President Buhari thanked Prince Eze for visiting and for his good wishes for the country and government at all times.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
September 15, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari rejoices with consummate author, journalist, poet, essayist, photographer, and Pan-Africanist, Lindsay Barrett, as he turns 80 September 15, 2021.
Jamaica-born Barrett took on Nigerian citizenship in the 1980s, and the President recalls meeting him at the war front in 1968, while he covered the Nigeria-Biafra War as a journalist.
“I remember the day he was almost killed in an ambush. He survived by a stroke of luck. I wish him well as he turns the milestone age of 80,” President Buhari says.
He salutes the about six-decade commitment to creative writing and journalism put in by Barrett, urging the younger generation to learn from his doggedness to his craft.
The President extends felicitations to the Barrett family, the media, and the pen fraternity at large, wishing the celebrated writer longer life and good health.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
September 14, 2021
We must articulate political, economic, military, policing strategy to address emerging security threats — Gbajabiamila
…says House ready to do more despite successes recorded
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila, has said that all efforts must be made to articulate a political, economic, military and policing strategy to address both the manifestations and root causes of the emerging security threats in the country.
Gbajabiamila noted with concern, how some “miscreants and criminals masquerading as separationist activists have emerged to wreak havoc, take lives and commit economic sabotage against fellow Nigerians and the state.”
In an address to welcome members back from their annual recess, the Speaker said the activities of such groups presented a clear and present danger in the southern part of the country, adding that there was no difference between them and Boko Haram as well as ISWAP.
He stated, “These people, in their inclination for devastating violence against fellow citizens, their appetite for the destruction of private property, their disruption of academic activities, commerce, and industry, their propensity for defiling institutions of the state, society and community, their refusal to engage in debate, or to consider the possibility of dissenting opinions and alternative viewpoints, are no different from Boko Haram and ISWAP. Given space and time, they will take our nation down the same path of destruction.
“We know from experience that neither appeasement nor overwhelming violence alone will work. We have been down this road before; we know what the consequences of inaction can be. We also know that we cannot afford to be reactionary in our approach. This is the time to convene our best efforts to articulate a political, economic, military and policing strategy to address both the manifestations and root causes of this emerging threat.
“Let nobody be under the impression that there is a political opportunity in exploiting this moment. This is a time for statesmen to act beyond the petty considerations of politics, to do the hard things and achieve greatness.
Gbajabiamila said the House had rightly focused its “national security concerns on the machinations of extremist insurgents who seek to remake our world in the image of their discredited theocracy and bandits who maraud and terrorise whole regions for profit.
“Insecurity remains an overwhelming threat to all our nation’s people and a hindrance that further delays the attainment of the critical development objectives necessary to put our country on the path to peaceful prosperity.
“Therefore, the 9th House of Representatives will continue to take action as required to address statutory deficiencies that limit the ability of our national security apparatus to respond effectively to the myriad manifestations of insecurity in our country.”
The Speaker said despite the passage of several important bills by the House, some of which had been assented to by President Muhammadu Buhari, the House was ready to do more as that was part of the reasons members were elected.
He listed some of the important bills passed by the House to include the Petroleum Industry Bill, which is already an Act of Parliament, the Electoral Act (amendment) Bill, the Companies and Allied Matters Act, the Finance Bill, the Deep Offshore & Inland Basin PSC (Amendment) Act, among others.
“Already, in this 9th House of Representatives, we have done a lot of what we said we would do, and we have made giant strides towards keeping the promises we made to the Nigerian people in our Legislative Agenda. Yet, with every new accomplishment, we confront the unavoidable truth that our work is not nearly done, and the cares that concern us and animate our governing efforts have not been met.
“But rather than be discouraged, we draw inspiration from the things we have achieved, we learn the lessons from the times we tried and failed, and we endeavour with each new day and each new effort to do better than our previous best. In this way, through our individual and joint efforts, we will ensure that in the final judgment of history, it will be said that in the time we had, we strived, and we kept the faith to the best of our abilities” , he told his colleagues.
Gbajabiamila commended his colleagues for their commitment and dedication to the work of Parliament, which he said made it possible for the House to record such achievements in two years.
He said the National Security Summit organised by the House led to the introduction of some key bills and urged the relevant committee chairmen working on them to “act quickly and conscientiously to bring those bills to the floor as soon as is practicable.”
He also said the House would follow through to ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the security summit submitted to President Buhari.
On media reports that tend to measure the performance of lawmakers based on the bills they sponsor, Gbajabiamila said: “Often, Members are most effective when advocating for their constituents in the arenas of government where decisions are made. They fulfil their role in the Committees when their measured contributions help to ensure that Bills are of the highest quality and solve the intended problems.
“Legislators also honour their mandate when through meticulous oversight of public spending and incisive questioning of public officials, they ensure that government resources are efficiently utilised to meet governing objectives.
“Therefore, reducing the sum of a legislator’s contributions to the number of Bills sponsored is uninspired journalism that reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the legislative function and the role of members in ensuring that parliament delivers on its objectives to the Nigerian people. It is an unhealthy practice, and it should not be encouraged.”
He said the House Committee on Health Services would soon present the report on the Infectious Diseases Bill, noting that, “I sincerely hope that our debate this time will be a marked improvement from what came before.”
I never referred to IPOB or Yoruba Nation group members, says Gbajabiamila
Yoruba Diaspora Group, Yoruba One Voice (YOV), on Wednesday, said the statement credited to Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Yoruba nation agitators are not different from Boko Haram, is an evidence that the speaker has lost touch with the realities of the present situation in the country.
But Gbajabiamila in a Facebook post denied the statement.
‘’My attention has been drawn to the misinterpretation of my speech on the floor of the House today. I never referred to IPOB or Yoruba Nation group members. My message was directed at the criminal elements who seem to have taken advantage of their legitimate agitations as a decoy to extort, kill and commit acts of terror’’.
YOV, in a statement by its Publicity Secretary, Mrs. Omoladun Orolugbagbe, said the speaker was part of the conspiracy that brought Nigeria to its kneels, disclosing that Gbajabiamila had always been a sell out with no history of commitment to the ideals of the common people in Nigeria.
Orolugbagbe said:”The statement was a testimony of where he was coming from. Having being in the Green Chambers as a lawmaker for a period of four terms consecutively, and reaching the highest position of a speaker of the lower Chambers, it speaks volume of Gbajabiamila’s failures and that of his political allies who have deliberately put Nigeria to its abyss”
“He surely has his eyes in the presidency in 2023 that is why he is always doing the bid of his political masters,
“Yesterday, President Muhammadu Buhari sought another $4 billion loan, the lawmakers under Gbajabiamila as a Speaker had apparently approved loan sought by President Buhari up to the tune of about $45 billion without a single idea or thought of the backlog of loans and the amount involved in servicing these loans. This is ridiculous, however, it is the duty of the lawmakers to check the excesses of the executive, especially, when it has to do with the future of the country”
“Yoruba nation agitators are law-abiding people, and they carry out their activities with precautions and moderation, so it is purely an understatement for a lawyer and law maker to describe the law-abiding people of our race spreading across the world as terrorists just because of his political ambition.
But saying IPOB and Yoruba nation agitators are not different from Boko Haram is nothing but a blackmail and complete misjudgement. He is a politician without political ideology and beliefs. And Gbajabiamila should note that Yoruba will always remember him for this, either now or in the future”, the YOV Publicity scribe said.
16 – 09 – 21
Having carefully perused through the series of articles on the deadly scheming of some Northern Leaders to lure former President of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan into the 2023 Presidential contest, chieftain of the All Progressives Congress and erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP), Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, has said it smacks of deceit for anyone or group to concoct interest over the reemergence of Dr. Jonathan as Nigerian President in 2023.
In a statement made available to media houses in Port Harcourt, the party Chief said the scheme is a trick packaged by some Northern leaders in order for Jonathan to be President for one term which would be the completion of the four years remaining of his tenure and retake power come 2027 thereby denying the Southern part of Nigeria a complete term of eight years.
Eze said that the Northern schemers knowing very well that with President Buhari successfully completing his second term by 2023, the South, in all honesty and fairness will produce the next President and so to truncate a southern eight-year rule, they intend to feature Jonathan who would reign only four years thus, throwing the 2027 Presidential election open for a fresh zoning arrangement and contest favourably to the North.
Eze urges all Nigerians to speak up and condemn such a dastardly act that may plunge this nation into unprecedented chaos.
Eze is consoled by the fact that Jonathan has rejected such a devious plot. I therefore Commend him for his foresight, sagacity & wisdom by rejecting the bite of the Northern Presidency sour bait as this is a deadly trick to deny the South her two terms after the two terms of the North through President Buhari. This Plot is an unacceptable insult on both Jonathan and the entire southern political class as if we lack credible political leaders from the South that can turn the fortunes of this country around.
He said it is imperative to commend Dr. Jonathan for reading through the deceit of these leaders, trashing their dishonest entreaty and ensuring that his political feats and present status as a great promoter of democracy is not ruined, tarnished but kept intact by keeping these undemocratic elements at bay.
“I am very glad that Dr. Jonathan has done his best to keep these undemocratic forces at bay who are hellbent to deny the South the chance to preside over the affairs of this country according to the terms of power rotation between the North and South, not minding that the Northerners have through the military and Democratic dispensations, governed this country to their heart contents.
Funny and sad enough, same leaders who ensured that Dr. Jonathan was not reelected in 2015 are the same crop of leaders that are doing everything to lure him back to finish whatever that is left of him politically.
As much as I am not a supporter or sympathizer of Dr. Jonathan and his type of politics, as I was one of those who saw to him not been reelected, I will not seat and allow his haters drain the little integrity left of him.
Luring him to contest the 2023 does not in any way wash him off the sins and reasons behind why he was not reelected in 2023 but a careful ploy to portray the Southerners as lacking better and credible leaders to improve on the fortunes of the country.”
In this vein, the party chieftain commended Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State for insisting that he will not support Dr. Jonathan if he decides to contest the 2023 general election, not minding that he was instrumental to his imposition as the Governor of Rivers State.
If Wike, who Jonathan did everything to impose on the good people of Rivers State could reject him, Eze said he is very much convinced that if he succeeds to allow himself to be fooled by those luring him, the worse political defeat awaits him come 2023.
Eze counseled Jonathan to continually read in between the lines and avoid the deadly bait that will make both the North and South politicians to derign him further.
Eze further highlighted that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan who based on his Democratic feats earned through his handing over power peacefully to the incumbent President in 2015 unlike most African Leaders shouldn’t allow any situation that will cause division and tension in the country because of this deadly plot.
This 2015 feat has earned him an International figure and he shouldn’t allow himself to be rubbished and reduced to a local politician by these politicians that don’t mean well for the unity of this country.
Eze postulated that Dr. Jonathan while in Mali urged the Malian transitional government to hasten the process of developing an electoral framework and the establishment of the priority actions needed to be taken in order to hold the presidential and legislative elections as scheduled. The Mali election is scheduled for February 2022.
Although the Mission appreciated the renewed expression of the transitional authorities to respect the agreed deadline of the transition before the international community, it however noted in its communique that it was concerned “about the lack of concrete action in the effective preparation of the electoral process.
Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze,
APC Chieftain & former National Publicity Secretary, nPDP
16 – 09– 21
Having carefully perused through the series of articles on the deadly scheming of some Northern Leaders to lure former President of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan into the 2023 Presidential contest, chieftain of the All Progressives Congress and erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP), Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, has said it smacks of deceit for anyone or group to concoct interest over the reemergence of Dr. Jonathan as Nigerian President in 2023.
In a statement made available to media houses in Port Harcourt, the party Chief said the scheme is a trick packaged by some Northern leaders in order for Jonathan to be President for one term which would be the completion of the four years remaining of his tenure and retake power come 2027 thereby denying the Southern part of Nigeria a complete term of eight years.
Eze said that the Northern schemers knowing very well that with President Buhari successfully completing his second term by 2023, the South, in all honesty and fairness will produce the next President and so to truncate a southern eight-year rule, they intend to feature Jonathan who would reign only four years thus, throwing the 2027 Presidential election open for a fresh zoning arrangement and contest favourably to the North.
Eze urges all Nigerians to speak up and condemn such a dastardly act that may plunge this nation into unprecedented chaos.
Eze is consoled by the fact that Jonathan has rejected such a devious plot. I therefore Commend him for his foresight, sagacity & wisdom by rejecting the bite of the Northern Presidency sour bait as this is a deadly trick to deny the South her two terms after the two terms of the North through President Buhari. This Plot is an unacceptable insult on both Jonathan and the entire southern political class as if we lack credible political leaders from the South that can turn the fortunes of this country around.
He said it is imperative to commend Dr. Jonathan for reading through the deceit of these leaders, trashing their dishonest entreaty and ensuring that his political feats and present status as a great promoter of democracy is not ruined, tarnished but kept intact by keeping these undemocratic elements at bay.
“I am very glad that Dr. Jonathan has done his best to keep these undemocratic forces at bay who are hellbent to deny the South the chance to preside over the affairs of this country according to the terms of power rotation between the North and South, not minding that the Northerners have through the military and Democratic dispensations, governed this country to their heart contents.
Funny and sad enough, same leaders who ensured that Dr. Jonathan was not reelected in 2015 are the same crop of leaders that are doing everything to lure him back to finish whatever that is left of him politically.
As much as I am not a supporter or sympathizer of Dr. Jonathan and his type of politics, as I was one of those who saw to him not been reelected, I will not seat and allow his haters drain the little integrity left of him.
Luring him to contest the 2023 does not in any way wash him off the sins and reasons behind why he was not reelected in 2023 but a careful ploy to portray the Southerners as lacking better and credible leaders to improve on the fortunes of the country.”
In this vein, the party chieftain commended Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State for insisting that he will not support Dr. Jonathan if he decides to contest the 2023 general election, not minding that he was instrumental to his imposition as the Governor of Rivers State.
If Wike, who Jonathan did everything to impose on the good people of Rivers State could reject him, Eze said he is very much convinced that if he succeeds to allow himself to be fooled by those luring him, the worse political defeat awaits him come 2023.
Eze counseled Jonathan to continually read in between the lines and avoid the deadly bait that will make both the North and South politicians to derign him further.
Eze further highlighted that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan who based on his Democratic feats earned through his handing over power peacefully to the incumbent President in 2015 unlike most African Leaders shouldn’t allow any situation that will cause division and tension in the country because of this deadly plot.
This 2015 feat has earned him an International figure and he shouldn’t allow himself to be rubbished and reduced to a local politician by these politicians that don’t mean well for the unity of this country.
Eze postulated that Dr. Jonathan while in Mali urged the Malian transitional government to hasten the process of developing an electoral framework and the establishment of the priority actions needed to be taken in order to hold the presidential and legislative elections as scheduled. The Mali election is scheduled for February 2022.
Although the Mission appreciated the renewed expression of the transitional authorities to respect the agreed deadline of the transition before the international community, it however noted in its communique that it was concerned “about the lack of concrete action in the effective preparation of the electoral process.
Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze,
APC Chieftain & former National Publicity Secretary, nPDP
16 – 09– 21

Okowa attributes Nigeria’s problems to politics without integrity
Okowa raises alarm, says it is not well with Nigeria
State-of-the-Nation: Convoke national dialogue, Okowa urges FG
Delta Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, has called on the Federal Government to create avenue for a national dialogue to dissect and seek panacea to various challenges facing the country.
Okowa made the call at an interdenominational thanksgiving service to mark the 30th anniversary of the creation of Delta State held at St. Peters Anglican Cathedral, Asaba, on Friday.
He said that there were too many voices of anger calling for justice, fairness and equity in the affairs of the nation and urged the Federal Government to take steps to listen to the voices.
According to him, if is not well with the nation, it will not be well with the component parts.
The governor cautioned that the country should not be built for the elite and the rich, saying “the rich and the elite will not live peacefully in a country where there are many poor people.
“We are still in a nation where so much power rests at the centre, with the Federal Government and I believe that it is not right and it is time for more powers to be devolved to the states and more money and resources given to the states.
“Nigeria will be better for it if we restructure but the greatest challenge we have is as a result of insecurity and it is pushing many people more into the poverty line.
“As a country, we are troubled and there are so many ethno-religious crises but it’s time for us to sit down and talk otherwise we may not be able to continue as a nation
“In staying as a nation, we must find solutions to the voices of anger and we must dispassionately look for the opinion leaders in the different parts of Nigeria and speak truth to ourselves.”
He congratulated Deltans on the 30th anniversary of the creation of the state and noted that the state had come thus far because God’s presence had been with it.
Okowa recalled that when the state was created in 1991, it was greeted with cautious optimism but thanked God that, 30 years after, Deltans had become more united as a people.
He paid tribute to past leaders of the state for laying a solid foundation for its development, saying “we have come to realise that we are one people though with different ethnic groups and we have come to realise that we can only do better if we work together as one state.
“I thank our past leaders for laying a solid foundation for the development of the state which we have been building upon.
“We thank God because that foundation is truly strong. Today in Delta we can look round and find that there are many growing towns in the state unlike most states.
“We have several growing cities in Delta State and when you take a tour to many states, you will find out that God has truly blessed us in Delta.
“We are growing at our own pace; we may not all be able to grow at the same pace and we must realise this as a nation,” he stated.
Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Asaba, Rt. Rev’d Justus Mogekwu, in his sermon said that Delta was a microcosm of Nigeria because of the diverse ethnic groups in the state, but stated that in spite of the diversity, the people had lived together in unity, love and peace.
He commended Deltans for their resolve to work and live together in the overall interest of the state, adding that a state where bigotry, bloodshed, bitterness, intolerance among other vices existed could hardly make any progress.
Quoting from the Bible, Mogekwu said that the future was bright for the state as long as Deltans continued to put their trust in God in all their ways.
He pointed out that politics without integrity was the bane of Nigeria’s development and urged politicians to stop cross-carpeting from one political party to another.
The thanksgiving service was attended by wife of the Governor, Dame Edith Okowa, Deputy Governor, Mr Kingsley Otuaro; former governor of the state, Chief James Ibori; his former deputy, Sir Benjamin Elue and former military administrator of the state, Navy Captain Walter Feghabo (retd).
Others include Minority Leader of House of Representatives, Chief Ndudi Elumelu; Senator James Manager, Speaker of Delta House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori; Chief Judge of the state, Justice Theresa Diai; President, Customary Court of Appeal, Justice Patience Elumeze and Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, Chief Kingsley Esiso.

Okowa congratulates Sultan of Sokoto at 65
The attack launched on the facility of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) on Tuesday, rather than throw a dampener into the morale of our Armed Forces as it is intended to, will buoy their determination to make a decisive end of criminality in the country, President Muhammadu Buhari has said.
Noting that the attack, which led to loss of lives, came at a time that the military had put insurgents, bandits, kidnappers, and other types of criminals on the retreat, the President says the heinous action would accelerate the total uprooting of evil in the polity, which members of the Armed Forces are solidly resolved to accomplish in the shortest possible time.
Commiserating with the families who lost their loved ones, and praying God to comfort them, President Buhari vowed that the deceased would not die in vain, as the degenerate act would have consequences that will eventually clean the country of vermin, and emancipate the polity from deliberate, targeted and contrived atrocious acts.
The President thanks all Nigerians who value and appreciate the efforts of our military, and urges those playing hateful politics with the dastardly act to desist, noting that rather than recriminations, this is the time for all patriots and people of goodwill to support and encourage those who are in the vanguard of the battle against wickedness in the land.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
August 25, 2021
Delta confirms outbreak of Avian influenza
Delta Government on Wednesday confirmed the fresh outbreak of Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu with an estimated population of 164,473 birds so far affected in farms across seven Local Government Areas of the state.
The Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mr. Julius Egbedi disclosed this in a Press Conference jointly chaired by the Commissioner for Information, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, in Asaba. Egbedi said that the affected farms were located in Udu, Oshimili South, Ughelli North, Ughelli South, Okpe and Sapele Local Government Areas, stressing that samples from the reported farms had been sent to the National Veterinary Institute, Jos, and all were confirmed to be the H5N1 strain of the Avian Influenza.
He said that the state government, through its Department of Veterinary Services, had disinfected the affected farms and had also forbidden the operation of poultry farms for the next three months
Okowa tasks IGP on police-citizens relations
Delta Governor, Sen. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, on Monday, called on the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mr Alkali Baba, to strive toward bridging the gap in the relationship between the police and citizens of the country.
Okowa made the call when he received the IGP on courtesy visit at Government House, Asaba, and pointed out that growing lack of trust between the police and the people resulted from poor relationship.
He advised that the IGP should interact more with different stakeholders with a view to bridging the gap between the Police Force and the people, adding that community policing could only work better with the cooperation of citizens.
According to Okowa, lack of citizens’ trust in the police requires that your office interact more with different stakeholders with a view to bridging the gap between the Nigeria police and the people.
He remarked that tour of various police commands and formations across the country by the police boss would help to bridge such gap.
“With your infectious personality, I have no doubt that you will be able to attract more people to support your policing vision of enhancing police primacy in protection of lives and property.
“It is our prayer that you will continue to work hard and partner other sister security agencies to ensure that Nigeria gets more and more peaceful in the days ahead,” he said.
The governor said that there was a need for joint effort to tackle security challenges in the country, and explained that “in Delta, we are thankful that the collaboration is real and it’s helping us to achieve results, and we hope it continues”.
He said that there was need for proper funding of the police with logistics and equipment to enable the force to be more confident in its work, especially when combating criminal elements.
“If we are able to fund the police to provide for more data and extensive intelligence-gathering, the more likely we are going to achieve faster result.
“Community policing can only work better with the cooperation of the people, and in Delta, we are in the process of completing the enactment of a law that will establish Community Security Corps to work in partnership with the police for effective crime prevention,’’ Okowa stated.
On herders-farmers clashes, he said the state had been able to manage it with the structures put in place to ensure that the clashes were minimised.
“Whatever you can do to strengthen the police command in Delta, we urge you not to hesitate in providing such support,” the governor assured, adding that the state government would continue to support and cooperate with the police within available resources.
Earlier, the IGP had said that he was in Delta as part of his familiarisation tour of state police commands and formations across the country to intimate them on his vision for the force under his leadership.
He appreciated the governor for continued assistance to Delta command, adding that it had remained one of the best that had added value to policing in terms of strengthening the force with creation of new area commands and establishment of security outfits to compliment the police.
“I am here on a facility tour of the Delta State Command as part of my visit to police formations in each state to interact with the officers and men on my vision for the force.
“To improve crime prevention in the state and country, the Police have adopted the community policing strategy as model for bringing police nearer to the people and we seek the support of stakeholders for the implementation,” Baba stated.
Okowa congratulates Sultan of Sokoto at 65
Delta Governor, Sen. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, has congratulated the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, as he clocks 65 years.
In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Olisa Ifeajika, in Asaba, the governor commended the Sultan for promoting and advancing the course of peace, unity and religious harmony in the country.
He said that Nigerians remained grateful to the Sultan Abubakar for his astute contributions to peace-building, co-existence and religious tolerance among Nigerians.
The governor noted that the Sultan’s wise counseling on national issues had continued to help in keeping leaders and followers on track and stimulating genuine interest of the people in nation-building.
“On behalf of my family, the government and people of Delta, I congratulate His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, on the occasion of his 65th birth anniversary.
“We celebrate your outstanding and exemplary role as head of Jama’atul Nasir Islam (JNI), President-General of Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and co-Chairman of Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (NIREC).
“We also appreciate your contributions to ending insurgency, banditry and other violent crimes in parts of the country and for the promotion and protection of human life and dignity of man.
“As you continue to use your exalted throne to promote peace, unity and positive development in the Caliphate and across our nation, be assured of the support, partnership and co-operation of the government and people of Delta.
“It is my prayer that Almighty God grants you many more years of good health to continue your patriotic services to the nation,” he said.
Okowa condoles with families of 7 road accident victims
Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta has sent his deepest condolences to the families of seven women who died in a road accident on the Orogun-Agbarha road in the state.
The women, all from Bonadi and were returning from a marriage ceremony in Agbor on Saturday reportedly lost their lives when the driver of the Sienna bus conveying them lost control of the vehicle, resulting in a plunge of the car into a nearby carnal.
Three out of the 10 passengers in the vehicle were reported to have survived the incident.
In a condolence message by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Olisa Ifeajika, Okowa sympathised with the families of the victims as well as Bomadi Local Government and the entire Ijaw people on the tragic incident.
He commiserated with the people of Peretoru communities where the dead hailed from.
“It is with a deep sense of sorrow that I commiserate with the families of seven Bomadi ladies that lost their lives in a fatal motor accident on Saturday, August 21, 2021, along Orogun-Agbara road on their way from a wedding at Agbor.
“Indeed, their death has caused a dark cloud and great sorrow for their families.
“On behalf of the government and people of Delta, I extend our heartfelt condolences to the Chairman and people of Bomadi Local Government Area and the families of our departed women.
“Their untimely death has undoubtedly caused great pain to their families and I pray that such tragedy will never occur again.
“May God grant the families and loved ones the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and may their souls rest in peace.” the governor stated.
“I almost passed out.” Funke Akindele discusses producing highest-grossing movie Omo Ghetto, work ethic and her plans for the future
Going from being arraigned for breaking the COVID-19 precautionary rule to becoming the highest-grossing actress, producer and director, Funke Akindele has become a legend in Nigeria’s entertainment industry. On this week’s episode of #WithChude, the multiple award-winning producer, director, screenwriter, and actress discussed the work behind the production of her blockbuster movie Omo Ghetto, her work ethics and more with host and co-founder Joy Inc., Chude Jideonwo.
Talking about the process that went into the making of Omo Ghetto, Funke Akindele said, “I became the PA, makeup assistant, wardrobe manager. I styled the movie, designed the production, because this is what I live for. I gave everything to Omo Ghetto: The Saga. I had sleepless nights, swollen eyes.”
Playing multiple roles paid off but it took a toll on the actress. She revealed that shuffling in between roles required her learning new things and constantly going beyond her capacity. She said, “I trained for a month for all the fight sequences. I had to fight for a month with everybody. I had to jog. I had to shed weight. I had to be in the picture. I was directing, acting- at some point, I almost passed out. They had to bring ice and put all over me.”
However, this did not stop the actress’ pursuit of making the now blockbuster movie. She told Chude about how she kept pushing and giving her team the motivation they needed to keep going. The result was the highest-grossing movie in Nigeria entertainment history.
This phenomenal feat was accomplished a year after she was dragged in the mud for allegedly breaking the COVID-19 rule. Funke disclosed that that period was so tough for her that at some point she considered death.
“When I was told to write my statement, I said, ‘I wish I could just die. I didn’t do anything wrong. Let me just die so it will cover the whole thing”, she said.
She further revealed that she had spent a lot of time crying and wondering what she could have done differently. Her mom and husband, however, helped her get through it with words of encouragement.
Today, Funke Akindele is a household name in the movie industry and continues to support other upcoming actors and actresses.
The Deputy National Chairman (South) of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Elder Yemi Akinwonmi, has taken over the affairs of the opposition party.
Akinwonmi cited Section 35 (b) of the PDP Constitution to support his action.
The Acting National Chairman also suspended the National Working Committee meeting of the party indefinitely.
A Court in Rivers on Monday granted an interim order, restraining Prince Uche Secondus from parading himself as the National Chairman and member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
This is contained in a statement issued by Mr Kelvin Ebiri, the Special Assistant (Media) to Rivers Governor on Monday in Port Harcourt.
According to the statement, Justice Okogbule Gbasam of the Degema Judicial Division presiding over a vacation court in Port Harcourt, granted the order, pending the determination of the substantive suit.
This followed a suit, no. PHC/2183/CS/2021 filed by Mr Ibeawuchi Alex and three others, listing Secondus and the PDP as respondents.
The court granted the applicants’ prayers, after reading the affidavit in support of the motion ex parte and the written address and hearing the submission of Mr H.A. Bello, counsel to the applicants.
The order also restrained Secondus from performing the functions of national chairman of the PDP, including calling, attending or presiding over any meeting of the party, among others.
The order restrained Secondus also from participating in any activity of the party whatsoever whilst on suspension as a member of the party pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.
The court also granted leave to serve by substituted means, the originating summons, motion on notice, all orders made by the court and all subsequent processes on the respondent
It further granted leave to serve by substituted means, orders made by the court on the respondents by publishing same in the Nation Newspaper.
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has mourned the passage of the chieftain of the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) and former distinguished Senator Olabiyi Durojaiye.
Governor Sanwo-Olu described Senator Durojaiye, as a passionate leader who served his country meritoriously as a public servant, human rights activist, politician and seasoned administrator.
Senator Durojaiye, the immediate past Chairman of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and Afenifere chieftain, died on Tuesday August 24 at the age of 88 years.
Governor Sanwo-Olu in a condolence message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Gboyega Akosile, on Tuesday said the late legal practitioner, politician and Afenifere chieftain spent his life in the service of humanity, particularly for the emancipation of the Yoruba people and defense of Nigeria’s democratic system.
He also praised the late Senator Durojaiye’s contribution to Nigeria’s democracy, especially his fight, alongside other progressive elements in the country during the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election and the dark days of the military junta for the enthronement of constitutional democracy in Nigeria.
The governor also commiserated with Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, and the entire people of the State, especially, indigenes of Ijebu-Igbo, on the demise of their illustrious son and elder statesman.
He said: “On behalf of the Government and people of Lagos State, I want to express my sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and associates of the late Senator Olabiyi Durojaiye as well as members of the political family of the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and entire Yoruba people.
“The death of Senator Durojaiye is a colossal loss to the country. He made lots of positive contributions during his lifetime to the growth and development of Yorubaland and Nigeria. He fought along with several other patriots and pro-democracy activists tirelessly for enthronement of democracy in Nigeria.
“He wrote his name in gold as a tireless fighter and an advocate of democratic government. He played a crucial role as chieftain of NADECO in the agitation for the actualisation of the annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election and return of civilian government in May 29, 1999. Despite being arrested and imprisoned by the military regime of General Sani Abacha, he never gave up the struggle for Nigeria’s democracy.
“I pray that God will grant him eternal rest and give his immediate family, friends, political associates, Afenifere, the people of Ijebu-Igbo and Ogun State, the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.”
AUGUST 24, 2021

Alema of Warri, Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan, receives Ohinoyi of Ebiraland
The Alema of Warri Kingdom, Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan, will host the Atta of Ebiraland, His Royal Majesty, Ohinoyi, Dr. Ado Ibrahim on Saturday, August 21 in Warri, Delta State.
‘’His Royal Majesty, Ohinoyi, Dr. Ado Ibrahim, CON, Atta of Ebiraland and President, Kogi State Council of Chiefs will be received by the Alema of Warri Kingdom and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Webster Group of Companies, Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan on Saturday’’ a statement in Abigborodo, Warri North Local Government Area said.
Omo Oba Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko will be crowned the 21st Olu of Warri on Saturday, August 21, 2021.
Google My Debt Servicing Ratio’s 9 Percent, Jimoh Ibrahim Challenges AMCON
Bar. Jimoh Ibrahim, the owner of NICON Insurance and Nigeria Re. has described his debt servicing ratio as the lowest among strong business moguls in the country.
He said his current debt servicing ratio is put at 9 percent, while that of Dangote is 13 percent.
In a statement made available to newsmen the First Doctoral Candidate of the University of Cambridge Business Management Science explained that the debt servicing ratio of Nigeria stands at 98 percent, while USA and UK’s stand at 105 percent and 85 percent respectively.
He, therefore, challenged Asset Management Corporation Of Nigeria (AMCON) to name who’s a business man with a first-class score.
According to the 54-year-old business mogul, the Google rating of his net asset is over one billion dollars, adding that the data showed excellent asset specificity.
He said: “I collateralized a loan of N26 billion with £130.7 million British pound stealing (at 5% interest rate now £245m or N178 billion). So, if you buy my loan, where is my cash collateral is the question.”
Ibrahim described AMCON as a lawless organisation which the World Bank and IMF had condemned.
He said: “AMCON should not drag Federal Government’s economic policy into self-interest and I am sure that President Buhari will not support economic injustice because ‘an unjust order is an invitation to Anarchy.’
President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates all Itsekiris home and abroad, as Prince Tsola Emiko gets installed as the 21st Olu of Warri, August 21, 2021.
The President salutes the Kingdom for overcoming the issues that arose after the initial appointment of the Olu-designate, urging that any outstanding matters should be amicably resolved in the interest of peace and tranquility.
As a Western-trained political scientist, and management expert, President Buhari counsels the new Olu to use his gift and intellect to serve his people, noting the peaceful disposition of Itsekiris to peace in the Niger Delta region, and the country in general.
The President prays that the new epoch will consolidate on the peace, progress and prosperity of all members of the Warri Kingdom.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021
Press Statement
You are already a failure, PDP Mocks Buhari
…Says Lame Attempt At Damage Control Can’t Help APC
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has told President Muhammadu Buhari that he is already a failure in governance and will leave a failure, adding that his attempt at political damage control cannot help his fizzling All Progressives Congress (APC).
The PDP describes the statement by President Buhari that he will not leave office as a failure as “medicine after death” noting that as long as he is a product of the corrupt, inept, directionless and anti-people APC, he will leave as a failed leader.
The party asserts that President Buhari’s veiled admission of failure, which smacks as a tactic to exonerate the APC, is an exercise in futility as the APC, which now only exists on paper, will soon fizzle from our political firmament, having shown itself as perverted platform that cannot be entrusted with governance at any level in our country.
President Buhari and his APC have failed in their three-pronged promises of security, anti-corruption and economic development.
They have instead wrecked all sectors of our nation life with no hope in sight.
What explanation can the Buhari Presidency and the APC offer for failing to decisively tackle terrorists, insurgents and bandits, who are daily ravaging our communities, killing and maiming our compatriots in various states across the country, despite the huge resources at their disposal?
How do President Buhari and APC leaders sleep at night when they know that due to their incompetence and compromises, hundreds of Nigerians, including school children are languishing in kidnappers’ den at the mercies of their assailants and the elements?
President Buhari has so failed as a Commander-in-Chief that non-state actors have taken over, with regions now resorting to their own security outfits while state governors, including his home, Katsina state governor, Aminu Bello Masari, telling helpless victims of terror attacks to defend themselves.
On the economy front, President Buhari has only succeeded in ruining the once robust economy handed over to him by the PDP administration in 2015 and turned Nigeria into the poverty capital of the world, where over 82.9 million once thriving Nigerians can no longer afford their daily meals and other necessities of life.
Moreover, the Buhari Presidency cannot point to any landmark project it conceptualized, started and completed in the last six years.
All it can boast of is the mortgaging of the future of our nation with accumulated N33.107 trillion debt with nothing to show and no clear repayment plan.
More atrocious is that Mr. President is seeking to borrow additional N5.62 trillion, when he knows that he has less than two years in office.
Rather than fighting corruption, the APC-led Buhari administration has become the citadel of corruption where over N15 trillion naira have reportedly been stolen by APC leaders from various agencies under the cover of government.
Nigerians can recall how the PDP recently held a strategic meeting where suggestions on how to entrench unity, reduce tension, fight insurgency, curb corruption and restore our nation to the path of economic progress, were placed at the behest of Mr. President and how he failed to listen to the voice of reason.
What is expected of Mr. President and the APC at this point is for them to end their media orchestrations, apologize for their failure and allow Nigerians to chart a fresh course as they rally with the PDP to salvage our dear nation.
Kola Ologbondiyan
National Publicity Secretary
20th August, 2021
The Delta State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has congratulated the Olu of Warri designate, Prince ‘Tsola Emiko, ahead of his coronation on August 21, 2021.
Delta State PDP Publicity Secretary, Dr. Ifeanyi Osuoza said in a Press Statement that: “Delta PDP heartily congratulates the new Olu of Warri, Prince Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko, whose official coronation on Saturday, August 21, 2021, confirms him as the 21st Olu of Warri.
We wish His Royal Majesty a happy, prosperous, and peaceful reign as he assumes his royal heritage as the custodian of the great Odé Itsekiri ancestral throne of Warri Kingdom.
Long live HRM, Omoba ‘Tsola Emiko.
Ogiame! Suoooo!!!
PDP! Power to the people!!!
Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza
State Publicity Secretary,
PDP, Delta State.
Ahead of President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to Kano for the marriage of his son, Yusuf Buhari, to Zahra Bayero, the daughter of Nasiru Ado Bayero, the Emir of Bichi in Kano State on Friday, the President has dispatched a high level delegation to be led by his Chief of Staff, Professor Ibrahim Gambari.
The Presidential delegation, including the Ministers of Defence, Maj Gen Bashir Salihi Magashi (rtd), Agriculture, Alhaji Sabo Nanono, Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika and Water Resources, Engr. Suleiman Hussein Adamu as well as the Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media and Publicity), Garba Shehu will stay back after the wedding, to represent the President at the coronation of the Emir at Bichi the following day, Saturday.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 19, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari has approved recommendations of a committee to review “with dispatch,” 368 grazing sites, across 25 states in the country, “to determine the levels of encroachment.”
The President’s directive followed his approval of the recommendations of a committee chaired by the Chief of Staff to the President, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari.
Among others, the committee had recommended the collection of field data collection on 368 Grazing Reserves across 25 states to assess encroachment and encroachers, stakeholder engagements and sensitization.
The Committee also recommended production of maps and geo-mapping/tagging of sites, analysis of findings and report preparations as well as design appropriate communication on Grazing Reserves and operations.
The number of the Grazing Reserves and States were deduced from considerations of existing security concerns and other pre-existing socio-economic conditions.
The President directed that the assignment be undertaken with dispatch to bring more understanding on the Grazing Reserves, and implementation.
Members of the committee include, Governor of Kebbi State and Vice Chairman, National Food Security Council, Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, Governor of Ebonyi State and Chairman of NEC Sub-Committee for National Livestock Transformation Plan, David Umahi, Minister of Water Resources, Suleiman Adamu, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sabo Nanono, Minister of Environment, Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar and Deputy Chief of Staff, Ade Ipaye.
The Technical Sub-Committee consists of representatives from the seven members of the main committee in addition to representatives from Ministry of Justice, Surveyor General of the Federation, National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA) and National Space Research Development Agency (NASRDA).
Among its Terms of Reference, the Committee was to collate from states and confirm the status of all Grazing Reserves, assess the percentage of available land and those with existing encroachment complications for case-by-case resolution in partnership with state governments and the FCT.
The Committee will also make recommendations for gazetting of ungazetted Grazing Reserves and create a data base of National Cattle Herders and ensure that Grazing Reserves are well communicated to all stakeholders.
The inaugural meeting of the Committee was held on May 10, 2021.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 19, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari rejoices with immediate past Speaker of the Oyo State House of Assembly, Hon Joshua Olagunju Ojo, JP as he turns 70 August 20, 2021.
The President salutes the commitment of the astute politician to service of the people of Ogbomoso in particular, and Oyo State in general, using his privileged position to touch their lives in diverse ways.
As a prominent farmer, marketer, and politician, President Buhari is delighted that the All Progressives Congress (APC) stalwart remains resolute in the ideals of service to the people.
As the Fellow of Institute of Management Executives and Administrators of Nigeria turns 70, the President wishes Hon Ojo longer life, good health, and greater service to God and humanity.
President Buhari also extends goodwill to the immediate and extended Ojo family, their friends, relations and associates on the landmark birthday.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media and Publicity)
August 19, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday, August 17, 2021, confirmed and ratified International Coffee Agreement, 2007, following Federal Executive Council (FEC) approval of Nigeria’s membership of the International Coffee Organization (ICO).
The Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting had drawn a conclusion on the agreement on October 21, 2020, with emphasis on Conclusion 10 which approved the preparation of the Instrument of Ratification of Nigeria’s membership of the International Coffee Organization and International Coffee Agreement of 2007.
The 2007 Agreement will strengthen the ICO’s role as a forum for intergovernmental consultations, facilitate international trade through increased transparency and access to relevant information, and promote a sustainable coffee economy for the benefit of all stakeholders and particularly of small-scale farmers in coffee producing countries.
The agreement is an important instrument for development cooperation and will provide the legal framework for core activities undertaken by the Organization in the future.
The Instrument of Ratification was prepared by the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 19, 2021
President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Yola described the services of the late Ahmed Joda to Nigeria as immeasurable, saying that all the years he knew the revered public administrator, he never requested any favours from him.
The President spoke at the palace of Lamido Adamawa, Alhaji Muhammadu Barkindo Musdafa during a condolence visit to the families of three elder statesmen and prominent sons of Adamawa State who passed recently.
The families are those of Ahmed Joda, a former Permanent Secretary and Chairman of the transition committee that ushered in President Buhari’s administration in 2015; Dr Mahmoud Tukur, former Minister of Commerce and Industry during his military administration and Abdullahi Danburam Jada, Minister of Animal Health and Northern Cameroons Affairs in the defunct Northern Region Government.
President Buhari, who was accompanied by Governor Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa State, recounted his personal relationships with the deceased, noting that at various points, they played very supportive roles in his public service.
On the late Joda, he said: ‘‘Since I became Governor of North East, under General Olusegun Obasanjo and later Minister, Ahmed Joda was part of those who assisted me, until his transition.
‘‘He was very supportive each time I called on him as governor, Minister and President and he never demanded any favours from me, either in cash or any form of gratification.’’
On the late Dr Mahmoud, the President said: ‘‘He was a bosom friend to my brother and they studied together in Europe. He also contributed much during my military administration and did well in his assignment.’’
President Buhari noted that from the antecedents of his close working relationship with the people of Adamawa and how they have distinguished themselves, he appointed one of their sons the Minister of FCT, a very important position.
‘‘I gave an Adamawa indigene, Mohammed Bello, a huge and complicated assignment as FCT Minister. Although he is young, he is performing very well with the fear of God,’’ the President said.
Commiserating with the Government, people and the Lamido of Adamawa on the demise of their illustrious sons, President Buhari prayed for the repose of the souls of the departed and divine comfort for their families.
In his remarks, Governor Fintiri thanked the President for the condolence visit, saying ‘‘given your closeness to the deceased we should have been the one travelling to Abuja to commiserate with you.’’
The Governor commended the President for taking out time off his busy schedule to visit Adamawa, on the same day his son, Yusuf, is getting married to Zahra Bayero, the daughter of Nasiru Ado Bayero, the Emir of Bichi in Kano.
The Royal father, Lamido Adamawa also conveyed the Emirate’s appreciation to President Buhari and his entourage, pronouncing blessings for safe travels and success in the President’s engagement in Kano for his son’s wedding.
Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 20, 2021
- Farmers Laud Project’s 500 Hectares Rice Farm Technology Intervention
Lagos State Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement and Livelihood Improvement Support (APPEALS) Project has charged farmers and investors to invest in agriculture, especially mass production of Ofada Rice to improve productivity for food security in Lagos State and Nigeria in general.
Speaking during a Field Day for Rice Seed Outgrower Scheme to farmers supported by APPEALS Project in Epe and Lekki areas of Lagos, the State Project Coordinator of APPEALS, Mrs. Oluranti Sagoe-Oviebo, said APPEALS Project sponsored by Lagos State Government in conjunction with the Federal Government and World Bank is supporting and building farmers’ productivity in rice value chain with technology for food security.
She said since inception, Lagos APPEALS Project has supported 20 clusters of Ofada rice farmers with modern technology and necessary supports to improve farming, noting that a cluster comprise about five to 10 groups of 10 individual farmers.
Sagoe-Oviebo who was accompanied by top officials of Lagos APPEALS Project, African Rice and farmers, during a visit to beneficiaries of the Project Rice Seed Outgrower Scheme at Origanringan, Epe and Okegelu in Lekki areas of the State, said the Project has supported rice farmers with modern technology to increase mass production of pure strain of Ofada Rice for consumption in Nigeria and export to foreign countries.
She said Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has keen interest in agriculture and that was why the State Government is fully supporting APPEALS Project to empower farmers, especially youths and women with necessary technology for productivity, improved livelihood and food security.
“Lagos APPEALS Project wants to increase the productivity of rice farmers in Lagos State. We want to ensure that Ofada Rice gets to foreign countries.
“Our rice is better than foreign rice. It is more nutritious than the imported rice. So, I want to implore farmers to invest more in farming activities, especially in the rice value chain.
“We are using this opportunity to call on investors and entrepreneurs to invest in agriculture for food security. If there is no food, there is no guarantee that there would be security in the State or in any country. So, it is high time investors came on board and invest in agriculture. The gap of food demand cannot be overemphasised,” she said.
Also speaking, a rice seed expert from African Rice Center, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dr. Abraham Shaibu, said the Center has supported farmers in Lagos to produce good quality of Ofada rice by assisting them with technology to improve their productivity.
He said African Rice has identified and produced pure strain of Ofada rice seed with high yield for Lagos APPEALS Project farmers, adding that the seed has been successfully cultivated by the Lagos APPEALS Project outgrower and a willing off-taker is available to take it up and sell to rice producer.
Speaking during the visits to their farms, representatives of different clusters expressed gratitude to Governor Sanwo-Olu’s administration and Lagos APPEALS Project for having the interest of farmers at heart by investing and empowering them with quality Ofada rice strain as well as providing necessary supports and technology to improve their productivity.
A rice farmer at Origanringan in Epe, Mr. Segun Omotayo, who has been in rice farming business for close to 20 years, said the assistance provided by Lagos APPEALS Project has helped to increase their productivity from about 1.5 tonnes to three tonnes per hectare based on rice seeds given to them by the Project.
Mr. Giwa Adeolu, a rice farmer, who is coordinating clusters of Ofada Rice farmers farming on 500 hectares of land at Okegelu in Lekki, said the technology provided by Lagos APPEALS Project has contributed positively to the rice farm, which according to him is an investment that is worth N350million.
He said they are expecting nothing less than 2.5 to 3 tonnes per hectare by the time they harvest their produce in next two months.
“We really appreciate Lagos APPEALS Project for their support. They empowered us and gave us adequate support to the extent that presently we have five clusters and we cultivated over 500 hectares of land in the same place. This (pointing to the 500 hectares of the rice farm) is demonstration of what Lagos APPEALS Project did.
“They gave us nets to cover our plants to chase away the picker birds, which is a major challenge of rice farmers all over the world. This initiative sound so loud that more farmers are coming out now to benefit from what Lagos APPEALS Project is doing for rice farmers in the State,” he said.
LEAVE AMAECHI FROM YOUR SINKING PARTY, EZE TO AKAWOR… Thinking Amaechi’ll return to PDP is a sick, wild fantasy… Amaechi didn’t join APC to Ouster Jonathan, but was forced out by PDP hawks and Idle political Jobbers within PDP…Counsels Governor Wike to start preparing his handover note come 2023 for enthronement of an APC Led Government
Erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New People’s Democratic Party (nPDP) and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, has trashed claims by the Rivers State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party, Ambassador Desmond Akawor, that former Rivers Governor, Chibuike Amaechi, will soon return to the People’s Democratic Party.
Recall that Akawor, had during a sparse gathering of members of the PDP in Ikwerre Local Government Area, announced to his audience that the Minister of Transportation and South-South Leader of the APC, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Amaechi, would make a comeback to the People’s Democratic Party any time soon.
An excerpt from the very deceptive and widely publicized opinion reads “One day, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Amaechi, your son, will come back to his family, which is PDP. He has to come back because he was a speaker. Where he went, he went for a reason. He went to remove President Jonathan. Jonathan has gone, so he should come back to his party. I am saying it again. My brother, my friend, the bosom friend of our Governor, Nyesom Wike, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi, come back home.”
In a statement made available to media houses in Port Harcourt, Chief Eze counseled Akawo and those who share in his wildest imagination to quickly seek the service of health professionals for medical examinations to ascertain their health status and subject themselves to treatment where necessary, because according to him, only young men with sophisticated health issues, defective sensory neurons and blurred reasoning will share in such a blunt view.
“While I lack the power to stop Ambassador Akwaor from dreaming of the Super Minister and Minister of the Decade, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, erstwhile Governor of Rivers State and incumbent Minister of Transportation returning to the sinking Peoples Democratic Party, I wish to counsel him to try to treat himself of malaria as nothing will cause the Minister to return to a party that did everything to destroy his political feats and personality.”
The Party Chief said Chief Akawor, who earned his Ambassadorial appointment on the footing of his roles in the satanic collaboration among the Jonathans,Wike, Obua, and others, which led to forceful exit of Amaechi from the PDP, may just be scamping alongside
others, for the return of Amaechi, in order to give credibility to the party already destroyed by Governor Wike and his inklings.
It is unfortunate and in fact pricking on the conscience for Akawor, whose inputs in the broad day robbery that tore the Rivers PDP in pieces, to say Amaechi’s motive for leaving the party was chiefly to remove President Jonathan, and having succeeded, he should return to the PDP.
For avoidance of doubt and in straightening the records, Chief Eze said Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi has nothing to do with the ouster of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan as the President of Nigeria but was forced out of the PDP by those he described as party hawks and jobbers who felt Amaechi was a threat to their undemocratic antecedents.
The famous statement “We’ll arrest Amaechi by next year – Wike” credited to Chief Nyesom Wike, then a junior Minister in the administration of Dr. Jonathan Goodluck by 2014 still suffices and speaks more on the ploy to trick the then Governor to swim in muddy waters.
Then Supervisory Minister of Education had said that Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi will be arrested after President Goodluck Jonathan’s declaration as winner of the 2015 presidential election.
“Once INEC announces the victory of President Jonathan, we will immediately shut down the Port Harcourt International Airport and all land and sea borders in Rivers State to prevent Governor Amaechi from escaping. Does he think we don’t know that he is planning to run away? But he and his cohorts will not succeed.
All they can do thereafter is to lock themselves in the government house and at the appropriate time we will go there and pick them up one after the other. Believe me, governor Amaechi will surely account for all our monies that he is frittering away now”.
The Deputy National Chairman of the PDP then Prince Uche Secondus, who also spoke at the event said that Governor Amaechi is a temporary occupant in government house and that PDP will not allow him to choose his successor in 2015 because Rivers State is for PDP. He has taken all our money to Lagos to develop APC.
With this type of threat by the over ambitious and deadly Wike, one maybe forced to ask, “is Amaechi a stone or a tree that is been threatened to be cut but stood still without running. Amaechi has to find a way to survive this unwarranted onslaught, so he left.
Eze recalled with nostalgia how the hawks running the administration of Dr. Jonathan kicked Amaechi out of PDP.
Let me state that the obvious desperation of the PDP leadership to completely destroy Amaechi led to his departure, alongside five other PDP governors, to form the New PDP, with five of them later joining the mega opposition political party, the All Progressives Congress.
The Factors that forced Amaechi out of PDP are thus under listed:
When the PDP national leadership undemocratically decided to suspend Governor Amaechi from the party without any sound reason on May 27, 2013 and was to follow it up with expulsion, Amaechi the victim resorted to the courts, once again, to stop them from taking any further step on his case until he decided to join APC. The suspension of Amaechi from the party was agreed during an unscheduled and unusually early morning meeting of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the party at the residence of the then National Chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur. The meeting commenced at 8:00 am and came two days ahead of the regular meeting of the NWC, which normally holds on Wednesdays. It was also three days after Amaechi beat the odds with his re-election as chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum. He had been allegedly opposed by the PDP Governors’ Forum (PDP-GF) ahead of the election.
It was this suspension of Governor Amaechi from PDP, not minding all that he did to uplift the party that started the decimation of PDP and its reduction from a ruling national political party to an opposition regional political party.
It is said that during the intervening days, many interventions were made to save the crisis and resolve the matter. Important national leaders including Retired General Yakubu Gowon tried to stop the departure of Amaechi knowing it was the only way to stop the exodus. But the more such efforts were made, the harder those who did not want Amaechi in the party worked to push him out.
For the education of Ambassador Akwaor and his misguided fellows, let me call on Amaechi to explain by himself why he joined APC.
Explaining why he joined APC, Governor Amaechi said: “Unfortunately, recent events within the PDP have given me reason to reconsider our collective interest as people of the South-South and, indeed as Rivers people. At various times, as the one whom you gave your mandate, I had cause to complain about the marginalization of our state and our people, despite our huge contribution to the national coffers and our unflinching commitment and support for the ruling PDP. While the political and economic importance of Rivers State cannot be contested, we continue to hold the shorter end of the stick.
“A few instances may suffice: Our demand that the Federal Government return oil wells belonging to Rivers State to us has gone unheeded and been treated with levity under this administration. Rather, our oil wells have been ceded to Bayelsa, Abia and Akwa Ibom states. Even after we got a judgment that the oil wells were wrongly ceded to Akwa Ibom State and should be returned to us; only dry wells that were no longer producing oil were returned.
“In the specific case of the Soku oil wells, despite a decision reached that the monies should remain in an escrow account till all matters concerning it are resolved, the Federal government continues to pay neighbouring Bayelsa State the revenues meant for Rivers State in a classic case of robbing Peter to pay Paul. It is indeed noteworthy that we have made several representations formally and informally on this matter.
“A second instance is the total absence of federal presence in Rivers State. The ‘National Good Governance Tour’ provided a good opportunity for the Federal Government to showcase its presence in Rivers State. The tour, if nothing else, proved that there was not much to show in a state that is the cash cow of the federation. The East-West Road remains abandoned, work has been deliberately slow on the Port Harcourt International Airport, the third busiest airport in the country, while all airports started along with it have long been completed and commissioned. The Bonny-Bomu Road that leads to the only functional liquefied natural gas project remains uncompleted. In the midst of all these, our administration went ahead to fix federal roads to the tune of N103 billion. Several representations and letters after, not one kobo has been repaid. The Federal Government is actively discouraging investments in Rivers State.”
Amaechi at another forum stated, “They have become so desperate that they have gone to hire Joseph Mbu to serve as the political wing of the PDP in Rivers State. I pray to God to save Rivers State so that those thieves will not come to power and steal your money. We want to confront the Nigerian Police. When you hear impunity, it is because you allow it. There is no revolution without blood. From now till election, we should mobilize and confront the Nigerian police. If they say they are ready for debate, tell them I am ready. They should go to the National Assembly and summon me.”
Other instances that made the departure of Amaechi from PDP imperative are the following:
Posting and encouraging the excesses of the tyrannical Police Commissioner Joseph Mbu, during these inglorious days in the state.
Supporting every unimaginable act of impunity in the state, including the plot by five State Assembly members to impeach the speaker in a House of 31 members, with the hope of impeaching Amaechi thereafter. This led to the closure of the courts but they turned around to blame the victim, Amaechi.
Seizing and grounding the planes belonging the state for no just cause. Shutting down the robust security architecture that was to save the region and oil facilities.
Harassing and intimidating the duly elected Governor of Rivers State for no just cause, and even supporting the splitting of the Governors Forum into two, to ensure that Governor Amaechi, who was duly elected by his colleagues, does not have an easy reign as the chairman of the forum.
Other factors are:
- Refusal to refund to the state government over N130 billion used in the dualisation of Ikwerre-Owerri Road, approved by late President Yar’Adua, and other federal roads in the state executed by the state to ease the suffering of the people of Rivers State. It took the APC controlled FG and President Muhammadu Buhari to refund at least N79BN of it which fell into the laps of the same man who did everything against such payments to the state. What an irony.
- Ceding of oil wells belonging to Rivers to Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom and Abia states, to ensure that the revenue accruing to the state is reduced. To this day, this has pushed Rivers State to the third state in the Niger Delta behind Delta and Akwa Ibom, but not far ahead of Bayelsa State that was far below Rivers State.
- Abandoned construction of the Port Harcourt International Airport after completing other airports started at the same time with it. The airport thus became an eyesore and declared as one of the worst airports in the entire world. Pictures of the state of the airport attached then explained the level of hatred President Jonathan had for Rivers State and her people.
- Posting and encouraging the excesses of the tyrannical Police Commissioner Joseph Mbu, during his inglorious days in the state.
- Supporting or remaining silent over the impunity of daily killing, maiming of members of Rivers APC by the PDP and their agents’ killer squads.
- President Jonathan released all N25 billion that accrued from the principle of derivation from the five Soku oil wells that rightly belong to Rivers State and kept in reserve for Rivers State and Bayelsa State, to Bayelsa, his home state.
Eze further highlighted that the world maybe astounded to learn that not minding all that Amaechi went through in the hands of Jonathan, he ensured that a slot in the State Executive Council was given to Jonathan through out his eight years tenure as the Governor of Rivers State.
In conclusion, Chief Eze said contrary to the defective reasoning of Ambassador Akwaor and those sponsoring him, Amaechi never joined APC in order to ouster Jonathan and his administration from the centre but undemocratic elements like Chief Nyesom Wike were the architects of his ouster after forcing and imposing on Amaechi all his actions in 2014 in order to join progressive forces to rescue Nigeria from the hands of the likes of Wike.
If there is anybody to blame over the exit of Dr. Jonathan from Government, it is Wike and his fellow hawks who, for the pursuit of selfish goals, plotted and ruined the administration of Jonathan, relegating him to the background and keeping him at bay on current happenings in the polity.
Finally, Eze counsels Akwaor to stop deceiving Governor Wike and help him to start preparing his handover note for an APC led Government come 2023 as Rivers State and her people are totally tired of the confused PDP Government in the State.
Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze,
APC Chieftain & former National Publicity Secretary, nPDP
Mele Kolo Kyari: A Daniel Has Come To Judgement
By Erasmus Ikhide
Crude oil was discovered in commercial quantity in Nigeria in Oloibiri
in present day Bayelsa State in 1956; four years before the British
granted us political independence. A school of thought believes that
if the discovery had been made earlier, the Caucasians would never
have fully departed the country and we would have had White Nigerians
in a similar manner like what obtains in South Africa.
The black gold as it is fondly called has been tragically more of a
curse as it has elevated a culture of sloth and lack of innovation
which has done nothing but greatly impoverish us. Who could have
believed that the revolutionary strides undertaken by the late sage
Chief Obafemi Awolowo while he held sway as Western Region Premier
between 1952 and 1959 was from the proceeds of cocoa and other
agricultural produce?
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) was established on
April 1, 1977 by the military government of the then General Olusegun
Obasanjo but since then it has been involved in an endless cobweb of
corruption and cesspit of ineptitude.
Mele Kolo Kyari was appointed as the 19th Managing Director of the
Corporation on July 8, 2019. Many critics of the Buhari led government
criticized him to the High Heavens as another northern appointment and
opted to throw away the baby with the bath water.
Days after his appointment, he unveiled Transparency, Accountability
and Performance Excellence (TAPE), a five-step strategic roadmap for
NNPC’s attainment of efficiency and global excellence.
According to a report done by Premium Times, He said the five steps
for realizing the objectives of TAPE were to ensure:
1.NNPC opened up its systems to public scrutiny;
- Its operational processes were made transparent and accountable to
the Nigerian people and the government;
3.The new system would operate along with well-defined operational
processes, benchmarked against established global best practices by
world-class oil and gas companies;
- Set the right operational cost structure, to guarantee
value-addition towards NNPC’s sustained profitability, and
- Set achievable goals, priorities and performance standards and
criteria, by developing suitable governance structures for its
strategic business units, and the entrenchment of team-spirit, work
ethic and collaboration with all key stakeholders to achieve set
corporate goals.
So far the objectives of TAPE have been met.
He initiated bold minded reforms in the upstream sector. His
creativity saw an alternative financing deal for the Nigerian
Petroleum Development Company (NPDC). Within the last one year, Kyari
ensured the execution of a funding and technical services agreement
(FTSA) as well as a alternative financing deal for NPDC’s OML 13
valued at about $3.15 billion and OML 65 for $876 million. These
agreements resulted is a 32% and 21% incremental production output in
OMLs 40 and 30.
Also, 14 companies participated in the auction for the financing and
redevelopment of OML 119 operated by the NPDC. The twin offshore block
made up of Okono and Okpoho fields located approximately 50 kilometres
offshore south-eastern Niger Delta operated by ExxonMobil.
Kyari described OML 119 as one of NNPC’s critical projects, which
aligns with the Federal Government’s aspiration to boost the country’s
crude oil and gas production, growing reserves, and monetizing the
nation’s enormous gas resources.
He has also revised the unit costs for joint ventures (JV) and
production sharing contracts (PSC).
He has also been able to save costs for the government through NNPC’s
revision of joint venture and production sharing contract (PSC)
operators’ unit costs, down to $19 per barrel and $18.3 per barrel,
from the initial $31 per barrel and $24.3 per barrel respectively.
Concerned about the impact of high oil production cost on the
government revenue, Kyari has, in the last one year, demonstrated
commitment to achieving the industry target of reducing oil production
cost to an average of $10 per barrel by 2021.
Under Kyari’s management in the last one year, the NPDC also acquired
four new oil acreages (OMLs 11, 24, 116 and 98, while recovering debts
for gas supplies totaling about N16.64 billion and $3.55 million.
There has also been sustainable average oil output under his pragmatic
leadership. Despite the challenges in the oil and gas industry, Kyari
was able to ensure the NNPC subsidiary in charge of the government
investment interests in the oil industry joint venture projects, the
Petroleum Investment Management Services (NAPIMS), was able to achieve
an average oil production capacity of 1.8 million barrels per day
prior to the recent decision by the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut its members’ output to boost crude
oil prices and stabilize the oil market.
Kyari has also supported NAPIMS to secure external funding for the
SPDC’s Santolina 3 projects expected to deliver an average production
of 16,300 barrels of oil per day, while also superintending over the
resolution of the Escravos gas-to-liquids (EGTL) cost dispute with
Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL).
Nigeria LNG Train 7 FID
For almost two years, the final investment decision (FID) for the
construction of Train 7 of the Nigeria LNG project was delayed. The
NNPC and other partners in the project could not come together to
commit to the development of the project.
The outbreak of the coronavirus last year worsened the problem as the
global economy came to a virtual standstill. But, Kyari did not allow
all the crises to rob Nigeria of all the benefits derivable from the
execution of the project.
At the height of the global pandemic, Kyari ensured the NNPC and its
JV partners, including Shell, Total, and ENI, came together to execute
the NLNG T7 FID on December 27, 2019. He went ahead to mobilize for
the signing of the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
contract for the project awarded to the Saipem, Chiyoda and Daewoo
(SCD) JV Consortium.
The signing of the contract signaled the commencement of EPC
activities for NLNG T7 Project. On completion, the production capacity
of the six-train plant would expand exponentially by 35 per cent, from
the extant 22 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 30 MTPA, and boost
Nigeria’s competitiveness in the global LNG market.
The project has the prospects of further attracting foreign direct
investment (FDI) in excess of $10 billion to Nigeria.
The AKK Pipeline Project
Just as Nigerians were jubilating at the milestone on the Nigeria LNG
project, Kyari ensured President Muhammadu Buhari launched the EPC
activities on the 614 kilometers-long Ajaokuta–Kaduna–Kano (AKK)
pipeline project by NNPC last week.
Considered to be at the heart of the country’s economic growth, Kyari
has pursued the execution of the project with single-minded commitment
to see that it is completed on schedule in 2023.
The pipeline project represents phase one of the 1,300 kilometre-long
Trans-Nigerian Gas Pipeline (TNGP) project being developed as part of
Nigeria’s Gas Master Plan to utilize the country’s surplus gas
resources for power generation as well as for consumption by domestic
The TNGP project also forms part of the proposed 4,401 kilometre-long
Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline (TSGP) to export natural gas to customers
in Europe.
Uninterrupted Fuel Supply
Prior to his appointment, hiccups in the supply of petroleum products
were a common feature in the Nigerian economy. The incessant
disruptions in fuel supply affected Nigerians’ ability to plan
effectively. They could not predict when the next fuel scarcity would
hit the country and send families to spend days and nights in long
fuel queues at filling stations.
Kyari leveraged on the existing Direct-Sales-Direct-Purchase (DSDP)
product supply arrangement he started and sustained while in office as
the GGM COMD of the NNPC, to guarantee energy security for Nigerians.
2020 crude oil lifting contracts
In August 2019, a few weeks after his inauguration, Kyari announced
the issuance of fresh crude oil lifting contracts to 15 local and
international oil marketing and trading consortia/companies under the
2020 DSDP scheme.
With the country’s four refineries still operating far below their
installed capacities, and unable to produce enough to meet the
country’s daily national consumption need for petroleum products, the
15 contractors were to utilize the 445,000 barrels per day crude oil
allocation for local refining to bring into the country petroleum
products for domestic consumers.
But, Kyari said the difference in the latest issuance of the oil
lifting contracts was that this would be the first time since the DSDP
programme began in 2016 that the NNPC would officially be making
public the list of all the contract winners.
Kyari said revealing the names of the beneficiaries to the public was
a new normal for NNPC as part of the policy direction, pledge and
commitment of his management to transparency and accountability in
NNPC’s operations going forward.
To sustain the era of uninterrupted supply of petroleum products,
Kyari assured that his management would continue to revamp downstream
infrastructure to guarantee availability of 90 per cent pipeline for
fuel distribution; ensure automation of the fuel distribution system,
and grow NNPC Retail’s market share to 30 per cent.
“Operation White”
To build on the success of the DSDP programme, entrench energy
security and deepen transparency in petroleum products supply and
distribution, Kyari, in collaboration with the Minister of State for
Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, initiated an innovative programme,
“Operation White”, to curb products diversion and smuggling, and
ensure that the entire country was kept continuously wet with
petroleum products.
Under the initiative, a team of 89 officials drawn from various
government agencies involved in the petroleum products supply process
was inaugurated, tasked with the responsibility of monitoring and
tracking fuel distribution and consumption throughout the country.
The team included representatives from the NNPC, Department of
Petroleum Resources (DPR), Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory
Agency (PPPRA), Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF) as well as the
Department of State Security (DSS).
Under the initiative, Kyari ensured actual volumes of petroleum
products imported and consumed in the country were authenticated. The
NNPC now has a customer express solution and online marketers’ portal,
which is live for oil majors and Depot and Petroleum Products
Marketers Association of Nigeria (DAPPMAN) to monitor loading and
lifting of petroleum products from NNPC depots. Plans are on course
for the system to go live for members of the Independent Petroleum
Products Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) by the end of the
second quarter of 2020.
These achievements are by no means all that can be credited to the Lee
Kuan Yee like visionary leadership of Kyari and we in the media have
the duty to praise our public officials when they do well so that we don’t become permanent Rottweilers.
A Daniel has indeed come to judgement!
Erasmus Ikhide is a media strategist and can be reached via:
ikhideerasmus@gmail.com; 08035032123
Ebireri Henry Ovie Mobile: 2348036977194

Uduaghan extols Ibori’s leadership qualities
Business mogul, Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan, on Monday described former governor of Delta State, Chief James Onanefe Ibori as a colossus, true patriot and political go-getter.
In a congratulatory message to Ibori on the occasion of his 63rd birthday, Uduaghan praised the former governor for his enormous contributions and achievements.
‘’Chief James Onanefe Ibori faithfully and diligently served the good people of Delta State, cast aside all forms of tribalism and delivered the dividends of democracy to them’’.
Uduaghan who is also the Alema of Warri Kingdom and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Webster Group of Companies hailed Ibori for touching the lives of many Nigerians, shaping the future of his people, encouraging broad participation in governance and lifting Delta State to unprecedented relevance.
He commended the ex-governor for implementing the bottom-top philosophy, institutionalizing due process and sustaining peace in Delta State through the gospel of peaceful co-existence, good neighbourliness and unity amongst all’’
‘’Chief James Ibori carried traditional rulers along in sustaining peace, through periodic meetings. He created an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive. He brought development and transformation to the geo-political entity called Delta State through Operation 2000 Projects’’ Uduaghan said.
The Warri High Chief applauded Ibori for excelling in development issues and relationship with his deputy, paying bursary allowances to students of tertiary institutions, curbing unemployment, youth restiveness and ethnic crisis in Delta State.
‘’Chief James Ibori promoted peace, harmony and development in the Niger Delta. He campaigned for the diversification of the nation’s economy, power shift, resource control and derivation as well as enthronement of equity and justice in a restructured Nigerian polity where true federalism reigns. He also campaigned for decentralization of policing and security responsibilities of government’’.
The Warri Chief emphasized other achievements of the former governor.
‘’Chief James Ibori built bridges of friendship and understanding among Nigerians. He demonstrated that leadership is not a function of tribe but a matter of vision, determination and mission. He also recorded successes in security, job creation, human resources capacity building, gender and youth empowerment, environmental sustainability and remediation, fiscal discipline and budgetary reforms’’.
Uduaghan also underscored Ibori’s role in the training of Deltans in local and foreign universities.
‘’Chief James Ibori did well in transportation, healthcare delivery, water supply, basic and higher education, rural electrification, sports, ICT, agriculture and housing. He provided better roads, built bridges, facilitated the training of Deltans in local and foreign universities and provided selfless service to mankind’’
The Alema of Warri extolled the former governor’s exemplary dedication to service and his leadership qualities.
‘’As a responsible governor, the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature was a model in terms of peaceful co-existence, separation of powers and checks and balances. The judiciary also enjoyed tremendous support and co-operation from the Executive. Indeed, Ibori exceeded the expectations of the founding fathers of Delta State through visionary, exemplary and transformational leadership’’.
Ending the message, Uduaghan said ‘’I wish you good health, long life and God’s continued protection’’.

Okowa mourns ex-Delta lawmaker, Dennis Omovie
‘Ada Owere Honour Results from My Modest Achievements’ – Ondo First Lady
Wife of Ondo State Governor, Arabinrin Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu, has attributed her installation as Ada Owere I to her modest accomplishments.
The First Lady said this in her address during the Ada Owere Chieftaincy conferment at Graceland Event Arena, Owerri, Imo state.
“The honour bestowed on me today is in recognition of the modest achievements that I have recorded in my ancestral home of Emeabiam in Owerri West Local government Area, Ondo State and Nigeria at large.
“The achievements include but not limited to founding of the Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria (BRECAN) which is a leading NGO that galvanizes actions against breast cancer through public education, patients support, advocacy and Research for which I was nominated in 2014 as a scholar of the American Cancer Society, alongside award of recognition in 2018 by Harvard University,USA and a recognition in 2019 by the University of Heildelberg, Germany.”
Chief Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu was installed as Ada Owere I by Ndi-Eze Owerri Federal Constituency, comprising of forty-three communities in Owerri West, Owerri North and Owerri Municipal Local Government Areas of Imo State.
Mrs Akeredolu who described the occasion as historic in many respects, said her achievements include the deployment of the instrumentality of Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu Foundation (BAAF) as a platform to advance family values, societal and educational development by promotion of literacy in children through programmes such as ‘Reading is Fun’, Essay and Spelling Bee Competitions.
Other achievements, in the words of the First Lady, include constructive engagements with the government with the goal to ensure that the people of Owerri Zone are not marginalized in appointments and development projects.
The First Lady also attributed her successes to the quality of training she was given by her parents, saying: ‘my parents gave her wings to fly.’ She pledged to multiply the reason for which she was honoured.
“I am receiving this honour in loving memory of my parents, Chief BUB Anyanwu and Nneoma Dora Anyanwu, gave her wings to fly. I will, with the help of my husband and well-meaning Nigerians, ensure that the reason that informed your decision to honour me today will multiply in no distant time.”
Dignitaries at the event include the Governor of Ondo State, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, SAN, the Deputy, Hon. Lucky Orimisan Aiyedatiwa and Wife, Mrs Esther Oluwaseun Aiyedatiwa, Secretary to the State Government, Barr. Catherine Oladunni Odu, Chief of Staff to Governor Akeredolu, Mr Olugbenga Ale, Chief Jimoh Ibrahim, CFR, Barrister Olusola Oke, Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ondo State, Ade Adetimehin, and Mr Jimmy Odimayo.
Others are Prince Eze Madumere, Former Deputy Governor of Imo State, HRM, Eze David Akujobi Osuagwu, Chairman, Imo Traditional Institutions of Owerri Zone, Rt. Rev’d Chukwuma C. Oparah, Anglican Bishop of Owerri Diocese, among other dignitaries.
The Presidency condemns the attack earlier Saturday on travellers from a religious event in Bauchi, passing through Jos, the Plateau State Capital and regrets the reported deaths of at least twenty-two persons with several others injured in that ambush on their travelling party.
It is widely known that Plateau State has been one of the states affected by herder-farmer clashes, which have, in a significant way, been curtailed following the intense peace-building efforts of the administration of Governor Simon Lalong.
However, to be clear, this is not an agriculturalist-on-pastoralist confrontation – but rather a direct, brazen and wickedly motivated attack on members of a community exercising their rights to travel freely and to follow the faith of their choosing.
With the evident preparedness of their attackers, it is clear this was a well-conceived and prearranged assault on a known target, location and religious persuasion of the travellers not an opportunist ambush.
The Presidency offers condolences to the families of the victims and continues to liaise closely with the local authorities – including security, the police, and governmental agencies.
These kinds of attacks on our country’s citizens are unacceptable, heinous, and stand in complete contradiction to the teachings of the great religions of our nation.
The Presidency stands steadfast with both Christians and Muslims at this time in condemnation of this latest attack and expects and insists that justice is swiftly – but fairly – delivered to the perpetrators.
“Make no mistake about it: in line with my commitment to protect all Nigerians, I have ordered our security agencies to fish out the perpetrators of this gruesome massacre of innocent travellers and bring them to justice,” President Buhari said.
As the facts of the sad incident continue to unfold, the Presidency commends the ongoing efforts by the Governors of Plateau, Bauchi, and Ondo; the Sultan of Sokoto His Eminence Sa’ad Abubakar III and Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi as well as a number of notable Christian and Muslim leaders as they intensify efforts to calm down the situation.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 14, 2021
Redirect N4.8bn to monitor WhatsApp calls to pay doctors’ salaries, SERAP tells Buhari
Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has urged President Muhammadu Buhari “to urgently redirect the proposed spending of N4.8bn of public money to monitor WhatsApp messages, phone calls, and text messages of Nigerians and other people, to pay some of the salaries of striking resident doctors, improve their benefits, as well as improve public healthcare facilities for the sake of poor Nigerians who rely on those facilities, and have nowhere else to turn.”
SERAP said: “We also urge you to send to the National Assembly a fresh supplementary appropriation bill, which reflects the redirected budget, for its approval.”
In the open letter dated 14 August, 2021, and signed by SERAP deputy director Kolawole Oluwadare, the organization said: “Redirecting the proposed spending of N4.8bn would be entirely consistent with your constitutional oath of office, and the letter and spirit of the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 [as amended], as it would promote efficient, honest, and legal spending of public money.”
According to SERAP, “Redirecting the proposed spending of N4.8bn would also remove the threats to fundamental human rights of Nigerians, and ensure access to quality healthcare for the socially and economically vulnerable people who rely on public hospitals, and have no opportunity for medical treatment elsewhere.”
The letter, read in part: “Any appropriation law ought to comply with the Nigerian Constitution and the country’s international human rights obligations and commitments.”
“The constitutional oath of office implicitly provides some safeguards on the appropriation and spending of public funds, and imposes a legally binding obligation on public officers to preserve the public money, and not to disburse it except conformably to the Constitution.”
“SERAP believes that any proposed spending of public funds should stay within the limits of constitutional responsibilities, and oath of office by public officers, as well as comply with Chapter 2 of the Nigerian Constitution relating to fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy.”
“The mere threat of mass surveillance, even when secret, coupled with the lack of remedy, can constitute an interference with human rights, including the rights to privacy, freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.”
“The proposed spending of N4.8bn of public funds as contained in the Supplementary Appropriation Act, which you signed last month would give rise to serious violations of the human rights of Nigerians and other people, as it would grant free rein to government agencies to conduct mass surveillance of communications of people.”
“The proposed spending also fails to meet the requirements of public interests, legality, necessity, and proportionality. Additionally, the lack of any safeguards against discriminatory decision-making, and access to an effective remedy shows the grave threats it poses to constitutionally and internationally recognized human rights.”
“We would be grateful if the recommended measures are taken within seven days of the receipt and/or publication of this letter. If we have not heard from you by then, SERAP shall take all appropriate legal actions to compel your government to comply with our request in the public interest.”
“SERAP is concerned that the proposed spending to monitor WhatsApp messages, phone calls, and text messages of Nigerians and other people is inconsistent and incompatible with the Nigerian Constitution and the country’s international human rights obligations.”
“Specifically, Section 37 of the Nigerian Constitution, and Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the country is a state party provide for the right to freedom from arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy and correspondence, communications and private data.”
“Section 39 of the Nigerian Constitution and Article 19 of the Covenant also protect everyone’s right to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers and through any media.”
“SERAP wishes to stress your government’s obligations under article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and article 13 of the UN Convention against Corruption both of which Nigeria has ratified.”
“Similarly, the UN General Assembly has condemned unlawful or arbitrary surveillance and interception of communications as ‘highly intrusive acts’ that interfere with fundamental human rights (see General Assembly resolutions 68/167 and 71/199).”
“SERAP is concerned that the powers to conduct arbitrary, abusive or unlawful surveillance of communications may also be used to target political figures and activists, journalists and others in the discharge of their lawful activities, especially given the growing repression of civic space, suspension of Twitter, and attacks on freedom of expression and media freedom in the country.”
“Privacy and expression are intertwined in the digital age, with online privacy serving as a gateway to secure exercise of the freedom of opinion and expression. Therefore, targets of surveillance would suffer interference with their rights to privacy and freedom of opinion and expression whether the effort to monitor is successful or not.”
“Interference with privacy through targeted surveillance is designed to repress the exercise of the right to freedom of expression.”
“Surveillance of journalists, activists, opposition figures, critics and others simply exercising their right to freedom of expression – would lead to violations of other human rights such as the rights to liberty and freedom from torture and other ill-treatment.”
“Targeted surveillance creates incentives for self-censorship and directly undermines the ability of journalists and human rights defenders to conduct investigations and build and maintain relationships with sources of information.”
“SERAP is concerned about the failure by your government to resolve the strike by the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) over pay, insurance benefits and poor facilities, and its effects on poor Nigerians, especially as the country faces a third wave of coronavirus.”
“According to our information, in July, 2021, you reportedly signed the 2021 supplementary appropriation bill of N983 billion into law. Of the amount, N4.8bn (N4,870,350,000) was allocated to the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) to monitor WhatsApp messages, phone calls, and text messages of Nigerians and other people.”
“Of the figure, N1.93 billion was earmarked for ‘WhatsApp Intercept Solution’ and N2.93 billion for ‘Thuraya Interception Solution’ – a communications system used for monitoring voice calls or call-related information, SMS, data traffic, among others.”
The letter was copied to Mr Abukabar Malami, SAN, Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; and Mrs Zainab Ahmed Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning.
Kolawole Oluwadare
SERAP Deputy Director
Lagos, Nigeria
Emails: info@serap-nigeria.org; news@serap-nigeria.org
Twitter: @SERAPNigeria
Website: www.serap-nigeria.org
For more information or to request an interview, please contact us on: +2348160537202
Dr. Abiola Oshodi Wishes Tinubu Quick Recovery
The Canada-based medical practitioner and philanthropist, Dr. Abiola Oshodi has sent a get-well message to the National Leader of All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.
The founder of Dr Abiola Oshodi Foundation, who is one of the ardent diaspora supporter of Tinubu’s presidential ambition, said in a statement that special prayer was organised for the political leader in Canada amongst the BAT faithfuls , as Tinubu travelled to London for medical check up.
Dr Abiola Oshodi said the former Governor of Lagos State is an invaluable asset to the nation and that Nigerians were looking up to him to fix the nation’s socio-economic and political challenges being currently faced by the country.
He noted that the meteoric developments taking place in Lagos State was the brain child of the APC national leader.
According to him, “We in the diaspora are supporting Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to be the next president of Nigeria because of his wealth of experience in governance , capacity, eagle eye ability to spot and develop young talents and his legendary political management skills .
“A cursory look at what is happening in Lagos State would give anyone who knew what the state was before Tinubu became the governor of the state.
“He indentified and assembled like minds to redesign the state and came up with first-class economic plan for the state which has turned around the state’s fortune.
“It is the template he designed that subsequent governors have been implementing.
“So, we want him to bring to bear that same strategy in the management of the federation’s affairs.
“This would bring an end to the Insecurity, economic downturn amd other social ill being experienced in the country and in addition to reuniting all the ethnic nationals in the country.
“I wish him quick recovery.”
Dr. Oshodi has empowered different underprivileged including women and youths through presentation of cash gifts and working tools, and various forms of empowerment.
CVR: Delta Govt charges appointees to relocate to constituencies
August 10, 2021
Delta Government on Monday charged all its political appointees to relocate to their constituencies to mobilise and sensitize eligible voters to register in the ongoing voters registration exercise.
The State Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, who briefed newsmen on the position of the government, had earlier met with the officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in his office in Asaba.
Aniagwu said that the action would enable a political millage in the state chapter of the party to entrench electoral integrity and capture eligible voters who had crossed 18 years.
He also said that the state-owned media outfits had been directed to grant free-to-air on the ongoing voters registration.
He said that the state with a population figure of over five million people had not availed themselves of the opportune speed of the exercise.
“It is our duty as a government to mobilise our people for registration for future elections in the state.
“INEC alone may not have what it takes. We have directed all political aides to return to the local government areas, and our media establishment, including the Directorate of Orientation, to offer free publicity to INEC for the registration exercise,” he said.
The commissioner, however, berated the Senators and members of the House of Representatives who voted against the controversial electronic transmission of election results.
“INEC is all about Nigeria and not PDP, All Progressive Congress (APC) or any other political party, transmission of election results should be based on integrity of the body polity.
“Electronic transmission of election results should be a Nigerian thing, aimed at entrenching transparency.
“Anybody who is using GSM, listening to radio and watching Television, to transmit information and he is against electoral transmission is an enemy of the country; He or she has something to hide,” Aniagwu said.
Delta Governor, Sen. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, has expressed sadness on the passing of Chief Dennis Omovie, a former member of the state’s House of Assembly.
Omovie, who is the Unuevworo (Traditional Prime Minister of Ugboroke), reportedly died on Tuesday night at a hospital in Warri, after a brief illness.
Until his death, the four-time member of the Parliament was the Director-General, Delta State Public and Private Properties Protection Agency.
In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Olisa Ifeajika, on Wednesday in Asaba, Okowa commiserated with the people of Warri South and Uvwie Local Government Areas and Ugboroke community in particular, over the demise of the grassroots politician and community leader.
According to the governor, the deceased was a thoroughbred politician, who was very popular among his people, accounting for the reason he contested and won elections to represent them in the state assembly for four consecutive terms.
He said, “on behalf of the government and people of Delta, I mourn the passing of a gentleman and grassroots politician, Hon. Dennis Omovie, who passed on in Warri on Tuesday.
“The news of his passing was a terrible shock to me and the entire state. He was a gentleman-politician, and he distinguished himself in the service of his people and the state.
“As a member of the State Assembly, he chaired the Committees on Public Petition, Legal and Judicial Matters as well as Public Accounts, and he served diligently.
“My condolences go to the family, especially his wife, Justice Mabel Omovie of the State High Court, Asaba.”
Okowa prayed God to grant fortitude to those who mourn his demise and grant the deceased’s soul eternal rest.
Delta expands Warri-Uvwie storm drainage project
The Delta State Executive Council on Thursday, approved the extension of Warri-Uvwie Storm Drainage project to ensure proper and enduring control of flood in the area when completed.
The extension, according to the Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, consists of flood control works in Ugbuwangue community in Warri South Local Government Area and additional 15 work sites in phases I and II of the drainage project, bringing the sites to 76.
Aniagwu, who briefed newsmen on the outcome of the council meeting presided over by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa in Asaba, said that decisions reached on project and other issues at the meeting, were targeted at measures that would entrench and deepen the Stronger Delta agenda of the administration.
The commissioner, in company with the Director-General, Warri-Uvwie and Environs Development Agency, Comrade Ovuozourie Macaulay and the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr Olisa Ifeajika, said other projects, including the Advanced Diagnostic Centre and the Mother and Child Medical Centre, Owa-Alero, had been earmarked for immediate completion.
He said that the council approved additional works and procurement that would make the medical centre a world-class facility, adding that the Ministry of Health had been directed to ensure that work on the facility was fast-tracked.
He disclosed that the government also approved the appointment of Isaac Ajawhobu as the Odiologbo of Onogbokor Kingdom in Ndokwa East Local Government Area.
Aniagwu further stated that adjustments for the state’s participation in Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Anchor Borrowers Programme to get more Deltans to key into the agricultural programmes were also approved by the council.
On his part, Macaulay recalled that the initial contract for the Warri and Uvwie flood control projects was awarded in January. 2020, but that progress of work was stalled by COVID-19 pandemic which set in and caused a lockdown.
“I am happy to report that CCECC, the contractor, has achieved 50 per cent of the initial contract while Levante has achieved a little over 40 per cent on its part, and the people of the areas are happy.
“I can tell you that if you go to Warri now, there are lots of the areas where we have already worked on and the people are very happy because there is no more flooding.
“The flooding in Enerhen Road and Enerhen Junction is now a thing of the past because the whole area has been taken care of,” he said.
Macaulay disclosed that with the increase of work sites on the storm drainage projects from initial 61 to 76 caused a corresponding increase of the contract value by N4.5 billion from the original sum of N9.5 billion, explaining that the increase was necessitated by some developments in the area.
“The whole of Ugbuwangue community is under water and the government at today’s meeting has also approved that the area should be taken care of,” he added.
Stronger Delta: Okowa seeks patience, cooperation of Deltans
Delta Governor, Sen. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, on Friday commended Deltans for their cooperation with his administration, especially with the prevailing insecurity and economic challenges confronting families across the country.
Okowa gave the commendation in Asaba while swearing-in Professor Sylvester Monye as Senior Policy Adviser.
He said that Monye, who had served as his adviser since 2015, had made remarkable contributions to the success of his administration’s programmes and policies and urged him to see his re-appointment as a challenge for greater service.
The governor said that with the cooperation of the people, his administration would continue to improve on its programmes, particularly the entrepreneurial development schemes.
“I congratulate you on your reappointment and I am glad that you truly understand the programmes of this administration. Returning to your former office shows that you already know what to do.
“You have done quite a lot for this administration and it is my hope that you continue to strengthen our work both in the office and externally so that together we will be able to finish strong in the promises that we have made to our people,” he said.
Okowa remarked that there were lots of challenges facing the country, which needed superior thinking to navigate through.
According to him, there is quite a lot to be done but the finances are dwindling and there are lots of challenges of insecurity out there which threaten a whole lot of projects and even programmes that we have.
“In spite of these challenges, with superior thinking we should be able to navigate through and to come out strong.
“So, definitely we will be relying strongly on your experiences and your inputs to do well out there to meet the needs of our people,” he said.
The governor urged Deltans to be patient and to continue to pray for his administration to enable it to provide solution to the challenges facing them.
“The times are obviously challenging and our people are in very difficult times because of the insecurity in the land and the COVID-19 pandemic and many other issues that have created a lot of challenges to our people.
“I want to reassure Deltans that we identify with their challenges and we will continue to work hard to proffer solutions to the challenges.
“With their cooperation we will do well and continue to improve on the programmes of this administration.
“We will continue to stay focused on the goals that we have set for ourselves and we believe that in working together, we will be able to finish stronger,’’ he said.
He also commended the media for the fair and adequate reportage of his administration’s programmes and policies.
Responding, Prof. Monye thanked the governor for finding him worthy to be reappointed and assured him of his total commitment, loyalty and utmost dedication in the discharge of his duties.
He recalled that the Asaba Airport concessioning was successful because of the role the governor played in ensuring that integrity and transparency characterized of the process.
He disclosed that the Federal Government was adopting the Asaba Airport model in the concessioning of four airports in country because of the transparency and integrity of the Asaba example.
2023: Muhammadu Buhari not supporting Bola Tinubu – Presidency
The Presidency on Friday said President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the National leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress ( APC) in the United Kingdom (UK) was just on account of goodwill and not to show support for his presidential ambition in 2023.
Speaking as a guest on Channels Television programme, Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, said given the fact that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has not given the green light for campaigns to start, the president will never break the rules by campaigning.
He, however, said the President may campaign after the presidential candidate has emerged in the APC.
“The President still has two years, less three months in his tenure of office. So for him to start supporting somebody now will just be jumping the gun. And you know that President Buhari will never do that. Before the 2019 election, people started to campaign for him before INEC blew the whistle of the campaign to start. He was the one, who came out to say No, don’t do it. Don’t jump the gun.
“So the President himself will dare not jump the gun in terms of supporting one candidate or the other.
“Also recall that he has said that anybody who wants to be President after him should go out and work. That means the president may not be supporting anybody until maybe when the candidate of the party emerges. Knowing President Buhari, he will never jump the gun,” Adesina stated.
President Muhammadu Buhari condoles with President Mohammed Bazoum, government and people of Niger Republic over devastating floods that have left many dead and affected homes.
President Buhari says losses reported from Niger Republic in the last two days were very vast and disturbing, while also taking note of flooding in many parts of the world, including some states in Nigeria.
The President affirms that natural disasters are symptoms of climate change which all countries, including Nigeria, have committed to taking measures to prevent the adverse effects.
President Buhari prays for all the departed souls and affected families.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
August 13, 2021

Chief James Ibori carried traditional rulers along in sustaining peace, through periodic meetings. He created an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive. He brought development and transformation to the geo-political entity called Delta State through Operation 2000 Projects
Ibori Chief UduaghanAlema of Warri extols Ibori’s leadership qualities
Business mogul, Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan, on Monday described former governor of Delta State, Chief James Onanefe Ibori as a colossus, true patriot and political go-getter.
In a congratulatory message to Ibori on the occasion of his 63rd birthday, Uduaghan praised the former governor for his enormous contributions and achievements.
‘’Chief James Onanefe Ibori faithfully and diligently served the good people of Delta State, cast aside all forms of tribalism and delivered the dividends of democracy to them’’.
Uduaghan who is also the Alema of Warri Kingdom and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Webster Group of Companies hailed Ibori for touching the lives of many Nigerians, shaping the future of his people, encouraging broad participation in governance, lifting Delta State to unprecedented relevance and helping to clinch victory at the polls for the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
He commended the ex-governor for implementing the bottom-top philosophy, institutionalizing due process and sustaining peace in Delta State through the gospel of peaceful co-existence, good neighbourliness and unity amongst all’’
‘’Chief James Ibori carried traditional rulers along in sustaining peace, through periodic meetings. He created an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive. He brought development and transformation to the geo-political entity called Delta State through Operation 2000 Projects’’ Uduaghan said.
The Warri High Chief applauded Ibori for excelling in development issues and relationship with his deputy, paying bursary allowances to students of tertiary institutions, curbing unemployment, youth restiveness and ethnic crisis in Delta State.
‘’Chief James Ibori promoted peace, harmony and development in the Niger Delta. He campaigned for the diversification of the nation’s economy, power shift, resource control and derivation as well as enthronement of equity and justice in a restructured Nigerian polity where true federalism reigns. He also campaigned for decentralization of policing and security responsibilities of government’’.
The Warri Chief emphasized other achievements of the former governor.
‘’Chief James Ibori built bridges of friendship and understanding among Nigerians. He demonstrated that leadership is not a function of tribe but a matter of vision, determination and mission. He also recorded successes in security, job creation, human resources capacity building, gender and youth empowerment, environmental sustainability and remediation, fiscal discipline and budgetary reforms’’.
Uduaghan also underscored Ibori’s role in the training of Deltans in local and foreign universities.
‘’Chief James Ibori did well in transportation, healthcare delivery, water supply, basic and higher education, rural electrification, sports, ICT, agriculture and housing. He provided better roads, built bridges, facilitated the training of Deltans in local and foreign universities and provided selfless service to mankind’’
The Alema of Warri extolled the former governor’s exemplary dedication to service and his leadership qualities.
‘’As a responsible governor of Delta State, the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature was a model in terms of peaceful co-existence, separation of powers and checks and balances. The judiciary also enjoyed tremendous support and co-operation from the Executive. Indeed, Ibori exceeded the expectations of the founding fathers of Delta State through visionary, exemplary and transformational leadership’’.
Ending the message, Uduaghan said ‘’I wish you good health, long life and God’s continued protection’’.

Chief James Onanefe Ibori
Former Executive Governor
Delta State
I rejoice with you on the joyous occasion of your 63rd birthday
I join my voice with millions to celebrate your sterling leadership qualities and roles in building a virile democracy as well as a politically healthy and economically strong Nigeria.
I recall your views on true federalism, good governance and resource control.
I recollect the roads, bridges, houses and many others you bequeathed to Delta State.
I can’t forget the payment of salaries, gratuities and pensions, improvement of the welfare of the state workforce, employment of thousands into the state civil service and your vision in pioneering overseas scholarship.
I am excited about your commitment to the service of the fatherland, promotion of amity among the good people of Delta State, grooming of successors, creation of stars and contribution to the good of the family.
You deserve to be celebrated and honoured for building a far better Delta State, working with first class professionals and intellectuals and demonstrating eloquently that there is nothing as good as a leader writing his name in gold in the heart of his people by keeping faith with them.
Once again, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you God’s protection, good health and many more rewarding years ahead