The Federal Government on Tuesday announced the suspension of evaluation and accreditation of degree certificates from the Republic of Benin and Togo.
The Federal Ministry of Education noted that its decision followed the undercover investigation conducted by a Nigerian newspaper which exposed the activity of a degree mill in Cotonou, a major city of Benin Republic.
According to the investigation, the investigative reporter bagged a degree from Cotonou University within six weeks and also participated in the mandatory one-year scheme organised by the National Youth Service Corps.
Here is a list of foreign universities banned by the National Universities Commission, according to data from the website of the NUC.
- University of Applied Sciences and Management, Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
- Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
- The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
- Collumbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- EC-Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.
- Concept College/Universities (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
- Houdegbe North American University campuses in Nigeria.
- Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- Cape Coast University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- African University Cooperative Development, Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
- Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.
- Evangel University of America and Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.
Ghali Na’Abba, Akeredolu: A tale of two deaths
By Victor Ndoma-Egba
December 27, 2023 dawned in a very grim manner. As I woke up I saw a news item on the scroll bar of Channels Television that Ghali Umar Na’Abba 8th Speaker of the House of Representatives had passed on at the age of 65. The son of a wealthy Kano aristocrat, he became Speaker by default after the removal of Salisu Buhari, a short lived Speaker after a forgery scandal. A man of steeled convictions he became Speaker at the defining moment of our democracy.
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, a former military Head of State whom providence had thrown up following the assassination of the charismatic yet tempestuous General Murtala Mohammed, and who had played a critical role in our unfortunate civil war had become President on our return to democracy, or is it civil rule, in 1999. President Obasanjo had come with messianic zeal to create a Nigeria after his own image. There was however a problem, Speaker Na’Abba. Obasanjo accused the legislature of overstepping its bounds. Na’ Abba replied that Obasanjo was a captive of his military antecedents and insisted that we were now in a constitutional democracy.
I joined the Fifth Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria when I was elected Senator by my people in 2003. President Obasanjo had ensured that Speaker Na’Abba did not return to the House of Representatives in 2003 but I met him as he had become a reference point for legislators. We needed his insight especially in the delicate challenge of keeping the legislature independent of the executive and managing the image of the Senate as pioneer chairman of the newly created Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs; and later Deputy Senate Leader, and later Leader of the Senate. We became friends.
I was still trying to digest the news of Speaker Na’Abba’s death when my younger brother called to say Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, the much beloved Governor of Ondo State had died. It was public knowledge that Aketi, as he was famously known, was having life threatening health challenges and he had already died many times before through rumors and speculation. I dismissed my brother and told him that this was just one more of his many deaths. The difference was, sadly, this time Aketi was truly dead. Not long after there was an official statement announcing his demise.
I first met Aketi in 1975. He along with Onueze Okocha, better known as OCJ OKocha, Awa Kalu, Adegboyega Awomolo, all very prominent lawyers today and the late Moses Pere Okoro were very active in the Law Students Association of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University). Aketi was President of the Association at the time. I was Secretary General of the equivalent association in the University of Lagos with Yemi Akisanya who was to become General Counsel of oil giant, Mobil, as President. From Ahmadu Bello came Chrysanthus Senlong who became a judge of the Federal High Court, and Haruna Abubakar who became Deputy President of the Senate in 1999 and Yahaya Mahmud Zaria who became a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (both of blessed memory). Then only four universities in Nigeria offered Law, University of Lagos, University of Ife, University of Nigeria and Ahmadu Bello University. We were all very active in the National Association of Nigerian Law Students and struck friendships that have endured. University of Nigeria was then not very visible in the Association. We were to deepen our friendships in the Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island which was the only campus of the school at the time.
Aketi has always been political, as a student he was, as a professional who attained the highest rank in the profession, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, he became President of the Nigerian Bar Association. He had been Attorney General of his home state, Ondo and later Governor and died in office. Completely detribalized, as primarily evidenced by his cross cultural marriage to Betty, an Ibo whom he met during his NYSC days in Enugu. Friendship to him was sacred. I recall his surprise visit to us his classmates (Olaseinde Kumuyi who became Chief Judge, Ibrahim Muktari Katsina, former Attorney General and later Secretary to Katsina Government, Oyewale Akinrinade former member of Oyo State House of Assembly and late Ijeoma Offonry (nee Enyeazu) an Abia State High Court judge) serving in Bauchi in 1979.
On a personal note he stood with me in my dark moments including the darkest one. When I lost my Calabar home to the EndSARS riot in October 2020 he was the first to call to commiserate. When my wife died three weeks later in a motor accident near Ore he took charge and ensured along with Bayo Ojo and Ike Ekweremadu that her body was flown to Abuja immediately with the other casualties. He was a regular visitor to me during the period. He was supportive of me professionally, politically and socially. I recall his concern when he thought I was getting late in taking silk.
December 27, 2023 was a lesson that only in death and dying do we find true democracy. Grief was shared equally between the North West (Na’Abba) and South West (Akeredolu) geo-political zones. Death does not discriminate between the mighty or the lowly, rich or poor, male or female, young or old, Christian, Moslem or atheist, it levels us all and we are all enfranchised to die. Both men were fighters for constitutionalism, stared power in the face without blinking, they were crusaders for justice, belonged to the same generation and shared clear visions of Nigeria of their dreams. When is the best time to die?
It is not the quantity but quality of our lives that matter, not the length of our years but the life in the years. Both men certainly had life in all of their years and lived rich and worthy lives. I pray that Betty Akeredolu and Hajia Na’Abba and their respective families will be consoled by the words of Louisa Mary Alcott in “Little Men” “Simple genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and it is the only riches we can take out of this world.”
While we pray for the peaceful repose of their souls, there is no better time to die than when one dies.
VICTOR NDOMA-EGBA CON, SAN, Leader of the 7th Senate and ex-Chairman of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was a classmate and friend of Aketi
President Tinubu`s New Year Address To The Nation
Dear Compatriots,
It gives me immense joy to welcome each and everyone of you – young and old- to this brand new year 2024. We must lift up our hands to Almighty God, in gratitude, for His grace and benevolence to our country and our lives in the year 2023 that has just gone by.
Though the past year was a very challenging one, it was eventful in so many ways. For our country, it was a transition year that saw a peaceful, orderly and successful transfer of power from one administration to another, marking yet another remarkable step in our 24 years of unbroken democracy.
It was a year, you the gracious people of this blessed nation, entrusted your faith in me with a clear mandate to make our country better, to revamp our economy, restore security within our borders, revitalise our floundering industrial sector, boost agricultural production, increase national productivity and set our country on an irreversible path towards national greatness that we and future generations will forever be proud of.
The task of building a better nation and making sure we have a Nigeria society that cares for all her citizens is the reason I ran to become your President. It was the core of my Renewed Hope campaign message on the basis of which you voted me as President.
Everything I have done in office, every decision I have taken and every trip I have undertaken outside the shores of our land, since I assumed office on 29 May 2023, have been done in the best interest of our country.
Over the past seven months of our administration, I have taken some difficult and yet necessary decisions to save our country from fiscal catastrophe. One of those decisions was the removal of fuel subsidy which had become an unsustainable financial burden on our country for more than four decades. Another was the removal of the chokehold of few people on our foreign exchange system that benefited only the rich and the most powerful among us. Without doubt, these two decisions brought some discomfort to individuals, families and businesses.
I am well aware that for some time now the conversations and debates have centred on the rising cost of living, high inflation which is now above 28% and the unacceptable high under-employment rate.
From the boardrooms at Broad Street in Lagos to the main-streets of Kano and Nembe Creeks in Bayelsa, I hear the groans of Nigerians who work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families.
I am not oblivious to the expressed and sometimes unexpressed frustrations of my fellow citizens. I know for a fact that some of our compatriots are even asking if this is how our administration wants to renew their h ope.
Dear Compatriots, take this from me: the time may be rough and tough, however, our spirit must remain unbowed because tough times never last. We are made for this period, never to flinch, never to falter. The socio-economic challenges of today should energize and rekindle our love and faith in the promise of Nigeria. Our current circumstances should make us resolve to work better for the good of our beloved nation. Our situation should make us resolve that this new year 2024, each and everyone of us will commit to be better citizens.
Silently, we have worked to free captives from abductors. While we can’t beat our chest yet that we had solved all the security problems, we are working hard to ensure that we all have peace of mind in our homes, places of work and on the roads.
Having laid the groundwork of our economic recovery plans within the last seven months of 2023, we are now poised to accelerate the pace of our service delivery across sectors.
Just this past December during COP28 in Dubai, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and I agreed and committed to a new deal to speed up the delivery of the Siemens Energy power project that will ultimately deliver reliable supply of electricity to our homes and businesses under the Presidential Power Initiative which began in 2018.
Other power installation projects to strengthen the reliability of our transmission lines and optimise the integrity of our National grid are ongoing across the country.
My administration recognises that no meaningful economic transformation can happen without steady electricity supply. In 2024, we are moving a step further in our quest to restart local refining of petroleum products with Port Harcourt Refinery, and the Dangote Refinery which shall fully come on stream.
To ensure constant food supply, security and affordability, we will step up our plan to cultivate 500,000 hectares of farmlands across the country to grow maize, rice, wheat, millet and other staple crops. We launched the dry season farming with 120,000 hectares of land in Jigawa State last November under our National Wheat Development Programme.
In this new year, we will race against time to ensure all the fiscal and tax policies reforms we need to put in place are codified and simplified to ensure the business environment does not destroy value. On every foreign trip I have embarked on, my message to investors and other business people has been the same. Nigeria is ready and open for business.
I will fight every obstacle that impedes business competitiveness in Nigeria and I will not hesitate to remove any clog hindering our path to making Nigeria a destination of choice for local and foreign investments.
In my 2024 Budget presentation to the National Assembly, I listed my administration’s 8 priority areas to include national defence and internal security, job creation, macro-economic stability, investment environment optimization, human capital development, poverty reduction and social security. Because we take our development agenda very seriously, our 2024 budget reflects the premium we placed on achieving our governance objectives.
We will work diligently to make sure every Nigerian feels the impact of their government. The economic aspirations and the material well-being of the poor, the most vulnerable and the working people shall not be neglected. It is in this spirit that we are going to implement a new national living wage for our industrious workers this new year. It is not only good economics to do this, it is also a morally and politically correct thing to do.
I took an oath to serve this country and give my best at all times. Like I said in the past, no excuse for poor performance from any of my appointees will be good enough.
It is the reason I put in place a Policy Coordination, Evaluation, Monitoring and Delivery Unit in the Presidency to make sure that governance output improves the living condition of our people.
We have set the parameters for evaluation. Within the first quarter of this new year, Ministers and Heads of Agencies with a future in this administration that I lead will continue to show themselves.
Fellow Nigerians, my major ambition in government as a Senator in the aborted Third Republic, as Governor of Lagos State for eight years and now as the President of this blessed country is to build a fair and equitable society and close the widening inequality. While I believe the rich should enjoy their legitimately-earned wealth, our minimum bargain must be that, any Nigerian that works hard and diligent enough will have a chance to get ahead in life. I must add that because God didn’t create us with equal talents and strengths, I can not guarantee that we will have equal outcomes when we work hard. But my government, in this new year 2024 and beyond, will work to give every Nigerian equal opportunity to strive and to thrive.
For the new year to yield all its good benefits to us as individuals and collectively as a people we must be prepared to play our part. The job of building a prosperous nation is not the job of the President, Governors, Ministers, Lawmakers and government officials alone. Our destinies are connected as members of this household of Nigeria. Our language, creed, ethnicity and religious beliefs even when they are not same should never make us work at cross purposes.
In this new year, let us resolve that as joint-heirs to the Nigerian Commonwealth, we will work for the peace, progress and stability of our country. I extend this call to my political opponents in the last election. Election is over. It’s time for all of us to work together for the sake of our country.
We must let the light each of us carries – men and women, young and old – shine bright and brighter to illuminate our path to a glorious dawn.
I wish all of us a happy and prosperous year 2024.
May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR
January 01, 2024
Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Ola Olukoyede has called for greater fiscal discipline, transparency and efficient management of resources as ways of deepening and strengthening local government’s administration in Nigeria.
He made the call recently in Kaduna at a Two-Day Workshop organized by the Ministry of Local Government, Kaduna State. According to him, prudent management of resources at the local government will have a positive impact on people at the grassroots and every effort should be made to achieve this. “ The local government is structured as a means to enhance development and service delivery, improve governance and deepen democracy. There is no way we can have enough resources for the people but when we apply discipline in the allocation of what we have, we will be able to meet many of the needs at the grassroots”, he said.
He called on Nigerians at the grassroots to be willing and ready to offer information to the EFCC at all times on how their resources are being used. “ This brings us to the need for whistleblowing. Fiscal discipline cannot be achieved if the people are not involved in how they are governed. I urge Nigerians at the grassroots to be more determined in their quest for better lives. They should be ready to join the EFCC in exposing corrupt practices in their midst”, he said.
The EFCC’s boss, who spoke through the Kaduna Acting Zonal Commander, Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE1 Aisha Abubakar emphasized the need for collaboration in the fight against economic and financial crimes, insisting that he would pay more attention to the preventive framework in tackling corrupt practices. “ International best practices in the fight against graft put preventive frameworks on the front burner. Aside from being a cost effective measure, crimes and criminality are better tackled when incentives to corruption are reduced to the barest minimum”, he said.
He called on local government officials to drive economic development in their various jurisdictions by avoiding wastages and stealing, stressing that “ the major policy objective of the war against corruption and financial crimes is to drive economic development, create wealth and job opportunities for the people. The local government has a lot to contribute to actualize the objective”.
In her remarks, Kaduna State’s Deputy Governor, Dr. Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe emphasized the need for local government functionaries to embrace financial discipline in order to conform with global best practices and avoid disruption of the financial system.” We understand that whatever we are doing at the state level, we need you at the local government level to key into positive policies like this in order for us to succeed”. The purpose of this workshop, therefore, is to ensure that key functionaries of local governments catch up with best global practices in financial discipline. We know that discretion can be misused, resulting in persistent deficits, repeated bad policies, rising debt levels, and eventually, bad governance”, she said.
In his welcome address Sadiq Mamman Lagos, Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Kaduna State lauded the EFCC’s preventive and enlightenment programmes, noting that they have “further enhanced the comprehension of the EFCC’s objectives and goals in fighting economic and financial crimes “. This understanding, he said, has “enhanced fiscal accountability in the management of local government resources which is very important to the developmental growth of the rural areas and Kaduna state”.
Major highlights of the workshop are various sensitization lectures presented by resource persons from the Kaduna Zonal Command of the EFCC.
Media & Publicity
December 30, 2023
Operatives of the Kaduna Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, have arrested sixteen( 16) suspected internet fraudsters at fifth Chucker Polo Club, Marabban Jos, Kaduna, Kaduna state.
They were arrested on Thursday, December 27, 2023 following actionable intelligence on their suspected involvement in internet-related offences.
The suspects, comprising 13 males and three females are, Bello Abiodun, Abraham Adama, Shedrack Bisola, Friday Markus, Ransom Joash Destiny, Joshua Winner, Samuel Shehu, John Daniel and Christian Righteous.
Others are: Godwin Dikko, Ogochukwu Ijeh, Bilbert Sabo, Akosa Joshua, Precious Yohanna, Joy Righteous and Samuel Ruth.
Items recovered from them are mobile phones and laptops.
They will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.
Media & Publicity
December 29, 2023
The Ibadan Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has secured the conviction and sentencing of thirty-seven (37) internet fraudsters before Justices Ladiran Akintola, O.A. Olajide, J.O. Adeyemi, Bayo Taiwo and M.O. Ishola of the Oyo State High Court, Ibadan; Justice Uche Agomoh of the Federal High Court sitting in Ibadan, Oyo State and Justices A.A. Babawale, A.A. Akinyemi and S.O. Adeniyi of the Ogun State High Court, Abeokuta.
The convicts were arraigned between the months of November and December, 2023 on one- count separate charge each.
They are Aladelusi Temitope Matthew, Akinade Abimbola Oluwaseun, Gbenga Musbau Adebayo, Olaitan Gbenga Josiah, Adegboyega Toluwalope Owolabi, Giwa Areef Olakunle, Victor Ogundahunsi Damilare, Kelvin Dave Udanyi, Ayeloja Ridwan Oluwatobilola, Adebule Olamide, Olamilekan Gbolahan Adeniji, Agboola Oladimeji Taofeek, Ojo Odegbile Oke, Abdulazeez Ajadi Oludare, Oyewole Korede Tolu, Okeowo Abiodun Sunday, Oladokun Peter Ayomide, Samuel Ayodeji Mayokun, Hamzat Taofeek Opeyemi, Echeta Chidi Oluwambe, Mujeeb Adedeji, Eyinola Ojo Tosin and Makinde Kehinde Bukola.
The rest of the convicts are: Jubril Ayomide Adeshina, Gbolahan Emmanuel Jayeola, Eyamekware Gabriel Cleverly, Kazeem Orija Oladimeji, Echeta Chinedu Junior, Oyelakin Collins Ayomide, Olanrewaju Kabir Olamilekan, Lasisi Damilola Idris, Emmanuel Ojima Matthew, Sonibare Adebayo Wasiu, Makinde Olamiposi Feranmi, Timileyin Bankole Toyosi, Adeyinka Monsuru Oladaride and Ubiwe Kenneth.
One of the counts read:
“That you Oyelakin Collins Ayomide on or about 2nd June, 2023, at Ibadan, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, did sell hacked Facebook Accounts with different identity cards to internet fraudsters, thereby aiding them in committing an offence, aiding another person in committing, an offence contrary to Sections 7 (c) and 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 30, Laws of Oyo State, 2000.”
Another count charge reads, “That you Eyamekware Gabriel Cleverly on or about April, 2023 at Ibadan, Oyo State, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud one Lukas Wack, did falsely represent yourself to be a white lady who goes by the name Elmar Bockmar, thereby committed an offence of Personation contrary to Section 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 38, Laws of Oyo State, 2000.”
Upon their arraignments, they all pleaded “guilty” to the charges when they were read to them.
Consequently, facts of the cases were reviewed, several indicting documents and exhibits were tendered as evidences in the courts, urging the courts to convict and sentence the defendants accordingly.
The courts convicted and sentenced Owolabi, Olamide, Taofeek, Oke, Oludare, Tolu, Sunday and Feranmi to one year imprisonment each, Tosin to one month community service, while Idris and Toyosi bagged two months community service each and Josiah, Ayomide, Oladimeji, Matthew and Kenneth got three months community service each.
Also, Aladelusi, Oluwaseun, Adebayo, Olakunle, Damilare, Udanyi, Oluwatobilola, Adeniji, Mayokun, Opeyemi, Oluwambe, Adedeji, Bukola, Adeshina, Jayeola, Cleverly, Junior, Oladokun, Olamilekan, Wasiu and Oladaride were convicted and sentenced to six months community service each.
Furthermore, the convicts were ordered to restitute their various victims and forfeit all items recovered from them, including seven exotic cars to the Federal Government of Nigeria.
They all began their journey to the Correctional Centres when they were arrested by operatives of the EFCC for internet-related offences. They were also investigated, prosecuted and got convicted for their various offences.
Media & Publicity
December 28, 2023
As we usher in the New Year to the glory of God Almighty, may I, on behalf of my family, extend my sincerest felicitations to all our people. May God’s warm love fill our hearts and families. We testify that we are in year 2024 only by the grace, mercies and faithfulness of God.
- As champions of hope and firm believers in God’s infinite power to lift up His people, let us be confident that 2024 is a great year for us. For our collective interest and good, let us pray fervently for 2024 to deliver amazing positive results for us as individuals and as a people. By prayers, let us trust God to imbue our dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR with more great wisdom and constant good health to steer the Ship of State determinedly with continuing patriotism, innovative spirit and boldness as our nation marches forward towards unstoppable greatness.
- In this year 2024, let us recommit ourselves to our best values and the unity and progress of our people and nation. Let us be our brothers’ keepers and defenders of truth, equity, good conscience and justice. In the spirit of our common humanity, whenever and wherever we can, let us endeavour to help our neighbours and fellow countrymen and women to overcome challenges of life here and there. Where we are not able to help, let us in the name of God ensure that we do not harm our people. Daily, let us bless this great land of Nigeria. We shall eat the good thereof as we do so.
- As I welcome you all into 2024, I pray that we receive God’s abundant blessings, peace and protection in our families and across our communities.
- I wish you a very happy New Year. Let us always remember to use whatever strengths God grants us to stand for our collective good to His glory.
- God bless you all.
Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, CFR
(Former Deputy President of the 9th Senate)
The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) thanks President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his New Year’s address to the nation. As the voice and representative of the business community, we acknowledge the challenges faced in the past year and commend the President for his commitment to addressing critical issues that impact the economic landscape of Nigeria.
The Chamber carefully reviewed the President’s speech as he highlighted vital aspects of his administration’s achievements and challenges faced and outlined plans to address these critical concerns. The LCCI has identified positive and concerning elements from the address to foster constructive dialogue and provide a comprehensive analysis.
The commitment to power projects, including the Siemens Energy initiative and efforts to enhance the reliability of transmission lines, is a positive step towards addressing the critical issue of electricity supply, which aligns with the business community’s aspirations for a robust and diversified economy. However, there is an urgent need to address the structure of the power sector. The Government needs to consider bringing private sector investment into the transmission segment of the power sector. This would ensure adequate technical and financial capacity for a well-functioning sector to power economic growth.
The focus on cultivating farmlands to grow staple crops and boost food security aligns with the need to ensure constant food supply, security, and affordability for citizens. However, LCCI cautions that the productivity of the farmlands and the effectiveness of investments in food production are subject to adequate security measures. Investment in agriculture has a limited chance of success as long as the Government fails to deal with the security issues. LCCI recommends that the Government consider fast-tracking the movement of the Police from the Exclusive list to the Concurrent list to be legislated upon by the Federal and State Governments. This will guarantee effective policing of the nooks and crannies of the society, particularly the farmlands.
The announcement of a new national living wage is a positive step towards ensuring the well-being of workers and promoting inclusive economic growth. The dedication to creating a conducive business environment is commendable. The assurance to simplify fiscal and tax policies, the commitment to removing obstacles hindering business competitiveness, and the call for collaboration with the private sector resonate well with the Chamber’s vision for a thriving business environment.
The LCCI believes that while removing the fuel subsidy was necessary, its impact on individuals, families, and businesses, leading to discomfort, must be carefully managed. The potential ripple effects on the cost of living and inflation must be closely monitored. Acknowledging the challenges of high inflation (above 28%) and an unacceptable under-employment rate is crucial. However, specific strategies to address these issues were not mentioned, leaving room for concerns about the impact on citizens.
While efforts to address security challenges were mentioned, specific details on comprehensive security strategies were limited. The acknowledgment that security problems are not entirely solved raises questions about the effectiveness of current measures.
The commitment to building a fair and equitable society and addressing inequality is commendable. However, specific policy measures to close the widening wealth gap are unclear. Despite the setting parameters for the evaluation of ministers and heads of agencies mentioned, there is a need for transparency in these evaluations to ensure accountability and performance improvement.
The LCCI appreciates the President’s efforts to address these critical issues facing the nation. However, the Chamber urges the administration to provide more detailed plans and strategies to tackle these challenges, such as inflation, under-employment, security, and social inequality. A transparent and inclusive approach to governance will contribute to building public confidence and achieving sustainable economic growth.
December 30, 2023
Press Statement
Yuletide: PDP Slams Tinubu for Withholding Workers’ December Salary
…Laments Tinubu has turned Nigeria into a Huge IDP Camp
…Demands Immediate Payment, Additional 50% Compensatory Pay
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) condemns the failure by the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led government to pay the December salary of workers stating that such further confirms that the administration is out to frustrate and inflict pain on Nigerians.
The Party describes the failure to discharge such sensitive obligation to workers especially at this yuletide period as unacceptable and further shows the level of insensitivity of the Tinubu-led APC administration towards the welfare of Nigerians.
By this action, the Tinubu administration has practically turned our nation into a huge Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp with millions of Nigerians becoming beggars and observing the period in hunger, anguish and misery.
It is obvious that the non-payment of the December salary critically needed by the workers including our gallant security operatives at this period is consistent with the atrocious character of APC administration to weaponize poverty and further suppress Nigerians to surrender to totalitarianism.
Is it not provocative that while President Tinubu is busy partying and luxuriating with APC leaders, workers who are putting in their time and energy in the service of the nation are left with nothing to feed and celebrate with their families and loved ones?
Sadly, President Tinubu would rather approve the frittering of our nation’s scarce resources to sponsor cronies, political minions, hangers-on and their mistresses to expensive foreign trips while making no provision for the salary of genuine government workers.
Such heartless act by the anti-people APC administration never happened in the 16 years of the PDP in government as workers then promptly received their December salary before Christmas day (25th) to enable them celebrate yuletide and end of year festivities with their loved ones.
More distressing is that the Tinubu Presidency can afford to withhold salaries even after approving the unbearable increase in the pump price of fuel to over N700 per liter, with attendant high cost of food, transportation, medication and other basic necessities of life.
It is instructive to remind Nigerians that the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) had earlier this month announced that it shared a total of N1.783 trillion to Federal, State and Local Governments for December 2023, yet workers have not been paid because no cash backing was effected by the Tinubu administration despite huge resources accruable to it. We ask, where is the money?
Our Party is appalled by the level of profligacy apparent in the APC administration whose actions and policies are skewed towards the promotion and institutionalization of corruption, deprivation and suppression of Nigerians.
Nigerians will recall that earlier in August, the PDP alerted that our nation’s economy was asphyxiating and grinding to a halt under the increasingly corrupt APC and President Tinubu’s crippling economic policies with consequential negative toll on productivity.
The failure to pay December salary of workers further confirms that the Tinubu-led APC administration has practically ran our nation’s economy aground with its corruption, recklessness and ill-informed counter-productive policies.
The PDP demands that President Tinubu immediately account for the trillions of naira accruable from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products in the last seven months.
Furthermore, the President is requested to come clean on the December 2023 distributable Statutory Revenue of N376.306 billion, distributable Value Added Tax (VAT) Revenue of N335.656 billion, Electronic Money Transfer Levy Revenue of N11.952 billion and Exchange Difference Revenue of N364.869 billion as contained in the communique issued by FAAC at its December 2023 meeting.
The PDP demands the immediate payment of the December salary of workers and additional compensatory payment of at least 50% of salary of workers to cushion the effect of the economic hardship foisted on them by the APC administration.
President Tinubu must understand that Nigeria is a Federation that must only be governed by the Constitution and the Rule of Law and not by the whims and caprices of an individual or group.
Hon. Debo Ologunagba
National Publicity Secretary
January 1, 2024
Press Statement
A Harvest of Deceit, Empty Claims – PDP Dismisses Tinubu’s New Year Address
…Says It’s Admission of Failure
…Demands Account of Nation’s Earnings
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) dismisses the New Year Speech by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as a harvest of deceit, false claims and empty promises.
The PDP describes the speech as unpresidential, uninspiring and amounts to a waste of valuable time as it did not address any of the critical issues plaguing the nation.
Nigerians were dismayed as President Tinubu employed rhetoric and failed to address the critical issues of insecurity, decayed infrastructure, comatose manufacturing and productive sectors; crushing 28% inflation rate, continuing plunge of the Naira, alarming unemployment, excruciating poverty and economic hardship occasioned by the reckless, ill-advised and insensitive policies and programmes of his administration.
President Tinubu failed to address the vexatious issue of incompetence, insensitivity, massive profligacy, unbridled treasury-looting inherent in his administration, which have put our nation in dire strait.
More distressing is that President Tinubu had no words in his New Year address for the Christmas eve genocidal massacre of over 200 Nigerians by terrorists in Plateau State and the murder of over 5000 citizens in Plateau and other States of the federation under his watch since May 29, 2023. What manner of a President!
It is an unpardonable assault on the sensibility of Nigerians for President Tinubu to brazenly assert that “everything I have done in office, every decision I have taken and every trip I have undertaken outside the shores of our land, since I assumed office on 29 May 2023, have been done in the best interest of our country”
On the contrary, all decisions and actions of the Tinubu Presidency including the approval of increase in the pump price of fuel from N167 to over N700 per liter, devaluation of the naira with the consequential high costs and hardship; skewing of the 2024 budget in favour of luxury appetite of the Presidency and APC leaders without concrete policies to revive the economy and create jobs; the wasteful foreign trips with political cronies and failure to address the mindless killings across the nation cannot be said to be in the interest of our country.
Furthermore, the undermining of the Constitution and Institutions of Democracy including attempts to emasculate the National Assembly and compromising of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) through the appointment of APC card-carrying members as Resident Electoral Commissioners cannot be in the interest of the nation.
President Tinubu’s claims that his anti-people actions and policies, with their calamitous consequences are in the interest of the nation further confirms that this administration is deliberately subjecting Nigerians to hardship as a way to suppress them to surrender to totalitarianism.
Also, in stating that “from the boardrooms at Broad Street in Lagos to the main-streets of Kano and Nembe Creeks in Bayelsa, I hear the groans of Nigerians who work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families”, President Tinubu has admitted that his administration has plunged Nigerians into pain, anguish and misery.
President Tinubu ought to have used the opportunity presented by the New Year to apologize to Nigerians and marshal out steps to address our national challenges, including those responsible for the exiting of multinational manufacturing companies and other businesses from our country.
What Nigerians demand of President Tinubu is to provide a comprehensive account of our nation’s earnings including the proceeds from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products, especially in the face of allegations that the earnings are being diverted to private pockets of APC leaders and their cronies.
The National Assembly is invited to step up and perform its Constitutional role of oversight to hold the Executive Arm accountable as the custodian of the purse of the nation.
Hon. Debo Ologunagba
National Publicity Secretary
President Bola Tinubu sends his condolences to the family, friends, and associates of Professor Ebenezer Ogunlana, who passed away at the age of 87.
Professor Ogunlana was once President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria as well as the Association of Professional Bodies in Nigeria and the West African Pharmacists Association.
He was Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the then University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University.
He was a recipient of the Andre Bedat award, which is given to persons who have distinguished themselves in the practice of pharmacy by the International Pharmaceutical Federation.
The President sympathizes with the Ogunlana family and the pharmaceutical community for the painful loss of this lodestar of pharmacy in Nigeria and beyond.
President Tinubu prays for the repose of the soul of the dearly departed and comfort for all those who mourn this agonizing loss.
Chief Ajuri Ngelale
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
December 31, 2023
Press Statement
Brace up to Defend our Democracy- PDP charges Nigerians on New Year
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) congratulates Nigerians on the dawn of the New Year, 2024, charging them to pray for the nation and brace up to use every legitimate means to resist all fascist tendencies and defend the nation’s Constitutional Democracy from totalitarianism.
The new year offers Nigerians the opportunity to re-invent and assert themselves as a free people under Democratic Order; set aside every ethnic, religious and political partitioning and join their voices with the PDP in resisting anti-democratic forces seeking to undermine the Constitution and the Laws, emasculate Institutions of Democracy and foist a fascist regime on our nation.
Our citizens must say NO to anti-democratic actions and policies of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led All Progressives Congress (APC) administration which are so far tilted towards the institutionalization of corruption, crippling of Democracy Institutions and sabotaging of national productivity which the PDP had earlier alerted is consistent with APC’s scheme to weaponize poverty and suppress Nigerians to surrender to totalitarianism.
Such assault on Democracy Institutions including the emasculation of the National Assembly to prevent it from playing its Constitutional role of holding the Executive accountable; the compromising of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) by the appointment of card-carrying APC members as Resident Electoral Commissioners and alleged attempts to also compromise the Judiciary and anti-corruption agencies are all pointers to emerging totalitarianism.
The exhibition of fascist tendencies in the rendition of Tinubu’s campaign tune amidst proceedings in the hallowed chamber of the National Assembly and recent unconstitutional interference by President Tinubu on political developments on the issues in the Rivers State House of Assembly contrary to subsisting Order of Court and clear interpretation of Constitutional provision by the Supreme Court further confirm a move towards authoritarianism.
Nigerians and indeed the Civil Society must speak out against the recklessness and lack of transparency of the APC administration that led to the collapse of the Naira; the alleged massive looting of funds including proceeds from the removal of subsidy on petroleum products; the skewing of the 2024 budget in favour of luxury appetite of the Presidency and APC leaders without concrete policies and programmes to revive the economy, create jobs and address the comatose manufacturing and productive sectors.
It is distressing that due to the counter-productive actions and policies of the Tinubu-led APC administration, including the failure to address the comatose infrastructure, major multinational giants that have established in the country for decades including GlaxoSmithKline, Procter & Gamble among others are now leaving in droves with attendant massive loss of jobs and businesses.
The hardship, infrastructural stagnation and uncertainty occasioned by the insensitive and anti-people economic policies of the Tinubu-led APC government have led to serious social dislocation of life and family with negative consequences on our national life.
Indeed, this is not the way to go! The PDP re-assures of its determination in leading the charge and using every legitimate mean available to protect our nation’s Democracy and Constitutional Order. The APC administration must know that the sovereignty and resources of this nation belong to all its people and cannot be appropriated by any individual or group.
Our Party again tasks the National Assembly to be on the side of the people by immediately reviewing and adjusting the 2024 budget by cutting all provisions for luxury items and channeling such funds to sectors that have direct bearing on the wellbeing of Nigerians. The Party also charges leaders at all levels to use the new year to re-double their efforts in serving and seeking the good of the citizens.
The PDP calls on the International Community to assist in the sustenance and support for Democracy in Nigeria given the huge humanitarian crisis with potential negative consequences on the stability of West Africa, Africa and indeed the world should Democracy fail in Nigeria.
The PDP prays for the nation and wishes Nigerians a Happy New Year.
Hon. Debo Ologunagba
National Publicity Secretary
January 1, 2024
President Bola Tinubu has signed the 2024 Appropriation Bill into law in keeping with his avowed commitment to maintaining a timeous, predictable, and efficient budget cycle.
President Tinubu assented to the bill at the State House, on Monday, shortly after returning to Abuja from Lagos.
Speaking at the signing of the bill, the President assured Nigerians that the implementation of the budget would be efficiently pursued and vigorously monitored, adding: “All the institutional mechanisms shall be held to account in ensuring diligent implementation”.
“All MDA’s have been directed to take responsibility and provide monthly Budget Performance Reports to the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, which in turn shall ensure the veracity of such. The Minister of Finance and Co-ordinating Minister of the Economy shall hold regular reviews with the Economic Management Team and, in addition, I shall Chair periodic Economic Coordination Council meetings,” he said.
The top priorities of the 2024 budget of N28.7 trillion are defence and internal security, job creation, macro-economic stability, improved investment environment, human capital development, poverty reduction, and social security.
The President emphasized that his commitment to enhance investment promotion while creating a rules-based society that favours no individual over the law begins with important reforms in the Nigerian judiciary, the funding for which is captured in the 2024 Appropriation Act.
“Funding the judiciary is a major element in our effort to support a just, rules-based society. Statutory transfer to the Judiciary has been increased from 165 billion naira to 342 billion naira,” the President said.
Some of the key estimates are capital expenditure, N10 trillion; recurrent expenditure, N8.8 trillion; debt service, N8.2 trillion, and statutory transfers, N1.7 trillion.
President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, were present at the signing.
Other senior government officials present at the brief ceremony include: Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Wale Edun; Chief of Staff to the President, Femi Gbajabiamila; Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Senator Atiku Bagudu, and National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu.
Chief Ajuri Ngelale
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
January 1, 2024
President Bola Tinubu celebrates the Executive Governor of Sokoto State, Dr. Ahmad Aliyu Sokoto, on his 54th birthday.
President Tinubu lauds the outstanding leadership testimonials of Dr. Sokoto, noting his steady growth and consistency in quality service provision as he ascended the public service ladder as two-time Commissioner, Deputy Governor, and Pioneer Executive Secretary of Police Trust Fund to now serving as the Executive Governor of Sokoto State.
The President commends the Governor for his unequivocal adherence to progressive principles and penchant for unquestioned loyalty under the able mentorship of Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, while appreciating his implementation of people-oriented programmes in Sokoto, such as the robust provision of infrastructure, potable water, environmental sanitation, health services, widening deployment of digital innovation and ICT training for the youth, care for the physically challenged, among others.
President Tinubu wishes the Governor good health, strength, and wisdom in the service of Sokoto state and Nigeria at large.
Chief Ajuri Ngelale
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
January 1, 2024
President Bola Tinubu sends his felicitations to Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State as he marks his 53rd birthday.
President Tinubu celebrates the accomplished engineer and politician whose leadership odyssey has been one of sacrifice, dedication, and service to the people.
The President commends the Governor for his devotion to the nation, from his early years as a pro-democracy activist, promoting the pristine elements of democracy, good governance, and national unity.
President Tinubu extols the brilliance and excellence of the Governor, who is both a mechanical engineer of high repute and renowned finance expert, recalling his efforts as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance, and Financial Institutions, and now as governor.
The President thanks the Governor for his unwavering support while wishing him many more years in good health, happiness, and strength in the service of the people of Kaduna State and Nigeria.
Chief Ajuri Ngelale
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
December 31, 2023
President Bola Tinubu says democracy must be progressive and inclusive with a primary focus on pragmatically addressing poverty through the provision of job opportunities for youths and quality education for all Nigerian children.
Receiving members of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the All Progressives’ Congress (APC), on Thursday, in Lagos, President Tinubu expressed support for the establishment of the National Institute of Progressive Studies by the party.
The President noted that the Institute is expected to conduct diligent research and educate all party members on the principles of democracy and good governance while providing a distinct identity for the party.
”Democracy has faced challenges in the past, but I believe in a promising future for our country. We will deliver it. I am committed to supporting a strong and ideologically-determined democracy that is progressive, inclusive, and focused on eliminating poverty while providing quality education for our children.
”Collaboration with various government arms is crucial, and I commend the leadership of our party for working hard to promote these essential ideals,” the President stated.
The President called on the leadership of the party to target more youths and women in its e-registration and digital membership validation exercise scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.
”I stand solidly with you in the advancement of the progressive ideological stance of our party and we will pursue it with vigour,” he stated.
President Tinubu thanked members of the party for the overwhelming show of support to him during the campaigns, the electoral victory, and with the affirmation of his presidency by the Supreme Court.
”It has been a while since we have had the opportunity to come together, especially since the Supreme Court ruling. I had hoped for a gathering, but the demanding tasks of my office that we fought for have called for increased focus, dedication, and time,” the President said.
Expressing concern on the alarming figure of out-of-school children in the country, President Tinubu declared: ”We must address this issue by establishing more schools, recruiting teachers, and providing at least one meal a day for the school children, aligning with the progressive ideology we aim to pursue.”
The National Chairman of the All Progressives’ Congress, Dr. Abdullahi Ganduje informed the President that plans are being put in place by the NWC to ensure the success of the party in the coming bye-elections into National and State legislative houses in February 2024.
”We assure Your Excellency that under our leadership and with your consent, strategies have been put in place to win the support of our people and secure all the seats available for the electoral contest,” he said.
Chief Ajuri Ngelale
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
December 28, 2023